/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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/bhm/ drawn thread Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 16:21:05 Id:63c94a No. 1622
Only had stuff from jojo, but drawn bhm thread
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Does anyone have the NSFW pics from him before the thread got deleted?
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>>1625 Is this OC? I can’t find any sauce anywhere
>>1633 gammanaut
>>1645 Second picture is already there.>>1631
(2.37 MB 3000x3000 DekuSONG_v005a.png)
Any fat Midoriya?
I have a bit of Anastimafilia’s Deku content saved from Yiff.party if anyone wants to post some more Deku in return
Does anyone have the Jaune Arc sequence that Stevie-Foxx did before it got deleted?
Here ya go
Anybody have any more of stevie-foxx’s deleted Danganronpa stuff? This is the only one I still got
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(171.24 KB 1200x1500 Ei29kttU4AAKwn_.jpg)
trying to find a piece, it's esoteric, but i saw it on an old bbwchan thread (like a few years ago). It's a ben garrison cartoon from around 2014 or 2015 with a morbidly obese bull being berated by his doctor.
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>>1666 Here you go anon
(7.68 MB 2750x3750 Untitled17_20210323014959.png)
Does anyone have this complete sequence?
This is the stuff that I draw
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The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who by Luchoredman
Can we get some Bob from Spooky Month?
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I love this art style, and it made me a fan of Terry who I think was from Street Figther. And the other one is Gordie from Pokémon Sword & Sheild, there nice! My rp ad is still open of you don't know is DeepLurkers#3868
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hope it's okay to post my art here
(5.97 MB 1504x24528 image00001.png)
might as well dump this
>>3847 Pleaasee tell me where else you post, absolutely love your art
>>3976 I want to see more male weight gain illustrations drawn by saxxon/saxxoff!Someone please post here!!!
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>>3979 i'd like to see some rarer pics from him
He totally has that fat dilf body its very nice. Also it's me with discord ad DeepLurkers#3868, I have reopen it so it anyone interested it's open
Ain't nothing wrong loving a planet especially its a dude with amazing curves hehe.
Does anyone have an illustration drawn by The Himbo Fattener?
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Massive Spiderman Butt He stops crime with his massive booty. Or just to pleasure his lovers lol
does anyone know some good fat boy artists other thank megamilkwhite, plumpy_bread...
>>4099 Does being a good writer help?
(124.33 KB 905x422 super_pac_on.png)
decided to do a sequel
Does anyone have an illustration posted on patreon by The Himbo Fattener?
Heh cute boi gets even really big! If anyone down for a male x male rp my discord is open but with new name 1-UP#3868 if anyone interested
Does anyone have this?
Does anyone have full illustrations of these?
>>3847 >>4369 This looks good, very impressive and well made
the rare Omori fat
(136.18 KB 1250x884 Fm2zKJZWYAMY3Jo.jpg)
>>4485 Source of that one?
>>4527 BigLov3BL on DeviantArt. He deleted some of his older posts, not sure if anyone got a chance to save them.
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Wanted to post sone of my own art on here. His name is Mike.
(271.77 KB 2048x1536 Untitled650_20230215082125.png)
Decided to do another part. He gave up on the clothes lol
>>4585 I've hunted a bit but unfortunately this is all I've been able to recover thus far. The artist has a real complex about this whole thing so they didn't even save their own stuff apparently.
Y'all got any good fat maid boys?
(229.55 KB 1961x1619 20230306_234807.jpg)
Anyone has this?
Anyone can upload KiroMoi's patreon to kemono party?
>>4369 Holy Shit, this is really awesome
(128.16 KB 2048x1339 ELSiseVWkAAM5rW.jpeg)
>>3847 >>4369 Do you have anywhere else you post your art, cuz goddamn, I'd follow you in a heartbeat.
https://mega.nz/file/PrpkjARJ 9GO5PDLMxpeE1upAO3nbdrc8eh-ze4r5BNRfJAgJFMM
Prince Peasley
can someone edit guts out of this?
>>5383 Already made an alt without any of the background garbage, glad you like my stuff though.
>>5391 thanks! the way you shade makes your fatties look even softer than they are
>>4369 damn man I love this idea and how it is well drawn. do you have a page where you post this ?
