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(23.42 KB 400x400 1usj0TnG_400x400.jpg)
Pants Thread 2 Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 00:03:29 Id:9b3436 No. 60577
Let's try this again.
(126.36 KB 2600x1950 GPGufk-W4AAt0HL.png)
(819.33 KB 2600x1950 GPGufk1W8AAZ56k.png)
(185.85 KB 2600x1950 GPGufk1XEAAA4bq.png)
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(551.09 KB 3200x2000 GO3IVoDWYAEpg-d.png)
Starting off with his latest posts
(406.27 KB 3200x2400 GNbaYigbUAEThQI.png)
(384.58 KB 3200x2400 GNbaYiPbEAAc--J.png)
(101.83 KB 300x256 084.png)
(352.95 KB 3000x2250 GOcW_EMWAAAr8I7-2.png)
Sheesh their asses are like fucking lasers
>>60776 Very powerful weapons indeed.
(357.12 KB 3600x2000 GOA6SLoWcAA58yY-2.png)
(138.36 KB 3600x2000 GOA6SLtXIAAI5cp-2.png)
(252.65 KB 3600x2000 GOA6SLuXgAEhTBP-2.png)
Still hoping for anyone to add his link to Kimono.su Here's his SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/bluepants
(178.36 KB 1498x1040 FNT-tPHXEAIaJeb.jpeg)
(160.76 KB 1432x1120 FNT-tPHXEAEzOTF.jpeg)
(126.77 KB 1432x1120 FNT-tP4XIAkadhm.jpeg)
>>60666 Why not girls that are too big for their britches?
I appreciate you sharing, but this thread is about the artist BluePants
(460.70 KB 1280x1024 GERWUNpXQAIStO6.webm)
(503.89 KB 2250x3150 GPdN-BVaUAAzk-1.png)
(280.29 KB 2800x2000 GPdN_ZMbcAAYBWf.png)
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(848.88 KB 3000x2500 GPdOKYoa8AAy3as.png)
(800.23 KB 3000x1814 F3Ud-6AXUAAsxE7.png)
These girls just make me want to do lots of things: Fucking them while they fart, fucking them while they shit, and stick my dick in their massive and warm shit pile.
While I am not into anal or coprophagia, I am into anilingus. I can kiss and lick their assholes while they fart.
(650.45 KB 3840x2400 GPvpQ0RaIAAKDf1.png)
So fucking hot. Thanks for sharing >>60996 Neither am I however I do like dirty anal. Would love to wait until they finish shitting out their piles and go right in. Use the leftover shit in their asshole as lubricant. Also wouldn't mind having multiple of them unload all at the same time on top of my whole naked body while I jerk off (while wearing a hazmat helmet or similar, however)
(270.79 KB 2500x3000 F1fk38OXwAMLldI.png)
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(269.20 KB 2400x1255 F3cOtPyXYAA69NI.png)
(251.48 KB 2400x1255 F3cOtPxWEAAxmrj.png)
>>60844 I misspelled the site's name. I meant to say, add his SubscribeStar to Kemono.su https://subscribestar.adult/bluepants
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Bringing back my favorites of the Sporting Goods Lady from Dexter. I also found sketches of her that I will share when I find them.
(226.98 KB 2080x1600 FixzOMhWIAAYTYI.png)
(264.85 KB 2080x1600 FixzONFXgAI2AOG.png)
(330.21 KB 2080x1600 FixzONeWAAE1hVC.png)
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(243.01 KB 2080x1600 Fixza4-XoAABOIw.png)
(247.20 KB 2080x1600 Fixza5iWIAIxD-h.png)
>>60865 imagine this irl in a restaurant
These two videos by him are my two favorites that made me cum the most!
(473.48 KB 3000x2250 GQb8ti3aAAAna9i.png)
(731.47 KB 3000x2250 GQb8tizbkAArKAZ.png)
Stacy's at it again!
