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Images that make you go WTF, Número tres Images that make you go WTF 01/20/2024 (Sat) 01:04:50 Id:1e2c9e No. 50959
A thread for sharing images and screenshots that make you go "WTF". Is it disturbing? Cringe? Weird subject matter? Badly drawn? Just plain weird? Makes you extremely disappointed in this community? All of those qualify! So come around fellas and we can all die inside together!
(2.13 MB 1410x1418 Wtf.png)
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(1.12 MB 798x1294 Please No.png)
(1.35 MB 2090x1200 Bruh.png)
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(373.62 KB 532x382 Why.png)
Some examples to start off with.
>>50960 All of those are awful, but the worst one is the bitch with t.rex arms. The inanimate object crap I can write off as a mixture of autism and coomer brain damage seeking further absurdity in order to get off, and the rest is just amateurish garbage. Going off of the closing tangent in the previous thread, when would you guys say is the year that quality control was thrown out the window? I tend to agree it was 2020 and especially during the summer of love, when cancel pigs were at their zenith and even suggesting an artist could have done better on a particular piece got you labeled as literally -ist. Cue 3 years of this coddling bullshit later, and suddenly the crap you've posted has become the norm instead of the laughing stock.
>>50960 Is this really the worst you’ve got? Last one isn’t even fat related.
>>50960 I don't really understand what about the Jaiden art makes it fit under this criteria, like sure it's kinda middling art I guess but there's still far far worse out there and incest shit is comparatively milquetoast in comparison to the worst stuff on the broad kink spectrum. It's a borderline normie kink. I see worse art than this being posted to the cookie thread here almost every single day. And since I just brought it up, worth mentioning that the cookie thread also has what is probably the highest concentration of actual mega autists on this board in any one place. Moreso than any other thread I'd argue. Go read the recent post chain that's been happening on that thread over the past day if y'all want to witness some aneurysm inducing wild sperg behaviour. And why even post the last image? It has nothing to do with fat whatsoever, don't think it's unreasonable for a thread like this to focus exclusively on fat derivative kinks or artists who are heavily linked with this community. If you just make it into a catch-all for any variety of weird kink art it betrays the purpose of this site and more to the point it becomes entirely redundant because there's so many generalised bad art mockery circlejerk threads out there on the internet already. Gotta keep this shit laser-focused on a specific facet to make it unique and interesting to people. And besides, sharing of more generalised kink art just opens the floodgates for people to bring up absolute nuclear bombs of weird ostracised artists that would end up being ALL that the thread talks about because their art is just that bad. There's a few artists in that category that spring to mind, especially one that I won't explicitly name to protect those fortunate enough to be uninitiated to their horrors. All I'll say is that their username consists of four words and three of those words end in 'd'. If you know, you know. And my god I'm so sorry if you're unfortunate enough to know.
>sharing of more generalised kink art just opens the floodgates for people to bring up absolute nuclear bombs of weird ostracised artists that would end up being ALL that the thread talks about because their art is just that bad. Very fair.
(837.93 KB 1047x1013 i fucking laugh at you.png)
>>50960 like 75% of the shit on this board is suitable for the wtf thread lmao>>50960
(768.49 KB 1222x1350 Yes..png)
>>50996 >like 75% of the shit on this board is suitable for the wtf thread lmao Yes. Yes it is.
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I want to bone Usada Lettuce from Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters
>>50960 i know it's already been tread and i at least agree with the third one for the weird hair, but >tame and niche kinks that aren't even close to the worst it gets in their home threads, and have good cute artstyles >unrelated paw art that barely counts as the "weirdest" one that's there, and is still kinda cute amazing start
(68.47 KB 245x203 fucking what.png)
>>51034 Ok to put some actual cringe back on the table we have this mfer https://www.deviantart.com/unknownrez his art is like 90% shitty transformation slop and the other 10% is fat art, he can't be arsed to draw lips that aren't botoxed unless a commissioner specifically states "do not draw big lips" and does fuckin transformation slop based on IRL People
>>51079 Looks like he's trying to ape SazaofQueen from pixiv's style, and just being an all around fuck up.
