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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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(39.43 KB 680x632 Fcl1cl3XEAE70Xf.jpg)
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Fat splatoon boys thread! Echo 09/15/2022 (Thu) 21:24:08 No. 3254
There really isn't enough fat-art of splatoon boys, post your wide and voluptuous squids here!
(94.47 KB 1600x1400 Eki3b5hXIAQ_ZjM.jpg)
(327.82 KB 1981x2000 FOciwGrVkAMdgdM.jpg)
If anyone can say what the sources for these are, that'd be appreciated, because I genuinely cannot remember, lmao
>>3254 This is so cute
Who draw the first sequence in the thread?
>>3332 twitter.com/VeggieGremlin
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More art by veggiegremlin!
(Forgot to un-check spoiler, whoops! theres nothing niche in there, i swear!)
Holy fuck those art are hot, there is inflation in the Splatoon game?
I think its more likley a fan-made concept by veggie himself, if so, it kinda fits.
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Front Roe vocalist. Why isn’t there much fat art of Splatoon bands boy?
(772.89 KB 2162x1790 warmup gone wrong lol.png)
>>3548 sauce on 2nd and 3rd pic?
(279.11 KB 2000x2000 Fub82AGaIAA8gtD.jpeg)
Quality is really bad but it's the only preservation it has
>>6323 sources for all three?
>>7108 PlumpyBread on tumblr
>>4426 You do realize that's a girl, right?!
>>7183 Yes, lol. Not the same OP
>>3284 i remember there was a higher-res version of this, does anyone still have it
>>3284 >>7195 never mind, i found it
(567.51 KB 1803x2480 IMG_3919.jpeg)
(1.28 MB 1242x1725 IMG_3920.jpeg)
I made an alt of this picture. Hope it’s good for your taste guys
>>7439 I will pretend this one is a boy then
Here’s some better alt
(1.22 MB 1242x1731 IMG_4030.jpeg)
>>7452 You missed some spots buddy
>>7452 Can It Be A Normal Navel?
>>7502 I will fix it later.
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Source: @Pearliswife2001 on twitter
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