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GTSX Thread GTSX Thread 12/07/2023 (Thu) 02:30:02 Id:3d4fa7 No. 48349
There used to be a thread for them on 8muses but their forums are gone so I'm making one here. I have all their comics except for Hunger Virus 2 so if anyone is willing to share it, I'll share whatever comics you want back To start off, here's the Yujin series along with Hunger Virus 1: https://we.tl/t-ZGJBYUR30w
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>>48349 please re up anon
Someone got the new Hazel Comic?
>>48851 here's a new link for you my good man: https://we.tl/t-hS1TmXiwBx I'm still looking for hunger virus 2 so my deal still stands, either hunger virus 2 or lethal Xmas which came out today (I'm fine with sending proof that I got all the comics if wanted)
>>48855 also I think you're in the wrong thread cause I'm pretty sure they never made a comic with a Hazel character if I remember
>>48902 >https://we.tl/t-hS1TmXiwBx Yeah it was Redfired0g my bad :D
Any updates ?
>>49269 If you're talking about hunger virus 2, nobody has shared it yet. If you're talking about this thread in general, it's pretty dead. Kinda sucks, I was hoping to it'd be more active like the old 8muses thread
I feel like either gtsx fans dont know about this thread or everyone has already every comic apart from those newest ones and waits for someone to upload them
>>49377 fair point. Let's just hope this thread doesn't end up getting deleted before it gets the chance to gain some traction
To keep this thread alive Double trouble collection: https://we.tl/t-YTmgyv2mmS
i need the hunger virus collection.
https://we.tl/t-bRPqa9WGzr rejoice anon's hunger virus 2
>>49593 You're too late my guy. I bit the bullet and bought hunger virus 2 and 3 yesterday Nonetheless thanks for the share anyway. As payback here's hunger virus 3 to finish the series off https://we.tl/t-ZdkfZi8eGs
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>>49599 So, you're not going to share the rest of your collection OP?
I know this is a long shot but any chance we can get a re-up on Yujin's Decadence?
same here, im missing part 3 of yujins decadence
>>49614 dw I plan to eventually, but I want to do it once I'm completely caught up. rn the last comic I'm missing is lethal Xmas which I was planning on getting but now I don't have the funds for it anymore caus of hunger virus 2 and 3 (whomp whomp) if anyone's willing to help out and get it, I guarentee I'll share all I got
I share LETHAL X-MAS. https://we.tl/t-owvKBJimcu If they share QWG 10 : PART 2 FARM GROWN 1 and 2 HWG 2 B&O THE FRIDGE RAID TGG 3 QWG 9 : PART 1 POP QUIZ of DEATH I'm going to thank you, I had them but Mega removed them due to the terms and conditions.
>>50010 Thanks for the share, really appreciate it. With Lethal Xmas finally shared, I'm fully caught up with every GTSX comic (Until they release a new one) As a thanks, here's a little something (Encoded to be safe cause it's a lot) aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9WSE16QUxTWSNWSERYM0JUVW5hWVR1Z04tWWhiUFpn
could someone reupload The hunger virus 2&3?
THV4 is now avaible, who has it?
I will hope if OP caught up the hunger viruss 4 like he did with the before entries, btw i'll go with the reupload entries of that series aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci94Z1Z6akJZUyNJN3V4Xy1HRklETENld1FtcnZhc3d3
My last bump
>>51885 Wait more than a fucking day between each bump at least. Holy shit
Well.. i couldn't tell if is funny or sad that OP has abandoned his own thread Also >>51955 the way you say that is actually funny lmao
>>52038 That's where you're WRONG! Sorry for the sudden disappearence, but I got HV4 for you guys, just uploading it to wetransfer right now along with 2 and 3. in the meantime, don't forget that everything else is on the mega link (encoded): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9WSE16QUxTWSNWSERYM0JUVW5hWVR1Z04tWWhiUFpn On the topic of mega too, if anyone knows somewhere else where I can store everything then let me know because I'm all out of free space for mega
>>52238 Alright here's HV4 with 3 and 2 with it (Couldn't find part 1 but it's in the mega folder so just suck it up and get it there): https://we.tl/t-CLRpbKmQws Hope this makes up for me going missing, I'll say this right now though, I probably won't be able to get HV5 when it releases so when it's out someone else will have to get it
>>52239 absolute hero!
