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Kipteitei Thread XVII - Obese In Dungeon Edition Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 16:43:46 Id:fba879 No. 197496
Kicking this thread off with another beautiful enormous elf
>>202162 You are always cooking
>>202217 Um alright cool I guess..
>>202250 Ah, I see.
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>>202149 this reminds me of nlb when sydney got fat for the first time and was nervous about going into work. when she was taking pictures of herself and stuff. i wouldn't mind if kip does the same thing here, stick to what you know ig. that's my prediction yeah ig it could be boring that everyone in the kipverse is a feedee lesbian with a humiliation kink, but i dont mind lol
Hmm, with someone mentioning earlier that Kipverse is a "post-fat society", do you think there is a longer, overarching plot to all of these stories? Think about it: in such a world the concept of a BBW stream/camgirl service might have been hitherto unheard of. If the story is heading where I think it is then Tessa, Saiya et al might well be pioneers. Breaking new ground in a move that could cause shockwaves - popular BBWs with active followings. Combine this flashpoint with someone sympathetic to the cause with clout and influence - someone like Grace, say - and you have the makings of a teardown of the current social norms. Are we slowly witnessing a fat revolution in Kipverse?
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>>202149 Bro just piss it out you'll be fine. >>202153 Look up "Concept Art" on Kemono and you'll find two posts about it. Murdelli talked Kip into doing an art exercise and he had a bit of fun with it, and you can tell. Sure Kip makes bank nowadays, but it's super depressing to think he's stuck in a rut, doing the same thing every day, when a lot of the joy in art comes from just playing around. He's generally not that good with bigger sizes, but the gypsy girl that came from that exercise looks great. Man, looking through old posts of his is really making me miss the old days...
>>202279 > but it's super depressing to think he's stuck in a rut, doing the same thing every day, when a lot of the joy in art comes from just playing around. It probably helps that Kip's comics tend to take a more lighthearted and comedic note. It's easy to find and express joy through silly characters doing stupid things. It's a release. Play. Something to keep in mind before railing at the dumb antics in a comic. I've said this before but it bears repeating: when it comes to stupid decisions in the comic, blame the characters, not the creator. Saiya being a social retard, for example, isn't necessarily a bug.
>>202280 > blame the characters, not the creator. Saiya being a social retard, for example, isn't necessarily a bug. That makes no fucking sense, their characters, the creator literally dictates everything about them appearance, speech, mannerisms etc. they're not living sapient 2Dcreatures in constant agreement with Kip, he solely decides what goes on with them. I don't understand how people think stupid shit like >>202150>>202157>>202279 were going to be the default sizes kip drew characters as. He doesn't like them at those sizes i'm honestly shocked he tolerates this shit for commissions and fotm votes, honestly if he dropped that he'd get rid of the delusional idiots insisting that his characters reach those sizes. >do you think there is a longer, overarching plot to all of these stories? MFer this is Kip not M.Night Shamalan, Hirohiko Araki or Tolkien, he's just putting in a bunch of silly shit he likes, dude hasn't even come up with a way to finish of the Sister series or NLB despite giving both ample break time and doing literally other comics including the current OSS. Kip has the "X-men mutants" problem of that for some reason despite fat being so shamed and shunned for some reason every girl and ULTRA rare because this is fucking kip guys seem to totally love the few random fat girls that do show up. He doesn't think that far ahead he's not a writer period.
>>202296 What does fucking women have to do with Kip? hell if your game so good why the hell are you reading fatty wank comics instead of getting laid?
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>>202294 >>202296 >>202297 >>202298 …you know we can see your post ID right?
>>202293 >I don't understand how people think stupid shit like . . . were going to be the default sizes kip drew characters as. Nobody thought they were going to be defaults, but they were certainly interesting to see every now and then and larger sizes would've worked well for climaxes to a "stuffing/weight gain" comic. >He doesn't like them at those sizes i'm honestly shocked he tolerates this shit for commissions and fotm votes, honestly if he dropped that he'd get rid of the delusional idiots insisting that his characters reach those sizes. He did drop those sizes, >>202139 wanted to see what older, larger sizes looked like. Almost all of these are 5+ years old.
>>202293 A way to rephrase what I meant earlier was simply "trust the author". Don't get me wrong, an annoying character can still bug the hell out of someone. Some characters aren't simply going to appeal to everyone but some stories can only occur when rational actors act irrationally. A further caveat, in case it needs saying, is that this by no means absolves a write or creator of other sins. We're just talking characters here.
