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Artists who secretly like loli Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 16:18:13 Id:5e62fb No. 53147
I posed on /gen/ but i figured posting here would probably be better tbh. im curious which artists you think are secretly into loli? Like dfbz's old nanako content or jeetdoh having a blob of lucoa smother shota. Discuss which artists you think might secretly be lolicons here, proof or no proof.
>>53147 threads like these is why you would hide it in the first place
This could literally just be a small discussion thing to bring up in the general loli threads
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>>53147 >Censored Lucoa Don't worry anon, I've got your back .
>>53147 Solitaryscribbles 100%
Now it all makes sense, bamboo hopped on the 2D rights train has hard as he could because he's been drawing little girls on the side. God, what a piece of shit.
>>53357 i remember he still had these on pixiv, though now he never shows this stuff anymore cos its all behind a paywall
Pivk and Bamboo are 100% confirmed to do it on the side Salt lets minors slide a lot so I wouldnt be surprised if he drew actual lolies for someone in private
wonder if anyone could save the old mintrimo gallery
>>53357 WHat I find funny about the people who are "2D rights" and "Anti-loli" are always the ones who get outed as sex pest. child groomers/Pedos or generally harmful people who either force their fetisths onto other people or are downright derange and heck sometimes those people are furries alot of the times
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there was the time fawxen drew paula from mother 2
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>>54586 It's more common than you think
>>53147 this list includes me >:) >>54586 >>57593 i can literally confirm this first-hand, especially in the fatfur twitter community because they'll cry about susie deltarune and then get outed for rping with a minor 5 months later also twitter/this argument is all about dealing in absolutes and stalking people for sport >>56647 i can at least defend this because i think they just find the human earthbound character designs cute, and aren't really into moral crusades outside of a rare out-of-the-blue tweet they arent in it for the horny parts, they just like making good stories about gluttony and drawing funny character designs i swear guacamolemuffler retired after being outed for something but i can't find anything about it
>>57605 Idiots islamics vs jews. Jews got you beat
>>57605 >this list includes me >:) Who the fuck are you?
>>57605 Oh Sissy, you know you're adorable, but I didn't know you could be this adorable in a thread like this :3
>>57605 how can we believe you unless you draw an unbelievably overfed little porker?
>>57763 Nah mate, just trust them, they are, and they LOVE every second of it.
>>56272 Trinity-Fate drew that as a commission, dude doesn't even draw humans anymore. He is secretly into fart and scat, but I don't see evidence he's into loli
>>57797 Bro, what the fuck is this then. God damn, fake fan right here.
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aaronfly98, most definitely
>>58119 is it really a secret when his loli artwork is open for all to see on deviantart and pixiv
>>57797 Get off your alts. We don't fucking care about your shitty roleplay. It contributes nothing and unless this fuck is actually an artist we think you're both retards.
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>>58119 where'd you get that wonder woman?
>>58208 >trying to call out two larding retards >is too retarded to respond to either
>>58308 That’s wonder loli, and it’s made by aaronfly98
>>58327 >Wonder Loli No it's not. You can't bloat her body so massively with food, to the point that her whole body becomes enormous along with having gigantic breasts; that just leaves her as Wonder Woman. .>>58122 He ever put anything out that wasn't aged up?
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>>58329 None of the characters he draws are "aged up". And as for your little rant, pic related
>>58331 Eat she-'munk!
>>58329 Why do you think that picture was posted in the loli section
>”Wonder Loli” >No visual differences between her and Wonder Woman I see.
>>58434 Its like the opposite of "aging up" a character. Instead of taking a loli and using their exact same design, but calling them 18. You take an adult, use their exact same design, and call them a loli. I think they managed to find a way to piss off lolicon and normalfags
>>58434 Dont use death to try & be present now. Clowns niggers stop touching me I dont want your hugs lmao niggas be like during sad times
>>58434 her pupils are smaller and she doesn't have lips, plus she's smug
>>58437 >>58437 Knew these niggas was pervs. Got heat for them. Where my white boys at again
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>>54586 Yep, pretty much every single time. They constantly forget their Likes are public too, and when called out on it, they make all the stupidest excuses for it possible, their universal favourite being that they "accidentally" liked things. It's very telling too whenever they see a short adult character being sexualized and immediately think of real children. A concerning number of them also don't see the difference between drawing/enjoying lolis and doxxing someone and threatening to harm them, further emphasizing how unwell they are, many of them genuinely saw nothing wrong with Cuties and stepped up to defend Meat Canyon's creepy Tom Brady animation to the death, and 100% of them respond negatively to being questioned about whether they feel the same way about video games or furries, they'll always indignantly go "NO, that's different!" The funniest thing, of course, is how not one anti has gotten the memo yet that Akira Toriyama was never on their side.
