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Games Thread 9: New Year Edition Games Thread 9: New Year Edition 02/03/2025 (Mon) 22:33:07 Id:e6156d No. 79118
Another thread Gone, another thread made. Let's hope that with the new year that some cool games get made/updated. Speaking of which, what are you guys hoping to see this year? Personally, as a backer, I'm very excited for Super Sweet's release as everything I've played and seen so far looks fantastic.
What if instead of everyone always asking for a game we put the newest version of every game in the same file for everyone and when it gets updated we replace it? Is that possible?
>>79144 It's a good idea,who will be in charge of the gofile or drive folder?
>>79145 Wouldnt everyone be in charge? they would just post the file and say "heres the updated file with some of the games i added that i like"
>>79144 Wouldn't that just get too massive to be uploaded? God help anyone who only want one specific game because everything else is absolute trash.
>>79118 Awesome OP image, there was more Feeder Fantasy fan art in a previous thread of Alicia. There was one of the Raising Money in Town girls by the same artist too, if anyone has it would be much appreciated. (Twitter where it was posted is impossible to navigate.)
>>79171 cant you normally choose what you want/dont want to download before starting?
Does anybody have the new DIET 0.32 update?
Indulgences v0.4 is out, kemono probably will scrape it in a few days.
Does anyone have the latest update of WGDS?
Does anybody have Myre’s Massive Mealtime v0.587 by Juxtaterrestrial
Indulgences V.4 is out, can someone update Cringe Indeed's kemono? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/81238499
Does anyone have this game? The download link no longer seems to work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Gd9WA7lho6o
>>79303 Did you try the copy hosted on weightgaming? https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/onikusato-shooting-game-image-shake-application-translation-and-download-script/43716
>>79260 >>79298 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/81238499/post/121578843
>>79304 Oh I somehow missed the other download link lol. Thanks
>>79306 Super based
>>79306 I'm having trouble with the download, can anyone reup on gofile?
Can anyone upload FMA 0.61 to kemono or gofile?
Does anyone have that new "Feeder Simulator" Game? Maybe start a kemono for TheGrowState (the dev)?
Please sirs... could you spare a spot of Famished 0.19 for a poor orphan?
>>79336 Wot?
Does anyone have the RPG Maker game with the badly edited sprites or the 13% finished visual novel with ideas far outstretching what is reasonably practicable for a single dev? Been looking for them for ages.
I recently learned that the mod Fallout Neuvo Mexico has been canceled by its dev team. Does anyone know what the context was for the fat art in the trailer was or any way to get in contact with the dev team members?
>>79363 A settlement built from or around a vault that was given an abundance of food on purpose I would have to guess, like Vault 21 revolving around gambling the gimmick here was housing a completely obese population?
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>>79363 >>79368 Could be also a reference to nuka break if I were to wager given the fan vault in that was literally just lol dude what if we give an entire vault full fatasses junk food.
>>79335 I too am begging for you sirs... a little spare of Famished 0.19, please care for the charity.
>>79378 nah cuz furry
>>79385 congrats? does smth happen if you get 100?
>>79398 I have become the ultimate saar
>>79378 tis on kemono
Hey, if anyone has the newest Sultan's Harem update I would be super grateful for it
>>79408 On kemono. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/87890142 Or is there a v0.7 somewhere?
Anyone has Weighted grades?
>>79420 give more info! by whom - what site - where can we find it?
Does anyone have the 0.6 download for salvor deep?
>>79177 What game is this?
>>79452 Feeder Fantasy, a sweet and simple fetish game that I really enjoy. https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/feeder-fantasy-by-fallboy-translations-mods-ver-1-3-1-original-ver-5-0/21504
any games with slob?
Anyone happen to have the new D.I.E.T. update?
https://duperboyprime.itch.io/junos-soft-landing The password is 1234 but it can't work
>>79507 That was for the demo and the post is deleted. I took a random guess and the password for the full game is juno
>>79507 Anyone has unclocked 2 ending?
>>79523 I assume the 2 endings are whether you cleared each minigame on the first attempt. I did that and got the blob in space ending. It still unlocks the regular immobile sprite in the gallery so I didn't bother with a replay.
>>79306 Kemono is glitching out again, every time I try to download the PC version of 0.4 it goes to an "Unable to connect" page... I can download the Mac version just fine though. It's not the first time I've run into this, I think there's a daily limit on downloads now... I'll try again in 24 hours.
>>79410 Doesn't work unfortunately. HTTP error.
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Hi, apparently I'm bad at games and can't get past stage 4 of Juno's Soft Landing. So here's is the image pack of Juno! Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/YU1Ixv
>>79538 how did you get the image pack?
>>79538 oh hey, thanks for the heads up that this guy made another game. his last one was quite good
Has anyone found if it's possible to download juno's soft landing? I despise playing such a games in web browsers, because they take forever to load.
I just noticed that dude who made "juno's soft landing" and memories in calories, also made "burger binge" - shitty AI game with no real gameplay, story and ugly ai art. I'm so glad that he moved to making games with real art, i feel like he has knack for making short games, even if we consider the whole drama with paywalled gain jam access.
>>79538 The key for this game is ALWAYS "sending" hacks with the bonus for matching "rotating arrow" direction, i already spent some time playing it an trust me that it's hard to win any stage without using this function.
Does anyone have a copy of Dev Build - I Want Candy bye blobygon? I keep getting 404 when trying to download it using the link on their kemono page
>>79551 how do you get the 2nd ending?
>>79554 I only know that it's based on amount of times that you fail hacking process, but i never tried to calculate it precisely. I got it accidentally when i lost hacking minigame a few times before i learned how it works, even during "perfect" ending game mentions that you achieved that ONLY because you persuaded Juno due to your perfect hacking skills.
So to make it simple. One ending is achieved for losing hacking minigame (common sense tells me that losing once is enough) Second ending is achieved for doing all hacks perfectly
>>79557 i tried failing multiple times and nothing
>>79538 Would anyone be willing to share the download files for this game?
>>79538 to get the other ending you have to beat all stages without failing once and of course the last one is hard af. fuck you dev
>>79561 go on kemono and type juno for the games password
>>79562 It's not hard at all if you just use the mechanic that's explained at the beginning, all you have to do is always send your hack with usage of "arrow bonus"
>>79563 Thanks man, I assumed the "demo" link would just be for the demo, glad to see it's for the full game!
I heard Blobygon will add rolling for Dev Build in WIP.
>>79564 i did the arrow bonus and still in the final stage you just get swarmed by the enemy
>>79569 no worries enjoy
>>79578 I played through the game again to see where the difficulty complaints are coming from and I don't get it. On the final stage, you can just target one of the 30 capacity folders and convert it before the enemy can. Then you can snipe the other 30 as soon as the enemy captures it, because folders start at 0 health when the enemy captures them. Your two folders and base then overrun the whole board.
>>79582 i tried again and did it first try. i just spammed to fill all the slots and before I waited to almost fully charge, but still the lines I made to connect half the time wouldnt register
What games do you recommend for mobile?
>>79582 >>79583 It doesn't work well enough using a laptop track pad, glitches out. So only someone using a mouse is going to be able to get past the 4th level. I would imagine it's crazy difficult if not impossible on mobile as well. I just said screw it, not worth the frustration for the minor payoff.
>>79597 There is a cheatmode on the gallery screen. Switch to a locked image and type in the password "fatjuno". It reduces the enemies resources by 30% and boosts the player's resources by 30% which should make up for the trackpad being slower to aim.
>>79550 back when ai games were first coming out, some people defended it by saying it was just to supplement a good game. it's a bit funny to see that this guy actually was using it for that and ditched it as soon as he could make his own art
Good news, DIET 0.32 is out on kemono. Bad news, you need permission to access the google drive to download it :( Did anyone have the chance to get it?
Any of You could share the heft effect by cupcupmug?
Question: Does anyone have Fataclysm paid v1.3? A previous thread had a download link, but it expired and is inaccessible without a premium GoFile account.
>>79653 Ive got it and a save with everything done, but idk where to post it and i dont want to make an account to post it somewhere
Does anyone have the patch for Indulgences v.42. It was just posted a few days ago just to fix a few of the issues that the game had.
>>79653 i gotchu bro https://gofile.io/d/rQStkq
>>79834 Thank you! Imminent 5 star review on Yelp *
>>79635 Here: https://gofile.io/d/gSmKZV Hoping for MWFP (livegoeson) or the new update for wholehog, either way enjoy.
>>79600 People were less pissed at the AI and more at his attempt to paywall a game posted in a gamejam... who even does this? "Ah yes, here is my participation to this competition, by the way to play the full version please send money to me."
>>79849 Seconding this, MWFP is a little gem.
>>79849 >https://gofile.io/d/gSmKZV Could you resend it? The link is not working for me
Is that D.I.E.T game worth? I tried to look up some stuff about it and from what ive seen, the girls dont look like they get very big at all, and im willing to bet theres no animated sex scenes like fattening career. Maybe they dont show any of that in the promo material but hiding it is making me not want to buy it, cause I dont know if im just wasting my time.
>>79886 Best not to spend money, it's hardly worth it. Every new storyline feels half-baked recently, and when there's blob content, coastal sure knows how to make 'em look like Jabba the Hutt.
>>79886 Its good, though later stages often feels like they are rushed and needs more focus and screen time, and many definitely needs an epilogue
Anyone have the new wholehog 1.6 update?
>>79890 Probably never gonna be epilogues or show the characters any bigger. Clearly he's using the same body morphed model over and over again for every single character in his game and has no artistic skill when it comes to modifying them, and even if he knew how to do retopology given what's in game he probably doesn't grasp anatomy enough not to make them look weird. All it would take is adding a few edge loops to boost the vertex count and reshape the models a bit but I don't think he even knows how to operate a 3D software. So yeah, I wouldn't count on any epilogues or fatter sizes, let alone body variety for the characters in those games unless he hires a competent artist or go through some rigorous 3D software training. He'll probably just keep using the same body morphs, make them pose, take a screenshot and stick them in some generic background and write a silly story for them for the rest of the updates.
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>>79904 To be honest, you're like 80% right ha. Almost guaranteed to never be epilogues or show the characters any bigger because 1) I actually dislike them at that size, 2) it takes me forever to even make them that big without causing clipping in VaM, 3) I don't have quality morphs for that size, and 4) I don't care enough to learn how to create my own morphs in Blender and then convert them over to VaM. As for using the same body morphed model? That's wrong actually. I have 1044 "favorited" body morphs that I use, and typically use anywhere from 25% to 50% of them at any given time. I've done some more unique body shapes before (i.e. Ruby who definitely was more lower body focused), but for the most part, I create what I enjoy and share it (and it's nice that some people want to pay me for it). Unlike Fattening Career, this is not my full time job by any means. Additionally, I update quite a bit more frequently than his content (I update now every 6 to 8 weeks, whereas the last update to Fattening Career was October 12th 2024). So in order to stay on schedule, I don't create the same type of content (my stuff is sprites & renders vs his renders & videos). Kudos to bladerune9 for what he's done - I'm not about to spend the type of time on this that he does. I'm happy with the amount of time I spend on this, the content I create in that timeframe, and the extra income it has granted me. As to the other anon saying that they don't know if they would be wasting their time buying it - it's not like I don't have a demo that shows you exactly what the visual novel is (it's on version 0.25.0 and the current live version is 0.32.0) so there's plenty to judge it. And with that said, you can always give it about a week or so and it gets released here anyways so it's not like it's impossible to figure out what it consists of. I'll agree that a lot of the storylines as of lately have been rough (except with the exception of the most recent one) - that's because polarisdreamer has been my writer for most of D.I.E.T., however, he had to step back for a few months and that put me in a position where a) I had to write them - and I'm no author - or b) I brought someone else in - some did fine, but it's clearly not the same as my GOAT polarisdreamer. With all that said, there's a new VaM morph artist named Chaser's Morphs that I'm keeping an eye on who creates custom fat body morphs. Depending on how their content develops, I'm considering requesting a commission to get better body morphs for larger sizes. Lastly, I'm always pretty honest with you scurvy buccaneers. In my opinion, D.I.E.T. is unabashedly mediocre. I could make it a lot better with a lot more time and effort. But let's be real - I value my time more than some chase for artistic perfection in a medium where my audience is just gooning anyways.
