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Oppai loli and loli inflation/expansion Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 06:38:40 Id:e97561 No. 48579
Post oppai lolis along with them being inflated/expanded
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Some BIG-EDIT works
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Yes to more pan!
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I was skeptical, but this turned out to be a great thread
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some pussy inflation stuff
>>48653 Source for the last one?
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>>48711 it was a private commission from starofthel
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>>48731 Was there ever a continuation of this?
(1.20 MB 1536x2048 113076772_p0.png)
(2.59 MB 2025x2550 114153764_p0.png)
>>48753 Sadly not, as far as I'm aware.
>>48761 That's such shame, its a nice sequence
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>>48784 Yes to more Kari!
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Only wished Shadow/Enigma would do a Violet Parr series of pics. She's up his alley.
Anyone got some Toph inflation?
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#5 of these is an edit I did a while back of #4.
(396.39 KB 1000x1200 Soras_Turn_2.jpg)
(236.01 KB 700x700 Trade_with_Slifer_X000_Part_2.jpg)
(293.98 KB 800x900 Soras_Turn_1.jpg)
(465.27 KB 1000x1100 Mimi_blows_up_3.jpg)
(338.39 KB 1000x1000 Trade_with_Slifer_X000_Part_3.jpg)
(369.62 KB 800x800 Mimi_blows_up_1.jpg)
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The last one of these is an attempt at a colour edit I made a couple of years ago.
(121.78 KB 640x640 1597808177499.jpg)
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any of you guys do rps?
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>>49079 I can tell that's you Lashdog
(2.65 MB 1920x1040 41929124166231.png)
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>>49281 >>49310 I like these
(820.59 KB 1824x1290 11456147165236.jpg)
(1005.29 KB 2000x1414 13142516527623.jpg)
>>48939 >>48940 There's not enough Ruby Gloom Inflation.
(602.24 KB 953x977 46913126912123.png)
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This has been a great thread so far, but I was wondering if there were any more pictures of inflated lolis going pop. Sorry if these pictures aren't *exactly* inflation, but this is a niche fetish within an already niche fetish.
(4.01 MB 3000x3485 46914295161246.png)
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anyone have a high res version of this? reason im putting it in loli is because of trixie
(141.17 KB 2048x1025 GB1Cw7na4AAzHVb.jpg)
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>>50012 >>49818 Yes to more Kari !
(829.48 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Yai.png)
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>>50185 I didn't know Axel was this based
>>50312 very nice, thanks for that
(8.35 MB 7914x4668 11353816155423.png)
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>>48579 Anymore?
(91.75 KB 750x313 IMG_0190.png)
Need more berry lolis
(463.94 KB 960x720 digifatkariberry.png)
(508.17 KB 960x720 bbfatter.png)
(1001.95 KB 1920x1080 bblousie.png)
(738.93 KB 1920x1080 lou3bb.png)
Dropping some of my edits of berried girls
You’re doing the lord’s work
(1.89 MB 2000x1860 115515237_p0.png)
(924.71 KB 1280x960 fatpan.png)
(1.56 MB 1920x1038 bigedit.png)
(967.72 KB 1920x1080 loudloon.png)
Some more edits/redraws I've done recently
>>48660 Fuck, this one of the hottest blueberry sequences I’ve ever seen
(4.32 MB 3544x2026 11626763416725.png)
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>>53217 >B.B. Hood Based as fuck
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>>53921 sauce?
>>54293 Everytime ppl become bitter or petty with me for no reason. I just look at my book & rate. Then go about my day. Fuck em.
Oppai loli requests? (preferably western)
>>54539 Charlene from Victor and Valentino Inflated
(101.73 KB 1280x720 IMG_3273.jpeg)
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>>54539 There’s so much to choose from. Most of the ones I know are from mostly Japanese media, so here I go, naming the ones from the Western media I’ve seen. Ik you mentioned oppai, but there’s some alternate fetishes you can do if you’d like to see it. Satina (Satina) (Fat or Preg) Adorabat (MaoMao: Heroes of Pure Heart) Fat or Preg) Fink (Ok K.O! Let’s be Heroes) (Fat or Preg) Katie Green (Dead Rising) (Defo hyper pregnancy) Peacock (Skullgirls) (Cartoon-styled breast inflation/fat)
(18.55 KB 292x128 20240127_225258.jpg)
>>54559 >>54570 >>54571 There is an entire fucking board for AI shit you dolt. >>54547 >Katey Greene If I could, I'd fucking kill you
(36.94 KB 637x482 IMG_9478.jpeg)
(38.02 KB 250x250 IMG_9477.jpeg)
>>54544 If I could, Alice and Louise
(3.07 MB 498x438 chuck-greene-chuck.gif)
>>54574 Ok, that might been a bad idea. You can do all of them minus Katey Greene.