>>52239 You caught me, i was in total desperation but i enjoyed already thanks for you again, is good to see an OP that is our back for support us that couldn't afford that Thank you for you sharing OP, i wont be again rushing you to coming back
>>52239 Reup?
Could anyone share HV4, pls?
>>53090 >>53221 https://we.tl/t-8aKWl86cZR here's a reup for you guys. Get it while it's hot
also on the topic of Hunger Virus, we finally got stuff for hunger virus 5. If I had to guess, I'd say there'll probably be one more after this though I could be wrong
>>53295 The bible said offer your enemy food and water. No thank you
we got a final teaser and release date finally! March 1st for patreons and March 3rd for everyone else. Hopefully it's worth the extra long wait
how do the mega encoded links work
>>53822 Browse the base 64 page and copy the link there to decode
How has the comic been, was the follow of this part peak for the next final part?
Update for the patreon please, they released the full Lady D animation on it
>>53966 Sorry I meant Kemono, not patreon
Would someone mind reuploading HV4 again? I am slow
>>53917 so far nobody's got it/shared it so we got no idea. Hopefully someone will be willing to share it soon onto the thread >>53985 also for you, here ya go: https://we.tl/t-9vSrRgT5cx
can we have reupload for yujin anon?
>>54072 You can have that with the encoded link >>52238 did provide, on >>53825 i did explained how that works Also out of topic we still need the hunger virus 5, i see some comments out there saying that this part of the series is the best one of all made, though the next last could be much better than this (if the milf giantess fatso ends up winning)
bumping so we can all hopefully experience hunger virus 5
>>54029 OP sorry for making this ask to you, but since nobody is willing to share the comic for us, did you get it on your own if is alright if this is the last you could share or at least when this series is over if this does happen again, but you did great support for this thread but yeah, i know this will not be like that forever at least if you can until hunger vore is finalized?
>>54510 Still nothing. Money's been tight for me so I can't really spend anything right now. I might be able to get it eventually but if anything I'll probably get it once HV6 releases since it seems like it'll be the last part and chances are that GTSX will do a sale for the series when it ends
>>54517 It seem's the right last option, but in this circunstances i better hope someone will help you sharing HV5 and then you only get HV6 by no paying too much.
>>54519 No bullshit I have it and I’ll upload it today or tomorrow when I get the time. I got y’all don’t worry
>>54566 Thank's the goat, we couldn't have advanced this well without your help, in my case i failed to buy HV5 bc i didn't get the sufficients fonds to afford that, so again im sorry to just making asking to share the comic without giving a help to OP.
We got a sale finally and it's really good. I should be able to get THV5 finally with it though I'll probably wait at least a day or two in case the goat comes back with their copy of it
alright I take back what I said. After some thinking I figured that a sale like this won't happen possibly ever again and if the other guy comes back then I'm only losing $10 so TLDR Here's Hunger Virus 5 https://we.tl/t-YnQIGTbvhH
>>54707 Bro, you're a Superhero... you earned the f**king heaven
>>54707 What a luck happened to you have this day OP, though i was on the side of goat to have waited for him upload the comic, but btw i really enjoiyed so much this pre final part of HV going right now my favorite gtsx series made, characters aside barbara the giant milf still the best character that i hope she does win for the final part, she is indeed the hottest big girl that did make this series much better to be, so i don't really sure if gtsx could really go far to fumble his current best character made to just she loose his special gluttony energy, for the less interesting character like sharon was through the start, compared to barbara, but either way the sequence of both was so good, but still barbara did make this better.
can anyone reup hunger virus 4 for me please? I only just realized this thread exist, and anongts is dead :(
Guys sorry to say but any chance for HV 4 and 5 ? I was too late when i found this site
https://pixeldrain.com/u/2TJP6TWK. HV 4
Would it be possible for someone to re upload the links? Most of them are not working now, please
Sorry for the bump, i got hv 4 and 5 but the links to the others aren't working, can someone reup them?
>>48349 What's the point of this thread?
Can someone reupload hunger virus 5
Please reupload the file transfer.
Does anyone have pop quiz of death, lethal X-mas, Gluttonous freaks 1, 2 and remake, christmas weight gain and Halloween weight gain 2 please ?
