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Megaman Gal Fats Megaman Gal Fats 11/18/2023 (Sat) 20:03:41 Id:a0d829 No. 177913
Reviving an oldish thread on blubbery blue bomber blobs
>>226187 Megaman X Dive Offline. Capcom made a gacha mobile for Megaman X that died relatively quickly (or at least feels that way). While it had its focus on the X series, it still had characters from all the other series. The story goes (from what sounds like machine translation), something is causing the X games data to alter and have characters and stages appear in entries they shouldn't, and it's your job to correct it by using Mega Man characters like meat suits as you beat them all to death with whatever weapon you grinded to max. With the crossover and collabs it got, it can be inferred that data corruption can happen with things outside of the series and not even owned by Capcom. With that, you can mix and match whoever as you use the games own story against the females waistlines; you even have that innocent fool, Rico for making mountains of food, with her power of creation. A video that shows the usable characters: https://youtu.be/5BbkFSw7JII
>>226207 That reminds me that RiCO canonically loves to eat a lot of food, at every festive event she will always talk about the related food, she even said that she wanted to eat a 3 meter fish.
>>226238 Dudes, stop talking as if this happens in the present. Mega Man X-dive is dead
>>226242 Just call me the necromancer then, because we're bringing that old, dried up husk back to life!
>>226242 The megaman franchise is dead in general, silly.
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>>226238 >RiCO canonically loves to eat a lot of food See, she's already corrupting herself without any outside help. >>226242 I don't think it ever had a collab with Persona, so Capcom threw together an offline version. >>226280 Mostly because Capcom didn't have two brain to rub together to figure out where to take the games after Legends, even with dozens of scifi shows and movies already showing how.
>>188996 late as fuck but https://x.com/kaboodledoodles/status/1753508746398249389
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Does anyone know who made this?
>>229963 https://www.deviantart.com/echoednewt
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>>234134 >>234133 >>234114 These Quake Women give me life
>>234114 >>234115 >>234134 Holy shit, the dude must've commissioned a lot of this stuff lmao
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>>234146 💀💀💀
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levi time
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>>235535 Get that fucking skinny bitch out of here!
>>221043 This sounds like Blasphemy of the highest order. Tron Badonkakonk makes a lot more sense than Rolls Casket when it comes to fat butts
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>>234146 There were so many options but this was the result? -Had the manga where she was a cute assistant decades after the games -Literally made an adult Roll design before that was actually peak -Has dozens of other women from the series that could've been drawn instead -Still picks the child-coded design Why is Sunslept like this?
>>237316 >Child coded Take your meds schizo.
>>237317 They're right, it's weird that Sunslept picked the child design. Didn't they give a bunch of crap to other artists about drawing children before?
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>>235552 I've been here since the times of the wild west, and seeing their models in XDive, for the first time, made me wonder how'd it get this way. Was it just the times, and that Trons stretchy stocking looking suit looked more natural to be stretched to the brink of popping stitches with sway and jiggle of her massive behind? Were we all lacking the imagination needed to picture Roll's strong pair of shorts being stretched bigger and bigger by the product of her mostly sedentary lifestyle, until they can no longer hold on and explode off her huge ass and allowing it to instantly double in size, with the spats that Roll wore under, somehow staying intact while being stretched enough by her now massive ass that her soft skin underneath can just be made out through the fabric that looks painted on. That all being said, Capcom should've did more with Roll Caskett so that she might be able to challenge Trons fat ass, whether they be on even field or people stick to Roll having a large pot belly. >>237316 >Still picks the child-coded design Well yeah, Roll's a preprogrammed robot, you're gonna have to put that shit in there or she'll just be more of a glorified roomba. >>237318 No one gives two fucks about any of the other takes on classic Roll. Bad Boxart Roll had a few pics when they showed her for Street Fighter X Tekken but I think that died before Capcom murdered the game and the collaboration with Bamco. Ruby Spears is a meme that was never actually good.
>>237316 Those pieces pre-date the adult design and at the time were basically an assignment from my therapist to put my intrusive thoughts to paper to analyze how they made me feel. I sent them to a couple friends per the assignment and one of them was not trustworthy. >>237318 I try to go out of my way not to do that because I know that it would be hypocritical since I draw MHA chars and such. I've never understood where people get this idea about me that I give people flak about this stuff. I won't reply to this thread all that much because these pieces of art are quite old at this point and I don't want to dwell on them but that's the only real explanation I have and it's the most honest one I can give at that. I understand if it's not good enough or if it doesn't really pass muster but I hope it at least gives some context.
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>>237343 Here's a piece of art I just finished last night both to show the adult design is the one I'm actively using and to show that I'm not just an anon cosplaying as Sunslept
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Never enough Roll Caskett.
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