Could someone upload the uncensored version of this pic? https://www.deviantart.com/vhite9/art/Fattytober-23-Buttocks-934114679
(392.67 KB 3500x2893 FfweViXacAATxmQ.jpg)
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can someone edit this to be deku?
Geno from Mario RPG
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Does anyone have part 5 of this sequence?
>>4369 I wish there was more of this, seeing fat fetish art of @INKBLOTo Pakku and Pinky is something I would never expect to see in my life, but for sure I absolutely love it
>>6384 If you are still around here, fellow user who made this beautiful drawings, I wish you the best and hope to see more of your stuff, It's really gorgeous
>>6385 Thank you, I really appreciate all of the positive feedback. It means a lot to know that people like my stuff. I've been meaning to make a page on DA, so I'll get down to that sooner or later. I'm honestly surprised that you even recognized the characters and who they're from lol. I might just remake these while I'm at it.
>>6406 Is that so?, well, When you make a DA page, I would love to see you share it here, I would immediately follow you there
>>6279 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/88713254 Is there anyone who can update it?
I got some big belly dudes made by trc-tooniveristy he does like them big lol. Would anyone be down for an rp? And someone plays as one of them? I got a discord account its, enchantedcomic if anyone interested
(1.12 MB 2200x3000 pac_on.png)
Just finished my re-do, sorry for the wait.
Also my DA https://www.deviantart.com/spadeforeman
>>6660 I'm really happy for you to let your talent grow, I fear of INKBLOTo knowing of this and not having a good reaction, I look fowaard to see more of your art and also good things for you in the future
>>6659 This is really amazing man, I hope to see the other sequence get a re-do and possibly even more of it, keep going!
>>6660 Wait, What happened to the upload you made of this drawing?, did Ink found out?
>>6709 I noticed is no longer in DA
>>6710 Sorry about that, I took it down because I wanted to tweak some stuff like the foot positioning. I'll reupload it as soon as I'm done, sorry to cause some worry
>>6713 Oh, I see, I'm glad to hear that it was not the case, I was legitimately fearing for your life
does anyone know any good bhm/ssbhm artists around the $30-50 range to commission?
>>6713 Say, there's a drawthread over at >>1695, you can doodle up some requests there, if you want, of course.
>>6659 Dude I'm really hoping that >>4369 also gets a redo or get to see more of your drawings with Pakku and Pinky, youre amazing
Anyone have any art of Miyuki or Ishigami from Kaguya-Sama?
(1.00 MB 3000x2688 fatassuka.png)
heres an asuka comm i got from @chocco_pudding on twitter
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>>6279 Does anyone have a full view of this illustration?
Hehe huge man
>>4948 Who's the artist?
>>7144 artist?
Not sure if this is the right thread for this but could someone edit him to be in his armor?
>>7144 https://twitter.com/swissrolls__
>>7158 >>7189 meant to reply to this one
>>1652 source?
>>1635 you got a source for this?
Does FA-Persona have a Kemono.Party page? I've looking for on the site but it can't be found.
Frollo, Phoebus & Clopin from Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) by TUTUTUMY
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Please tell me who drew these illustrations
>>8029 darkfireballz and gnibbles respectively, but where did you get these? they arent public pictures
Any art of someone gradually getting fed to immobility by a female feeder? as a sequence
Does anyone have these works? https://www.deviantart.com/saxxon/art/Two-more-cool-projects-I-got-to-help-with-806709740 https://www.deviantart.com/saxxoff/art/THE-FATTENING-Male-Weight-Gain-Comic-For-Sale-334100259
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Does anyone have any Gojo from jjk?
Anyone got this Blarthyminion picture of N from patreon?
Anyone have more content from FatFanPlus?
any tanjiro fats?
Only loook
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Idk if this might count (implied blueberry stuff), but found this on Twitter a while ago (I don't rember the artist though)
(3.99 MB 3000x2000 haru.jpg)
We need more Prince Haru
>>9562 Can’t blame Mario here - hard not to stare at a gut like that
>>9563 Yep
>>9565 U only getting money if have your wife drive the nice cars while you drive the old piece of shit. He definitely abuse her because he doesnt have a nice body. But everyone knows now. God damn german drivers
>>9566 Fuck off skizo
>>9567 She mad at amanda
>>9568 She isnt private. She knows deep down she dont deserve him. He deserves one of you. & the women know it. Oh they know it