>>51010 why even bother IS is objectively the superior toaster ok
>>50960 People can say whatever they want about the fat laundry machine, but I fucking hate how TDookus designs the "aged up" Pokemon characters. I'm not an Epstein Agent, but holy fuck these designs look fucking awful. Then again, TDookus is only objectively good when doing male fats. (mfw they only have like 4
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>>51079 Again Trying to not have this thread derail into people complaining about which super sentai waifus is better im gonna post some more actual fucking cringe https://www.deviantart.com/supersonicjuju bro's drawing skills are of that of a 6 year old and he has a massive hard on for a puyo puyo tetris 2 character and shoehorns himself into said poorly drawn fat art>>51079
>>51143 "Aged up" is one thing, but that bitch looks like a hag left out in the sun for too long. If an artist can't remember what the second B stands for, don't even bother drawing a fat girl.
>>51162 I'm pretty sure dis nigga isn't even old enough to use the site
Anything scat, futa/trans, gay, or vomit related. Kills my mood instantly if I see anything of sort.
(43.61 KB 225x232 bro look at this mung kee.png)
>>51314 add anything related to transformation or gilf shit to that as well, instantly ruins it (ie saturnx actually can do some pretty decent bbws but keeps fucking posting tf and grandmas)
>>51314 >>51318 These are such normie and uninteresting takes though. Like why even bring this up here? 90% of people aren't into scat and grandma's, big fucking whoop. At the very least either of you guys could've attached relevant content to catalyse some discussion on anwful kink art itself. If you're just going to say "Oh I don't like this kink that most people don't like anyway." with no further commentary or elaboration then I feel you might as well just not post anything to this thread at all.
>>51346 ok but here is the thing, i AM the guy who has been posting the actual cringe here, every time i fucking log into deviantart i get assblasted by dogshit tier transformation slop only tangentally related to my interest in bbws (picrel is some of the slop i get forced to see)
(1.02 MB 1572x1058 Why.png)
>>51079 >>51162 >>51318 >>51351 >cringe cringe slop slop All you're doing is overreacting to what makes up most of the content on DA; basic amateur art. It's not "actual cringe", it's not wtf-tier, it's not even interesting.
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>>51433 yes. amateur art is just weird. or "very awkward", as some people would say. ;-)
Does this one count?
>>51453 I guess?
>>51453 The fact that someone generated this and thought it was good enough to share is indeed cringe
(1.20 MB 958x770 Yuck.png)
This shit is hideous
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>>51758 I don't know what's worse, the face, the ass/proportions or the fucking golden jukebox in the background
>>51758 she looks like she's gonna shit herself
>>51772 I think that’s the point. >>51758 This is so unintentionally hilarious. I wonder what the commission prompt/thought process was behind it
>>51758 Isn’t that picture an adaptation of that Prevence Splatoon animation?
>>51758 If she's white why does she have a nigger face
>>51858 Hahaha N word funny hahahah wow you're so funny dude hahaha
>>51773 >I wonder what the commission prompt/thought process was behind it If it's any comfort it's not a commission, Prevence uploaded a "draw this in your style" meme prompt a few days ago. This is just how the artist's 'style' looks.
>>51868 So ALL of his faces look like that? That’s hilarious if that’s the case
>>51867 you're on an imageboard bro
>>51874 I know. Im hiding from a group of women thats why no one seen me lol
>>51771 I mean, hyper-ass by itself isn't bad, but the way it looks here is fucking repulsive and makes me want to gouge my eyes out
Maybe not completly related, but these two arr made by the same fucking artist.
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>>52035 I think people who unironically enjoy Dave and Bambi should get skinned alive and have salt thrown at them
>>51773 where is the scat alt then
>>52044 I admit that i love this mod saga, but when i see shit like this....i want to fucking hang myself.
>>52003 His anatomy is bad, and its making the center of the piece, her ass, look horrible. The unnecessary cellulite is bad enough, but he put the fucking crack way too far down. 80% of her ass is just her back. If he redrew it with the crack ending roughly where the hip divots are, it would look so much better. Also her suction cups look like anuses.
This is only one out of 1,000 artwork by okayokayokok on DeviantArt...
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>>52035 >>52078 More fatart by this artist, please. Also, I have these to share.