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We are so back for the last part
HV 6 is out !! Let's goo
fucking finally, but for $20?! I get that it's the final part and it's extra long but the last part was $15
I want to buy it but I need the money to complete it.
>>59889 The other pages where is selling this are a bit more high between $23 and $25, so $20 on gumroad is the most generous price sadly..
Can someone update their gumroad page on kemono? https://kemono.su/gumroad/user/7494888986977
There will be a way that someone can share the dropbox link that have the access of hv6?
Is anyone at all planning on getting HV6? I'm considering getting it but I'll need to save up the funds for it and I don't want to buy it only for someone else to share it a day later
So yeah.. this page now hates bumps, so if just is gonna let me post if i talk something ok When is someone drop here the full last part of hunger virus? I just want to watch it and then go out of this tread, giving not a fuck anymore.
>>60353 Bumps have never been allowed, just I actually deal with it
I’ll re up 1 to 5 after 6 drops
Idk if OP still with us, but for this last time i hope he does share hv6 and we finished this series
probably is gonna take a full month to surely soneone drop thv6, if is also a reason to give enough support to the author.
>>60592 I'm here don't worry. I bought it yesterday and to be honest, I was underwhelmed. For being the "final part" they set up alot for at least a part 7. So much for being the end of the series. Anyway here you go https://we.tl/t-efQNdHMFK6
>>60801 Yoooo, thanks king! Looks like HV7 will happen sooner or later
Yeah, Hella material for spinoffs
>>60801 Thanks you so much for sharing it. I'm a little disappointed with the ending, even though I expected Sharon to win like we saw in the teaser, I would have preferred to see Barb win. She was made to win and devour the earth and the entire universe.
Holy moly....Hunger Virus 6 was amazing and I loved it. Honestly GTSX3D seems like she's willing to listen to feedback so long as it is constructive, if people are disappointed. Just don't be like that over weird gooner that was her page hurling racist insults and threatening everyone. Dude was unhinged lol
Can we get a repost of the hunger virus 4 and 5? Sincerely sorry for asking
Is there any refresh links to hungry virus? All the links are dead and I don't know to work mega encoded...
>>60801 Can I get a re-up? I'll buy it in a few days if no reply and I'll post here regardless, just wondering if I can snag it for free
>>61984 Hello, have you buy The hunger virus 6 ?
>>48349 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/25817315/post/99679217
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/25817315/post/99482789 Her boyfriend's muscular arms wrapped around her ample waist, pulling her close. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered sweet nothings. She felt a strange tingling sensation coursing through her body, and her skin began to itch. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled loudly, and she felt an overwhelming urge to eat. Her boyfriend chuckled, amused by her sudden hunger. "What's gotten into you, baby?" he asked, his voice husky with desire. She shrugged, unable to explain the strange feeling that had come over her. Her body felt like it was expanding, her curves becoming even more pronounced. Her breasts swelled beneath her boyfriend's hands, their weight pulling them down towards her growing stomach. Her thighs thickened, and her hips flared out, creating an hourglass figure that was both alluring and intimidating. Her boyfriend's eyes widened in surprise as he watched her transformation. He had never seen her so voluptuous before. Her skin tightened over her expanding frame, becoming smooth and supple. "You're getting bigger... I can't believe it..." he breathed, his voice filled with awe. She smiled, her lips parting slightly. Her breath was sweet and inviting. Her boyfriend leaned in and kissed her, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth. She moaned softly, her body trembling with pleasure. "I feel so good," she whispered, her voice husky with desire. "I want to sit on your face, baby."
Does anyone have the Madame Voratrescue comic?
You better hurry why gumroad is banned all GTSX Comics on there website.
first teaser for the THV spinoff. I'm probably speaking only for myself but I'm getting pretty burned out from this series. Just hoping that they do something new or bring back one of their other series again once this is done
Personally Hunger Virus has always been and continues to be my favorite series of theirs of all time, nothing comes close in my eyes. Based on what GTSX3D has said in messages and in posts it is also her bestselling series. With all that being said I can certainly understand why others are feeling burnt out by it. She took a risk and incorporated more experimental elements in the series, and obviously when an artist does that not everything will gel with everyone and there is nothing wrong with that at all! She has pledged that while she is going to finish the side stories with Donovan and Pami she is going to alternate comic releases between Hunger Virus first, then her new series "Grow Me Bigger", basically giving everyone what they would like. People that are feeling burnt out by Hunger Virus can look forward to the next "Grow Me Bigger" release, and people that want to see Donovan and Pami's stories play out have this side story series of Hunger Virus to look forward to!
any chance someone could reup thv 6?
