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Fat homestuck, duh Chubstuck Three: The Return 07/13/2024 (Sat) 16:22:38 Id:0c88bf No. 63445
So the last thread's about to get bump locked after four or so years, which is sad, but we must persist, we are probably some of the only people who keep this subkink in this niche fandom alive, so all we can do is make another thread, it's like journey says, the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
(368.38 KB 2048x2048 FYhNemGaMAA3oJG.jpg)
(381.18 KB 2048x2048 FYz15_PVsAATAlb.jpg)
(98.27 KB 1195x1200 Fph1r4MaEAAd6To.jpg)
I'll post some more stuff later, this is just whatever my phone has on it
(142.57 KB 1340x1416 114_g.jpg)
(337.75 KB 2400x2070 Jane.jpg)
sad the other thread is dying, end of an era
>>63464 Grab what you can and move it to hear, hopefully all the bumps and reports being gone make this one last longer
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(189.84 KB 549x632 NepetaPlump.png)
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>>63446 Whats the sauce on that rose? Can't remember the artist name
>>63505 teradianon but they've gone dead and private on twitter, no posts since like christmas '22
(642.55 KB 4096x2685 Ffy0gu2XgAAnxrp.jpg)
(89.12 KB 1200x751 EH_o35oWoAA0jEa.jpg)
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>>63445 I come once again with gifts. Also god I wish there was more fat dancestor art out there
(92.44 KB 1200x708 EH3iW4KWwAAxqPv.jpg)
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>>63546 Based.
(139.68 KB 1200x1973 EoR74wyW8AMLaJm.jpg)
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>>63916 die 1000 deaths contentless bumper
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(364.14 KB 1058x1000 goddamnit its the bbwchans Roxy.png)
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Is there any hiveswap olive content (very important to me)
>>65265 You could always try making some, if not then requests and coms are a thing.
>>65271 I don't want to be mean, but I wouldn't be asking if I could either afford it or had someone to request
>>65265 Unfortunately, I don't think a single piece of fat Konyyl art exists.
>>65278 Is fat Charun and Vestri non-existent too?
(214.31 KB 2043x1636 20240811_071755.jpg)
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(667.34 KB 1576x1500 sketches 11 konyyl xl.png)
(278.87 KB 2000x1500 GUyBaVIasAASLAr.jpg)
>>65402 pic its referencing + some other kdubs
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(112.07 KB 916x1416 GU6dVbGbIAAIs3l.jpg)
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(6.30 MB 2048x2732 Untitled_Artwork.png)
>>65221 any source on the first and second images here? reverse image search isn’t turning anything up
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>>66018 @rancidducky on twitter :)
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i come bearing more original fat best girl rolal its a damn shame the original thread came to an end
>>67165 aren't you the dude from the last thread who drew some roxys?
Yea and I started a twitter & deviantart now too :). You can find me at "sneakykinkstash" if/when I upload anything else
>>67193 Would you take requests?
i'm open to hearing scenarios as it's hard to come up with stuff but i cant PROMISE requests, especially if its a character i dont rlly care for tbh
>>67254 I mostly just want more olive troll content, so any of that would be appreciated