Addendum: I'd love to see Arkveveen and Samael's loli stuff dumped onto here, the latter has been a full-blown hypocritical SJW shithead for over a decade and in more recent years fully hopped aboard the 2D Rights train, the former has recently taken to kissing up to the very people who'd gladly tear them to shreds in Reddit threads where people do shit like call people Nazis for saying Japan shouldn't be forced to make their games safe for the Western woke mob, so their "problematic" art should be available in some form as a stark reminder that attempting to fit in with such people maybe isn't the best idea.
>>58442 Toby Fox should have never allowed that absolute weirdo to be THAT fiscally irresponsible enough to pay for his fetish fursona to be put into Undertale with a custom music track. Should have just quietly told the guy to fuck off, but I guess dealing with weirdos that put their fetishes in places they don't belong is the norm for furries
>>58471 It was literally $1,000 though, that's pretty much the exact threshold where most people will be content to do anything to get that sort of money if they consider it easy enough. Money speaks, so I don't really blame Fox in this instance. Look at it from this perspective, that secret boss encounter even with its unique elements still only represents a fractional amount of the total work he put into the entire game. Considering how efficiently Undertale was developed for being an almost one man job, Fox got paid a grand for what was probably like an afternoon's worth of work on his end. At that point it's easy money, most people without scruples would take this sort of opportunity.
>>58471 If it made the Undertale fanbase suffer, it's all good in my book.
>>58435 >>58434 Blame the animators. I will never understand Western people calling underage western animation characters "lolis". >>58441 I don't think they ever will get the memo nor do they give a shit. As far as they're concerned, Akira took it to the grave with him.
>>58471 Toby literally outright said (in a post he made after having gotten fed up with the harassment Sam was getting over So Sorry) that HE picked Sam's main fursona out of the characters presented to him. He and Sam then worked together to make it not quite as obvious that's who it was. It was also Toby who came up with the tail move everyone whines about, and somehow he ended up having to explain to a bunch of presumed adults that So Sorry's name, which Sam came up with, is a dad joke (ie. Well hi, Sorry, may I call you So?). Additionally, Sam actually paid for the spot that ended up going to Muffet's creator instead, but somehow the two ended up trading, so count your blessings, So Sorry almost ended up the mandatory canon boss fight instead of a non-canon Easter egg you don't even have to think about if you choose not to. Not that any of this ultimately matters, because a couple years ago, Sam decided to throw Toby under the bus by parroting the exact fairytale his own haters spun about So Sorry's inclusion and design process as though it was fact, and then he shit-talked Temmie Chang for good measure. So fuck him. I'm amazed the mofo didn't go as far as claiming the stories about Sans not caring if you kill So Sorry were true.
>>58604 Adding to this, cute that you think Toby would have a huge problem with furries and whatever kinks they're into, considering he allowed characters like Muffet and has always been 100% aware of and fine with how the internet looks at Toriel.
>>54586 This argument is getting old.
>>58333 we said secretly, anon >>58442 if the latter actually went on a moral crusade right before getting temporarily called out by another crusade i will laugh my ass off
>>59858 Tired of getting called out, hypocrite?
>>59858 >getting old unlike the children you've got locked up in your basement, groomer.
>>59997 Stfu, i just ment that not all "antis" are fucking pedos. Most if them have a brain cuz they know that some stuff may bit be illegal, but still weird.
I mean, i have shotacon thoughts myself. I hate it. I am self aware of how fucked up that can be. Even if i am one of those people, i feel strange when people openly on "X" keep posting "uooh cunny 😭" and then are suprised when people are calling them pedophiles. Also i do not belive that every antis are actuall predators, it makes jo sense. I have to say, as a shota enjoyer, i rather just not make that stuff on twitter. Like i feel like loli or shota isn't something that you have to talk about on every social media.