>>79324 There is a kemono page but the creator disabled the mega link for the demo https://kemono.su/patreon/user/65298181 Did anyone get a copy of feeder simulator while the link was active?
New Whole Hog is out, can someone share it?
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>>79918 >"In my opinion, D.I.E.T. is unabashedly mediocre" >Proceeds to make a lowball of 30k to a highball of 60k USD per year off patreon as part time gig if true
>>79918 Original poster of the previous message here, totally fair, your time is your time, and nobody's entitled to you and you should be free to do things the way you want, that's a standard if you don't want to lose your mind and any motivation to do anything, mediocre work is still better than no work after all. >>79934 Also nothing wrong with this, making money off what you do, no matter the quality isn't an issue with the creator, it's an issue with the consumer, if the low quality standard is enough for them and they give them money, it's their choice, don't blame the provider blame the tasteless consumer. It's what makes me question a lot people playing games like Pokémon daily despite the quality dropping at an alarming rate. If you want them to improve the quality, stop providing them with your money, which is what this very site is about after all.
>>79925 seconding this
>>79925 This dude is such a tryhard, first he adds password to his mega, and then he deletes that. I swear, once i get my hands on this game, i'm gonna upload it here as often as possible, just to rebel against him.
>>79952 i didnt even know about the kemono until today
>>79952 Right! How dare he have the audacity to want to be paid for his work
>>79952 v0.1 will be free this month.
>>79966 Exactly, how dares he take away my right to steal from him?
>>79952 Yeah you can tell when someone was pirating shit (possibly from these threads even) before they made their game when they come out the gate knowing all the anti-piracy tricks and ways to get around kemono.
>>79976 remember, always kick the ladder after you
>>79930 Seconding Link to his kemono page https://kemono.su/patreon/user/61671581
>>79989 I see, but the last update was 2024-12-14
>>79990 And that’s a problem
>>79918 >But let's be real - I value my time more than some chase for artistic perfection in a medium where my audience is just gooning anyways. This comment's been bouncing around in my head ever since I first read it and I feel compelled to respond. "I'm going to half-ass a hobby passion project because my audience is a bunch of ingrates and hogs" is... An odd take. Cynicism in the creative process is going to leak through to the final product. If you don't want to put your best foot forward in something that's supposed to be fun and expressive then, that's just sad, man.
>>80015 They dropped it. My dick can finally get hard again
>>80015 You made a couple of assumptions there that aren't entirely correct. D.I.E.T. never was a hobby passion project. By the time I started D.I.E.T., my content creating was already a small part time job that I was looking to grow. D.I.E.T. was my way of doing so. I had an idea and knew I was capable of putting it together. Thus, D.I.E.T. is an extension of my side gig. I spend about 15 hours a week on all of my content which jumps up to about 30-40 hours a week on the final two weeks before a release. Could I spend 40 hours a week every week? Sure. But that was burning me out which is why I dropped back to a release every 6 to 8 weeks. If this was my full time job, I'd be happy to spend 4 months working 40-60 hours a week for 1 update. But 1) it's not and 2) I don't want it to be. Surprisingly, I have a life, a full time job, a separate part time job (outside of content creating), and friends & family that I like to see. So I do value my time more than some pursuit of perfection. That's not to say I dislike what I do. I definitely enjoy the process and there are parts that I enjoy more (designing the appearances is top of that list), but I'm happy with the balance I have in my life. And I appreciate that I have support from others to do so. If and when my support dies off, I will have already achieved far more that I ever expected to when starting out and I will then rest easy.
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>>80022 look im going to be real with you, 15 hours a week on a daz3d tier visual novel that looks like this is just sad. do you have no shame or pride? even if you tear away the fetish aspect completely this is the kind of thing you sweep under the rug when talking about what you've made. >I value my time more than some chase for artistic perfection in a medium where my audience is just gooning anyways. i get it, i really do. but at the same time you should at least try to make something that you can say you're proud of making. sounds silly in relation to fetish work, but its still the truth. do you think games like apostles or some bullshit became popular because they were half assed? no. the devs actually care about those games. people noticed it, and more people like them than the baseline of brainless coomers. you on the other hand? you only have those coomers. of course im probably talking to a brick wall here, if you were even remotely capable of that line of thinking you wouldnt be making a short story collection in the first place
>>80028 Not everyone can be passionate about what they do on the same level as other people, you're cherry picking some extreme cases there. Like it was discussed and I mentioned earlier they just want to do something on the side, they did, it's better than nothing, if they aren't feeling it they aren't feeling it. Clearly it's not a complete waste of creative effort since some people are willing to support them. Yeah it's not poetic justice that they aren't doing it with passion and full investment, but I'd rather know a few people who genuinely enjoy doing something for the sake of it on the side, and will probably improve or expand into more invested projects eventually and still got a drive to keep doing something constructive, than 1 artist that's hella passionate about a project and then give it up after a year or two because they burnt themselves out going full throttle.
>>80028 Also 15 hours a week for something this quality is totally normal. If you take into account that they also need to write the plotline themselves on the side (that probably include characters sheets, want need and goals) as well as a story with a start, a middle, a finish and a conclusion that's probably 3000ish words, and then fiddle with the bodymorphs and scenes and find the ideas for all of it while they're probably a complete amateur and doing it as a way to pass time, and also would need to be in the proper headspace after doing a full time job, then it's totally fair. Now the models look like shit on the pictures you posted, but that's because there is no way to make Virt-a-mate models like anything but trash. I'm still convinced that they might actually enjoy learning to use Blender and make their own models, it isn't as hard as people would think once you go over the basic hurdles of learning shortcuts, magnetism and how to use modifiers as well as the different tools, but it's somewhat gratifying to know it's something you made yourself to your taste as a result. One point, I must agree on somewhat is, they shouldn't be doing a product "for the gooners". The people playing aren't entitled to anything from a dev, and the dev themselves in return shouldn't be entitled to anything to their players. If anything I strongly believe dev here should stop seeing it as "doing this for a bunch of gooners" and more like "doing this for myself" it's much more gratifying this way, and quality follows organically with the fun you're having constructing something for yourself.
Loving or hating the games on the persons preferences. If the dev thinks hes putting enough work into it then thats his choice. The game is just a hobby the dev has in there free time. If anyone things the game can be improved then sure give suggestions, but dont talk shit about it or just move on to another game.
>>80022 Now I know why your comments and DIET as a whole rubbed me the wrong way. It's designed as content, not as art (and if you think porn can't be art I disagree, but that's a different discussion.) Which is a shame, but get that bag I guess, you're clearly doing something right if the ingrates show up in this thread on masse when an update drops.
There's a lot of vitriol over my comments, but I'm fine with looking past that aspect and review the content of the feedback (and providing my thoughts). (Also, I like sharing the process a bit which is not something I usually do anyways. It's kind of nice to share to actually share with a select few as it is) The 15 hours a week mixes in a multitude of things that I do (beyond just VaM visuals). Things that are included are: - Story planning & brainstorming (as another mentioned) - Asset hunting & verifications of compatibility (so many clothing assets that fit horribly in VaM...) - Visual novel software "coding" (I say coding in quotes since TyranoBuilder has a lot of non-coding aspects, but some areas I do have to hardcode to actually function) - Review of scripts, rewrites, additional scripts/scenes, etc. (polarisdreamer does awesome work, but it's not a 1-for-1 adaptation of what he produces) - Unity asset conversions (unsurprisingly, I often have to find & purchase other assets and convert them from Unity to work with VaM) - The imaging process (as mentioned, appearances, body poses, morphs, removing clipping, lighting and camera angles, removing backgrounds for sprite images, and so forth) - Business aspects (i.e. - managing expenses, tracking tax deductions, paying taxes, etc.) - Bug testing, compressions (Steelmaker came in clutch with that one), converting to other systems - Scratched content (there's been plenty of times I've gotten several hours into different projects and realized it never should see the light of day lol) - Additionally, I still put out content beyond just D.I.E.T. on a three day a week rotation I remember speaking with themagamaman when I was first getting into this and he warned me about how much time this stuff can take. I thought he was exaggerating then, but now I see why he's not producing the same amount of content. I'm glad that some people like it (more than I ever thought would) and that it's helped me get ahead of where I was financially in life. I continue to appreciate when I get comments about how much they enjoyed an update, or even when they ask for something else to be included in the future. For those that go "you're bad and you should feel bad" then I refer them back to post No. 79934 above. As to the comment about how I "shouldn't be doing a product for the gooners", I would say I don't. I do it for me - because I enjoy it and it makes money. My comment about the gooners is an explanation as to why I rationalize not hyper fixating on trying to make it perfect and why I am comfortable balancing my free time with my creation time (while still sticking to schedules). I think that porn can be art. I just don't agree with mine being art. My Patreon states I'm "creating Digital Weight Gain Content" and my DeviantArt states I'm a "3D WG Creator". I've never pretended to be an artist since I know I'm not an artist. But I'm definitely a creator of content. There are others who make art - and I like their stuff. But my goal is to provide consistent content that those who do like my content can enjoy while simultaneously enjoying it myself and generating an income. If I wasn't making an income with this, I would still create content that I enjoy, just at a far slower rate than I do now.
>>80053 You're selling yourself short, art is art as long as something comes out of it and you convey it to somebody, and that somebody appreciates it. That de facto makes you an artist by principle, writing is an art, programming is an art, even organizing a scene albeit with models you haven't made into a shot is an art, and videogames are definitely an art, which makes you an artist. Now how much you want to invest yourself in that path is completely up to you, and you can only go forward if you start with something. Now that this is said, your patreon supporters support you probably more than they support what you produce, meaning, you could invest some of that time improving on things rather than just making more of the same thing. VAM and Ren'py are currently, something that limits you art. Distancing yourself from VAM would improve the visual, distance yourself from Ren'py would improve the gameplay, because those two things will never actually let you do anything more than what you're doing currently (if we were to assume you'd be willing to do more) But know this, despite this being fetish content, and niche fetish content at that, if you do try to improve the amount of people supporting you and the quality of your work would make you probably grow both financially and on a personal level, you can do something for money AND enjoy it, those things aren't mutually exclusive.
Will you niggers stfu and post links
>>80101 cmon dont say the n word
>>80053 >Story planning & brainstorming (as another mentioned) Are you open to suggestions, or prefer keep this for yourself to keep making things as close to your tastes?
>>80117 I'm absolutely open to suggestions. I have a shared Google Drive folder that I keep updated with ideas & generalized plots that polarisdreamer pulls from. Sometimes we just override that list, but we're certainly happy to add more to the list. As for >>80085 I'm definitely limited by VaM & TyranoBuilder (I don't use Ren'py). I've done preliminary research into others, but the hard part is that all character appearances are in VaM format. It would be a colossal project to try and rebuild those appearances. At some point if & when D.I.E.T. becomes too large of a file then I'll look to do a Volume 2 and at that point I may branch out a bit more to different styles, but that's quite a ways into the future. >>80101 No u.
