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the best girl of ´persona 3
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>>51310 Sause?
>>51326 kennmatsuru
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>>52159 Where did you find a Robot001's comic? I mean he always offline on FA.
Does anyone have Comical-Weapon sumo pics?
>>53162 Sneak links in vegas for july any one?
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Does anyone have this pack by Dark777Shadow? It just released today
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Posting some Hinako in hopes for everyone to notice this thread is still alive.
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Here's a 3 page comic of SuperSnackSized character Cindy going to a sumo class and wrestling with a woman from the class named Becky. Wanted to see more black BBWs, especially those with darker skin and hairstyles that don't fit Eurocentric beauty standards.
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Sumo la Sumo
>>58649 Sauce?
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>>58663 Based off this edit by Darkfireballz
Anyone knows what happened to Onnazumo? Their bluesky is deactivated
Hello, I have looked at the compilation videos again and for some reason the Fitness video does not work, since it gives me an error
Any giantess?
Does anyone by chance have the comic "Gigantic Sumo Club" by artist Soryuu4
>>60402 Part 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1743429/3c1022f81f/ Part 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/1743429/3c1022f81f/
>>60407 Thank you, I appreciate that you shared it, but this was not the one I was looking for, the one I was looking for was a longer comic that according to some looked like a Shonen, which included several chapters and was quite good, or so I remember, but unfortunately No more was heard from him, but he asked if anyone got him.
>>60525 People are always asking for Soryuu's comic stuff, and being honest most of it was pretty boring. I did save all of the good stuff before he shut most of all his work behind a paywall. Here's a Mega upload to a folder with all his work including the colored stories. I've never used Mega before so idk if this will be locked or not. If so, tough tiddies. https://mega.nz/folder/VrEn2SBC#BAj98N9qjmoMFW1FXkBCZQ
>>60589 Yes, this was the one I was looking for, more or less, because as you say it is incomplete, since some pages are missing, for example one in which 2 giant sumo girls appear, which apparently were bigger than a house (Which by true, that house came out precisely) and that in the end said house ended up being destroyed because of them, or I even remember other giants of those that came out, for example, 2 that were as if united or even one came out that was much more gigantic than many of the giantesses that appeared in said comic, yes, I would also have liked to know how that comic ended
I have been wondering of why there's not a lot of Female sumo manga, I figured the rules of it being a man's sport keeps the idea that women don't practice it. I did read how there were female sumo wrestlers and in some cases it being the equivalent of mud wrestling/foxy boxing, figured not a lot of mangaka know this, nor do they wish to use it as they probably aren't interested in the sport and feel it would be weird to sexualize it in such a way. I figured that since the perception of the sport is men only, no creator would figure an audience would be interested in a story of female sumo wrestlers as it would feel weird to get off to it. Even if it's justified as taking place in an alternate world, future or another country. I also figured the set up of how the wrestlers train and live keep it from being used as the wrestlers have to live and train together and the no girls allowed rule, makes it hard to do stock ecchi/harem plots. The protagonist can't be a nerdy everyman if he's also a sumo wrestler. The no girls allowed rule makes it hard to justify everyman surrounded by beautiful women or beautiful women getting into sexy scenarios. I also figured the build and lifestyle of a sumo wrestler isn't that of the average Japanese dude who buys and reads this stuff. They don't fantasize about being a sumo wrestler and wish to have a body like one. I figured too that the decline of its popularity amongst a younger audience keeps writers from doing something focused on it. This is why I was amazed to know of women who find the wrestlers sexy, according to most anime/manga, they don't exist. There's barely any series where they're treated as sexy/beautiful and hardly anything where women are into them. For most stuff with sumo, it uses them either as minor bad guys or comic relief, and in some stuff where characters gain weight to be a sumo, they are treated as ugly and not attractive. Even the designs for most sumo wrestlers in anime/manga makes them look ugly/cartoonish. Figured since most artists don't know how to draw fat people attractively, they wouldn't wish to present even fat/fit bodies as sexy/attractive. It's easy to think all men want thin curvy women but even they can have idealized male forms, it's often to be muscular not fat as various sumo wrestlers are. So no way they want to present such a body as desirable. I guess I wonder if the concept of a female sumo series could ever occur. Maybe with Plus-Sized Elf coming out soon, it could inspire some creator to follow this premise and see where it goes.
>>61216 I guess when creators sexualize stuff like yokai, fantasy classes, etc. It is stuff that doesn't have strict rules and expectations. If a creator decides that they will sexualize it, it won't be seen as weird, plus it's something the audience is already into, adding scantily clad babes to it just makes it more interesting. Like if I decide the kitsune will be a hot woman with a cleavage bearing kimono and a short skirt. Or having the warrior of a fantasy RPG have bikini armor. Just stuff the audience is already into and has no rule against adding scantily clad women into it. Over sumo which must be treated with reverence and respect and seen is solely as one thing. One can be looser and freer with yokai, and fantasy classes in fiction but sumo is much stricter.
>>61216 It may not be a real manga, but I remember that a user called Soryuu4 drew mangas based on sumo girls, the best thing is that they were giantesses
>>50998 >>50999 >>51000 Someone has the HD versions of these pics?
