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Villaru Thread Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 04:11:27 Id:4a6983 No. 78456 >>78501
Hey, looking for some pics Villaru did of their OC Maddie but like, as a pig. All I can find is this one but there were two others (plus an alt): One was them really big eating from a trough, a gas alt of that, and then there was an up close, I think the text said "World's First Pig Woman" or something? Oh yeah, also general Villaru thread because I like their weird stuff and super round fats.
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>>78456 I have the gas alt of the follow-up and that's it. Personally I have no recollection of her ever doing a close-up for this piece, but it's possible I just never came across it before it was deleted. I know 100% there was a companion piece to this sequence of her other oc being fattened up into a cow in two stages, but I never got around to saving it unfortunately.
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These images seemed to have also been deleted. Wish the originals were still up :(
>>78542 That's a shame, that one looks really good. This one's really good too though, love their rounded fats.
Quick question, is this thread only for the farm stuff from that specific series? Or can we post whatever here and make it the official Villaru thread? Because all their stuff, slob, fart, et cetera, is /bbwalt/ to the bone.
Anyone got some hot stuff of that Indian girl?
>>78552 You can post general Villaru pics, I'm just looking for the farm pics if anyone has them.
>>78700 that’s not villaru that’s softestcore (inspired by villaru) but it’s pretty good
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Never mind what I said on /inf/ in the blueberry thread. I forgot this was here. Don’t know why they terminated the One Piece thread from /draw/ when that show is sticking around harder than The Simpsons Anyway, Nami as a helpless and busty orange is hot as fuck, especially when she hates it. Hope Villaru makes a part two where they mash her crotch down on one of these.
>>78542 >>78501 God dam thank you i have been looking for these for a long ass time.
Anyone got totally spies?
anyone got the totally spies stuff they did?

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