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Loli donks 2: The Redonkaring Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 01:05:10 Id:1318c5 No. 49743
Post Lolis with big fat butts
Lol we have 7 loli threads now, and only 3 or 4 them are really necessary
>>49748 The loli general thread is shit for anyone who wants anything other than straight loli, or fat loli. They hardly ever post anything else. Making a separate thread for oppai/inflation and fat asses is basically necessary
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>>49748 >No loli Super Sentai or Voltron >>49765 >Everything is allowed on the general >No one posts what I want so I'm gonna make a thread I'm gonna barely if ever support instead of asking or posting it myself in the general You egocentric bastards are entirely worthless
>>49765 Then just...post or ask for the kind of content you want to see on the other threads? It's not like fat assed lollis would be objectionable on either of them. You're bitching and moaning about content not being on those threads without even trying to instigate anything over there. Inflation and oppai don't have any buisness having threads on alt at all though, this chan has a dedicated inflation board so the loli inflation thread should be there. At the end of the day I see loli characters show up in art posted on /inf/ all the time, really the mods should've taken intiative and moved that thread over there. Don't know why they haven't. This chan is dedicated to fat, weight gain and anything adjacent to rounded belly and body shapes for the most part. Oppai doesn't fit under that category really and more to the point it's a super generalised normie kink that is in abundance everywhere because liking big honkers is the literally the most basic bitch milquetoast kink preference in existence. There is a /tits/ board but no drawn art equivalent and I still don't think in principle that oppai loli art is really justifable over here, at least characters having huge asses in art equates to them being fat or having thicc thighs like 95% of the time. Can't say the same for breasts.
>>49778 It's also a problem that the oppai loli thread is for some reason also an inflation thread, so that thread is literally just 99% shitty low quality western loli inflation crap
>>49778 >I see loli characters show up in art posted on /inf/ all the time, really the mods should've taken intiative and moved that thread over there. Don't know why they haven't. Because lolis aren't banned from other boards, just loli generals, though Barclay seems to have decided to look the other way with the AI loli thread. >Oppai doesn't fit under that category really Big boobs is okay with being posted on boards like /bbwdraw/ since it's still just a wad of fat by Barclays words.
>>49778 People get anal about loli boards real quick. Especially outside of /alt/, id be surprised if a loli board survived for anymore than a week on /inf/
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I remember the last thread had a story of two fat ass girls accidentally making their dad Horny does any maybe have that?
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Not letting it die
You guys should check out psychostuff he does loli with big butts
>>50095 >>50096 Source? >>50114 Source of the second image?
>>50255 Top two are Sliph77, he has tons of great hyper loli artwork, but its all wrapped up in some absurd and convoluted universe where they are all actually the child-form of gods and demons and shit Bottom one is DOP
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Interesting thread
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Ed's colossal ass coming through
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>>56248 Is a match for Eri ass
thought i was done with lolis but found myself coming back here, need more loli booty <3 <3 <3
wasnt there a thread like this but got deleted?
>>57452 It probably fell off the catalog (after not being bumped for a while) or hit the bump limit (about 400 posts) and fell off the catalog by itself. I think it just auto deleted itself after no one posted in it for a while
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>>58518 She delete it now everyone going to know. Keep doing what youre doing old timers think theyre so intelligent
Anybody got any pics of Young Zelda by Da-Fuze?
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is there an archieve link from last thread? I forgot to save all the pictures and I can't find it anymore... it's all I can think about someone pls help
>>67227 Give me a minute
>>67227 https://web.archive.org/web/20230518050118/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/21492.html
anyone have the full image? it was from the previous thread
>>67022 Who made this
>>68273 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/72146757/illustrations
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>>68287 Do they have an archive or something
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