(270.54 KB 1500x1250 Fk-a3haX0AQmCro.png)
(194.27 KB 1500x1250 Fk-a3heXkAET50F.png)
(265.93 KB 1500x1250 Fk-a3hdX0AELkQd.png)
(339.89 KB 2000x1500 Fld_xy4X0AIvUVL.png)
(180.54 KB 1600x1320 Fld_xyxWQAMyKJz.jpeg)
(205.42 KB 1700x1275 FcuVms6XwAIS118.png)
The problem with Pants's OCs is that their names don't appear frequently to know who's who. I can only describe them by appearance (i.e. Ponytail Blondie, Beanie Gamergirl, Shortstack Redhead etc.)
(252.29 KB 1700x1275 FcuVMyzWQAIwz7_.png)
(224.53 KB 1700x1275 FcuVQITWYAMOhhS.png)
(225.47 KB 1700x1275 FcuVhK7XgAIIOE9.png)
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Don't cha wish your girlfriend would shit like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
(277.97 KB 3000x1875 F09D6nrWIAIJ6oK.png)
(237.50 KB 3000x1875 F09D6oIXoAAxU14.png)
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(574.02 KB 4096x2731 FT--h9XXEAEmSCv.jpeg)
(464.01 KB 2056x1558 FT--h9ZWYAEfc80.png)
Something I made last night. I have added some sound effects to Pants' Maddie Fenton animations. The 2nd video is with added voices.
(2.24 MB 1816x1516 BluePants Maddie Fenton.png)
While I'm not into anal/fisting stuff mainly because I hate to rupture the sphincter but... Her butthole at this size just makes me want to stick my arm in there. It has enough room to fit in there. Pants sure loves to draw huge anuses.
(914.01 KB 4096x2276 GRcq2SqW4AAVzJS.jpeg)
(882.78 KB 4096x2276 GRcq2S-WsAAXJQX.jpeg)
(908.33 KB 4096x2276 GRcq815WEAAL1Dz.jpeg)
(882.34 KB 4096x2276 GRcq9nraYAAQElW.jpeg)
>>62567 these are great, tbh most of his anim should come with sound
>>62716 These are just mashups of WIP animation coms by Pants.
And I just added sounds to them.
>>62718 yeah i know, im just saying cause his animations feel unfinished without sound he should try to add sound to future ones
>>62726 Ah, gotcha.
BTW he said on twitter that his living expenses have gone up and that he needs more subscribers to support his drawing. so either save everything while you can or a kemono back up would be appreciated
>>62735 That's why I started this thread in the first place. Add him on Kemono.su. I really want to see more of his sexy hyperscat art.
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(661.91 KB 1600x1200 F76XHF6XsAAXL1R.jpeg)
(663.34 KB 1600x1200 F76XU8lWgAE7J4E.jpeg)
I don't remember this from The Ring...
(687.13 KB 1600x1200 F76XU8tWYAADLps.jpeg)
(678.23 KB 1600x1200 F76XU-xXQAAbj-E.jpeg)
(678.79 KB 1600x1200 F76XU-wWUAAQufI.jpeg)
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(1.77 MB 2000x800 melony_katy_contest.webm)
I'll take Melony while you take Katy
didn't expect such a good thread about this artist, this is top-notch
>>63255 I've started this thread in hopes of someone that they would add his SubscribeStar on Kemono.su https://subscribestar.adult/bluepants
>>63295 well, good look on that! i hope to see his subscribestar content in there too
im so fucking retarded i meant to say luck not look
>>63311 I would do it, but since I'm a Mac user, it seemed incapable.
(995.73 KB 2880x2400 GSTRaNhWcAAYK8m.png)
Spoiler for coprophagia
>>63409 never expected to see some shiteating content from bluepants, hot
(239.08 KB 2000x2027 Fq4eKaVX0BY535F.png)
(495.62 KB 3000x2250 Fq3RpnSXwAMvYuB.png)
(394.09 KB 3000x2250 Fq9xhVSWIAQoPps.png)
(274.17 KB 3000x2250 FrCvC8kXwAEWV08.png)
>>63414 where can I find all this stuff outside of this thread?
>>63484 Twitter: https://x.com/GuyGuyson14 SubscribeStar.Adult: https://subscribestar.adult/bluepants Discord: discord.gg/GETsKTWHGz You can also find some old art some on some hentai websites (e-hentai, imhentai, hentaiera etc..)