>>54572 That first post isn't AI. >>54572 >>54574 What's up about Katey Green?
(333.56 KB 1875x2048 GIy25_QaoAA0ay_.jfif)
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(287.73 KB 2048x1764 GIy27L9aIAAEGGy.jfif)
>>54570 Yo what ai made these-
>>54645 Hm. My mindset? I see profit quarterly. You want quick bill money. Big difference.
>>54652 I will take a quarterly lose over a week win.
>>54652 Ah shit, I am so sorry bro
>>54547 Hell yes i've literally only seen one thing of Satina we need more
(716.73 KB 726x927 nutbars.png)
>>54578 Katey looks like an actual child. That doesn't set off any red flags?
>>54695 To me she looks like an uneven eyed gremlin (like Remake Sherry Birkin) but I was also still a big Capcom fan around that time so everything they put out once they stopped modeling characters after people looks a little cartoonish to me. Now, I'd be hard pressed to not agree with you had Dead Rising had the detail of the abomination that is Dragons Dogma II.
>>54705 Plus I don’t even like Katey Greene. I just added her in for shits and giggles. (Sorry abt that.)
(71.41 KB 780x438 intro-1686144123.jpg)
>>54775 They look ghetto as fuck taking it. Go buy another one you broke bums
>>54777 I didn’t meant to start a flame war. I just want my fanart.
>>48710 There's a pussy expansion pic I'm desperately trying to track down. It's loli, by Sliph77(I'm pretty sure). It's a commission of someone else's OC, a girl with brown hair in a bowl cut(The girl here, actually: >>48607 ) She asks if we want to see a magic trick, then cue the expansion. You were able to get a private commission, I hope you were able to save the commission I'm talking about.
(307.10 KB 713x473 screenshot.png)
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>>54783 Oh of course I know the person who commissioned that. It's me. Here you go.
>>54812 Pussy expansion is so underrated excellent choice
>>54836 I didn’t know that it was a thing.
>>54841 You don't know the half of it (be glad you don't) basically every body part has its own sub-genre of expansion. From the feet to the cranium
>>54812 YES! THANK YOU! Good shit!
>>54843 Even FUPA and toenail expansion?
>>54845 yes, fupa is a fairly popular one actually, I don't know about toenail expansion but I assume it exists
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mable and pacifica need more blimped up art
>>55793 Fucking rigged I talk about acb and it shoots like turkey baster nut lmfao
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>>56106 Need sauce
>>56126 I will send a more noticeable earthqauke just to make sure you know its me. This time its side ways. Then boom I am him. The one. Omega Aplha Creator
>>56127 Awaken. Rise. I summons first creations of the universe no more hiding no more media distractions its time we show them who is boss
(753.55 KB 1890x2360 107105678_p0.png)
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>>56743 You know the source?
>>56789 Me. I'm the source.
>>56796 Nice, have any more?
(2.23 MB 2000x2000 IMG_0276.PNG)
(1.91 MB 3500x2500 IMG_0623.PNG)
>>56797 Just these two. I don't draw loli inflation that often but I'm willing to hear out requests if I like them enough.
(741.31 KB 849x1200 115429069_p0_master1200.jpg)
>>56798 I like these two also, sure I'll take a shot. Requesting Ibuki here as a swollen blimp, the only clothes left on her is her hat and her yellow booties, which she wriggles helplessly
(1.50 MB 2232x2375 IMG_0821.png)
>>56802 Pretty simple request. Here you go
>>56806 Hey that looks great, thanks! If you think you'd be interested in another, how about a swollen Kanna blueberry being rolled by Saikawa, whose face is starting to turn blue
>>56798 I wouldn't mind seeing Sarah from eene holding her breath like this but her whole body inflated as well. Also naked except for the crown
(1.54 MB 3000x2500 IMG_0822.png)
>>56815 Sorry imma have to pass on that one, I don't find the ed edd n eddy art style that appealing to make fetish art for.
>>56816 Hell yes, love how big you make their pussy, just a nitpick can you also add some juice trickling out of Kannas blueberry nipples?
(1.54 MB 3000x2500 IMG_0823.png)
>>56825 Sure
>>56826 That's the stuff, thanks dude. There's a lot more girls I'd like to see rounded out by you, but I don't want to wear out your generosity
>>56828 You can just request them and I'll see if I wanna do any of them. They probably won't be as speedy as they've been so far though.