>>80127 >>80127 >I have a shared Google Drive folder that I keep updated with ideas Well, since I don't browse things much apart of this place, so I'll drop it here, maybe you'll like it I've had this idea cause i didn't see much of this power dynamic and im curious how this would work here To make things as short as i can make xd >Thought of a scenario when Protagonist and Nicole, instead of pushing things further, develop just a friendship since they both are a feeders, and one day they meet Gina >Gina and Nicole develop a deep relationship, and start to seeing each other, but since they both want the other one to be fat, things start to be a little tense >Then one day, they both ask secretly protagonist for help, offering something in return, and options are: -Help Nicole fatten Gina -Help Gina fatten Nicole -Reject both, and sneakingly fatten both of them If you are interested, i can write a full scenario
>>79966 Then fucking sell it don't run a subscription model. Some devs have done it on Itch.io where you have access to some files free (normally a demo / older build) and then the newest build or final build you have to pay to get to. Some devs on Steam (not WG content devs but other stuff) have done it so you can buy early access and they give patreon people an exe build that's updated basically monthly while the Steam early access build is updated 3 - 4 times a year with the previous however months patreon content. There are ways to do this shit. I'd rather pay for a title once than pay a rolling subscription for access to it. At least if I've paid once and the dev goes silent for 2 years, yeh sure it's not finished but I've not payed just to access it still and if they decide to come back it's a nice surprise because I've still not paid them more. I'd even go so far as to say paid once models are better for devs because they don't have to feel obligated to deliver content so no "I must work x amount on my game this month" and it also incentivises them (and I'm not saying this is many but there's always some bad actors) not drag the game out longer or the dev cycle longer to get more Patreon money and subs.
>>80157 I fully agree with you, while i avoid subscribing to patreon (i did it 2 or 3 times anyway and i'm ashamed of myself), i bought like 5 or 6 weigjy-gain games in total and even if i did not enjoy them, have not had feeling of losing money. I bought game, i downloaded it and tried it. Whenever i'll want to try it again, i can just download it once more and i won't need to pay more. I even uploaded a few tiles here. Now i just refuse to subscribe to anyone's patreon, but every time someone uploads their game on itch.io/steam, i do consider buying it. I know that devs need stable income to continue developing games, but as customer i could not care less. I literally don't give a shit about what kind of things they struggle with, i just want to play game and i'm ready to pay for it - ONCE
>>79571 It is out yet?
>>80157 I'm literally going to put it on Itch for free in like a week you absurdly impatient coomer. The project is 5 weeks old, get a grip.
>>80132 I actually like that concept - it's definitely unique. Although I wonder if it would be fun to somehow make it Nicole vs Lola instead of Gina (I'm not a huge fan of the Gina model ha). But Gina could work because she is more of a sneaky feeder too. Thank you for the suggestion!
>>80171 Since you are accepting suggestions, I would really like more things with Janet, i know is kinda hard to work with big models like her but i think it will be fun more content with a big girl like her
>>80174 Sorry the bad english i from brazil
>>80132 about which game is this?
>>80171 >I wonder if it would be fun to somehow make it Nicole vs Lola Well, ofc after all it depends how you'll develop it, but i'm not sure if it gonna fit her character, since so far she has been open to mutual gain or even prone to gaining alone Cause i think the most interesting aspect of that kind of story to explore would be the clash of similar characters. They both want to be dominant, both don't wanna get fat, so witnessing how they struggle to establish right power dynamic in a relationship, or to fatten them both into submission, would be the most entertaining in my opinion And, to bring things a little more psychological, another fun aspects to introduce could be the toll Gina or Nicole took after they offered Protagonist a favor for helping them in their sneaky plans As i said, i could write things further if you're interested
>>80169 This was more of a general rant about the state of WG games and those around them so you can get of your fucking high horse unless you feel the comment about dragging out development was calling your future plans out, in which case I hope it hit home.
>>80180 Hit home? Try the opposite. I've put literally every waking hour that I'm not at my actual full time job into this for practically the entire year so far. Most feedback has been same and useful, but all I've seen on here is people whining that it hasn't been immediately publicly launched for free in it's earliest most unfinished state that it will ever be in. You think shooting down seemingly brain-dead assumptions about my work puts me on a 'high horse'?
>>80181 No I think you jumping at me replying to some-one else and then showing you clearly didn't read or comprehend my point shows you are rather "tetchy" and too it somewhat to heart. I said sell access to be clear not give it free. I then pointed out my dislike for the Patreon subscription model
>>80182 You replied to a comment about my game, and I responded to that, no misunderstanding there. Sorry that you don't like patreon, but you sound smart enough to understand why I wouldn't release a 1 time payment system already for a game that has literally been in development for just over 1 month. Actually, you won't have to pay anything at all, the game will be free to play but free releases will be 1 patch behind. The Patreon is completely optional. Perhaps you could say I'm a bit "tetchy" about it, but this is a passion project that I care about a lot and don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about it from reading baseless conjecture.
kill all namefags
>>80185 Agreed.
Could anybody update WholeHog’s kemono? Would really appreciate it https://kemono.su/patreon/user/61671581
>>80188 I thought your game looked like shit but if you're starting fights here then I know it's shit.
>>80157 >I'd even go so far as to say paid once models are better for devs because they don't have to feel obligated to deliver content so no "I must work x amount on my game this month" and it also incentivises them (and I'm not saying this is many but there's always some bad actors) not drag the game out longer or the dev cycle longer to get more Patreon money and subs. I'm a dev with a Patreon and couldn't possibly hear a more retarded opinion. You can yell as much as you want buying once is better for you, but you will never gaslight a single dev this is better for them. Of course more coomers will buy the game if it's a 15$ single-time purchase, you could say 2000 coomers (that's a huge stretch though) will buy it, bringing the dev $30k, but making it a $10 sub for 1000 subs will bring me $120k in a year. And it's not for nothing, I'm providing monthly updates for this and doing a shit ton of work, I don't care about "I must work x amount on my game this month", I do this for a living alone and my games are fucking amazing. I don't miss your purchase, I won't lose 75% of my income so a poor fag like you could jerk off for a smaller price. Want a full game for $15? Wait a year until it's done and sub once, or better yet fucking kys because I hate your entitled ass.
>>80201 Okay Yanderedev, keep squeezing your patreons dry, burn their good will by never finishing/releasing your game, and stay mad. How dare bbw-chan anon suggest a pro-consumer funding option that breaks the broken endless dev cycles 90% of patreon funded wg games go through at the expense of the dev's greed
>>80201 If you're average weigh-gain game dev, then there's no way you will finish your game in one year and publish full version. We all know how it goes
Some projects are such obvious scams, that people should sue devs. Like Yummy sinpie with her big Royal rivalvry, or the infamous thick threat game. and "i'm not a scammer" devs usually take their time making game and even if you keep funding them for like 4-5 years, they either OFFICIALLY abandon project, keep making excuses for lack of updates, or keep publishing updates that barely change anything.
Super Sweet demo anyone?
why are there subcategories for loli shit? is everyone just gonna allow pedos to post their fav loli art?
>>80220 They're not real, take your meds.
>>80222 Western Animated Lolis 10, Fat Loli General - XII, Loli donks 2: The Redonkaring, Oppai loli and loli inflation/expansion 3, Peni Parker / Spider-Loli thread...
>>80184 1) Nice to hear it the game will be free in the end but don't burn out making it if you're doing it for free. 2) Yes the comment was about your game that I replied to. I widened it up to be about other games too mainly which I'd hoped the context would cone through on
>>80201 Kind tells me you're not that great at development then if other indie devs can survive selling their game once while you need people to pay $10 a month subs to play your title. I have no fucking clue which dev you are but claiming your games are amazing? That narrows it down to devs I can count on 1 hand. Most of whom I've interacted with before and are pretty decent people not stuck up their own arses so you'll excuse me if I cast a large ammount of doubt over the idea your games are amazing, even if you are a developer to start with which I'd say is something worthy of doubt considering this is the internet.
>>80201 the main reason subscriptions are "good" is that people forget they exist and end up paying for a service they no longer recall exists It's basically impossible to argue that this is how anything reasonable should be run, although it is true that this business model is wildly popular because "it works"
>>80208 >>80207 Poor fags keep proving they are poor because they are stupid. "Reeee but what if the dev abandons the game", newsflash if you paid for the game once and the dev abandoned it you still got fucking scammed (deservingly so).Your issue is not with monetization but with scamming devs, and this is literally your only argument because you are fucking retards. >>80225 >Kind tells me you're not that great at development then if other indie devs can survive selling their game once while you need people to pay $10 a month subs to play your title. "Survive"? Fucking lol. I'm not surviving, I'm thriving here. You fucking animals don't appreciate any work that's done for you, why should I change my quality of life from "upper middle class" to "surviving"? Will you start sucking my dick for it? I doubt it. You are allowed to not believe me, frankly, I don't care, I'm here just to shit on poor fags.
>>80255 Sure, whatever you say kid. Keep insulting your own source of income. Go on, out-mouthbreathe the mouthbreaters. You can do it. It's anon attitudes like this that keep the leaks flowing :) More than happy to be a hyperparasite on your 'upper middle-class' income. xD
Can't tell how many devs are in here, but seriously, I thought it was common knowledge at this point that blocking pirates doesn't really increase sales much (if at all) because people who pirate aren't gonna pull their wallet out just because you blocked them from pirating it. Also, in the micro-indie level of game dev, ANY attention on your game is good attention, I've found loads of games I've never heard of, solely by downloading ""demos"" of games off F-95, some I even subbed to afterward. When a dev blocks pirates successfully, it's almost like the game goes invisible, completely disappears from the internet. Even Denuvo-blocked games do that sometimes, it'll be some AAA game with heavy marketing and it'll end up selling a couple thousand copies on PC whereas it might sell millions on console. >>80250 Yeah, I run a Patreon tipjar and I'm pretty sure at least half the people subbed to me simply forgot to unsub or they don't care, as it's just $1/mo and I eat all the fees for them. >>79925 >game is called Feeder Simulator >dev is called "TheGrowState" >none of the thumbnails on the Kemono include any bellies of any notable size worthy of either name (some of the pics IN the posts are fine though) >one post has the generic Ren'Py UI in the thumbnail, but later posts show it's been replaced. Ehhhhhh... could be worse, but it's not for me, not my thing. IDK, VNs in general are often pretty bad for expansion-related fetishes anyway since you generally have no control over how big they get or when/how they get big, and every new chapter just makes them bigger forever. Sucks because not everyone likes things growing forever, but like, what else do you do when the character grows past the sizes you like?
>>80257 Nah, I'm not complaining about poor fags pirating, you are just a fact of life. I'm not even calling you "hyperparasites" that's a label you've chosen for yourself. No need to gaslight me into believing being nice to you will make you buy more games LOL
another games thread completely derailed ...
>>80266 True, dude.
My perspective might be too simple because I'm only just t getting into game development and such, and the final product probably won't happen. But this.entire argue seems dumb. Either pay game devs or don't. Given, pirates can still be invested enough to get it themselves. You're still gettingpaid content for free. The only thing I hate about this thread/kemono is that because it exist artist /devs have started using smarter methods of sharing content (unless you're like an artist like BWS, who is already making so much income leaked content doesn't dent much).
can this threat get renamed to the "complaining about games thread"?
>>80255 Yeh, it means I'm not still paying for access lol. Man you pulling the "Poorfags" stuff when generally selling a game once is a higher initial const and generally people paying Patreons are poorfags with poor money management so they pay a samller ammount each month. Simple economics there. Hell look up Sam Vines Boot theory for more on this. but hey you're being schooled by the person you think is a retard and so what does that make you? >"Survive"? Fucking lol. I'm not surviving, I'm thriving here...... Yeh that's telling me you're likely a troll because full time and also being upper middle class on patreon funded weight gain games? Maybe middle class at best and I can count those who could be about there on one hand and still have fingers left over.
Well this thread completely went to shit
>>80310 Yep, 100%, make a thread in gen to talk about games or something, keep this thread just for posting game links or brief discussion on problems or tips for the game.
anyone have the story guide for D.I.E.T 0.32
>>80336 >People talk about games? In games thread??
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Found this game when digging through itch.io. https://hungrybelly.itch.io/hungry-mermaid-cruise There are parts that I like such as being able to eat the sharks and the mermaid getting bigger from eating, but I feel that it needs some major reworking (mostly for the powerups and menu). Just gonna leave the zip and apk here since I could not find a free version without going to some dodgy/shady website and I feel that it wasn't really worth the $3 I paid for it. https://gofile.io/d/2qfPqV
>>80345 they'd rather have the thread be a chain of samefags going back in forth between "CaN AnYoNe GiVe BloByGoN UpDaTe?" and "Go AwAy FuRrY" every time the other asks for an update on Famished, stfg.