(392.29 KB 1800x1850 F70UoT8X0AAVrPP.png)
(197.09 KB 2000x1250 F70UoUAWcAACB2v.png)
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(200.84 KB 1800x1286 Fa01ltiXkAAGcff.png)
(147.49 KB 2104x1000 GSuPGZ3akAAzwAJ.jpeg)
New upcoming animation on his Subscribestar
(227.54 KB 2400x1500 Fi9FhDFVsAAsZ37.png)
(225.74 KB 2400x1500 Fi9FhDFUoAEVJO3.png)
(345.95 KB 1820x2200 FicnHcpXwAEdRs_.png)
Due to SubscribeStar no longer giving tips or other reasons, Pants decided to move to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Whatsthisbluepants
(202.31 KB 1250x1250 GTMriH2XcAErNyR.jpeg)
New animation work in progress posted. https://patreon.com/posts/alex-poop-wip-108688451?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
(83.66 KB 1256x1250 GTRfW-XaYAMSWzg-2.jpeg)
(63.34 KB 1500x1272 GTckeQDXMAA4DOz.png)
(453.86 KB 4096x2202 FYQiLpaWYAAUK5s.jpeg)
(459.44 KB 4096x2202 FYQiLp1WIAAyGZ_.jpeg)
(295.71 KB 2400x1714 FYTtqZTWQAAcpu1.png)
This ain't your wife if she don't shit like this
(1.32 MB 4000x2500 GTnre_yWwAAcj8g.png)
Archive of publicly posted art: https://drive.proton.me/urls/WNBFEH0T3G#Pr8D4TjJTOGL
To anyone who added him on Kemono, many many thanks, straight from my heart. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/136005480
(623.91 KB 2400x2000 beatty%20big%20pucker%20thing1.png)
(365.54 KB 2400x2000 beatty%20big%20pucker%20thing3.png)
(406.48 KB 2400x2000 beatty%20big%20pucker%20thing2.png)
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(574.04 KB 2800x2400 GUYT012XkAAAHta.png)
(439.30 KB 2800x2400 GUYUK8HWEAA_15-.png)
Forgot to add this one
(413.41 KB 2800x2400 GUYUK8IWMAAFI2c.png)
(455.72 KB 2800x2400 GUYUK8FXoAElE4t.png)
(1.19 MB 2800x2400 GUYUGFaXYAAInDP.png)
(641.44 KB 2800x2400 GUYUGFaWEAAIdU9.png)
>>64953 tis must be one of my favs
>>62710 I sometimes would jokingly ask "Do centaurs shit like horses?"
>>65243 It’s up to one’s imagination.
>>65194 These here are my favorites: >>64952 >>64957 >>64958 You have great tastes
>>64956 So is this one... Hell, I'm a sucker for all of them
(886.88 KB 3200x2000 medieval scat pants.png)
Anyone has the story of this? And also the other stories i you have them.
(793.52 KB 2400x3200 GUYUhzWWcAAjaUA.png)
(699.61 KB 2400x3200 GUnfgenXIAAYOGC.png)
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(685.53 KB 3000x2500 GVOEOsaWwAAYPuM.png)
(672.82 KB 3000x2500 GVOEOspX0AAJbKs.png)
Just the wife doing wife things
(361.57 KB 3000x2250 GVd5mUoX0AAy34Q.png)
(519.79 KB 3000x2250 GVd5mU5XYAAIs4z.png)
(405.42 KB 3000x2250 GVd5mUoXkAARu4c.png)
(471.40 KB 3000x2250 GVd5mU9XMAAGQ9J.png)
(813.64 KB 3000x2250 GVd50afWcAASs2M.png)
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(1.25 MB 3600x2000 beach%20time%202-min.png)
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(189.61 KB 2400x2000 beatty%20massage%20pool3.png)
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(772.54 KB 2400x3200 GWMwbX_WEAAA3zk.png)
(1.02 MB 2400x3200 GW-Q0anXkAAefW2.png)
New sequence in the work
(1.17 MB 2400x3200 GXStscxXkAAhLhu.png)
(1.50 MB 2400x3200 GXStsdIWAAAEHbd.png)
(1.47 MB 2400x3200 GXStscxWEAA9dnB.png)
(483.87 KB 3000x2000 GYzZ9j1W0AAFhr-.png)
(605.64 KB 3000x2000 GYzZ9jzW4AIqzgZ.png)
OCT 1 BB!!!