>>52185 Ew nigga kill yourself
This fucking base is everywhere and stuff made with it are terrible
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>>50968 I do agree with thess inanimate blob objects. PEOPLE HATE ME BECAUSE I LIKE SOME POLYGON CREATURES FROM A PARTICULAR FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN MODS ABOUT A DISABLED MAN AND A SHORT-ASS FARMER BEING FAT WHILE THEY JACK-OFF TO LITERAL REAL-LIFE OBJECTS LIKE CARS OR WHATEVER BEING FAT FOR SOME REASON. Like seriously, i don't get it how can you find a washing machine obese hot. As a autistic idiot myself, i can only say that these stuff are just goofy ahh.
i get that fetishes can be weird and even degenerate, and this is kinda throwing stones in a glass house, but i think that someone has to have enough self awareness to see how retarded some fetishes are like the inanimate objects posted in this thread or stuff like a fat fetish bundled with an attraction to ridiculous looking body shapes, and that self awareness SHOULD cause enough self reflection to make a person think "maybe even though part of my brain finds this attractive, i can override those thoughts with my rational thinking, and maybe i dont have to indulge in some hyper specific subfetish and instead i can go with a regular fat character instead of AN INANIMATE OBJECT"
>>52327 That's a good point, there's nothing human shaped about those objects so the usual klang logic of being a mechanical woman doesn't apply. It really is an absurd fixation on the level of Tile Fucker and that legitimately autistic zoomer who conditioned himself to fap to self-made images of women thinking about dog knees.
>>51414 Why the long neck And why am i seeing it just now?
>>52327 I swear those threads used to focus on at least humanoid things like robot girls or ghosts or wind spirits or something that has no body fat but impossibly get fat anyway. Something like that would be way more up my alley than this Joe's Garage-level appliance fetishism
>>52118 Sorta reminds me of how the Greek goddess Artemis was sometimes portrayed with a lot of boobs, but this is very unworldly and horrendous.
I know the site's userbase is a shell of it's former self, but these threads just don't feel the same without people making fun of freaks like kafei and jeet for ruining their lives for xitter clout, and then slapping the tranny horde that rushes in to defend xhiem.
>>52411 Nice dubs, and freaky creature is right on the money. It also gives me solitary scribbles vibes, and thats a whole nother type of cancer.
>>52408 I mean, /bbwdraw/ still shits on 'em. I remember JayKuma was another one of their whipping boys, whatever happened to him?
>>52411 I quite like their art style, that and their OC Nyx is hot.
>>52477 Yes, theydo have some good art, but when i loom at these and some other stuff like this they made... I just can't
>>52505 >>52477 >>52411 Yeah I only really care for their art when its the basic Fat or Expansion boob/butt/belly, they do it well but the rest is just too niche and strange.
Anyone know where I can find the previous threads? Are they archived somewhere?
>>52514 The art styles cute, and character design is interesting. But as far as fetish material, it goes on the same category as snail ass TFs. Just weird.
>>52680 That shit isn't cute at all you nigger, it's like an ai tried to copy scribbs. Is this faggot shit really what passes muster for middle schoolers now?
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>>52715 >Breaking out the hyperbolic chan meltdown response for someone's opinion on a milquetoast fairy artstyle instead of reserving it for content that's actually bottom of the barrel Watching you pathetically trying to stir up some shit-flinging by inorganically sprinkling a few nigglings into your tirade really puts things into perspective anon, this thread sucks. At least in comparison to what came before. The art being posted for mockery isn't as eye-searingly bad or wtf-worthy as it once was and the conversations surronding artists are stale af now and have no barbs or edge to them. This board's userbase really is a hollow husk of its former self after being infested by autismos...
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>>52723 Let me fix that with a personal favorite that has been permanently burned into my brain since I first stumbled across it almost a decade ago.
>>52723 Nigger it's the internet, either grow a pair or slit your wrists like a bath tub estrogen enthusiast on xitter. Your father expected better of you than defending shitty art.
>>52838 It's pretty laughable that you talk to me as if I'm a fucking snowflake when what I literally just said implies that I've seen through multiple iterations of this thread. I'm not perturbed by you calling people niggers and telling me to kill myself, this is a chan lmao. But when people like you have misplaced reactions to art that comparitively isn't even fighting in the same ring as the abominations produced by shitsmears like quickswift, thebodmodgod, cyanu, ragbucket, robot001, virus20 and mistystuffer etc, I can't help but see it as pathethic. I'm not defending the art, I'm just pointing out how your overblown reaction to it is indicative of this thread's decline in quality. Thought I made that clear enough in what I said, fucking idiot.