>>59998 No one said all antis are pedophiles or other varieties of sex pest. But many have turned out to be, usually the ones shouting the loudest about how lolicons are pedophiles, short women are pedo bait, anime is for pedos, etc. More commonly though, they just turn out to be into the exact fucking thing they're screaming about, they're just doing it to save face.
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>>62487 Is it reaaaally that much of a secret these days?
>>62487 >>62507 Given that the guy made his name running an ask blog for a fat version of a dubiously-aged but definitely not adult cartoon horse I'm not sure how it was ever in doubt.
>>58499 Not even ItSV Peni Parker?
>>62509 But is it true that he stalked a little girl on Halloween with his friends?
>>63654 Yeah but the post everyone is talking about reads like he's sperging out over someone looking like his OC instead of perving out at the sight of her. >>58499 >I will never understand Western people calling underage western animation characters "lolis" Because they're lolis, though these days they're mostly ugly goblins, and that's putting it lightly.
>>63654 >>63682 From what I remember he (and maybe his friends?) followed one around for a bit because he was fascinated by how much she was acting like his characterisation of Diamond Tiara (the aforementioned dubiously-aged but definitely not adult cartoon horse). It only happened once so it wasn't stalking, but it wasn't exactly normal behaviour either. I think it's kind of a big fuss over nothing, personally.
>>63682 "Goblins" is too generous, the current crop of underage western characters is the next step in the devolution of the calarts style. >>63723 It's funny he did that, but I have no idea why he posted anything about it to the internet either.
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So what are your takes on the categorization of the term "loli"? I feel that when a decent chunk of western artists talk about hating "loli", they tend to be talking about the characters like Kanna. That's why they feel they can turn around and lust over characters like Megumin without being hypocritical; because in their minds it's different. While that doesn't change the actual meaning of loli, I feel it does open up what artists are "into" it, as per the threads original purpose.
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>>64940 I feel like there's definitely a difference between characters that clearly look underage and characters who just happen to have a too-low number on their Wikia page that makes a certain type of person get triggered every time someone admits they're attractive. Characters who look "old enough" or can be easily changed with some extra curves to look old enough also feel different from ones that are clearly child-shaped like Kanna. Using Pokemon Scarlet/Violet as an example, compare Nemona to Poppy. Nemona's age is ambiguous and she looks a little older than the MC but she's almost certainly a teenager of some sort. Poppy is explicitly nine years old, but looks like a toddler. The line's different for everybody, and you'll find plenty of people out there who will enjoy a lewd Nemona but not a lewd Poppy, as well as people who will scream bloody murder at both equally. IMO, a Poppy enjoyer would be into loli. A Nemona enjoyer just thinks she's hot and her potential underageness doesn't factor into it. She's "old enough".
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>>64941 I don't think your example of Nemona fits all that well. No one classes her a loli, she just falls into the underage debacle, which is another matter entirely. A character can be classed as a loli without being underage, such as Maho from Steins Gate.
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>>64940 You're thinking too hard into this; they all have that one loli they look the other way for or beyond that one character, say she's been aged up, to try and save face. Raven was that character for most of them for over a decade. >>64941 >I feel like there's definitely a difference between characters that clearly look underage and characters who just happen to have a too-low number on their Wikia page 24, 5, included because it made me wonder if any of you think there's someone among their ilk who'd be okay with a loli if it was an adult who was deaged and kept her mind completely intact (third from left), 11 >>64961 >such as Maho from Steins Gate Got a group pic? That head makes it look like she's just flat chested while being about the same size as the others. I wonder how many people started drinking Dr Pepper because of that series.
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>>64965 >Raven If you mean Teen Titans Raven (Can't think of any other) then, again, I wouldn't consider her a loli, just underage. (Unless you were just talking about age, then ignore me). Honestly, I feel like 80% of artists in this sphere are secretly okay with non-loli underage characters. They just fear backlash from either their audience, or from the site they regularly post to. >Maho I tried to find a decent pic with characters lined up straight. She's supposed to be 4'7, fyi
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>(artist who disavows loli) added your picture to their private collection
>>53147 Ngl I feel like SuperSpoe is probably into loli. He has drawn fetish art of "underaged" characters. Plus he also follows Eishiban, an artist known for drawing fetish content of underage and loli characters. In addition, I remember him having a discussion with a random guy in his Discord server, the SuperSpoe Dojo, about whether it's okay to draw porn of Peni Parker (the anime girl from Spider-Verse).
