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Ace Attorney Thread 2: Justice For All Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 01:16:32 Id:1b1773 No. 201104
Looks like the last one finally kicked the bucket
>>201104 Anyone had the idle minded ema skye sequence? I guess he deleted for his page
(148.18 KB 512x1558 1444564947164.jpg)
>>206925 Is this?
>>206964 yeees, thank you so much
(2.08 MB 2560x3840 (2024-07-25) Kay Faraday.png)
>>201916 A sequel (kinda) to the Kay pic you didn't know you wanted!
>>212248 What a cutie.
>>212268 dang who drew this?
>>212307 Vascaloid and I commissioned it, I also commission the following: Mia Fey Trucy Wright Betty and Bonny De Famme (one image) Ga'Ran and Amara (one image)
(738.14 KB 2550x3300 canvas.png)
(1.42 MB 1893x2157 olive greenn.png)
(5.86 MB 2982x4779 07.jpg)
>>212319 Nice. I like to see Trucy and Mia get more pics!
>>212319 You're actually that retard's friend...?
>>212343 Last I checked you don't need to be someone's friend to commission art from them
>>212394 ComicalWeapon sumo body types are my guilty pleasure.
(231.53 KB 1110x2000 media_GS4sYpCasAAp5q6.png)
>>212334 You get your wish! Here is my Mia Fey commission >>212343 So what if I am a friend of Vascaloid? What is it to you asshole?
>>212654 That's a cute belly button...
>>212654 pretty good shit you got there
>>212654 That's great! Another Trucy one would do well!
The photo "MysteryMaya" I couldn't find the original one, that's why it's in bad quality.
(176.37 KB 1900x1300 maya tdookus 1.jpg)
(1.39 MB 3000x3500 maya tdookus 2.png)
>>213879 recognized the style as dookus
>>212849 >>212334 Funny magician girl with bottomless panties now has bottomless stomach! Got Trucy Wright
>>215345 Amazing. Are you accepting any more requests at this time? I'd love one for Katherine Hall, Cammy Meele, Ema or Lana Skye personally.
>>215345 Very cute!
>>215345 you have done a great service to us ace attorney fans, looking forward to the ga'ran and amara one