(50.31 KB 327x154 niggers lol.png)
>>52846 I'm not reading your bitchpost faggot, but I am telling you that pic related is you right now.
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Yo guys what's your favorite Angry Bird? Mine is Terence
>>52873 KILL YOURSELF. You will never make as much as me. Die.
>>52874 This shit made me chuckle
>>52874 Clearly YOU'RE the angry bird in this situation.
>>50960 >Pride flag So every fetish should be normalized?
this thread sucks ass and i hope you arguing fucks just shut up and quit trying to argue whether or not jacking off to images you dont like is bad. i'm tired of opening up bbwalt and coming across this shit-flinging competition. watching spider monkeys screech and beat the shit out of each other would be more fun than reading this garbage fire. >>52915 wat? the fuck is your logic here lol >>52868 your posts read like you are 12 years old and watched internet historian for the first time >>52873 the blues imo. always liked those little guys >>52874 cranky because youre a pig arent you
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>>52961 Bro cried
>>52961 >just shut up and quit trying to argue whether The slippery slope of having a neutral discussion platform, everyone got the freedom to shit on terminal online fetishes and the worst part is that there's no downvote option. >wat? the fuck is your logic here lol Should every living person take seriously flaggots who pull shit out like this?
>>52968 >Flaggots
>>52723 there was an instant switch between "this artist gets away with fetishizing suicide clinics and irl stuff" and this thread being "this deviantart user draws weird!!!" >>52846 not reading that, virus20/mistystuffer's styles have stayed the same for 10 years but its somehow not the bottom of the barrel >>52325 seconding because i just want to browse the fatfur tag in peace without 100 of these things posted by 1 artist (they have vaguely based character taste but still) >>52968 this image isnt even that bad in comparison, but i hate art that's just >draw political social statement on the underwear >people get bugged that a political social statement is on the underwear of unrelated fetish art >win because obviously they only want the political social statement gone because they disagree
>>52975 >virus20/mistystuffer's styles >style Dingus, it isn't a style, they simply lack skill, that's why their pictures all look like garbage; they're completely incapable of drawing a proper humanoid form, whether it's realistic or a pile of fat.
>>52981 I know mistystuffer got actual brain damage sometime after making pawg, but what is virus20's excuse for drawing the same thing for 30 years?
>>52981 either you cant draw like them or you just fragile over people's different style Cope harder
this thread is like retards meeting place EVERY ARTIST HAS THEIR THING you not god to decide who they are, nor their boss. Now stop being snowflakes and chill yall
>>52118 Congrats, you found the one okayokayokok pic where someone isn't shitting in a diaper
What’s up with the (pressumably) black guy talking about unrelated nonsense on various threads of this board? If you frequent this board you’ve probably seen his random replies, I’m not racist btw I’m assuming he’s black for his use of ebonics
>>53238 It's a bot, the owner things his ruining our days with his once-per-hour word salads.
>>53240 honestly thats kinda funny
>>53263 Man two birthday went by didnt get dressed like that for the kids. I need a new baby mom.
Why are they built like that?
>>53752 This artist just has whack proportions. I don't see the appeal tbh
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these are some bad piggies
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>>53773 I hate piggers.
>>53216 >yall Back to xwitter
>>53775 Piggas in Paris
>>54041 Zeets on Skidder.
>>54052 Yeast of winners
>>54056 Steams of Skinner
>>54041 you mean Xtter ? mister ?
This bbw art made me go WTF. She's not even fat. Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose???
>>54187 Some people's definition of fat is skewed. Some people have legit never seen a fat person, and if they have, its chubby at best to the rest of the world. Just wait til they go to america or something and wonder how people get that big.