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>>202327 This is so good. Kip please make one for Aika and Cindy
>>202327 I feel like Tessa has been the same size for 300 pages. Wasn’t she that same size when it was first revealed that she was fat? Am I crazy?
>>202335 I feel like when Tessa gets a big tum it disappears and just makes her tits get bigger where with Aika she gets bigger everywhere.
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>>202335 Yeah you’re not wrong to think that, in 437pgs this is Aika and Tessa’s start and finish and here’s Sydney’s
>>202293 > MFer this is Kip not M.Night Shamalan, Hirohiko Araki or Tolkien... ... He doesn't think that far ahead he's not a writer period. This always struck me as a strange rebuttal. Why be so quick to chop down someone's potential? Is Kip somehow less capable of big-picture stuff? That he can't swing for the fences? Saying you personally don't agree or approve the notion put forward is fine, but it's weird to say that Kip is incapable, or is that just me?
fat fetish comic on the internet
>>202406 Kip, bro, seriously you had plenty of shoots to show improvement and creativity, but in the end you just disappoint and stick to what brings those sweet patreon subs. And somehow crippled any appeal for the average fat fetishist with disgusted inflation and pregg shit
>>202406 You want praise bub? Lol.
>>202426 That's the point tho? Who gives a fuck about spergs who don't pay and only leech? I bet you don't even seed torrents. Why would anyone value your opinion?
>>202411 This fact will not get the spergs to discuss the actual subject matter. Nothing will.
>>202406 Kip has proven constantly incapable. As far back as Lunch with Sister there were complaints about the story - the difference was that the characters were at least likable. That's no longer the case with most of his output. One of the few shining lights was Full Night Nanny, no doubt as it was so much less ambitious. Kip isn't just a bad writer. He's inconsistent, he's awful at character writing, his grasp on English seems to have gotten worse and his protagonists are often awful. He thinks he's smarter than he is, but has constantly proven otherwise. The issue with One Serving Choice is that when it's good, it's really damned good. But that's in little vista points where it can be consumed as its own comic. The wider story is awful, with an awful main character being an unlikeable cunt, the romance misguided and the plot meandering. The problem is that Kip THINKS he's good at this. He constantly prides himself on being "more ambitious" than a fetish story, but he's never had one complete success apart from BWS and FNN. No Lunch Break was still fucking awful. Sydney was hated for being a cunt at first too. It's a running theme, and the common theory tends to be that they're self inserts for Kip - who, too, is generally accepted by most folks who've known him as being pretty unpleasant.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand One Serving Choice. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tessa's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike One Serving Choice truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Tessa's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kip Kippington's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Breakfast With Sister tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>>202459 If you really wanna bait us with this bullshit, you should at least try to be funny
>>202459 Have you ever heard the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit"?
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>>202468 Kill yourself
it seems that saiya, who never wanted to get fat, will probably be getting fat over the next year of pages.
Hoo boy, you can tell when there's a late page when people start getting ornery, heh.
>>202493 Naw, there's plenty of spergs and schizos as well.
I'm so surprised that no one ever brings up "wafiu quest" (terrible title) in these Kip Is A Terrible Writer rants. I still have absolutely no clue what they were going for with that.
>>202496 it was brief so nobody minded. The biggest problem with OSC is that we're on page 457 with no sign of it ending. Page 1 was April 2021
>>202491 People are always fighting in this bitch regardless if the page is late or not
>>202496 Kip actually teamed up with a writer for that one, lol
>>202651 It’s gonna take a miracle for Aika to get fatter huh
>>202651 So nothing really changed, we just know Saiya likes being fat now. Her feelings for Tessa are still the same, no love - just lust, and she still wants to stay skinny for Aika. I’m guessing tomorrow they’ll go to that theme park right? Maybe something interesting will happen there idk. >>202662 Honestly all I want.
>>202651 Just pee it out already, god. Kinda annoyed that the hunger was sidelined over more angst here - hunger and appetite are more my bag.
How big would Tessa get if she swallowed and digested Aika?
>>202727 Fuck off, vore fan
>>202727 Based >>202735 Cringe
>>202726 Panel 3 looks so bad. Does she have 2 bellybuttons??
>>202727 The only canon ending
>>202727 not even a milimeter bigger because she's reached the max size kip will draw already
