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Watamote - Tomoko Kuroki thread Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:04:18 Id:426696 No. 238331
It may be kind of niche, but it would be nice to see how much art of it exists.
>>238360 The anime would do big numbers nowadays, may have even surpassed komi-san and bocchi the rock (probably)
>>238376 >>238360 Yet despite that, Watamote and Lucky Star can be seen as pioneers of the genre. Without them, the era of neet fetish wouldn't be possible.
>>238363 I’ll pat them on the back :]
>>238396 And I'll just kill them
(632.62 KB 4096x2458 20230526_170815.jpg)
>>238396 Why is that such an issue?
>>238331 It's not a good idea to make threads of niche ideas or niche characters. They often don't have staying power, and kills off threads that have better chances of sticking around.
>>238640 Blob Tomoko too big for bbwchan: https://files.catbox.moe/ap79m1.jpg
>>238642 First two files spoiled for public hair
>>238645 I reposted one that was posted earlier in this thread by accident in the last post
>>238439 Being completely serious, Spaghetti-tan is the one meme character that might just have gained enough content over the years to actually fill a thread enough.
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(249.97 KB 2480x2480 20250121_005435.jpg)
One couch potato, extra large
(536.06 KB 4096x2900 E-HfY6gXoAQZZZg.jpeg)
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>>241989 who made this?
>>242050 I think it Is from Tetsujinex but I might be wrong.
>>242123 Put on your glasses, old man, that looks nothing like Tetsujinex.
(177.54 KB 2000x1629 faveeer.jfif)
(2.31 MB 4096x1903 tomo_fat.png)
(3.09 MB 5000x4000 Nuevo_Lienzo466 (1).png)
(1.43 MB 4000x1500 Nuevo_Lienzo26a.png)
>>242123 >>242125 I would be surprised if Tetsujinex started drawing weight gain and fat girls again. He only draws futa and giant breasts now which is a shame because his fat art was top tier.
>>242352 Not even a joke, that man made gold like he had the fucking philosopher's stone! Though, tbh, would've loved to see a madoka piece, not that the two he did do weren't satisfactory
>>242050 Its giving Hoikooroo
>>242319 artist of the last pic? ty
>>241989 >>242438 I can't find him anywhere.
(783.90 KB 1969x2656 Gik_HGiXAAEhitT.png)
>>242552 Plumpknight
>>242319 My goodness, that second one. Do you know who made it?
>>243117 Couldn't find any more pieces by this artist, do you know where they uploads?
(61.86 KB 1024x342 Tomoko.jpg)
>>243983 RoyalOppai
>>246444 Tomoko does crack
(175.85 KB 1477x2048 tomoko gomad.jpeg)
>>246593 This is great, who made it?