(624.69 KB 1920x1080 AinhoaCarlotaSánchezNSFW.jpg)
Because of the current corupt and ILLEGITIMATE government by infamous and pro-terrorist for president, Pedro Sánchez [you will find more legitimate information of his crimes in Alvise Pérez's Telegram, in Spain, a friend of mine there (who wishes to remain anonymous) made a supposedly "satirical" picture highlighting his lies and hypocrisy...using the dictator's daughters for a fat fetish porn pic, Ainhoa and Carlota Sánchez Gómez. I get why they're angry and wanted to express how much of a cheater this president really is...but HOLY SHIT.
>>54199 Why do the clits look like that? That can't be normal
>>54199 Not helped by the fact that he told me he sent it to the president to fuck with him.
>>54475 Shit didn’t read the rest of the text but still my message stands , not a single ounce of shame coming from that artist
okay what the fuck how is that thread with shady links to illegal content still up
>>54558 I wish I knew );
>>54799 I know that middle schoolers are faggots with zero standards, but sweet jesus this is hot garbage.
Honestly, it's both funny and sad to see trolls or underages try to initiate dick-measuring contests on the site, screaming into their screens waiting for the inevitable reply. I truly couldn't care less about them in the end tho. >>52873 Terence is also my favorite, but a close second is Bomb. Though if you want a REALLY obscure pick, I'd also go with the Ice Bird from Heroes. His gimmick was cool.
>>55163 SHIT, I meant Angry Birds Space.
(50.34 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)
>>55164 best fucking bird in all angry birds games
Don't give a fuck what anyone says, hyper fat faces will never be hot
>>55327 The lips are disgusting
>>55200 Wrong opinion. Eagle is best cause it kills instantly
>>55327 It's very hit or miss for me. Some artists draw it in an absolutely disgusting way, some times it's alright. It's definitely an escalation thing. It also doesn't help that gay furries are usually the only ones to draw it and they add it with snout inflation or some shit
>>55327 the more disgusting the better in my mind, i'd rather a blob of flab and cellulite than a ball of "fat" and a normal face
(115.02 KB 1264x632 IMG_6377.jpeg)
The fat forehead and disgusting lips continue
>>55547 Wild to us.
>>55547 rancid
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Does this shit count?
(1.73 MB 2160x1620 IMG_6368.png)
>>55671 Yup this shit is horrendous
>>51771 I mean I'm all for hyper proportions but the veiny horse face is atrocious. As for the golden boombox, I think its created a fuckton of good shit but now it's just another thing to add onto an ass expansion piece without originality. Sort of like inflation with wonka scenarios, "hey look this girl is inflating, but she's being rolled by somebody in a purple top hat and there's machinery in the background, now clap". >>52118 I'd like to think okayokayokok throws a dart when making decisions on whether he'll make something good or not but then I remember these are all comms.
>>54199 >>54466 >>54469 don't worry bud no one noticed you using your vpn you got away scot free
>>55674 anything related to bambi is a total hell hole
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Im surprised that nobody mentioned cock vore. i dont know why people are into that shit
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>>55912 Speaking of... Here is a classic..... My eyes..
>>55930 I won't ask you why you have that saved. >>50959 >inb4 Unrelated, since: >drawn well >it's BB (bonus point for the nasuchuds) >booba (obvious subject) Else? Naze is one of the best artists when it comes to drawing boobs.
>>55938 What is going on in the first image
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>>55930 Oh my fucking god that’s brain scarring
>>55930 Ermm.... what the sigma!
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>>55989 Please stab yourself in the neck, we don’t need retards in this thread
>>55930 How would you feel if I told you this image has become a borderline normie meme. People have made Tiktoks about it. I can't escape it.
>>56002 >How would you feel if I told you this image has become a borderline normie meme. People have made Tiktoks about it. I can't escape it. theres memes of this!!?
>>56003 Yup. There's a popular one where is that's meme video of those cops going down a slide, but the video is in reverse and a jpeg of Sandy is in top of the video. It's even more concerning how so many people know the context and how many of said people are normies. Scary stuff happening in society.
(350.91 KB 882x480 Ihatethisredthingispitonyou.webm)
>>56003 https://youtu.be/I1YWvF44-6k all thanks to papa lyle
>>55930 This reminds a lot of the whole Jasonic situation...