>>61253 I note this is a thing that Japanese BBW artists do over most western BBW artists. To have the BBWs be gigantesses who boss around tiny short men. To have the dudes be 4-5' 6 tall and the women be 8-12 or be giants bossing around these tiny little men. It amazes because it says that Japanese men are tiny and passive compared to heavyset women. Maybe this is the other factor for why most Japanese men don't fantasize about being big fat Sumo wrestlers, most of them don't get that big and fantasize about being an equal to a BBW. This stuff that accepts stereotypes of one's group, feels like if I found Black porn where the dude is a ripped jive talker with a big penis and the woman is a sassy jive talker and was made by black people
I realized what the concept of female sumos being sexy would be like for Japanese guys. Wouldn't it be as weird to them to find sexy as asking guys in the states to find sexy female American football players in sexualized outfits? IF we see sexy women play American Football but do so in sexualized outfits, wouldn't that feel kind of weird to watch and get off to? I'm sure Japanese creators would feel the same if they see a story with scantily clad women practicing sumo.
>>61264 Well, you asked about sumo girl manga, and I suggested one that I remember that artist did, and I also saw it a long time ago but for some reason that manga is no longer found anywhere, but I also asked if anyone got it
??61332 I do know of this story by soryu and the series Rikijo but these are the only examples of female sumo stories done by Japanese creators. I was wording what I said so as to say they aren't done a lot not that they're nonexistent. There aren't a lot of stories by Japanese creators where the sumo wrestlers are women. I was just analyzing why there aren't a lot of stories like what soryu did. Not that soryu's story doesn't exist.
I was stating how like a sumo ecchi where the wrestlers are women who get into sexy scenarios is virtually non-existent beyond Soryu's story. No tale where the wrestlers are women who train, and live together while getting into sexy scenarios. I thought if a series like this happens the woemn would be thin/curvy with a token muscle/fat girl. Because fat women are no nos to most mangaka. As well as the idea of sumo wrestlers gaining weight and becoming fat isn't sexy to most Mangaka. No way most of them would want a plot of women gaining weight and keeping it for the rest of the story. The plot of everyman hanging around a group of sexy women and getting into sexy scenarios and some plots being "will they won't they" will he end up with girl "A", girl "B", girl "C", girl "D", girl "E", who? Or just be in a big poly relationship with all of them? I don't know if the soryu comic is "will they won't they". Since there is no English translation. I also thought no male sumo wrestling with other female sumos since most Japanese men don't get as big and fat as a sumo wrestler and live a sumo lifestyle, they wouldn't be someone the intended audience can insert themselves into. Or if he is a sumo, a smaller one over a big fat obese one.
>>61346 And I haven't said that you think it doesn't exist, I'm just saying that that comic was on the Internet, but suddenly it disappeared without a trace
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>>59313 Hold the fuck up... is that my OC in the third image!? Who the fuck posted her here!? (idk if i should like that or hate that) But... not much i can do about it, now is it?
When I see this it makes me think if instead of fictional characters they were real SSBBW/USSBBW models such as Bigcutie Jae, Sasha, Mizz Puss, Ms. Fat Booty, Kellie Kay, Ash, Jiggly even Queen Raqui among others
>>61332 Rikojin ended after 3 volumes it was pretty solid but I guess it wasn’t poplar enough to stay afloat. There’s an ongoing series about a group of girls in a sumo team. That one is pretty intresting because it follows them as they grow up.
>>62080 What is the name of that series?
I guess I could summarize no female sumo series as the sport as is isn't appealing to a younger audience, it doesn't meld with power/sex fantasies, and altering it so it does would feel more weird than sexy. It would be like if one did a story where American Football players are scantily clad women getting into sexy scenarios. It would feel more weird than hot.
Does anyone have that one series of MHA sumo art from Twitter where Toga is a massive sumo queen that has corrupted the other ladies and Ochako tries to save them by becoming a sumo too?
>>62114 Is this it?
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>>62286 Would Images of One Piece character Boa Marigold count? She was confirmed to have bulked up the same way sumo wrestlers do. Even if she's not dressed in sumo attire.
>>62312 Probably
I also ask due to the image of her posted and wondered if it can be allowed and if any future art pieces with the character be posted here. As I said she bulked up using what sumo wrestlers do so figured images of her posted would be fine.
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Yeah that's the one. Whose the artist you found that off of/from on Twitter?
>>62282 Yeah that's the one. Whose the artist who made it that you found this from/off of?
>>63080 Don't know, I found it on Floppydis' DA page
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Who is the least favorite sumo artist?
>>63222 Source?
>>63538 I'd think I'd go with JohnVi20
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Hope you all like this sumo Sam and Alex i did.
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>>64507 Sauce for the 4th one?
>>64566 FetishFetishFetish
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commissions i bought time ago
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By Chandelar-Witch
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>>66777 I also remember the same creator who made a manga-type story, but I don't think he ever published the complete manga, it was called Gigantic Sumo Club or something like that. He also made a third shorter comic, if anyone has both comics, please post it The third comic is this: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/73693843
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>>66922 Color versions?
Hey guys, I'm looking to do a sumo rp on Discord. My user is mm_mara. I am very flexible writing wise, however I am still looking for more literate writers. I'm fine with most kinks, just add me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
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Sakura: Mmph.. preperate Hinata, this round you will pass under my big and sweaty body mass! I’ll gorge on you and you will have the only few crumbs that I will have on my fat belly! Hinata: Watch out Sakura, this girl will splash you under her buge, fat, lardy and soft ass! And the only that you will eat, they will be the scrumbs on my own ass!!! Sakura & Hinata: YOU WILL LICK IT ALL FROM ME!!!
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Anyone remember the name of the artist?
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>>68894 I haven’t seen anything from the LewdsonaArt Twitter/X or Kemono…
>>69573 Sauce?