Wholehog update?
Let's not fight, I asked for a game Feed the Dragon but ok, I guess is better give than receive. Wholehog 1.6 (PC): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQXhZQndKd1MjeUNDNFVOUTFKMVo5Njc1SG1TQzVPR25fNDBpT0Q2NmlyLTFVZmZSN0RkRQ==
>>80370 what if i'm stupid and have forgotten what to do with that string
lol nvm i rememberd
Remind me?
>>80377 You need to be able to speak the sacred machine code of Base 64
>>80393 Praise be to the Omnissiah, my brothers in the Machine God
>>80370 why do the images look so scuffed?
>>80364 you're better off looking on a dedicated vore board, famished is basic bitch material on boards dedicated to it
>>80396 Idk, this game's been like this forever, it's like the creator uses a Windows 95 to make this game.
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It's my turn to contribute to the pirate cause. These two games contain weight gain content, but it's quite difficult to get to it. I provide links to the source and for downloading. https://yuliya3k.itch.io/the-village-party https://mega.nz/file/yYV1DJDI#OtXpJHoeS4aaZe1863-66pt2gum8l8kT5xG_bcfrQUs https://nemtropy.itch.io/hobby-of-the-dukes-daughter https://mega.nz/file/SVkDVLoB#DB3hscnigk3tm6PgjacNGlaURhp8R-_E1jGBC_L1xoY
>>80432 sry but shit games
>>80436 >>80403 For a bunch of people who are into self-indulgent people with medical issues causing them to have heart diseases, feeling terrible doing slight exercise, constantly sweaty and feeling helpless most of the time, which also happen not to fall into the society standard of beauty, you're all awfully judgmental and rapid to yuck some other people's yum. Whatever happened to solidarity between perverts I ponder. Also, telling people to go away won't convince anyone, nothing stops people somewhere else to do exactly the same, doesn't mean anyone will comply, this is a thread about weight gain videogames, not a thread about "weight gain videogames with only the kinks I care about mixed in", save yourselves the energy. As of it being a vore game, I'll invite you to read the description of the /bbwalt board. > Slob, VORE, muscle, etc You could also argue that it's a furry game, but same problem, it falls into both categories, what's next, someone there telling people to go back here because "there's vore in it" ? If it fits, it sits.
>>80393 >>80394 Ironic that the certainty of steel is used to serve the pleasures of the flesh. Tread carefully, Brothers, the temptations of Slaanesh are not to be taken lightly.
>>80444 cry about it
Anyone have the new version of Feed My Affection?
>>80370 >>80432 Because no one said this, thank you kind Kings
>>80444 ok but to be fair the second guy shared a yuliya game. those "games" are actual asset flip shovelware VNs with the 3D equivalent of circle tool art
Anyone have TheGrowState's "Feeder Simulator"?
>>80516 It'll be free in 2 days
>>80517 then people will start asking for 0.2, since it's supposed to be out in 8 days. This game is being "guarded" too much by its dev
could someone share the current story guide for D.I.E.T.? the version I have is a fair few versions old
>>80531 Here's the guide that came with v0.31. Not current, but not too out of date. https://gofile.io/d/trf2k0
>>80419 OK not quite. From what I remeber of the devs posts he renders the images from I can't rember if it's Daz 3D or the other one using his CPU (I think maybe with integrated graphics) rather than a system with a dedicated GPU. Kind of impressive when you think about it
>>80534 bruh its 2025. you can get a good gpu below a 100 bucks
>>80534 Sorry, but a game where everything looks dark and static, while every single other Daz game at least looks polished to the bare minimum doesn't seem impressive to me
>>80532 tysm my friend
>>80432 Are you subscribed to the Yuliya3k patreon by any chance, as you can claim all his games on itch. And if so could you share some other of his latest games?
How to play fatgeria guys, I have chosen level and then the screen is blank
just played feeder simulator and only took like 20 min to do everything. The stages are barely noticeable and isn't worth paying for it.
>>80536 that plugs into a laptop?
>>80652 yea, this game currently is not worth a penny, i'll of course try to get my hands on 0.2 once it's out, but no way that i'd ever pay for something like that.
>>80669 hopefully someone gets the payed version and posts it here. Also if the devs reading this I hope they make the weight stages actully noticiable
Any of You have "the Challenger" of DK/dinner-kun captain xero that could share It? It has weight gain, expansión (breast, belly, butt) and mini-giantess growth, this Game is in itch.io
Blobygon update is released!
So is in Whole Hog is the Tinkerbell costume stuff the final weight stage or is there one past that?
>>80691 >the Challenger" of DK/dinner-kun captain xero Oddly that's not a game it's a comic
>>80713 The game will tell you when you reached the end. One of the treats (I think cheesecake) directly increases weight instead of calories, so spam that while chasing Cindy encounters across various locations until you reach the next weight transition scene. That's where the game abruptly ends.
Any chance of someone sharing the latest version of Hackweight? I know it's on sale at the moment
Is there someone who still has the text games made by weirdobeirdo89?
Anyone have the newest version of fatgeria? Would greatly appreciate it
blobygon just "rolled out" a new update
Does anyone else have the problem of the WholeHog game chrashing when you skip text/longer dialogues? It freezes and sometimes a rollback screen comes up and sometimes nothing else happens and it closes.
>>80734 Does anyone update Blobygon's Kemono page? The last update is out.
>>80735 Had it happen a couple of times and to be clear I'm running on an R9 with 32GB and a 4070 so it's not a some potato computer issue. Seems to be the game doesn't like certain sequences of events being done in certain orders. I got round it by going back and instead of choosing one thing to do choosing another first.
>>80732 all I got: https://gofile.io/d/8zNiNh
Anyone have Gain of Life v0.50.0?
>>80797 What would you even do with this game? It now requires some kind of connection with patreon, so you need to be active subscriber.
Played the new blobygon update and goddamn, it was perfect. The fact you can control how firm the body is so you can get that sweet spot of sloshy but still taut is so fucking rad. The fact they added sloshing noises for the rolling shows they know what the people want. And the fact they added a piece of berry gum in every normal stage just so the blueberry stuff wasn't exclusive to the candy stage is fantastic honestly. I'm gonna be real, I think the blobygon sims have been some of the best in terms of fetish games in general, especially within this kink. Like just having something that's simple as 'heres an open world, heres a girl, you can customize her as much as you want and make her fat any way you want' is sometimes the best tbh. Not to mention, it feels like of all of these dev's we talk about blobygon has made the most consistent improvements with every update. Like every update adds something people legit wanted, especially now with rolling being one of the first things blobygon showed off, which I'm pretty sure they showed it off here years ago. Anyway, blobygon dick sucking post over
>>80756 is there any guide because holy shit this sometimes confusing
>>80370 what are you supposed to do with this?
chapter 6 of the abugida effect is out it's pretty good everyone gets fatter and there's stuffing
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>>80799 Hard agree with everything you said, and if I could afford it I'd be on that $5 tier forever. But honestly, the thing that surprises me the most is how well their patreon is doing. They don't advertise much on their socials and yet they make good fucking money. I guess making a damn good product in a niche market means that word of mouth can carry your ass.
>>80802 You are clearly new here may I point you towards learning of the sacred rituals of the machine spirit? >>80393
anyone got GutBuster?
>>80810 Honestly, they earned it tbh. Imo, this is something that a lot of fellow fatfags have wanted for a while. I cant speak for everyone, but the main appeal of wg for me is seeing how it moves and it feels with movement. So having an entire simulator with settings for full on blobs, slob stuff, berry stuff, and now rolling with a character customizer, different maps with interactable stuff, and even a mini campaign with the snackrooms shit is so fucking rad. They are one of the few game devs in this space that actually deliver consistently and deserve the patreonbux they get.
>>80810 Its such a buzz kill cause this is the only developer making anything worth while, at least the only game around that I have any interest in. The only problem being my computer can barely run the damn thing, I manage to play it between 9-13 fps on the lowest possible settings. The snackrooms are pretty much unplayable with my hardware and now since I dont have perfect framerate the rolling feature doesnt work either, she just melts into a pile on the floor. Wish I had the shit that could run this game but unfortunately life is just too expensive to afford a decent computer without being a famous slut streamer.
>>80821 Erm...my 1660ti and an old i7 7700 was enough, pc gaming is not that expensive if you dont aim for 120fps/4k resolution bro.
Thank you king for dropping 1.6 wholehog game, but now it's literally unplayable. Almost every time i click skip button, it freezes and then the only thing i can do is closing it. I want to know how dev somehow fucked this up in 1.6 version? In 1.5 i had no problem with skipping dialogues
>>80856 It seems to get a little better once you have played a couple of days. Had the same issue but after not skipping the first couple of days it works better now. But you still have to save pretty frequently not to lose progress due to the crashes. So it's not gotten better since the last version.
So i decided to upload a few games that nobody talked about here for a long time Virtual gainer 2 Fatgeria (newest paid version) Dairy tale (full 1.0 version) https://gofile.io/d/IVACIG
https://www.patreon.com/livegoeson4 pretty goated if someone updates this too btw guys
>>80862 did the dev update the game?
>>80863 yeah, feb 9th was the last update
>>80866 damn didnt know cuz on kemono the last update was on aug last year
The same guy who share Whole Hog, it kinda feels nice to share now instead of receiving. Anyway, here's MWFP V0.8 (PC): aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL2ZvbGRlcnMvMWo0czBzWkZTSE1KSEpDNTZVeE9UaWh6cHROU3AtcmhvP3VzcD1zaGFyaW5n Go to base64decode, I just know that place, sorry
>>80878 its not allowing me to download it
>>80860 >>80878 We are not worthy, thank you kings >>80885 A work around is to login to a burner gmail account and it'll let you download for "download quota exceeded" issues
>>80860 Oh thanks for the games anon, is there a chance you could share the android build of virtual gainer 2?
>>80878 anyone know the changelog for 0.7 and 0.8? aka when am i done did i see all the contents?
>>80860 Is this father’s 1.22 or a newer version?
>>80878 Played it and wow what a dissapointment. Sure the new girls were interesting but the stages were barely noticiable.
>>80716 So I might have found a bug lol. I kept going and no new stage even but now I knoock her door, it does the knocking door text then nothing, not a "shes out" text or anything just pretends like I chose an option and she went back home
>>80860 Is this fatgeria 1.2 or the newest 1.3?
>>80902 This is 1.22 Correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't believe that 1.3 was yet released. I said "newest" because it's paid version that only people who are patreon subscribers, or bought game on steam, had access to
>>80887 I updated my folder to have android version, i usually don't care about other platforms than pc windows, but i guess everyone should at least try it. Happy playing!
>>80878 thanks bro goated fr, wish the update was as cool as you
https://imgur.com/a/8pBCuZB Here's screenshot of my whole folder with wg related games. Most of them are probably available for free, or can be grabbed from kemono, but if any of you guys want some of this games, feel free to request it. Just check first if it's available for free, so i won't lose time uploading with my shitty internet connection. I have a few free days currently, so i can upload some games.
>>80915 How big do fatgeria girls get? If so I might try it out... also thanks for getting virtual gainer 2
>>80916 I'm not good at explaining these things, i recommend that you just try it on your own. There is one main girl with content focused on weight gain (galina) and second girl with less stages (lena)
>>80915 bro got the whole archive
https://imgur.com/a/E5MmUkF Same for me these are games that I have played at least within this last year. Although it makes up only 1/5 of what I've probably played wholesale so if you need any opinions or recommendations feel free to ask ; )
btw if anyone has Tales of Mystra v2 I would really appreciate it!
They are not all wg theme btw sorry forgot to mention it... most of them are though.
>>80920 Some of those games I've seen on itch, but by and large I don't recognize a lot of those games (mostly because I stick primarilarly to WG and this site). I'm pretty open to anything as long as it has weight gain (ideally player/pov) so I'm just going to ask what you would recommend anon?