>>56006 >Scary stuff happening in society. r/im14andthisisdeep
>>56108 LOL yeah, the actually scary thing is how many stupid kids browse this site, or maybe he's one of those neopuritan guys that get offended at everything
>>56110 Been on here for 10 plus years seen it all cowboy lol remember that when u need work from me 😉
>>56110 Lol no? I'm just not a fan of my literal normie friends having extensive collections of cock vore memes. "Scary stuff happening in society" is only a half serious statement. It's not sarcastic, but I'm not quivering in me boots over the state of the world.
>>55989 GET OUT 🗣🗣🔥🔥
>>56111 >>56117 WHO DO I BELIEVE??
>>56139 I don't know who would bother pretending to be another person on bbwchan of all places, let alone a completely random anon. So yeah >>56111 aint me
Recently saw a fucking cp thread Good thing it got deleted
>>56208 Cruz busting guns now????? Have a baby by me... what 50 say
>>56208 Threads like that have actually being showing up on the board intermittently for like...the past three weeks. Pretty sure it's a botting job, takes the jannies a couple hours to get around to removing them.
>>56212 Couldnt just say. Hey mods clean up most threads around 11am moron
>>56213 The fuck are you even trying to say, why does that matter?
>>55720 If the community wasn't filled with children and crybabies then the mod and it's fanmods would look much better. Minors always use the excuse "the creators are minors" against nsfw/fetish artists. Like i don't fucking care, i will draw Dave obese and no one can stop me. >>55671 Also the guy who drew this image is a fucking weirdo
Personally i think that head inflation is not fucking hot at all
>>56596 James st patrick nothing like em.
>>56596 Never thought I'd see Creepy Susie or Phantasma here, let alone inflation of them.
>>55977 I think the woman on top of her is using some giant ass gauntlets to squeeze her tits idfk
I don’t have any images (thankfully) but imma say it here How the fuck does anyone find piss and shit hot
>>56702 There has never been a point in time where this sort of question hasn't been utterly asinine, delving into the minutiae of why people enjoy certain kinks is pretty pointless. 99% of the time people are just into they're into with no further rhyme or reason. In the context of WG specifically, toilet elements just represent the extreme end of slob so for some people that already enjoy that sort of stuff it's a natural extension. But to start questioning why these people even enjoy slob to begin with is dumb. To point out how retarded of a question this is, a normie could literally ask you "Why are you into fat women?" and I doubt you'd be able to give them any sort of satisfying answer that would stop their glaring side-eye and incredulity. Honestly the better question to posit is why someone like you is even on this site to begin with, you're pretty obviously a child.
>>56723 It's not asinine, it's sexual attraction to waste products. It is a legitimate question because consumption and interaction with piss and shit can make you very sick and that's why for a normal person it smells repugnant. Honestly the better question to posit is why someone like you is even on this site to begin with, you're pretty obviously a guy with a piss and shit fetish.
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>>56729 >It's not asinine, it's sexual attraction to waste products. It is a legitimate question because consumption and interaction with piss and shit can make you very sick and that's why for a normal person it smells repugnant. did you outsource your lack of an argument to chatgpt or something
>>56734 Thank you for your lack of argument piss and shit consumer.
>>56729 Its because they're retarded and imprinted on disgusting shit when they were entering puberty, that's all there is to it. See? all that fart huffing and piss drinking has made >>56734 completely inarticulate like a stupid animal.
>>51162 Hot take: at this point you are harrassing a beginner artist
>>56847 he's been on DA for 3 years and his art has not improved, there is stylization and then there is just being bad at art.
>>56848 I mean, not everyone is best at drawing I suck at it myself and people ratiod me for that
>>56864 Leave ppl kids alone if u have issues with the parent... you must be sick to want to be around people kids when theyre not around.
>>56865 What did i just read
>>56873 Pedophiles like to meet with your children when youre not around. Clear violation.
>>56876 Thats weird they want to see your kids only when your not around. Pedophile vibes. Be your own ppl.
>>56876 I don't even have kids, weirdo What are you even talking to me about
>>56880 You have 7 kids! Come on! Why your baby moms being like that
>>56884 Wh- Ok i know you are just joking, but seriously I am confuzed And if you tried to "dox me" then you have confused me with someone else, sorry!
>>56885 Reverse psychology with some gas lighting
>>56886 No, i'm not laughing at your nonsense
>>56887 Attempt.
