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Colorization Thread Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 01:09:26 Id:8b393b No. 52222
Colorization Thread
(315.01 KB 1237x963 FlutterButter (2.0).jpg)
(665.93 KB 2387x1835 FlutterButter (Original).png)
Please color this in.
Can anyone color this plz? Understandable and respectful if not
Can I have these in color please.
>>52266 Also this as well.
(357.05 KB 708x938 Untitled659_20240210145256.png)
>>52266 I'll do the others later
>>52413 Thanks and take your time.
>>52222 Quads. Coloring belongs in the edit general.
(264.71 KB 4000x4000 IMG_4344.png)
(797.08 KB 690x1109 IMG_0347.png)
Would anyone color this pic?
>>52229 Bumping my request, if it's okay
Requesting this May and Leaf to be Colored, please
>>53729 Someone coloured the May on /bbwdraw/ the other day.
(395.09 KB 1750x1989 _ko_fi__leaf_by_pinkforsythia_df.jpg)
(1.43 MB 1063x2406 FireRed_LeafGreen_Leaf.png)
>>53749 Cool. Then i'll ask for this one
>>52266 Yeah here’s another one this time with Clanne and Yunaka.
Can someone color this one please?
(975.31 KB 1504x4125 MegaSlobBlobJun-min.png)
any1 willing to color this jun kazama from tekken saxxon did for me? many thanks if so :3
(167.03 KB 711x1256 maricela.png)
(97.64 KB 711x1256 1710997730918887.jpg)
here's one i colored in
>>54965 makes me wonder: how many saxxon works have fart alts that we'll never see? such a shame
>>54967 when he asked me if he could post it i half had a feeling hed edit the farts out and i wasnt wrong. i wanted to see if hed just upload it as is, but these farts are easy to edit out so i dont blame him i guess cause itll make it "Less Accessible"? idk
Are males allowed here?
>>55020 No, fuck off.
>>55020 Technically yes but there's a male board. Ask the mods to remove /bhm/.
>>55020 Yeah i think theres even was a colorization thread in bhm too
>>55036 >'Technically yes' Emphathically, no. We've been through this song and dance a million times already ffs, alt is not for male content. The fact that 99% of the content hosted on alt isn't male is self-explantory, it's actually fucking embarassing that we have users here retarded enough that they can't intuit this just from looking at the catalog and have to ask. You mentioned /bhm/ and that's the be all and end all of this debate, male content goes there 99% of the time so that's where it should stay. End of discussion.
>>55043 Take that to the mods. We wouldn't have this discussion every time a new poster gets here if the website was a little more intuitive.
>>55195 Call washington write letters ny boys corrupt
(201.29 KB 2000x2000 antoine.PNG)
(54.97 KB 198x400 2909426.png)
Can someone make this sketch in color? It's a gift for Antoine17.
>>56519 Male does not belong here. Hell, inflation shouldn't either.
(1.87 MB 1714x2670 Roll_Colour_Request_f.png)
(1.87 MB 1714x2670 Roll_Colour_Request_w.png)
>>54360 I don't know which one you would like, but here you go.
>>56520 Okay, fine. I'll do myself.
>>56504 This.
>>57687 Come take this dick right now its open