>>80929 A lot of these games have been found by me when either lurking here, or going through weight-gaming. I can recommend waifusim, its whole name is housewife simulator. It's made by anonymoose and this game focuses on pregnancy + weight gain, but i'd say that pregnancy is big part there. i've paid version that someone posted here a few months ago. It has two whole chapters. You should try george valley, but i think it's available on kemono. It has a little fury (aka transforming girls into cowgirls and fattening them up) Overfeed is rather meh game, but you may like it due to simple mechanics of just flying and fighting with dragons through fattening them up, it requires a lot of grind through (i uploaded it too) Re Roundbound is one of these WELL MADE rpg maker games, weight stages affect stats of your characters in combat and you can inspect characters to see their shape in "bigger picture" i'd say, definitely worth playing if you are not anti-rpg maker guy.
>while adding new CGs to the game, I’ve noticed my laptop can literally no longer handle it, as it has only 4 GBs of vram, and the game started requiring 5. I had to spend a lot of time optimizing the existing structure and managed to drop 2 more GBs, so the crisis is averted but I’m kind of afraid the game can still become too big in the future Is it normal for a 2d sprite game to require 3GB of vram? The 1.3 update is delayed.
>>80942 What game is that?
Does anyone have happy heifer cafe 0.4? Kemono hasn't been updated in over a year
>>79118 who drew these?
>>80929 My biggest recommendation would be to keep an eye out for different itch collections people have made! Weight gaming is always solid but most of my games come from scourging kemono and looking at who the people I support on patreon have in their "recommended" sections. I also really recommend games that (at least for me) are fun even disregarding the fetish content. My recommendations would be: - ApocoXL (zenthics) for its funny and over the top story - Gutbuster (royaljellysandwich) just a fun experience overall - Fiftyshadesoforange (on itch) I just like the story not a whole lot of gameplay - The weighing game (triggertoo) Is an all time clasic - MooMoo manor, Debucon, and Heifer cafe for cute artstyles - SUPER FATTY RPG also a clasic I personally like vore games as well and find them more fun and enjoyable overall.
>>80920 Got a few questions on your collection; What's Project Sirius, Miss Neko Pirate, and Corrupt-a-nun?
>>80960 So project sirious is a vore focused game based on a game that I play called Azur Lane. Not a lot of wg content (for now). Miss Neko Pirate is a bit of a black sheep because its just a regular smut game on steam. Pretty good quality though and I like the gameplay loop. Its on f95zone. Corrupt a nun is a choice based game with multiple endings. No wg content but the nuns are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Its on f95 as well. Sorry sadly not a lot of wg focus among these 3 : (. I have a lot of games that ive played and found in actual ratways but I delete most games after I play through them sadly. If I find any old gems or have a spontaneous recollection I'll be sure to let you know : )
>>80951 11 hours ago dev updated it to be available for free on itch.io, so go grab you link and serve customers well
>>80920 Mind posting a few?
>>80915 Could you share anything that has weight gain and is not on weight gaming
The feeder sim dev is fast. He already broke the mega link for the 0.2 update on kemono. Or will the kemono scraper never scrape an edited post, even if it is the first time seeing it?
>>81005 whats the point posting it for one day
Yeah, i hope that patreon subscribers start complaining about that. How does he expect from all of his patreons to download game in less than one day? This dude now literally becomes bad for people subscribing him
And that's why threads like this exist, I managed to grab while it lasted aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9uRzhtaTY=
>>81011 Grab it* It's not that big of a deal, it barely adds content, but enjoy (I guess)
>>81006 >>81010 He deactivated the mega link that appears on kemono and put a fresh one on his patreon for his patrons. According to kemono's timestamps: >The patreon post was made at 2025-02-26T14:43:23 >The patreon post was edited 8 minutes later at 2025-02-26T14:51:10 Then kemono scraped the original post with the deactivated mega link >>81011 Thanks for sharing. I'll trust you that the game doesn't have enough content yet.
>>81013 Then should not we get the new post with updated link on kemono, once someone decides to upload his kemono page again?
>>80978 No problem! Any specific requests?
>>81015 Feed my affection 60.1 please!
Anyone a little disappointed that Mechaa might release the update of Project Realism in May? They said so on the itch.io site of the game.
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In feeder simulator 0.2, who is the character under Helena supposed to be? I did everything, even unlocked rita and ash but this last character wouldnt unlock Also game broke my save file after visiting a character and i cant access stats anymore
>>81021 In May?!
>>81015 Nothing specific. Feel free to post anything you think would be nice to play. Vore included.
>>81037 >>81017 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVVJLYVRkelJuVTVXbEU9 Here's a few you might like (including FMA .60)
guy, this is probably the best sandbox/feederism game, go check his page https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71693949
>>80959 Other than Famished are there any decent ones that also contain weight gain? I'm not a vore fan but I'll deal with it if there's weight gain content with it and that content is good.
>>81039 thank you, do you know if it's possible to choose only one file from many to download on wetransfer?
>>81039 Ok i just somehow downloaded whole file. BTW, could i get this game with folder named "chapter 8" and this "saint miluinas visual academy, and maybe even WAIFU WT? But only if their main focus is not vore, i can't find info in google, about some of games that you have. Thank you in advance
Does anyone know if The Tower Of Gluttony is ever gonna get an update? I liked the gameplay and I wish there was more to do.
>>81046 NTA, unsure what "Chapter 8" or WAIFU WT are, but I do know what St. Milunias Visual Academy is. That one is a mod of St. Milunia's Vore Academy that adds (Kisakae) visuals to the game. But that mod been discontinued for a while now, while the main game is in development. You could find it in the Vore Game section of Aryion/Eka's Portal. Yes there is weight gain to it, though not too much a focus.
>>81046 Chapter 8 is my folder for Evoria, vore game with negligible wg content. SMVVA has wg but is still vore focussed Waifu WT is a file from years ago and its missing the game itself so idk sorry tried searching for it but found nothing as well. If I stumble into it again I'll let the thread know. >>81041 There are some yes but it really depends on your preferences. I like the 'stage' wg vore games like 'way back home' and 'sabrina hungry witch' The only ones I can think of my head are amalgamation and endavore (both more BE than WG tho) Nicksave games like Project FAT, Fatties eating Fatties, vore town, World eater but vore is always the main gimic the WG is mostly an afterthought (sadly) >>81041
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Hi,I just uploaded the first playable demo of my game: https://www.patreon.com/posts/123282503?pr=true. It's still in the early stages of development, and I want to include as much community feedback as possible. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what you'd like to see in it! Keep in mind that this is more of a technical demo rather than a fully playable game. The focus has been on building mechanics and the mission system. I will develop the story further once I feel the game is solid and fun to play.
>>80263 100% agree. There is a reason that major publishers like Bethesda and Sony don't publish PC games with Denuvo, and also have insanely popular releases. Stopping pirates does nothing but make sure people in poor countries can't play your game, no pirate is going to suddenly pay for your game because they can't find it for free.
>>81053 Just dont make the dialogue too long or filled with filler and youre good. Also have alot of wg images than just one or two like the other rpgs have.
>>81048 iirc the visual mod got smacked by copyright for something so it's not coming back. smva does have their latest beta release already up though
hello, sorry for the bother but would it be ok if someone could upload the mac version of feeder simulator 0.2? thank you in advance!
>>81052 Do you have any link for patreon/itch io or literally anything related to "way back home"? I've played sabrina, but i can't find info about way back home
>>81063 TBH the only reason Bethesda doesn't do Denuvo is because Denuvo blocks modding 99.99999999% of the time, and Bethesda's JUST smart enough to know the only reason their games sell anymore is because of modders/modding. They'd absolutely load their games up with DRM up the ass if they could. Plus, Denuvo's monthly license fees are apparently pretty high, and not all devs are willing to pay the price. But really, my #1 thing with anti-piracy practices is the whole thing where pirates aren't gonna buy a game just because they've been denied from pirating it. It's no different than if you own a physical shop and you catch a shoplifter in the act; they're not gonna "ugh, fine, here" and hand over some cash to buy the thing they tried to steal, they're gonna run, or kick the door down, or knock something over, or throw the stolen goods to distract you so they can run. It's not THAT extreme for software pirates, but you get the idea. For indie devs I have to double down on the "indie games need advertising at all costs" thing. The biggest hurdle for indie projects is visibility, and if a game can get an F95 thread, that's free marketing. If there's a Kemono, that's free marketing. This stuff gets your name out there, even if it means some people are gonna play your shit for free. Doesn't matter how good your game is or how many years you put into making it if nobody plays it, and most indie devs are lazy AF about showing their games off and talking about it on sites. Heck, there's a reason why a popular way to advertise a game is just to give keys out to streamers. Sure, you lose out on those sales, but it means a ton more people can see what you've made, and that can boost sales far more than the loss of those keys you gave out.
>>81079 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVXR3YlZSdFdUZFhhV0k9 Here you go! Enjoy I personally prefer it over Sabrina even.
>>81053 Map too big Art is fantastic Moving items around is very glitchy
>>81063 Lets be real. >Bethesda That would get in the way of the free labor they need to get their games fixed and things to pad out their expansion packs/DLC. >Sony PC games only exist to subsidize their failing bullshit.
>>81033 Yeah, honestly I don't understand why they don't just give mini updates each time, like Blobygon does, it doesn't sound good when you make people wait literally whole year for the next update and constant postponements. I hope Mechaa doesn't keep this up and posts more regular updates in the future.
>>81103 Thank you, could you tell me who made this game? I want to find their patreon/twitter/literally anything, but can't find anything.
>>81103 oh and if you have any other vore games with heavy part of wg content, that is not full furry (i don't mind some ears/tails), i'd also take them. But famished is out of option, it's too furry and i've read how precise vore scenes are. I literally tolerate vore only to see wg content. So far i finished sabrina withc and i'm playing way back that you posted.
Update to DandyChest's kemono suggests Gorge Valley updates will be returning soon, which is huge. Honestly, pretty honorable reason for the hiatus if the post is to be believed at face value. They say they were saving up to move themselves and their family cross-country out of the shitthole they've been living it.
>>81120 Man now I feel like a dickhead for talking shit about his ttrpg, when apparently it was the only thing he had time for. Shit.
>>81114 Its from Oppi same creator as Sabrina. Its on their aryion page.
>>81053 I got frustrated the volume sliders didn't work, trapped myself in the initial castle, and just stopped right there. >>81039 Can I say I was impressed by how high-effort Pacha's Quest is for a furry vore game? Really is a shame weight gain was cheaped out on, would love to see the kind of system design they put on all the vore encounters, player decisions, and character development. They even went the way to give every party member their own descriptions for weight states. Surprised you found such a hidden gem, I don't even think it is on Aryion. In case anyone wants to try it, there's a full Patreon-unlocked version on the creator's FurAffinity, since he was one of the dudes that got fucked over by Patreon's policy changes. That apparently demoralized him enough to just make the game free and make the next version the final one. It was 6 months ago, though, so unsure when that will be a thing. ...also the game is ugly as fuck, so...heads up.
>>81121 its not youre fault for not knowing everything about an artists personal life also at least saying youre mistakes is more respectful than just being quiet.
>>81039 Thanks for giving us the new FMA, though at this point the game kinda sucks imo. The ai art is completely obvious now, and I really don't understand why no one brought it up, cus at this point people are paying for ai slop in a game.
>>81071 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkJHVEZCdWMwTnhUbGs9 Here you go! >>81123 Yeah its great! Happy to have introduced more people to it. I've been playing vore/wg games for at least 5 years so I've found some gems along the way. Sadly only recently did I decide to archive them so many have been lost to time (aka from my memory) : ( >>80921 If anyone has it would be great
>>81103 I tried base64, didn't work, what should I use?
>>81149 Did you decoded Twice? It's double encoded so die coded take that output and decode again : ) if it's still doesn't work please let me know!
