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The Quintessential Quintuplets Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 01:34:08 Id:77ea8b No. 85717
Can I see more fat Quints? Thanks.
(9.38 MB 5000x8000 dib19.jpg)
(75.68 KB 824x864 ELUyQqiUcAAewKc.jpg)
(1.02 MB 2750x2481 FATSUKI-2.jpg)
(425.40 KB 1609x1315 Private 1-24 (Colored).png)
(494.27 KB 1357x3204 A Lesson in Shapes.jpg)
(465.21 KB 1357x3204 The Deep Tissue Treatment.jpg)
(8.18 MB 6840x5400 04-min.png)
(8.13 MB 6840x5400 09-min.png)
(811.34 KB 4088x2149 23-07-14 half quintisentialss.jpg)
(407.84 KB 1519x3158 5 tastes of red p1.jpg)
(851.13 KB 2597x3828 5 tastes of red p2.jpg)
(1.20 MB 3912x4096 5 tastes of red p3.jpg)
(940.35 KB 4096x3383 5 tastes of red p4.jpg)
(765.86 KB 4096x1719 5 tastes of red.jpg)
Anyone got the uncensored version?
>>211261 it would be more interesting to find all the art this traced. I'd rather look at the originals.
>>211261 I'm pretty sure SauteedLoin never made uncensored versions of these works.
>>211582 Ugh, this frickin' Russian artist again? I wish he'd just disappear from the internet
>>211484 It's supposed to be on their kemono I guess
Traced? They don't look traced
>>211608 What's wrong with you? Do you have some personal agenda against him? He didn't do anything. The dude just draws some fat art.
>>211479 What makes you think it was traced?
>>212518 Fuck off with this shitty Russian artist
>>212526 Shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about you and your opinion.
>>212526 >shitty Are you stupid
>>212531 He definitely is
(778.97 KB 1075x1518 illust_121088826_20240802_135600.jpg)
(609.60 KB 1075x1518 119040600_p0.jpg)
artist name?
artist name?
I’m sorry idk how to link the messages, i’m searching the name of the “Shitty Russian Artist”
>>213495 It's Daydada, dumbass...
>>213495 The artist name is Daydada and he's not shitty.
>>213593 Is it just me or this dude is trying to copy Meatpedal's art style? Look at her face for example
>>213617 He's Meatpedal's friend, so I guess he tries to take some notes from MeatPedal. Yes their art styles are similar, but they are not one to one.
(4.92 MB 7000x6000 dib35.jpg)
Can you guess who the real Itsuki is?
>>213882 Left to right: Itsuki, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Ichika
>>213882 Yes, Itsuki, just like One Piece is the friends we made along ;)
(1.38 MB 1433x1432 121647923_p0.png)
(1.92 MB 1601x2110 121647923_p1.png)
>>215866 That's from Fate, not 5-toubun.
(1.15 MB 2539x1900 Eatsuki.jpg)
(4.44 MB 3935x2852 Spicy Buns.jpg)
>>216391 Is this a sequel or what?
>>216399 Yes, it is a sequel
(219.28 KB 2048x1638 GGzrqgnWcAEZ6eC.jpg)
Seeing Nino become the fattest hog of the 5 is appealing because it fits with her character that she would be the most pissed off about becoming that way. Itsuki is more of a natural glutton so that is her appeal. And Miku seems to be the least superficial about appearance and is interested in niche indoor activities that would make it easier to get chubby without trying. Although Yotsuba quitting sports and getting fat would be cool and Ichika having to become some sort of bbw model/actress would work too. Yotsuba and Ichika were my least favorites in the show though so I'm glad they don't get the most art.
