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Steven Universe Thread Anonymous 07/19/2024 (Fri) 16:34:22 Id:edc9fc No. 63802
Thread on draw died, let's see if it does better here. All artwork welcome
(139.73 KB 1920x1080 1711994493090198.jpg)
(406.89 KB 3194x2150 GP5fWOjaMAAgfTA.jpg.jpg)
(2.53 MB 2844x2820 3518045.png)
(3.12 MB 3000x3000 3115432.png)
(180.91 KB 1064x763 1655090153022.png)
spoilered for gas
(222.69 KB 1113x908 Connie1.png)
(434.17 KB 1920x1332 Connie2.png)
(738.43 KB 2400x2000 Connie3.png)
(833.88 KB 1920x1440 Connie4.png)
(964.98 KB 4626x3841 Connie_Spinel.png)
(2.53 MB 4067x3000 comm 013e-6.png)
(973.42 KB 2048x1200 Priya and Rose.png)
Does anyone have a hypnosis(?) pic of a fat Pearl telling the viewer to relax and there’s a blobby amethyst eating robonoids(?) from the ceiling?
>>63858 Is this it?
>>63893 Yep!
Does anyone have the quartzlover archive?
that guys SU stuff is utter shit and he even admits that its shit
>>64022 >>64023 Do you happen to have the Aquamarine drawings they did/colored?
(133.17 KB 1280x737 Strike_One.jpg)
(188.70 KB 1280x583 Strike_Two.jpg)
(601.95 KB 1000x832 periconnie.png)
(1.18 MB 1830x1337 ampearl.png)
gas warning
(590.87 KB 3500x3500 FKrtVfqUUBQWA_W.jpg)
(585.20 KB 3500x3500 FLL_AmdWUAIqZMK.jpg)
(523.06 KB 3500x3500 FNH6sdtXMAQo1vw.jpg)
(463.94 KB 3000x3000 FP2JND5WUA4hacO.jpg)
(3.06 MB 3975x3627 beachgarnt.png)
(1.06 MB 2014x2542 FxFBrvqaQAE-FI5.jpg)
(253.32 KB 1860x1617 E6LcUWiX0AAxb3s.png)
(235.62 KB 1557x1683 E6LcUXkWUCEYOOi.png)
(328.29 KB 1971x1728 E6LcUYYWYAAP7Y9.png)
(229.52 KB 1809x1449 E6LcUZNWUAgZM14.png)
>>64025 Nope, sorry. I found this lapis though
(191.74 KB 1600x2029 peridot1.jpg)
(2.49 MB 3500x2722 peridot2.png)
(1.48 MB 8629x5434 peridot3.jpg)
(1.23 MB 5372x3660 peridot4.jpg)
(1.83 MB 3548x3209 peridot5.png)
(2.61 MB 3548x3344 [CM] A Payoff Of Peridot.png)
>>64135 slob alts for part 4 and 6 of the peridot sequence here >>63807
(132.53 KB 1280x1280 Untitled379_20240725124631.png)
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>>64477 >>64478 you drew these?
>>64480 Yes i did!
>>64486 Let me be the first to say, you did a very smashing job
(82.56 KB 1056x1082 garnet-amethyst-and-pearl.jpg)
>>64486 Thank you for sharing, if I could give some constructive criticism then I would advice you to work on proportions since they're all vastly different sizes in that last group picture. But keep on drawing what you like, I like how you drew garnet in all her different outfits
(583.08 KB 1280x1280 Untitled424_20240729131219.png)
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(135.32 KB 1280x1280 Untitled424_20240731235006.png)
>>64641 >>64642 >Literal circletool garbage with ms paint shit scribbles scrawled on top. Why are we bringing the standards down this fucking low?
>>64649 These pics are Opal and Smoky Quartz
>>64654 Jesus christ you are retarded.
>>64656 I tried giving him some constructive criticism on how to improve and got ignored so
>>64004 found some more
Any one got Quartzlover915 I loved there lapis art it was epic
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(72.84 KB 875x913 IMG_9053.jpeg)
>>64135 Ngl with that lapis one I wish they did more belly but I found this made me happy I love lapis
(214.63 KB 1280x1195 IMG_9078.jpeg)
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(133.78 KB 956x836 IMG_9085.jpeg)
(70.29 KB 909x879 IMG_9093.jpeg)
Anything from TurnipUpp
(5.76 MB 3850x2160 Bloating Diamond.png)
(67.81 KB 736x736 IMG_0154.jpeg)
(725.28 KB 1179x2322 IMG_0159.jpeg)
Thanks ppl on Reddit who mock us for us who find this shit hot but for some reason wanna judge us cos we like fat/ big belly women
>>65372 Ehh it's just stupid kids, I was like that when I was their age too (except with five nights at freddy's and undertale because those were popular at the time). I'm more concerned by the fact parents just let them unsupervised on the internet to the point of them stumbling uppon this type of artwork, saving it and then flaunting it around for all to see
(109.86 KB 2012x2048 flab_lapis_by_disguting_dekikyl.jpg)
>>65825 Yessss I love lapis art I wish ppl did more ngl I wish ppl saved q913 art man I missed it
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