>>81103 >>81150 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVXR3YlZSdFdUZFhhV0k9 >>81150 Done, thank you, I don't know it coded twice
>>81127 I checked a few pages of kemono and i'm surprised. As you said - nobody seemed to complain about AI art. I don't understand if people don't mind, or they are blind. Maybe Tonbelly is deleting all comments about AI? Is that even possible on patreon?
>>81154 Yeah, I think they're just denying it. Cus the last time some guy was churning AI slop, that Beardo guy, he basically commited e-suicide and scrubbed his games from the internet, though that was on Weightgaming. Surprised I haven't seen complaints of it there too.
>>81156 That's because Tonbelly basically abandoned his topic on weightgaming. According to rules, he would also need to add AI tag and his topic does not have it.
>>81053 i can play later but one key suggestion: learn from the mistakes of other weight gain RPGs >if the gain is tied to the story, dont make the game a slog to go through. see: apostles. while the quality of the content is good, it is a glorified visual novel with a LOT of padding. the game is genuinely boring to go through even if the actual fetish scenes are amazing. most of the time when i try to replay it i end up getting bored sometime around the catgirl's second segment because there's just that much padding around everything. >if the gain isnt bound to the story, dont make it something like a battle resource (G.U.T.), too easy to gain/lose (roundbound), or worse a failure state (fattest dungeon) >if the gain is isolated to random NPCs, you need to make it so that either everyone can be fattened, or those that can have multiple stages >most forego actual enjoyable gameplay in favor of the fetish stuff. since this appears to be a larger project, you'll want an actual game that can stand on its own without the fetish aspect. a reason beyond "oh a new scene or two" for people to come back between updates.
>>81123 How did you enter the castle? All I seemed to be able to do was talk to the princess, build the castle, and kill some slimes for the slime girl. I got one WG stage for the slime girl and when I tried to enter the castle, it didn't do anything. The rest of the map was just empty landscaping.
>>81157 That's true, someone should say something. I remember a year ago, I think when the immobile girl was introduced, I noticed some odd lines in the art, which I thought was just AI filtering, which I guess wasn't a big deal, but now, after a certain point in the game the characters look so different and the AI is so obvious.
>>81052 >>81116 You know the irony of this is that Famished is probably the only Vore game where weight gain isn't an afterthought but actually a main mechanic. It's currently going through a rework of its combat system (into a tactical grid based style that's coming for chapter2) for that purpose, but basically the protagonist has different weight stages acting as different classes for herself to assume (albeit all offense focused) modifying how she approaches enemies at different stages of the game. The other implement is that her weight influences if she can or cannot play some scenes (the mansion has a scene with a bunch of women refusing to let her enter if she's too fat), changes the reaction npcs have to her weight, and apparently in the future will outright lock her out from some places if her weight is too high.
>>81168 If you build the castle directly on top of the player sprite you get stuck "in" it
>>81132 I've been reading through all the variations of Sichi's Call Emissary skill in the code, and it is AMAZING how many there are for an optional skill for an optional recruit. Really funny, too, given how many times the Emissary really questions what goes through her head ("Sichi. I cannot drown, but that doesn't mean I enjoy inhaling water when trying to speak after getting unexpectedly summoned into a river!"). On that note, anyone know how to unlock vore for all the companions? All I know is how to do it for Martin, despite going through the whole game. I don't mind having to stuff Sichi with cake as the only way to increase her weight but I would like it to be easier. >>81175 Famished really is good, and I do like the weight gain and all the art for it. Only time I was dissatisfied with it was how the top-tier form used to slow you down to a crawl and how annoying it is to lose it when you need to get more content. Hope they get to increasing all the other companions' weight levels easier too.
>>81156 >>81154 The way I see it he drew the characters originally so using AI to produce more artwork isn't some ethical concern when he's likely just fed the AI his own work and told it how he wanted it changed. Maybe there's issues he needs to work out to clean up the AI to be higher quality but it's likely not fully AI created.
>>81123 How much weight gain really is in Pacha's Quest or is it just in descriptions somewhere?
>>81175 I wouldn't say main mechanic, but it is one that's clearly been thought out as part of it. As you mentioned those aspects like the mansion but also at top weight Hazel can no longer fit into her outfits. If I had one thing I'd like to see happen is more people comment on her gain saying she's clearly well fed etc and when she's barely able to fit her clothes commenting on how she's nearly no longer "decent" with hopefully more stages to come where nothing even fits at all. Also kind of would be fun for Harper to comment on her gains etc even if just something like "Hazel there's so much more of you to hold onto" or "Hazel are you sure you'll be ok going on top" or after a "Hazel maybe you're so heavy on top, not that I want you to stop but I might need a few days before I'll be able to walk properly again"
>>81182 Mostly descriptions. There's some unlockable flavor text depending on the weight levels of the characters like an additional skit where the party rags on Pacha's weight or Pacha poking fun at the idea of fattening her members to eat them when she gives a low-favorability character cake, an attack that increases in power with higher weight levels, and a character with prey in them have a distinct "Full" sprite, but that's mainly the extent of such. Like I said, it is one of the few things the dev skimped out on, wouldn't play it just for it (the fact you can turn it off and that the calcs for losing weight being WAY more dramatic than gaining it should say everything there). Still, it is satisfying to maintain a high weight and I do quite like the character writing in the game.
>>81026 Meanwhile I'm having trouble with getting Renea to Stage 3. She looks fatter at the cafe but after the scene no lasting changes occur.
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>>81026 That character is called 'Eliza'. They have an entry for that list but don't exist beyond that and can't be met. No assets for them exist at all in the source files. Their stats on that entry are listed as: "Height": "5'8" / 173cm", "Weight": "137lbs / 62.1kg", "Age": "29", "Bust": "31.4in / 80cm (30A)", "Waist": "23.0in / 58cm", "Hips": "35.6in / 90cm", "BMI": "20.8" The crash you're experiencing is probably that you managed to re-trigger a "stage up" event that increased a characters stage beyond max, and it has no protections for referencing out of range. I had a similar issue when I found you could trigger Helena's stage 5 cafe scene and put her to a non-existant stage 6. I realised what was happening and just backtracked and didn't go there though.
Some more notes on Feeder Simulator 0.2: The cooking skill does nothing. It's literally never checked. The break points on reading skill are 3, 10, 14, and 17 so that you can read the books required for Cats stage up events. The strength, stamina, and combat skills have no effect outside of changing 4 lines of dialogue with Rita in a Renae stage-up event. Specifically you need 8 in each for the best responces, and 4 for middling responces. Most sources that add to the girls progress variables are capped, and the caps won't increase until you see their stage up events, which generally have other requirements. The stages are mostly 20 points appart; giving them snacks with their drinks is +2, the small, medium, and large meals at the diner give +1, +3, and +5. Yuki's event requirements are: 0 progress 1 progress and day 8+ 20 progress and day 15+ 40 progress, day 25+ and night-time 60 progress. Helena's are: 0, 8, 20, 40, 60 I'm going to do something else instead of finish this now.
>>81178 Follow up on this, went through the code and figured out how Pred Mode is turned on for each of the prey party members. Mad at me missing some of them, but oh well... >Martin -- Beat the Dryad at the end of Dreamer's Forest with him in the party. Let him eat him. He'll become a Druid out of it. >Sichi -- Up in the Hawk Village, there's a frozen peaks section that have Gen Heartfeather. Instead of doing his quest of delivering Movi to his pantry, choose to eat him and let Sichi have it. You can then let Sichi have Movi to turn on the cannibal switch. >Nahata -- Two instances. Either wait to do resolve the thief in Argal's Den until he is in the party, at which complete it by spilling the barrel of oil over and coming back out and in until she shows up again. Once she slips, feed her to Nahata, making him a cannibal. Second option is to get scammed by the fairy near the Beehives, then get revenge with him in the party. >Meeri -- In the Drone Den section of the Hive, there is a radical drone that will hire Pacha to kill the queen. Instead of such, recruit and bring him Meeri. This ends his quest and his life if you feed him to her (also automatically making her a cannibal). >Irci -- Drain the Willpower and then let go at least 2 Doppelgangers in the road to the Lizard Village. When he gets pissed about letting them go to cause more havoc, let him eat the doppel instead. It has to be a victory by willpower, defeating them normally skips this check every time.
F4tgeria 1.3 is out! aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC94TTBVSXU=
>>81181 I used to think this was an ok use of LLMs but we're getting to the point where the amount of scraping done without permission to feed the most powerful models is so large that any use requires pissing in the metaphorical pool, so to speak. Why bother continuing to improve your art skills and practise, when you can burn the planet slightly more to replicate slightly less shitty versions of mediocre art? I don't blame anyone for taking the easy way out, but we can already see where things are headed. So it goes.
feeder simulator shouldnt be payed for to be played and the weight gain should be more noticeable
>>81229 I dont get it
>>80915 You've inspired me to organize all mine lol. Thanks.
>>81220 Thank you king! Also wanted to ask if there are any guides on how to make Valeria gain more? I was about to enter her first few stages and then she just vanished and i cant see her again. Can anyone help?
I saw Heft Effect requested here before. It's on sale for 75% off https://steamdb.info/app/2978240/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2978240 I bought it. I'll share it once I play though it.
>>81249 It's short and bad. I won't refund it because that would be a dick move. https://gofile.io/d/oP9nqc
>>81252 that should get an update or smth
>>81214 How do I get Renea to Stage 3? I visit her Cafe, and she looks fatter but after I leave and come back it repeats the scene. When she stops by the bar, she looks like she does in Stage 2. I can tell she got fatter because her shirt rides up more, but it doesn't stick around. Her stats are stuck in stage 2 as well. I find Cat to have the current worst event sequence, but I really like her appearance. It's just reading books.
when the new big aspirations DLC?
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>>81249 Why's every weight gain game on Steam, absolute dog shit? You'd think they'd at least put in actual effort toward getting good at making games and trying to make something at least decent, before they go setting up shop, but I guess nothing matters to them beyond that small handful of cash.
I think most fetish games in general are just shit cuz the devs dont care that much about developing the game cuz they dont see the game more as just a small side projects. sure some put more effort in than others, but from what im seeing more and more games are just using ai art or other things to cut corners and those rare game that are actully good take like half a year to update with only 20 min of gameplay added cuz they spent most of the time making text that no ones gonna read. I get that these games dont have a budget or can make money like actual AAA games which doesnt give them a lot of motivation, but even then there are examples of people paywalling there games who are just as shit as the rest.
any news about chub chomp chill ? solitary scribbles has not made any announcements outside of patreon, so how should we know if it is worth to join the patreon?
>>81249 >>81252 Buddy you should have just ripped it from the kemono, it’s been there for ages. Also, who cares about being a dick? CCM is a hack anyways, just refund it.
>>81265 I guess I missed that the last time I searched for the game https://kemono.su/patreon/user/93911791/post/110660833 They can keep their $1 cut of the sale.
>>81262 >spent most of the time making text that no ones gonna read >That feel when you realize you're nobody >can make money like actual AAA games They should be happy; they'd go bankrupt overnight. >>81265 >>81267 I'm gonna be 100% serious here; that art book existing rubs me a far worse way than what I've seen of the game.
>>81255 Feed her at the diner, then visit her at the cafe. Her non-stage up cafe events add progress without a cap, which is a problem 'cause some of them add more than 1 at a time and the stage-up events are looking for exact values. The diner and pub snacks are capped though and will lower her down to the trigger amount it's looking for, altough you can't start giving her bar snacks until the stage your after, so diner, then cafe.
>>81220 Thank you so much for including the mac version!
can someone please reupload feeder simulator 0.2? last link says it is not available and kemono link is not working
>>81274 Thanks. I'll be sure to do that. Might help me unlock another girl. Got two left to unlock.
Could anyone share Feeder simulator v0.2 for Win? Kemono link doesn’t work
>>81288 >>81297 The gofile link posted earlier is still active >>81011
Some actual good feedback in here now, how cool. Here's a bunch of free Patreon subs: https://www.patreon.com/TheGrowState/redeem/F3633
>>81252 When trying to launch the executable it tells me that I'm (obiously) missing a license. Any way around that?