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I have a lot of blackmail material for Dook. You can uglify your art style as much as you want, it won't stop us from knowing you're a borderline just a flat out lolicon. And yet he feels no shame in gooning over his own drawings of quadrupedal pokemon that might as well just be animals. Curious. Doesn't matter how many medium sized IRL fat chicks you draw to try and get their attention, we all know about the freaky shit you're into HAHAHA.
>>58499 Because a loli is a fictional little girl, her ethnicity is irrelevant.
>>68504 ho ho ho ho ho! delightfully devilish, anon.
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>>68504 Show more of his loli stuff >>66639 Actually that guy was asking if Peni Parker was allowed
As much as I personally hate gossiping about artists,I'll make an exception here. This one may be more under 'loose theory' than anything definitive. I nominate BonBon01. Now,to my memory he hasn't done any loli artworks,but he does seem to be in good cahoots with InflateResponsibly who frequently does loli/shota inflation art. I don't know if they're friends or just close,but they have interacted a bit. In case I'm somehow right I hope BonBon01 does loli inflation art someday,but only time will tell.
>>58499 lmao are you under the impression that Japan made up the concept of lolis? Lolita is a book published by a Russian-American author (initially released in France but later in the US, where he lived while writing it), and lolicon means "lolita complex", ie, a person into little girls (like the titular character of Lolita). A loli is just an abbreviation based on that. As in... a little girl someone might have a complex over. Shotacon is at least a fully Japanese term based on lolicon. But the basis of loli comes from America.
From earlier this year, I found out that apparently Tehsquishyray did kink art of both Coco from Crash Bandicoot and Camila from Ghost Trick years back? To be honest, I'm not that surprised that he might be into this stuff, as one of his characters, Zapp, has this "loli" appearance give or take, especially the general art-style he has. However, his friends (especially Yuck_07) have a very negative view of loli content.
did everyone forget sunslept's weird post from the start of the year or did i dream that? it was some thinly veiled pdf post about off limits characters. he draws mha and follows intangibletang too, an artist who is so obviously drawing loli in every single post. he draws a ton of itsv shit, who knows if theres peni fat sitting in a circlejerk discord somewhere
>>68734 He was in one of the sta thread on this board. Have you tried asking him?
>>68742 you think hed say yes if he was? artists act like its a disease if you dare to suggest it.
>>68656 He already has drawn loli inflation before, Kobo from Hololive.
>>68758 >>68759 >>68760 I mean no offense anon,but she doesn't really seem like a loli. Like,at all. Maybe I'm just a dumbass and out of the loop when it comes to hololive stuff,but she doesn't really fit the bill. Or maybe it's a case of how teen characters don't entirely count as loli,I dunno. I'm probably the dumb one here,just gonna state that 100%.
>>68764 You know...it's kinda whatever? She looks younger compared to the other Holomems, she has a more shrill voice and she acts like a kusogaki. I'd say the fits the bill
>>68656 He openly hates loli
>>68766 ... that's what they all say...
This is unrelated, but I think a lot of age regression shit goes way too far. I want to see fatties become immature and childish adults, not literal drooling babies.
>>68773 Not really the place,but still a valid statement nonetheless.
>>68764 I don't really agree, she's short and petite and also has a kusogaki personality as >>68765 pointed out.
>>68495 Source please?
>>68790 https://www.deviantart.com/vallavv
>>68765 >>68781 Alright anons,you've convinced this crusty seamen captain. >>68766 Still though,there is the angle of him being close with InflateResponsibly. Once again,I don't know if they're friends or just close,but they still have/had something.
>>68800 >Still though,there is the angle of him being close with InflateResponsibly So? not everyone's a twitter pearl clutcher who burns all bridges the moment they hear someone they know draws loli/shota, he most likely just does not care.
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>>68734 no fucking way. doesnt this completely confirm?
>>69399 >character drawn with adult body with a post emphasizing she's 24 years old >doesn't this basically confirm the artist is a lolicon? Are you retarded
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>>69399 How come they never just use Roll Casketts mother or bad boxart Roll? Everyone who wants expansion art of OG Roll, would never upgrade her to an adult chassis.