>>50960 My brother 3, 4, 5 are fine, it’s actually good art, the rest is trash
>>56898 gotta have some ragebait to anger all the puritans
bro this shit is straight up worrying
>>57183 I strive to be as cool as Andy one day.
>>56701 That's BB. Lol. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/BB >>55977 Some advanced boob play, I guess.
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>>56723 Nurgle, please. Go eat used diapers and smear yourself with shit. Speaking of, you would probably do this eagerly. No biggie?
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>>51162 >supersonicjuju If there is a mention of 'sonic' in the username, you're almost certainly dealing with the mentally disabled fuckers.
>>57189 Or more like an alter ego of BB. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Passionlip And yes, her boobs are also huge.
>>57229 Ehhh, i've seen worse
>>51433 >>51434 I can't with this shit, it looks fucking hilarious.
>>57229 >>57239 There are worse CaptainSoapBeard pics alone tbh. Only thing that particularly bothers me about that pic is the yellow teeth in one of the alts
I don’t know where else to share this >I saw some stupid fucken argument that Stormtroopers shouldn't be women, so, fuck that guy. >Trans (female) Women can be stormtroopers. Fuck it, Star Wars can wallow in whatever creative pus they have left after the annihilation of all its quality, but this is a man, sir. Where are the women really?
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my personal favs
>>57317> Thank you for reposting my art! Allow me to take that question; The woman is the one in the Stormtrooper helmet. I hope this helps!
>>57363 Whatever destroys the empire from the inside faster. While you’re here, are there non-pozzed characters you plan on drawing? Your selection is pretty based aside from this one hiccup.
>>57364 No info for transphobic wieners
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>>57366 Transphobic wieners? That’s a great idea for fat art. I knew you were still based despite everything.
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>>57363 >woman Xir...
>>57317 Don't like nu-SW, but cute tranny
I just opened this thread today and i already see fucking transphobia
>>57404 It was bound to happen. Some of these trannies make you go WTF, it’s pertinent to discussion. But I don’t want to focus on trannies alone. How many of you have hear of scat inflation? Is that something we’re even allowed to post here? That shit makes me go WTF.
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>>57404 When plato defined 'woman' as a social construct, Socrates brought a hanged troon to the class and said: "Behold! I've brought you a woman!"
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>>57421 This is some hilarious shit
>>57422 >>57421 >>57419 Nobody asked
>>57422 True, soyjakposter. >>57424 Do you want more? https://www.deviantart.com/uruseiranma
>>57419 The original story has Diogenes, not Socrates, but it’s a good joke nonetheless.
It's hard to look at this
>>57512 >>57512 Grabbing & slapping up that bug round bubble butt
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>>57512 They've been playing SMB3 because it fucked them up good until shit came out of their dicks.
>>57183 I LOOOOVE STREET URCHIIIIN >>57333 most of these arent even fat but the third one is a funny concept, go back >>57421 this is just how you make the dumbest looking miis with the name "Carln't" >>57545 drawing random sonas without asking is comedically based and hot, but this feels like it was pandering to a trend that wasnt there in the first place even though the shapes are hot >>56596 this isnt a given across the board but if someone ends up in your dms being really obsessed with eye inflation/head inflation, run far away before they pester you with 10 million more pings about it
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Imagine making a thread about sharing images you don't like. Like just look away and go on with your day lol
>>57567 Someone else might like them
>>57561 Honestly, the tawna one is pretty fucking tame?
>>57567 Ikr, imagine people getting upset over pixels or texts and dial 911 right away because in one of those screens somebody wrote the n-word. I guess SOPA and PIPA were needed after all.
>>57567 i feel like part of this thread is to both rhetorically and seriously go "why is someone into this" and i respect having this place to vent it out rather than spilling into wars on the threads themselves even if these are tamer by my standards, sometimes these can absolutely be scary or weird or confusing to look at for the first time or even times after it >>57590 agreed, unless im missing some plot point they're just stuck smothering crash in that belly, hot >>57561 i never had the childhood associated with it, but i still struggle to vibe with a lot of people who just draw hippos or elephants
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>>57684 Literally the exact opposite of what this thread asks for
>>57684 Let's post something actually bad
>>57704 And filler.
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>>57708 He doesn't have the talent to do edits, even asymmetrical ones.