>>68972 Do you happen to have their Creepy Susie Halloween art?
>>69051 Found it! Hope its what you're looking for.
(1.78 MB 3000x2500 GY4JwdqXsAA0R2u.png)
(1.47 MB 3000x2500 GY4JwdtWkAE6U86.png)
(1.87 MB 3000x2500 bloodborne_doll_spooky_time2.png)
(1.53 MB 3000x2500 bloodborne_doll_spooky_time3.png)
(1.63 MB 3000x2500 GY4JwdrXgAAqzCl.png)
(1.48 MB 3000x2500 GY4JwdqXAAAwWMH.png)
(310.72 KB 1472x2356 bloodborne_doll_hyper_bloop3.png)
>>69091 Yup, that's it. Thanks.
(1.12 MB 2400x3200 GZesEC_WEAAvEJe.png)
(930.89 KB 2400x3200 GZesEDMWAAAab4R.png)
(1.34 MB 2400x3200 GZesEDIXsAAdnFb.png)
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(531.25 KB 2500x3129 GZqqG9_W8AADyqa.png)
(265.97 KB 2320x2500 GZqqG99W8AomXzN.png)
(436.11 KB 4000x2500 ethel_alive_model_lol3.png)
(1.26 MB 2400x3200 GapyEulW0AAbaBw.png)
(1.51 MB 2400x3200 GapyEuJWAAASJAF.png)
(1.35 MB 2400x3200 GapyEuIXYAAkA6H.png)
(1.17 MB 2400x3200 GapyEuJXIAAnDqd.png)
(1.00 MB 3000x2500 GbAI9QOXoAADQ4L.png)
(1.18 MB 3000x2500 GbAI9QMXsAAOiT5.png)
(968.34 KB 3000x2500 GbAI9QOWsAA4Vfc.png)
(1.19 MB 3000x2500 GbAI9QLX0AEVDto.png)
(824.61 KB 2400x3200 Gbyp2pdWMAkKyxx.png)
(1.23 MB 2400x3200 Gbyp2pdWwBgEOdk.png)
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(507.43 KB 2400x3200 Gbyp2pdXkA03h7w.png)
(1.06 MB 2400x3200 Gbyp92aWYBs7mVg.png)
Honestly, I never knew that cuddling in your own waste looks so hot, literally. It must've felt nice.
(956.27 KB 2400x2483 corrupted%20monk%202%201-min.png)
(702.35 KB 3000x2100 corrupted%20monk%203-min.png)
(874.40 KB 2750x2200 corrupted%20monk%204-min.png)
Found some good shit after his Kemono was updated.
(175.07 KB 1857x2000 sdfsdffsdfsdfsdfsd%201-min.png)
(235.20 KB 1857x2000 sdfsdffsdfsdfsdfsd%202-min.png)
(208.01 KB 1857x2000 sdfsdffsdfsdfsdfsd%203-min.png)
(960.63 KB 3600x2000 stacy+val+doing+yoga+poses1.png)
(408.22 KB 3600x2000 stacy+val+doing+yoga+poses2.png)
(220.78 KB 3600x2000 stacy+val+doing+yoga+poses3.png)
(278.72 KB 3600x2000 stacy+val+doing+yoga+poses4.png)
(388.37 KB 3600x2000 stacy+val+doing+yoga+poses5.png)
(441.34 KB 3000x3000 atom+eve+africa+pants+down2.png)
(412.64 KB 3000x3000 atom+eve+africa+pants+down1.png)
(400.04 KB 3000x3000 atom+eve+africa+pants+down3.png)
(567.48 KB 3000x3000 atom+eve+africa+pants+down4.png)
(982.50 KB 3000x2500 atom+eve+africa+house+burial.png)
(528.15 KB 3000x2500 atom+eve+couch.png)
(615.94 KB 3000x2500 atom+eve+destroyed+bathroom.png)
(827.11 KB 3200x2000 atom+eve+flying.png)
Anyone knows who is in the new poll?
That gurgle at the beginning sounds so DAMN good!
>>74499 >>74500 Capeshit
>>65299 https://mab.to/t/XAWUAZA6qFk/us2 FOUND IT. It was on his Discord.
