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Rosebuds Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 22:30:26 Id:82b044 No. 75559
oh please god please I want all the Maricela in the world
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this too
Is the creator of this comic into Loli?
not that i know of
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>>75560 Surely you have more than this, anon, you can post more.
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>>75827 What are you talking about?
>>75826 I really don't, sorry
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>>75884 Just look up Maricela or Rosebuds on desuarchive, you’ll find a large archive of stuff
oh thank you!
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>>75559 Is Maricela your favorite Rosebuds sister?
>>76397 yup, she's a real cutie!
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Here’s some Rosa titty art. Might as well share all sorts of big asset art.
still can't believe dee retweeted that fat of a maricela
>>77043 There's no way he's not into this shit. Honestly, I think he's flying too close to the sun with it. I doubt he makes it to '26 without getting run out of the business by the "2d rights"fags or, God forbid, busted for actual CP. Enjoy it while you can, fellas.
>>77043 Wait, which tweet was that?
(258.88 KB 591x788 dee.png)
>>77064 I really doubt he is. I could argue he’s probably pushing his luck with Rosa’s tits, though. But the fact he’s gotten as far as he has is a sight to behold. >>77073 I’m not seeing it. What’s wrong with this pic? Just seems like a regular piece of fanart.
>>77078 Oh, that, that’s nothing.
>>77078 I agree it's pretty much nothing if that's the tweet >>77043 was refering to. Unless it's some other obscure retweet from before
>>77072 I mean the second image, of the Maricela and the ice cream lady sprites
>>77072 huh, sorry could have sworn dee retweeted that sprite art of Maricela and that ice cream girl, sorry.
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in other news, i swear he's making maria thicker.
>>77085 >>77087 Still though, I don't see what the problem is, it's just pixel art, and the art of the ice cream lady is parodying a Supertramp album cover.
no problem, it's just that Maricela's a ball in that lol
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(379.46 KB 2048x1008 Rosebuds 2025-01-05.jpg)
>>77094 I mean tbf, have you seen Maricela as of late? Her being a ball is just accurate to the source material.
proud of her!
>>77064 We'll see you in '26 then, phallus
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maybe the gluttony's genetic
if maricela and maria are putting on weight as the series goes on, then rosa should put on weight too! and then there can be a diet arc! of course in the end, everyone would just gain all the weight back for a comedic ending!
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Here's some stuff of Pen from the other comic Pen & Ink
>>77064 Projecting so hard you could double as a drive-in theater, good lord.
How'd this guy get a big tittied bitch onto the page of a newspaper?
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>>78365 There NEEDS to be more stuff of Maria, it’s a shame there isn’t.
(2.06 MB 3600x1974 Mega-Ton Maria.png)
>>77650 Image that Last Panel in 2nd pic edited to make it look like Rosa's Big Ass!
