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Characters that represent gluttony Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 17:24:25 Id:a1653c No. 63872
Some IPs have a seven deadly sin set, let’s see the ones based on gluttony. Either oc, from vidya, cartoons, or anime, they’re out there somewhere. Shockingly, a good chunk of them are female. (Maybe we’ll allow other sins too)
>>63872 doobus goobus shouldva expected this tbf
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>>63874 doobus goobus can jump off a cliff for all I care, but his gluttony was adorable and inspired at least. There’s other representations of gluttony out there that are pretty fuckable too like Darlene Fleischermacher (DR3) and…if you can find any more, feel free to post them here. I’m sure there’s a couple animes that gottem.
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>>63883 >can’t walk just rolls Unf, that’s a good one.
>>63883 Damn, pretty cold dude.
(191.51 KB 1911x1080 Darlene Flieshermacher.WEBP)
>>63888 What can I say? He’s irrelevant. Now post some good gluttony reps, will ya?!
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>>63895 Sure thing, hoss.
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>>63897 https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Ghom Thank you. I’m contemplating including the other six sins, let’s keep it to gluttony for niw.
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There has to be more reps out there.
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>>64063 There is more gluttony stuff
(1002.82 KB 3918x4096 Gluttony Demon Berri.JPG)
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(1.25 MB 4000x3500 Gluttony Demon Pokey.JPG)
Now we’re cooking. It’s an entire seven deadly sin oc realm with tons of gluttony demons and shit
>>65578 >Furfag shit. No, we're not cooking. Take this shit back to the furry board.
>>65623 Damn bro, you roasted him
(1.79 MB 1334x750 Defeat.png)
>>65623 God fucking damnit, you’re right. I made a serious error. Might as well pack it in and MAKE ANOTHER FUCKING LOLI THREAD! IS THAT BETTER?! FUCK, HELP!
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>>65665 Oh yeah, the seven deadly sins application to children’s TV shows. You used that to post MORE FUCKING LOLI?! Well played…