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I wish I had a neutral way of saying this, like sharing actual artwork I have to prove this but yes, Miro is 100% into Loli and Shouta con, and before you shoot me down saying I’m only talking about the Denny (OKKO) & Lotte (Little Witch Academia) Nonono, I’m talking about ALOT more stuff, there is a cavalcade of art, high quality no less, that he only keeps to himself, especially with Momo from that one Pokémon short. Again, I completely understand if you don’t believe me. But I swear on my life I’m telling the truth. It’s just there’s a bunch caveats of can’t I show any of the things that I’m talking about. But, after he’s Ex calling him out on it (And failing miserably) he’s become scared to express himself in that regard And I’m not just talking about Denny & Lotte, I’m talking all walks of Loli & Shota life. With all this being said, please don’t just seek out becoming friends with him just for said secret gallery alone. Yes it’s peak, but he’s human being first and foremost. Respect that I’ll say it one last time, I cannot blame anyone here, if you don’t believe me. You’ll have to see it. To believe it.
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>>70079 mintrimo? yeah it's been known since forever, he used to draw them openly but deleted them after he got big
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>>70079 >he’s human being first and foremost. Respect that
>>70080 Question was that something he once had up a long time ago? Or did he send that to you, or someone you know through the grape vine
>>70083 He had this up publicly a long time ago along with many other pictures (that was the only one I have saved) and then took them down years ago, honestly a real bummer because he's always been one of the best artists in this community
>>70084 Yeah I guessed. So, yeah no. I can 100% say that. He’s still doing it, but completely to himself. But, again I wish I could show y’all the beautiful illustrations he’s made recently. But as I stated There’s a bunch of caveats to why I can’t just simply do that. I wish I could straight up say why, but that’s not possible. I’m working with what I got to let you dudes know
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>>70085 yeah I understand, if you or anyone else has any more old (or new, somehow) loli artwork from him it'd be much appreciated if you could post it
>>70079 >SecretGallerygate
>>70088 darkfireballz too lol, in my opinion this all traces back to tumblr banning porn and twitter becoming the norm, more and more artists started making their work private thanks to twitter moralfags ruining everything
>>69399 Heyo, I can actually 100% confirm this. Yes Sun was into lolicon, keyword: WAS I remember bringing it up awhile ago to them. And they said it was just a “stupid way to cope with their trauma, whilst aging up Roll, doesn’t seem that far of from just repeating lolicon again, I’ll take their word for it But yeah no they were into it for awhile
>>70094 You are a massive larper, this kinkwatching thread is retarded, refer to this anon >>69400
>70089 Dark is not as secretive as most. He used to be very open that "cute wholesome loli that may or may not even be an actual loli" is one of his fav character types. He's also one of the only artists I've seen that simply refuses to do the "all characters are 18+" schtick. I think he more so just doesn't upload many of his full on loli stuff anymore because of just how strict sites are getting. It's the reason why he only posts previews on DA anymore because DA has such hissy fits every now and then over underage characters, even if they're 17 year old blobs with massive tits.
>>69401 Because it doesn't feel like the same character. I heard they had internal conflict about drawing Tron Bonne when asked to
Heyo it me again, whilst I cannot show y’all the art of Miro’s secret stuff, I CAN show y’all. This illustration by DarkFireBallz! Because I actually found this floating around the internet. So it was actually someone else who leaked this so I don’t have to take the blame for this!😁
>>70113 you seem to take a lot of pride in being a rat against people who trusted you with info like this
>>70114 it’s funny you bring this up. Because I legitimately found this two years ago on these very boards, seriously. And not even on Alternative. I found this on the BBWDraw boards back in 2022. In the MHA thread, so this wasn’t even trusted information that was given to me this was. Something else that somebody else sent Don’t shoot the messenger!
To be honest I've always wondered what the purpose of this thread was, even from the OP it always felt like it was loaded towards cheap gossip that can be used as fuel for callout posts. Why not just use the normal Loli threads instead?
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>>70109 Them and their denial over liking a loli. >>70140 >Why not just use the normal Loli threads instead Pic related; I don't want to wad through gossip to find any interesting conversations.
>>70140 Rats We're rats. We're the rats.