>>81220 Unsure if anyone's encountered this bug, but don't recruit Lera to be your partner if auto-skip combat setting is on before the scripted loss on day 7. Game ended up softlocking and looping through all the fights on repeat.
>>81317 Yo, this is sick feedback. Thank you! — key
>>81304 The stage 5 Cat home visit event lacks a jump returner and rolls over into the Helena visit. The nudebutton is available when no character is selected, which causes a crash.
>>81323 1st issue is already fixed in v0.2a, second is already fixed for the next version. The Renae caps find was great though idk how I didn't notice that.
>>81329 You're welcome. Overall, I really do like your game, and I plan to rank every girl once I unlock all of the stuff in this version. Of course, the single stage stuff is out of the equation. One girl I'm quite found of is Kayla. I like the twin dynamic between her and her sister and how it factors into her desire to gain. She also one of the cutest girl personality-wise. Her excitement and upbeatness are endearing. She may not be a hog like Helena, but she represents a different type of feedee. Can't wait to see her when she's 200 lbs. That's another thing this game does well is building anticipation. It's full of pleasant surprises like the responses you get that you didn't expect. I can see the inspiration from Fattening Career too, with the listed full measurements/weight and the workout sequences. Although I'm an eructophile and a lack of burps is a downside. Now I'm not saying all girls should burp (at least at first), but Helena the living vacuum cleaner should. Maybe it could be optional. I couldn't see Cat burping out loud because she's easily the most couth of the bunch. I'd rate it like this: Helena Pippa Kayla Yuki Renea Ash Cat Rita Ash is above Cat because she seems cruder based on appearance. Rita is at the bottom because I have no idea how she'd even get fat. As for Kayla, she might find it a little embarrassing but she's still a feedee and might grow to enjoy it as a sign of her getting bigger. I would sum up every girl I've unlocked that has a sequence up to 5 like this: Yuki - She gains for the curves since she's not naturally curvaceous and has grown to love the changes. She doesn't want a big belly though. Pippa - She's open-minded from the get-go and okay with getting a bit bigger. It's mostly about her boobs. She's experimental. Renea - She's easily the most reluctant of the bunch but her willpower is near nonexistent. She's a little warmer towards gaining after some encouragement. Cat - She comes off as preoccupied and busy. She's got a sweet tooth. Her gain is harder to trace due to the fact it's mostly offscreen. She seems to be just slowly getting bigger. Helena - A glutton, plain and simple. She relishes every ounce. She easily the biggest fatty in the game currently. Kayla - She's the lighter side of Helena's archetype. She wants to gain but she's taking it slow. At first it was about standing out from her twin, but I think she's beginning to enjoy it in a sexual way. She blushes a lot when her weight is discussed.
what happened with post that had link for fatgeria 1.3? I already downloaded it, but i don't understand why would any mod delete that post.
>>81330 Okay "the living vacuum cleaner" got me. There are some things that I know have an audience but I'm not into myself that seem absent, but if there's enough talk about burping etc then I can for sure start to add it to a character's habits, even retroactively for older scenes as I will be remastering some of the earlier ugly stuff. And don't worry, Rita will be gaining, and I have a pretty good reason for it.
>>81220 Tried the windows version (on windows ofc) and loaded fine but once I started a new game and picked the settings it would just whitescreen. Anyone else had this problem/has a fix?
>>81333 Well, most games I play have it or even have dialogue choices for players who may or may not prefer it. Cellulte and stretch marks are a hot issue for enjoyers of bigger girls, with some being disgusted and others being aroused. I noticed Helena develops cellulite upon hitting stage 3. Some people heavily dislike excessive facial fat as another example. As for stretch marks, I do know Amber from Fattening Career gets them, but they don't stick around after her sequences. Unfortunately, she might be the hardest character in that game to get working. I honestly dislike how you can get a character to a new size while having no clue how to unlock the sequence for said size. Your game doesn't have that problem. It feels like trial and error with some of these games. I recently played "Making the World a Fatter Place", and I must say I prefer your game. It feels like hardly anything was added to the latest update and it's incredibly formulaic. I mean it's leading into something but whether it'll be worth it remains to be seen. A lot of the Renpy weight gain simulator games have one glaring issue and it's grindiness. Probably the most egregious example is Thicker Treat, which although was a promising idea is incredibly slow and most everyone keeps being weight sensitive. Now some players might feel blueballed when a character refuses to eat in their game, but it can be done well. Katrine's diet arc in FC is a good example of it done fairly well. Sometimes it makes no sense why they'd be hesitant, especially when you can't even see the changes. With Helena being extremely lewd with her fatness I could easily see her having a bellyfuck sequence. Now some people might find it weird, but I've seen it done before. The aforementioned Katrine will do it to a degree upon being fat enough. Galina from Fatgeria can perform it too at the player's behest. I wonder what you plan to do with the cooking. Honestly, I feel like you should let players know it's currently worthless to upgrade it. I was under the impression you could cook food for Yuki given her whole fridge breaking down thing, but she doesn't have much compared to the other girls at first as far as a dedicated way to feed her outside of the diner. On the topic of the diner, I like it, but I feel like there should be other ways to feed the girls. I assume you have plans for new locations down the line. I feel like some characters don't have a dedicated location while others do, and I wonder if you plan to change that later on. Helena has the Diner. Pippa has the Pools. Cat has the Library. Renae has the Cafe. Yuki kinda has the Bar. Rita has the Gym. I'm hoping the mall will be a place you can go with girls other than Kayla at some point, I'm curious what you'll do with the school too.
>>81351 Thanks for the feedback, there will absolutely be more locations for progression coming so that you don't feel like you just have to press diner over and over again. Bellyfucking will absolutely make appearances, that's peak feederism. At the moment you can only visit the girls homes, later you will also be able to invite the girls to your home, this is where the cooking skill will be used. And yes, I was planning on being pretty liberal with cellulite as I think it's great, I wasn't under the same impression it was controversial, I'll keep an ear out for what people think about it.
>>81394 You're welcome. That's good. I wonder if certain girls will prefer certain things. Good to know, There's a taste of that with Helena I noticed. I figured that's what it's for. Whole Hog and The Weighting Game have similar. Well, I do know it's in Fattening Career as Sally develops some on her ass around Stage 3, You're not the only one to put it in a game. Would all the girls get it? I noticed you're going for different sizes for the girls, and some are in the curvy category even upon hitting stage 5. Curvy to Fat Ratio: Pippa is the curviest upon hitting stage 5. Her figure is desirable even by people other than fat enthusiasts. Yuki comes in second with her pear-shaped figure. Her weight is mostly controlled but her tummy is a little soft. Cat gets the #3 spot because her belly is pudgy, and she gets a cute muffin top, but the hips are definitely shapely. Kayla has the least dramatic changes but she's right smack dab in the middle due to her slight developments. Renea gets a gut and has a generally rounded look to her. She has a little tone to her butt which puts her above her hog of a friend. Helena is bar none the most obese looking at stage 5 and her weight reflects that. A true BBW archetype. All the exercise she does, which I like how she gets gradually more out of shape (FC does that too) and has no tone. Jiggle city everywhere you look.
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>>81318 Hey, what did you do to this new version? I can't run the game anymore on my old PC. Yes I have 16Mb RAM, that's not the issue, it's likely something related to graphic or window drivers not allowing the game to launch anymore, but booting the game doesn't give any error, it simply refuses to start. Also I'm an actual supporter, but paying 10 euro for a game I can't even run anymore felt terrible, can I ask for a refund for this month?
>>81413 I'm not doing anything to the game, except making it lighter so it would run better on slower PCs. The way my engine creates games is probably not-ideal, and it's always a struggle to find the export option that works on most PCs. If you are my supporter, message me on Patreon and I'll try exporting another version that can probably work. — key
is there a guide for fatgeria? I tried playing it a bit and couldnt find a way to buy food to feed it to the girls
>>81421 You have to purchase food by clicking the shopping cart on your phone. Trust me, I managed to turn Galina into a complete fatass. Another tip is to get the girl drunk and feed her, which unlocks some new dialogue and is a bonus for those who like hiccups and burps.
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>>81418 >ask for help from pirate thread >immediately helped and fixed the problem I kneel
>>81422 how do I open the phone? and is there a way to get alot of money?
>>81426 It's clickable. You can find it at the bottom of the screen. Winning battles gives you money. You can also get money from NPCs by doing tasks for them. You can get food items that way too. Galina will confront you if you cheat on her, but she'll stick around because she's currently the girlfriend of another character. There's a way to keep her for yourself though.
>>81424 >proceeds to leak private build sent through dm smooth, but because keyfarer is based, throwing my money at their patreon. Nice job on 1.3 build, can't wait for Milana content in the next build
Fucking hell lol — key
I feel like there was a command you could do in Fatgeria to get infinite money if you just wanted to skip the story and fatten up the girls
>>81444 >open console (Key below ESC) >type Money 9999999 >press Go >Fatten them bitches
>>81445 are there any other commands?
does anyone know how to extract images from the fatgeria file?
>>81441 my file keeps getting stuck on "decrpyting" can anyone else post this in a non MEGA link?
>>81252 Wow, I played that pirated, and I want my money back. It's sad when the 3d models look better than the drawn art.
>>81394 I don't know if this is the place to do it, but hey someone else added their feedback here so why not me. I got two suggestions for FeederSimulator: 1. Making the feeding more like foreplay 2. Make sexual intent (from both MC and the girls) more direct ### Feeding into Foreplay Without foreplay there's a forced escalation with any sexual encounter: 1. The MC is feeding a girl at an arms distance. 2. She gets full and they immediately start having coitus (no sexual foreplay either) The escalation from #1 to #2 is pretty big. Sometimes #1 doesn't happen, they just have sex (Renae when she invites you to her house). Fattening Career has the same problem, which makes sense considering it inspired FeederSimulator. And although you both do sex scenes well, you're both lacking in the sexual tension. If you're not sure what you can do for the foreplay, consider: - Feeding the girl while she's on your lap - Treating the feeding like it's foreplay (aka pleasuring her during it) - Flirty banter - Making out - Cuddles (can be done while feeding her too) For like an extreme example, think of Gorge Valley. All the feeding in that game is basically foreplay. --- Make sexual intent more direct --- Right now, sex kind of happens as like a side thought (if it does). Each girl has a reason to hang out with the MC that has nothing to do with them finding the MC attractive. Then at some point, the girl just decides she wants sex and then the MC just goes along with it. Characters express a desire to have sex. They starting having sex. Sex is done. There's a lot of missed chances to add sexual intent when you're hanging out with the girls. Like Pippa shouldn't be in a bikini swimming in front of a man she is considering having sex with and not doing anything sexual. Most girls would make a move, touch the guy, etc. The most sexual thing going on during those encounters are the girls' poses. But the pose by itself doesn't really work if the girl is talking about something completely unrelated.
can anyone here update lustlord's kemono? I know the page isn't the one with sultan's harem but he does help make it and this is the only place I can think of that would even know that he exist. would be greatly appreciated https://kemono.su/patreon/user/43800520
whens the next big aspirations dlc gonna come out? usually it comes out every month on the 1st
Found a Japanese clicker game on twitter: https://unityroom.com/games/weightgaincat The cake is how you feed her and gain points Button one increases calories per click Button two increases points per click Button three increases the level cap of the first two buttons up to 100, you need presents to increase it any more. Button four increases her breast size Button five is the "ending" Make sure to click on her speech bubbles before they run out or she'll lose weight. Have fun.
[IMPORTANT] State of the Game any idea what is so important but kept secret at the same time about chub chomp chill?
>>81515 You’re a fucking retard. How about following the forums around the game instead of asking this thread. https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/chub-chomp-chill-version-1-2-out-now/14701/954
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Does anybody know where in the game's files are the Blurbs? It would be nice to see what the personalities are like before investing time in one
>>81522 >yes, but have you considered what is so important but kept secret at the same time but seriously what's going on in this guy's head. bots are more articulate than this shit nowadays
How do i launch heft effect downloaded from link posted here? I keep getting message that i'm missing license on steam (thank you, captain obvious).
