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Know your place gooner! Obese gooners 01/30/2025 (Thu) 15:34:27 Id:8d9f61 No. 78647
Ruin your mind and body for porn! OINK! OINK! OINK!
>>78647 I want to be a good fat retard for mommy~ I need to gain more weight... Can't ever be too fat... It's never enough...
I know we're on the alt board, but...c'mon, who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Lol. No I’m not gonna do that. I like to be in shape and have my woman fat.
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Boy gooners matter too!~
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Someone please make an edit out of this~
This shit is so cringe. I bet none of you are even overweight. You probably stuff your face looking at this shit and jerking off and then feel guilty and miserable afterwards and don't eat for the rest of the day I'd at least respect you if you committed, but I know you're just larping
>>78690 All good boys are fat filthy gooners~ Ruin your mind and body for porn!
>>78690 I made a quick audio gen of the 5th picture, voice might not fit but I didn't want to run out of credits (plus southern belle feeders are a bit trashy which might work). Trying to see if I can clone Astolfo for free, but if I can use a laptop gpu locally instead this might be easier. https://voca.ro/1fNiYzFH7cZC
>>78732 >Distractingly monotone and emotionless AI slop voice that barely sounds human. We're supposed to get off to this shit?
>>78734 You do realize on /ee/ there's a weight gain encouragement thread, along with /bbwai/ that does these for fun? It's okay to say these aren't for you. Again, it was a quick gen, if somebody knew what they were doing it would be 10x better. You wouldn't care either way, so you can just hide the thread if you hate it.
>>78735 >'It's okay to say that these aren't for you' Aight, but that's not what I think. What I think is exactly what I said, which is that I find the AI slop voice to be off-putting and unarousing. Being a gooner and having standards aren't mutually exclusive, crazy I know. I don't want to fap to a flat robot voice as much as I don't want to fap to some shitty Ms paint circletool art and I can't imagine I'm the only person who feels this way.
I know all zoomers are autistic as hell and have zero self-respect, but how in God's name is plastering text all over a drawing supposed to make it more arousing?
>>78741 Well if you expect the best, that defeats the point of OC on a basket weaving forum. 90% of anons here can't VA for shit, the remaining 10% aren't degenerate enough to out themselves or they're troons that can barely pass a whisper siren. No female VA would ever touch this site when they can get Paytreon dollars or be a discord kitten for a sugar daddy. Unless you have deep pockets or you think you're hot shit that defies the odds, AI is the only reasonable solution here (and less annoying to coach than a VA per take). That said, default voice cloning isn't all that it's cracked up to be. On this second try, I had better luck with making a new synthetic voice than using Astolfo clips as planned. The only thing I haven't tried is overdubbing with AI, and that's behind a paywall. Custom British Dom Mom, ElevenLabs: https://voca.ro/1fQsGg1QrVf8 Astolfo, Speechify trial: https://voca.ro/1g4pEFq3qebm
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>>78797 Hot garbage, no one has ever gotten hard over your ms paint slop and you've wasted ours of your life.
this is making me hungry
if I remember, there was a discord server for this thread anyone have a link?
>>78797 Big fan of the second one honestly. >>79256 I want to say this was it? https://discord.gg/yX9MHWeX
>>79257 yeah this is exactly it! thanks a ton!
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I just want to lose my mind in fat~
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I just want to become a fat, fat pig~
>>79374 Good piggy~ Ruin your body and mind for food and porn~ Oink for mommy!
>>79374 6th one is so me~ 🏳️‍⚧️
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The urge to become someones obese gooner slave is unreal~
Is it possible if someone resends the discord link again please.
Any gooner pigs Wana talk to an extreme feeder mommy Kik: jef2140
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Some more goon fuel for my fat hogs here
>>80600 It's perfect! I need more~ I want to be her~
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Come find me on kik jef2140