(477.94 KB 640x451 1713329431155178.png)
>>56832 That's cool, for now I'll just request Osaka pumping up Chiyo thinking she was filling her bike tire
(1.00 MB 918x1341 Dani_Phantom.png)
>>56817 Fair enough, if you're still taking requests then how about an inflated Dani Phantom ripping out of her suit?
>>56832 Would you be willing to take up a Violet Parr inflation request?
>>56899 anything specific?
>>56850 requesting the same character and scenario but with breast expansion instead of inflation
(125.67 KB 201x500 Kairi_%28Art%29_KH (1).png)
>>56832 Also just throwing this out there, I'd love to see your take on fat lolis. Maybe a fat Kairi with a big pussy like in the inflation pics. Pretty please
>>56901 Full body inflation with big breasts (topless) and in her panties having an orgasm?
Get that shit outta here nobody cares to see her
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>>56941 fat isn't really my cup of tea but I've drawn Kairi before, this is an older sequence I did. I'm totally down for drawing her again though.
>>56967 Holy shit this is good. And Any Kairi is very appreciated, have had an obsession with her since kh1 released
>>56967 That's a damn good sequence
>>56798 How about a small sequence of a guy tricking his little sister into chewing the 3 course dinner gum, then getting onto a stool to fuck her when she’s ripe, then juicing her, and then fucking her again after she’s mostly juiced? It would also be kinda hot if he teased and made fun of her too while he does this.
(1.10 MB 2500x2500 IMG_0836.png)
>>56899 >>56951 Here ya go >>56989 I'm not doing sequences. That's way too much. The Kairi sequence was something I already did a few months ago.
>>56967 What I love about some blueberry expansion art, is that the juice would leak out of their pussy. UUUNNNFFF!!! Why the hell is that so fascinating and sexier?!
(158.55 KB 394x430 KSA_Adeleine.png)
>>56832 Yooo, I'd love to see Adeleine getting fucking massive sometime, bursting out of her clothes and just loving it, your art's amazing.
>>57004 That’s understandable you don’t want to do like multiple images like that. I didn’t know those were done before hand. How about a sequel to the Emma blueberry image in the same vein of it? Where it shows before right before she’s juiced, and then showing her after back at home from the factory, trying to do a few things, trying to play and live her life despite being altered by the gum? Or perhaps her after the factory being a permaberry, with her being the plaything of blueberry inflation having men at a club, with one shot of her being swollen back up and being fucked by several men, and after a shot her juiced again back to a petite blue girl holding full condoms and smiling? I just really love your character of her, and the before and after concept with her. Hope you do more with the character in the future.
>>57004 Awesome job, I love it. Violet looks so big and sexy.
>>57004 If you feel up to it, could you do this character similar to how you did this >>56806, but with a little more of her face showing? You're making some great content. Hope to see more.
(1.50 MB 2500x2500 IMG_0840.png)
>>57006 Think I'll make this the last one for now. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and compliments!
>>57167 Thanks for the deliveries and the Kairi sequence based drawfriend and fellow Kairi enthusiast
>>57169 I'll be sure to draw more when I get the chance
>>54539 Yo, if you are still up for request, can I request Sari Sumdac (her shattered glass version, the one in green and purple) in a simple inflation sequence or just one pic.
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(1.43 MB 2500x2500 IMG_0843.png)
OK I lied, one last delivery. The Kairi brainrot was too strong.
(347.92 KB 2048x2048 GLr3B1wasAAi6YI.jpeg)
>>57167 >>57181 Good stuff, you have a way with shapes and good expressions
(23.01 KB 225x350 164141.jpg)
>>57181 Ever thought about inflating/expanding the other Kari?
(25.09 KB 400x400 tKpIecVA_400x400.jpg)
(9.88 MB 1080x1080 Stuffed Blossom.webm)
>>57336 Sounds version
>>57337 pretty hot, just wish there were some visuals to go along with the farting at the end
(3.27 MB 1280x1856 115869340_p0.png)
a idea ive always had where the scare suction machene from monsters inc was re done so instead of sucking screams it blew air into said person collecting the moans or whatever noises and since it was purposed for lolis in the movie thats why i put it here
(176.76 KB 1536x2048 20240423_221334.jpg)
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(2.56 MB 4200x5600 115307408_p0.png)
>>57731 Huh I dont see this on his account. Top tier stuff but where'd you get it?
(790.52 KB 2489x2480 103979170_p0.jpg)
(2.26 MB 1400x2100 115205429_p0.png)
(1.61 MB 2500x3530 111756435_p0.png)
>>57999 I like to present to you the power of "BOOKMARKS" And st.ash https://sta.sh/21onlkn3ksv0
>>58064 how does that work exactly? I know the artist had to share it through stash for it to show up but how do the bookmarks play into this?
