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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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ONI_SAI Fatpiggrowing 05/01/2023 (Mon) 22:30:31 No. 5754
almost all of this guy’s accounts are gone or locked could we get a chain of his stuff going?
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First part of that comic
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Here’s another image I found I wonder what happened to him though cuz he doesn’t upload anymore
>>5842 probably got a job. a lot of fetish artists are animators on the side. source: am animator.
Yeah probably and I mean it makes sense, more money in animation then nsfw art despite what jokes would make you believe.
>>5850 more consistent money. i make more with porn but in animation i don't have to deal with idiots who tell me everything looks great and then when i'm nearly done say "oh sorry i was too busy to look at the wip can you change <x>" also a lot of us sign NDAs that also state if we are found making money off art while under contract then we can be fired + blacklisted and essentially be eternally unhireable. shit sucks. you can make more money doing porn but when christmas rolls around you can't really show your mom the porn you drew.
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Yeah that one would be hard to explain. I hope people have his Twitter archived somewhere tho
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Here’s more
>>5857 That sucks. I guess the thing to do is build a free portfolio in the meantime
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Here’s another piece of his
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More stuff
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>>5754 some of his older stuff. I miss his art.
Wonder if it would be impolite to just heavily reference and study their art to produce something similar. I wouldn't want to be identical but I appreciate the semi-realistic quality to his faces.
I mean I don’t think there’s anything wrong about doing that. I know there’s already a few people doing it with Warren Davis’ stuff
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>>6045 found some more of his old art I saved. I used to talk to him on Skype more than a decade ago.
Oh nice, what was he like?
And I also have to admit I’ve traced over a lot of art to make characters fatter myself
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Here’s more
I wish he was still making art