>>63118 https://we.tl/t-BUlR9zmB9L here you are. Honestly there's gotta be a better way to do this it's getting annoying having t constantly reup different parts
>>63135 also there's another teaser already and I just realized it releases in less than a week. If anyone can get it they'd be doing a huge favor, I doubt I'll be able to anytime soon
>>63135 thanks so much
>>62636 also curious about this, but I guess it aint really worth it also this link still works so if anyones missing the older stuff aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9WSE16QUxTWSNWSERYM0JUVW5hWVR1Z04tWWhiUFpn
yet another teaser. Since the comic releases in a few days, if anyone is planning on getting it then I'm willing to get the grow me bigger comic that they're releasing in the latter half of July in exchange
>>63243 i'll get that if you're down
>>63257 alright perfect. I'll get the grow me bigger comic whenever it releases then as long as someone shares THV
>>63135 Link down.... you can reup again?, please
Looking for the THV6... this thing is super rare anyone have a m3g link?
Guys i Will make a folder on mega for just HV serie though I need 5 and 6. Any volunteer? Than no more re upload thing. Of course with encoding.
>>63388 No need, I'm already putting all the parts into my mega collection right now (I had to delete some of the non-WG comics to make space but I doubt anyone will mind), my computer's bugging out though so it might take a bit. I'll let you all know when it's done
>>63395 alright I got THV parts 1,2, 4, and 5 in the mega so far with 3 and 6 being imported right now. Here's the link again aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZtL05idGpBQkxh
>>63408 Brother I think there is a problem with the link. It's not opening.
>>63458 It's encoded so you gotta decode it first to use it just search up a base64 decoder online and you're good
oh shit I completey forgot THV7 released today. Someone already said they'd get it and I'll get the other comic for this month so hopefully they share it soon
i have comic, can someone send me a link to upload it ?
>>63493 https://www.myairbridge.com/es/#!/
>>63493 wetranfer and gofile work good along with myairbridge that the other guy sent already https://wetransfer.com/ https://gofile.io/
aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC82akVJUFQ= here u go anons, enjoy
>>63459 It's not working, it redirects me to my own fm page, did you set it to private?
>>63500 no it's not, what exactly did u do ?
>>63499 Bro it's not the full link. Scroll back to the 52238's post. That's the full link encoded. Bro probably didn't fully copied the encode thing while posting again
>>63500 try this one then I might've messed up the link aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9WSE16QUxTWSNWSERYM0JUVW5hWVR1Z04tWWhiUFpn
>>63518 thank you very much, really thank you very much! I've been waiting a long time for part 6 to be re-uploaded :')
>>63499 Woah, that was fast
Thanks a lot for sharing THV 6 and evo, does anyone have the no text versions ?
Hello, does anyone have madame voratrescue comic ?
Does anybody have the latest patreon pictures of GTSX3D please ?
Alright with the new comic coming out in a week, I figured I'd remind everyone that I'll be getting the comic as per the deal with the person who shared the last THV comic. Only issue is that I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it since GTSX's gumroad went under, but I do plan to get it eventually
>>65441 you can buy it on deviantart through paypal
The comic is out on DA
I think they deleted the mega with all the comics, can you re-upload it?
My guy was all like "I gotchu guys with Grow Me Bigger"....and then proceeds to vanish along with the Mega archive going dark
I think the mega archive going dark may be related to someone reporting and mega took it down for copyright reasons, possibly. That's why i was asking if he could re-upload the stuff. I'll gladly share whatever lost art or vore clip or whatever you guys may be looking for, if i have it
>>65861 I'm here I was just busy yesterday, I bought the comic already and I can get the mega link up again, Listen I get that I tend to disappear at times but it's barely been a day. Anyway give me a sec and I can share grow me bigger and later I can reup the mega
>>65868 Okay good news and bad. First the good being that I got grow me bigger ready to go: https://we.tl/t-Tw9eoiBFm6 Now the bad, seems like the mega link was a copyright takedown so I can't seem to share a link anymore. I still have the comics though so there's that but I'll see if I can find somewhere else to put them
The link expired, reup if possible thank you.
pls someone reup the last comics if u can! and if u can please use mab or gofile it is more secure! im begging!
