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Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread 09/23/2022 (Fri) 03:19:33 Id:5d5de5 No. 6628
New successor thread to >>6545 and >>6514 soon to be filled with girls (Boys, and young anthros, too.) small in stature but with appetites far bigger than others 3 times their height, having a shelf of an juicy fat ass and overflowing, lap filling gut to prove it.
>>8977 Very hot, anywhere we can follow?
(279.20 KB 3315x2279 1004676433.jpg)
>>6628 Bump, keep this thread alive
>>8451 Who made these?
Anyone have the full image? It's an image made by royaloppai that plumpknight posted
(217.95 KB 920x1046 5086011_HeftyCoby__.jpg)
(1.90 MB 2689x3543 столас-1.jpg)
Some fat cub Stolas by MailzeW on FA
I love shotas and i am proud to br a shotacon
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>>9347 Chodoudou/Dietboo/Boysoy, who is gone. He has an inactive Weight Gamers page and used to have some stories on Wattpad. https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1dmwegd/tomtneed_help_finding_love_story/
>>8933 Are you still active? What happened to your Furaffinity and DeviantArt?
>>9804 I don't think they are, thier inkbunny account is gone.
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>>9958 who made that asriel and toriel one?
>>10053 This guy https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28429306/artworks
>>6649 Source of the 5th pic?
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Allister my beloved
>>9841 Oh my! I hope she returns!
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>>10674 Dang how much is sonic eating for that to happen to cream lol
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Man I really like tails lol
RGlzYyBpcyBzbGltc2xpbWUy I really really like tails :3
(160.78 KB 437x437 PaunchnJudy.png)
Neat. https://youtu.be/VSOYPUbyHvk?si=iutOH_TihmFaC55e&t=95
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anyone have fat art of characters from Arthur?
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(269.15 KB 2809x2039 Eu7a-DNWgAEKAm2.jpg)
(1.09 MB 1280x800 Arthur-tLDW-6.png)
>>11381 Here. It also doubles as a request anchored on >>8526
>>11404 wildcat confirmed to be an absolute total lolinigger
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