>>58067 For safekeeping
(63.17 KB 750x421 IMG_0898.jpeg)
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>>58125 https://sta.sh/22agl3hcdkf9
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Big Loli butts
Mentally disturbing this is
>>58376 Funny part about this website the trolls being trolled today dont like it. Some ppl retired from this page yesterday wonder why. All sudden. Cant bare witness the troll on you now?
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>>58769 Sauce?
>>58789 vixper264 on Pixiv
>>57336 Some please make naked versions or ALTS of THEM please. I REALLY NEED IT!
>>59064 the blossom one was already done >>51825
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Does anyone know this artist, they use to use deviant art but it was deleted
>>59128 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/52197373
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and some Chibiusa
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>>59841 Not a big fan of the diaper stuff but everything else is great
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>>60386 When I think about it, Yaia may very well be the bulk of Granblue Fantasy breast expansion, which would be hilarious if I'm not missing something.
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Gonna be getting myself an oppai loli OC made Just wanted to get some opinions on what kind of traits make a good boob-loli
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>>61232 Does Alice count as loli? Never really saw her as one personally, but that just might be me. --- Also, we could really do with a thread for loli vore(where the lolis are the PREDATORS specifically). This thread is about inflation, which exhentai(the sad panda site), tags for any galleries that feature same-size vore(the kind that results in big bellies), and there MIGHT be a single vore pic in here? Can't remember. Anyway, even if it IS allowed in this thread, vore is pretty niche, and I'm sure most people would prefer to have it segregated into it's own thread.
>>61244 afaik theres very little loli vore, but I know of one artist who has a gallery full of it
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>>61244 >Never really saw her as one personally You have shit judgement. >we could really do with a thread for loli vore >vore is pretty niche >Knows there's not much >Still wants to make yet another loli thread Just use the spoiler, jack ass.
>>61337 YES! We need more lolis going boom!
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>>61470 >>61471 These are great
>>61470 source?
>>48635 More art of Anais?
>>57337 Fugg...got any more of those?
>>61537 gachabork/gachiewachie
>>61500 Source?
>>61619 女傑部屋 Jouketsubuya apparently there are four more in their Pixiv fanboy and I’d kill to see them
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Some Kannas I made
>>61862 Nice stuff~
>>61862 amazing work finally some more hyper kanna
>>48710 all were missing now kanna and her friend just like theses girls
>>61248 Damn who?
(130.95 KB 2167x1575 Anya.JPG)
>>61940 https://www.deviantart.com/brain3times3 This guy. Though they havent made art in years, and say they dont plan on returning. They have a gallery full of the shit.
>>61962 Bigger~
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>>61862 Do you have an account where you post your art?? You're very good!!!!
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>>62142 >Having to look this hard for One Piece lolis I don't know who has it worse, you guys with barely any to speak of or Bleach fans who have a timeskip to look forward to making them look worse, even if you don't care about lolis.
Just a thought I had,does anyone else notice how there are certain inflation artists who are anti-loli yet follow other artists who do draw loli inflation art? Bonus points if the artist is anti-loli yet drew an inflated loli in the past and either deleted it to save face or just never brings it up.
>>62142 I'm not into One Piece Just saw the art, didn't recognize the gal, so I searched her up
>>62142 Would love to see be blown up and that uniform of hers being strained on her big inflated body~
Anyone have these in full quality? The guy who made them deactivated
>>62462 Are the last two avalible or is it just these three made before the person who made them deactivated?
>>62495 The second scenario you said.
>>62502 Ah that's a shame would've love to see Kairi become fully berried up
>>62506 Yeah...
We need more artwork of Kairi being fat or inflated
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>>62667 I'm the anon who drew >>57181, attaching shitty 5 min sketch to show it's me. If you got any good kairi inflation ideas I might draw them.
>>62712 New Kingdom Hearts Inside Out world, where Kairi is the subject of Riley discovering fetishes
>>62720 I don't really know what you mean by this
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I made this little edit of Ashley from Warioware
>>62720 Please don't.
>>62712 Hmm maybe Kairi drank a bunch of soda but refuses to burp because it's not princess-like
>>62712 How about one where she and Sora go to a Wonka world, where she disobeys Wonka and chews the gum?
>>62712 How about Kairi stuck in a doorway like Rebecca here
>>62845 Yeah :3
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>>62712 would you be open to this? >>57177
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My another little edit
>>61962 >>61862 Hiii I'm the one that made these and I'm honestly bored so I'm taking some requests.
>>63541 Those are super cute! If you're taking some requests at all, I've love to see Kari, Sora or even Suzie from Digimon getting s similar bwomph done to them~
>>63541 Senko-san would be a treat to see
I thought this thread was about oppai Lolis?
