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Fat Storytime Animator/YouTuber/E-Celeb Thread 4 Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 15:45:46 Id:6e5772 No. 62304
Third thread's reached bump limit, you know the drill. Post STAs, YouTubers, E-celebs, sonas and the like.
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Bringing over a bunch of pics made by some of the anons in the previous thread.
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Has anybody uploaded these drawings anywhere else? I don't think the anon who draws these posts them elsewhere?
>>62309 their art style remind me a lot of not enough milk's art style
>>62311 Reminds me more of negative din. Just stopped posting and locked their Twitter one day, no explanation.
>>62307 >>62321 i miss him, i hope he draw another jaiden wg sequence
>>62304 you guys have a discord server? i remember seeing in the last thread
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Previous Thread Full? No problem!
>>62328 The dude who owned it dmed me, said it got reported and removed.
Honestly still hoping that someone ends up making some Hollowtones art
>>62550 im surprised more art of her wasnt made after the video she made
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>>62559 For real 🥺
>>62564 Which video? I agree btw Holly's cute, there should be more fat stuff of snapcube too
>>62550 >>62412 ah dang it. hope u guys make a new one
>>62411 Nice Need way more StupidButterfly art
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>>62593 Don't worry! There is a few more on the way, be sure to achieve them from the previous thread if it's still up!
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New jaidens just dropped (and others)
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Does anyone know a jaiden inflatation art with her saying “MORE! HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON! I WANT TO BECOME EVERYTHING!” PLEASEE i really need it!
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Some Jaiden stream shenanigans. >>62559 >>62580 >>62571 Ok who exactly is this person/what do they do? I've never heard of them before.
imagine if someone made art of happylikeawall lmao
>>63377 Lame mom's are so underrated
>>63377 She's a twitch streamer and part of the group of people that did the half life vr but the ai are self aware series of streams. Shes good friends with snapscube and has done a few crossover streams with her (She also keeps bemoaning that people shouldnt draw her skinny in fanart, so...)
>>63377 Jaidens mom getting fat. Oh yes finally
>>63377 I'd like to see both of them ending up as blobs Just with Jaiden's mom still having the (much) bigger tits, and telling Jaiden she's a bit disappointed in her (only a bit because at blob size, even Jaiden's tits are huge)
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Recent Gomotion stream was wack
>>62580 her "perks of being a fat kid" video, when she talks about body positivity (sorry for the long response time i thought i posted this comment a while back)
>>63498 I’m really glad I have one person who absolutely loves seeing their favor noodle girl gomotion really fat
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>>63673 More Gomo is always good 😁 It’s also good because apparently she’s ok with NSFW stuff for the most part
>>63688 >'She's okay with NSFW stuff' Uh, that's not necessarily inclusive of fetish content lol. Like there's a pretty significant difference between milquetoast vanilla porn and drawing someone as a jiggling lardpile, and I'm doubtful most normal people would even lump the latter in with their preconceptions of NSFW. Not even sure why you brought this up tbh, like who gives a fuck really? People are going to produce content regardless and it's not really interesting to bring up unless it's about a creator being into a specific fetish.
>>63691 Fetish content is inherently NSFW content If someone is meant to jack off to it it’s porn lmao Maybe not porn for everyone but it’s still porn nonetheless And it’s still something interesting to bring up, because it just makes it more possible for more stuff to be made and shared Do you know how many good artists out their don’t allow comms of Sonas or characters without the creators permission or knowing if they’re ok with that kind of stuff? It just makes it easier to get that kind of stuff made lol If you don’t care then whatever, don’t comment on it lmao, but some people are probably interested in the fact
>>63397 I didn’t even know about that part about Holly, shit now we need that art even more!
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not gonna lie, gotta be my most messed up warm up.
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casually gonna request some bizabizow, she's a cutie
>>63829 couple of examples i found, would love to see more of her
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>>63829 I will totally do free fat art of the women, , but the only thing have to add my favorite YouTube women LavenderTowne because I’m the weirdo who do a avatars ship between both of them see my favorite lesbian ship being fed and cute together
>>63832 ooooo, double the cuties, double the fun! make 'em as big blobs as possible
>>63832 oooh! Someone willing to do stuff, you alright taking on another piece of art cause I’ve really been eager to see some blob Hollowtones art
Does anyone have more Rebecca art?
>>63491 Yes please do it her mom's pretty underrated along with her aunt
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>>62411 "I-It's not what it looks like, I swear!"
>>63756 Holy fuck thats amazing. Please tell me there's more.
I kinda wish there was more Emirichu art
>>65146 And wolfychu art
>>64273 i never knew her aunt appeared on her videos tbh
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Posting some Green Girl cuz this thread needs more of her.
>>63377 whos the artist
>>65146 I totally agree! I love to see Emirichu get so obese. Like I only ever seen this pic of her for weight gain stuff. She needs so much more fat fetish stuff, even if not art, like wg storys. I want to see Emirichu get so so so obese. Heck I love to see her get slobby to
Please post any fat/obese Emirichu art you have as of the good stuff I didn't save and was lost on the other thread.
any artwork of classic youtubers (or old- school internet celebrities in general)? I'm talking pre-2012 era
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Something for the Holly fans out there
>>65865 YESSSSS thank you anon this rules!!!!!!!!!!!
>>65865 Your art is the reason I watch these threads, nice.
>>65865 You are a miracle worker, Holly has never looked better, thank you so much
>>65865 You've made her more adorable than ever! Hope to see more Holly art from people.
>>65865 who is Holly?
>>65865 Could you draw her even larger though? 👀
>>65970 Agreed, she’s cute but honestly no idea when more of this stuff is gonna get made, every bit counts
>>65865 FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! Great work, anon!
>>65970 Seconded >:3
Can't wait for somebody to make her the The fattest gluten demon girl of all time
Anyone have any Rebecca Parham stuff?
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Glad coming out of retirement just do some artwork for that super fan
I don't know who you are but please two piece of artwork are super hot you make herself fat and beautiful
>>63829 Could we get some more Bizabizow, I absolutely love their OC design and seeing them fattened up would be hella hot
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Fat Shgurr. CW: Fart and scat
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Wish this had color, but this is probably the best Rebecca I’ve seen yet
>>66033 I too, agree with the need of larger hollys
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So what I did first did a color in of that or work with no color Rebecca and I want to add something extra to it so I create a brand new fat art of Rebecca you can tell which one is mine by my logo
>>66472 Lovely coloring and drawing. Would love to see you draw Shgurr.
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another fucked up warm up, i prefer air brush over cel shading.
Well thank you you too random artist for the beautiful fat gorgeous Lavendertowne they so freaking hot I'm going to see them in my folder for later
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When I get to see The full thing of the new plushie she is releasing I'm going to make some new fat art of her to celebrate it
Anyone have any Emirichu fat art?