How did the wetransfer link for Grow Me Bigger already expire? Damn lol waiting for it to be shared and it's instantly taken down lol, do appreciate the willingness to share just don't know why it was barely up at all
>>65870 >https://we.tl/t-Tw9eoiBFm6 strange that it expired so fast. Would apirciate a reupload
>>65883 >>65881 that shouldn't be the case I barely uploaded it a couple hours ago. Nonetheless here's a reup which should hopefully work now: https://mab.to/t/RceIezIoG2C/us3
>>65887 big thanks buddy!
Thinking about it wetransfer gives the message of "transfer expired" if it is taken down for copyright reasons or whatever, so thinking that's what happened to the initial upload.....regardless, thank you kindly for jumping back on to share again, much appreciated!
Yeah if you could repost the stuff on the mega archive it would be amazing, I'll be sure to download it and maybe re-upload them in a parallel mega archive so there's an online backup in case ot gets taken down again. Also thank you sincerely, you're a legend
1. You're awesome for sharing thank you 2. I'm so grateful I didn't spend money on "Grow Me Bigger" and I'm sorry for anyone that did. I was already so iffy with it based on previews and was going to purchase it if it did turn out amazing like The Hunger Virus series(I've loved that series so much I've purchased every single issue) , but goddam Grow Me Bigger just looks so terrible to me(may be exactly what others are looking for and that's fine), but for me the character models genuinely look bad, particularly the main character's face by the end. It's even worse that gtsx made the character's face her new profile pic because I'm reminded of how absolutely terrible it looks everytime I view her profile.
>>66020 beauty is subjective dude. she’s one of the best models in gtsx comics imo, she looks natural and realistic. different strokes for different folks i guess
>>65920 Yeah np, just expect it to take a while cause I'm gonna have to download them again and upload them to another place (Most likely gofile) >>66020 I second this. The comic was good for most of it but the puffed up face in the last few pages just didn't look good at all. Then again I'm not really into fat faces so who knows maybe for everyone else it's fine
Same, as a longtime paying member I was on the fence with Grow Me Bigger, which led to me seeking out a forum like this for the first time, thought the end in particular just looked, idk, bad? Not going to fault her she's trying something different and it's ok if it doesn't land with everyone. On another note I do wish she was consistent in her reactions to comments in her community. Entitlement of any kind should be pushed back on, but she seems to be ok with entitlement if it's Anti-Hunger Virus series. I was happy when she announced that Hunger Virus was going to be continued on an every other month schedule, thought it was a nice compromise to give everyone what they wanted. It just sucks seeing her push back against people complaining that are upset when that schedule may change(which is OK, she should push back on that entitlement), but if people are complaining about Hunger Virus being continued she doesn't say or do anything to discourage that. Case in point on a couple of the polls the commissioner "Unskilled" was whining about Hunger Virus being continued as a result of the polls, they even stated they were "checking out" due to it being continued(she's stated she won't tolerate people threatening to leave/check out) but she didn't push back on them at all even agreeing with one of their comments. Idk, as a longtime paying member that loves The Hunger Virus series I just wish she would push back on entitlement of any kind, including people like "Unskilled", instead of just allowing them to put out their entitled opinions with no push back at all from her.
>>66020 tbh I agree, but im not really into mutual wg + fxf dynamic but yea it really feels like this comic was heavily rushed some renders have textures not fully loaded or just look very bland in general hope she gets back on track with later installments
Can someone please upload Hunger virus evo 1 and grow me bigger please? Missed it, i will re up it if i get it.
Can someone upload on kemono the subscribstar's content ?
Evo 2 is out !
>>67118 Yeah but nobody's offered to get it yet. Usually I get them but I can't spare much right now and I'm too focused on reuping the old collection (Before anyone asks, it's a lot of comics and a lot of them are almost or over a gigabyte big so it's still taking a while)