I have a feeling weight gain art is slowly dying out. I feel like alot of artist that were known before have quit or just dissapeared and most of the known artists that are today make 200+ comics that should be 200+ pages in the first place or they just do commissions. Whenever I check e-hentai for whats new the only thing now is just updates to those 200+ page comic or art thats just shit. Ive read all the good comics I saw on sites like e-hentai and now also with AI I think people are just using AI art more which looks shit half the time which also lowers the amount of actual artists.
>>81551 Just download the game from kemono >>81267 I didn't realize the game had steam drm. I copied it from my steam folder to a different location and booted it with lutris and assumed that was good enough.
>>81564 Link from Kemono is long gone, cup edited his post and now i can't grab link anymore.
>>81576 cool what an epic dev
playing fatgeria and my game has randomly frozen while talking to lera. i can click other buttons in the game and open the menu, but go on with the conv. what do i do?
>>81576 WoW. Luckily Cup is retarded and all the old posts are still there (obviously). And Cup if you're reading this you're a bitch-ass motherfucker, and anyone who buys your lame-ass games got scammed. Like really? Pledging scams? What the fuck do you mean by that? Well, I do know what you mean, and it's very ugly, so go fuck yourself. Anyways, here's a zip with all of their games for the lazy, enjoy what little you can from them: https://gofile.io/d/LBcjWf
>>81580 "I have an announcement. Shadow the hedgehog is a..."
>>81560 It's always been at a narrow bandwidth. It's just 2020 saw a massive surge in content due to lockdown giving people so much free time to create. Then things naturally petered out when normality resumed years later.
>>81580 It kinda makes sense though, most of us would go for newest version of game, so of course cup would delete posts with links for those. Idc about some old version of game
>>81595 true didnt think about 2020, but still I feel like games and weight gain content in general has had a drop in quality and upload
in fatgeria how do i get galina to stage 7?
>>81601 Weight gain content has felt pretty steady, but games have lost weighgaming as a hub because the moderation has gone downhill. site doesn't encourage new devs to make major projects and rewards ai slop. it doesn't make community worthwhile
>>81613 yeah I feel like ai and other already existing 3d assets has made the quality drop. Maybe the site should change the rules that ai cant be used?
>>81614 it's impossible to ban ai they just need to help promote dev preferably not ai using ones rather than have their site be a dumping ground for any exe someone uploads
>>81630 why couldnt they just ban ai? didnt they do it for gain jam?
>>81595 Nah I second >>81560 I've been round this fetish since this place was 7898chan I was round it before I was legal to go on a number of the adult sites back in the more wild west days of the internert. There's definately been a downshift in stuff in the past years not just since lockdowns but before then. Not just art but models too. Remember back in the day we had Jesichu + Jae both appearing aroudn the same time. There used to be easily 5+ prolific new amateur models take off a year which suggests a lot more lesser known ones that never took off. Then again it was a different age in the past before Onlyfans etc where it was about attention not attention to monitise things directly. All of it is somewhat dying not just the art. But the world seemed to change in 2014 and everything became politics. Also whever Tumblr banned porn didn't help. Plenty of people went full into the political stuff and I know of at least 1 girl who was a very promising model stopped because of the political envrionment round her because she was essentially being shamed for showcasing her body and not trying to milk dudes for tons of money via onlyfans.
>>81634 not in the slightest, if anything the encouraged while picking judges who dislike ai, screwing over everyone. people who don't use ai see it getting prompted, and people who do use ai are fucked over by the scoring in secret. and ai is too messy to ban outright.
>>81644 I don't see how it is messy or difficult to ban AI outright. Just write down a rule that says "Using generative models of any kind, free or not, self hosted or online, using your own prompts, code or content to create Text, Images or Sound is prohibited, and doing so will result in scrutiny by the judges and a possible disqualification of your game. Other people put in effort creating assets for their games, there is artists that offer to help you, ask them to join your team and do collaborative work or use asset banks or even softwares such as Daz Studio, or Virt-a-mate, it is unfair to create content through the use of a generator that somebody else created, while others spend days focusing on elements that take time to craft from scratch" done. As of the gamejam I found it to be relatively successful, there was a handful of well made and creative games, that are even getting new updates planned in the future. The only people complaining were mostly the AI users themselves, the only exception being AnonymooseProduction who started bitching about his game not making it to the top 5, because he has his own head so far up his own ass he doesn't realize said top 5 was made up of hand-drawn assets made by 3 to 4 people, using custom engines for some and with actual gameplay loops, while his game was a cringe-worthy VN made in Ren'py filled with memes slapped together in a ridiculous plot and using trash Virt-a-mate models that he keeps putting in every single one of his games.
>>81580 I'm glad I never spent money on any of those, they are not worth it.
>>81648 >>81651 >>81652 How can you be certain if the dialog was generated? Or some script under the hood? Maybe AI was used to make a background or two, but all the characters were actually made? You can't. Maybe the person just sucks at english and has stiff writing or something. It's impossible to ban on the whole site, but for a jam they should say that obviously ai work would be docked points or something. If you can't ban, discourage. They instead did the opposite
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Another problem i see is that AI is improving upon itself, while most games featuring original art are mostly mid to bad art wise. In the not so distant future i see AI fixing most of his current issues like consistency, washed-up styles, and pose variety. From what i gather the Art scene in a few years is going to be a small group of elderly artists still doing comics and the rest is going to be AI or Ai traced stuff. Is understandable because improving art is hard and while most of the other people either already had a solid foundation or get enough attention on media by just tracing, everyone is going to take the easier route.
>>81655 You can tell background is generated, because generative AI uses a process of refining noise that leaves pretty obvious marks when generating very large images, you can even train AI to detect other AI, so AI backgrounds are a dead giveaway. As of code, unless they'd agree to code transparency, it would be hard, but I'd argue AI-generated code should get a pass because you can't just generate a whole game using AI, something is bound to break or mess up, and unless you know what you're doing shit just ain't gonna stick. When it comes to dialogue, AI can generate phrases and paragraphs, it cannot generate a cohesive plotline, or well written jokes and twists, so AI is gonna mess your project more than its gonna fix it in that respect, AI can't write stories, it can only write sentences. Most of the problems you're seeing either can in fact be verified, or solve themves.
>>81656 Also if you were using those images as an example of "you can't tell its AI just by look" you probably picked the worst example. Your second image with Aqua has ridiculously disproportionate hip-to-torso ratios that most artists wouldn't make because it looks goofy af. And the background has medieval style scaffolds on that left building that make no fucking sense in any stretch of the imagination. Anybody who can spend more than 4 seconds with their hand out of their pants can tell this is AI garbage.
>>81664 I never said is not AI... I did say AI is improving Are you fucking kidding???
>>81656 Yeah, AI is just going to keep improving. Professional game artist here that works often with AAA companies to indie devs.... All the AI hate is basically a mix of morons with big egos and people worried about their job security (the last reason being the only valid one) What will happen is this: As soon as legality is figured out, most (NOT ALL) game companies will force or need a 100% AI workflow. And by that I mean... use those same artists directing an AI to do 90% of the work, and then them cleaning it up.
>>81698 But legality has been figured? It falls under the exact same legislative limitations as that one time a guy tried to copyright a picture of a monkey as "him taking it" while he tricked the monkey into making it. Basically 3 points; 1. AI cannot be considered a tool, a tool has controlled effects by cause, and isn't random, you must use it in a precise way expecting a precise result, AI doesn't do that, if you type in the same prompt 3 times, it'll create three distinct images with different results. 2. The person making the prompt, code, or even feeding it their own material doesn't count as making it yourself, because the generative algorithm isn't you. 3. Only humans can copyright or sell things by law, AI, being the creator of the work, and not a tool used by someone is considered as the creator, but AI not being human falls under a law that makes it illegal to sell anything it creates. Thus resulting in court cases that generally throw AI as unfit for commercial use. There has been precedent of this, including people trying to use AI to make images for their comic book while writing their own text.
>>81445 Console won't open for me, when and where in the game do you open it?
>>81701 Theres always tracing, AI regurgitates something and a Professional artist could use it has a base, people still think AI got stuck in the hyper realistic washed up fase, it has become quite versatile.
>>81614 dont listen to the retard that thinks AI isnt easy to call out the only reason they dont ban AI is because the WGing moderators are spineless faggots afraid of any confrontation. they are practically doormats (unless you try to speak out against any of the trash) the site lacks quality control, topic control, and age control all because they dont want to do whats necessary >>81698 >All the AI hate is basically a mix of morons with big egos by using AI you remove the passion from passion focused fields and force more people to do the boring shit that nobody really wants to do >oh look at me! i automated everything except strenuous physical labor soul crushing office jobs, the two things that people actually wanted to be automated. now that we've automated everything from humor to games and even hobbies. nobody needs to spend time doing any of that anymore and they can work even longer, praise be unto my hallucinating AI! yeah retard, of course nobody likes you and your AI. you're automating all the wrong things.
>>81735 Passion doesn't pay bills, cope and seethe artfag
>>81726 tracing disproportionate machine generated art will only give you disproportionate, hand drawn art, it doesn't really improve the quality. And no, this isn't a "AI can get better at it" problem, AI is not capable of intelligence despite the misnomer, it cannot tell proportionate anatomy correctly because it doesn't understand what anatomy even is. Same problem as the building above, it couldn't figure out scaffolding because it has no idea what the function, look or purpose of scaffolding is. AI will also always struggle at keeping patterns consistent as soon as the pattern is broken by an obstacle, thus creating perspective issues. It simply isn't something AI can be efficiently trained at overcoming, it demands too much from a generative noise reader.
>>81736 proving my point, retard
>>81701 > 1. AI cannot be considered a tool, a tool has controlled effects by cause, and isn't random, you must use it in a precise way expecting a precise result, AI doesn't do that, if you type in the same prompt 3 times, it'll create three distinct images with different results. You are a dumb and know literally nothing. With the same seed, the same model is deterministic. If you leave the settings unchanged, it's going to output the same result. >There has been precedent of this, including people trying to use AI to make images for their comic book while writing their own text. Get the hell out. Everyone out there is trying to sell AI stuff. From various low-effort DA galleries to jokers like the guy making the 'Indulgences' game who passes of AI generated stuff as 'pixelart' and morons like you keep eating it up. In addition, competently generated text is impossible to tell apart from human writing and this is getting used a lot, everyone pretends it isn't. Bunch of hypocrites, as usual.
>>81701 Like >>81981 said... You clearly don't know how it works, not just AI, but any of this. And no, there hasn't been a legal precedent that will set up companies that invest literal tens if not hundreds of millions into making games to risk it. There has to be clear precedent OR a law clarifying it for it to happen. Many are doing it already behind closed doors anyways btw, and not you, not professionals like me can tell AI assisted art from regular art apart. People only catch the average seedy company literally throwing out the door outputs from AI straight to the game. So yeah, just like we artists adopted photoshop, we will adopt AI. Why? Because it allows you to do MORE are faster. The end.
>>81744 Forgot to reply to this message too. My dude, people like you were saying THE SAME about AI never being able to figure out how to do hands... and watch it now do hands better than the average artist 95% of the times. Your argument is basically will keep being the same, but get smaller and worse as AI literally improves year after year. That's why it makes no sense whatsoever.
>>81989 >>81987 look imma be honest, i just dont think ai is gonna be used super widespread in normal society outside of chatgpt'ing some bullshit filler text or something. like, itll probably still see use in STEM fields n shit, which i honestly think will be its best use in the best case scenario where the field doesn't get fucked by all this current gold rush shit where everyone is trying to grift, but i dont think the common person is gonna give a fuck outside of again, using chatgpt to write some bullshit for an e-mail doesnt help that most of the people using it now and being the loudest about it are acting like complete fags/grifters about it. and god forbit it gets involved with kink shit, da's being flooded with low quality bullshit that can be churned out way too fast, with most of it being put behind a paywall like its WORTH something.
