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Weight Gain Encouragement Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 23:48:20 Id:32f477 No. 5
We lost the old thread, and I didn't save the MEGA folders with content that we had, so I'm hoping someone else nabbed the content there. In the meantime, I'll just leave a few things here. Including the PornHub playlist. https://www.pornhub.com/playlist/63751642 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVGhRTm1kRlUwa3habTA9
>>8026 Begging and pleading for that reup
your last post takes you too home page of mega everytime
>>8128 your link took me to my mega homepage/login
>>8132 ¨ OK, my mega is basically full, gonna change it after a few days or so. BtW did some have any Gaining Gabi stuff, yes she is weird, dumb etc etc but ...
Does anyone have any Kelly Hart videos?
Yo, brother, what the fuck is up with that Chinese horror shit you snuck in there?
>>8135 Still would, what bother me where are these mad fat chicks now? Transaltion would be nice.
>>8132 I've been looking for that second to last file "You used to be so...fit." for ages now, thank you! Anyone know who she is? She's one of the few that doesn't have horrifically bad acting that turns me off of the video immediately lol
https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view/title/premature%20e%22fat%22ulation%20(true%20story) Anyone got the rest of this story and anything else by this author?
>>8150 have more gonna change this weak
>>8150 I like her too, totally agree. She’s Labootay on Feabie and it seems like you just ask her directly for a custom.
Anyone else miss the captions from this thread?
>>8184 I always do. I'm so tired of 3D shit.
>>8184 >>8185 Hololive y/n?
>>8184 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLKEC20YAGV-3XSMx_ZUoMf1GT7OJsO9TGVvMy5PhIU Make captions from this
Anyone have this? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/36289-confession-i-want-to-fatten-you/
Dude give me some hololive feeder stuff. All the En girls!
>>8189 Not gonna lie all the ones I looked at are... well, the word choice is jarring. I can't imagine anyone ever saying these things with a straight face.
I need to become obese...
>>8176 Still planning on adding more?
Does anyone have these vids with a thin Indian woman with dyed hair and fat guy where the woman feeds him pizza, she’s like on top of him, It used to be on YouTube but I think it got taken down
>>8231 yes probably today, really bussy here
Ok folks, uploading another on my Mega, its 61GB of this so i must rotate these fiels. And yes, its posible ther could be few unrelated things and some horror crap upload is in progres https://mega.nz/folder/67Iz3Z4Y#iwqM0jQksGRJWNGuisnRdg
>>8246 Thanks for this. You're the man.
>>8246 great upload, i'd been looking for that vera price "feeder binge conditioning" clip forever after watching it once, thought i'd conflated it with the "10,000 calorie" vid so nice to know its real!
Does anyone have any Nika Venom vids? I cant find the file for the moob encouragement one
>>8261 https://we.tl/t-RA6DykxvbH
Does anyone have “lacy luck my fat husband“ I remember seeing it floating around for a while
hy folks, gonna rotate files in my mega again, roghly 60Gb of it. And again sorry if there is some horro dark crap in in.
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/31090/22052261/dating-a-feeder-1080-wmv Anyone have this?
>>8294 Not to sound ungrateful but did you rotate some new ones in? Seems to be the same stuff as a few days ago. Thanks for all the current stuff regardless.
>>8323 Yep I'm seeing the same
>>8172 anyone?
Does anyone happen to have this clip? I use but somehow I lost it https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/140821/25382997/its-getting-hard-to-reach-isnt-it?cflsid=80037371672438555899&ca=atc
>>8294 thanks in advance. there were a couple natasha's bedroom clips in the mix, don't suppose you have this one do you? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/72779/23260635/fat-piggy-training >>8328 yep, here you go https://gofile.io/d/dO02vw uploaded all her mutual gain clips that i have, but would be keen if anyone has some others, either humiliation or encouragement (or even non-FFA stuff, she's fucking hot!)
Has anyone ever bought anything Enchantress has sold on her apclips before? I really wanna buy one of them but holy shit, they're expensive.
Does anyone have any content where they're not mean to you, where they just care about you a bit too much?
https://mega.nz/folder/3m4V3TJJ#sN4XN38I5HW5Nj9ekiku4Q here you go folks
>>8334 Thank you for sharing your collection!
anyone have any of the stuff from mommyglutton? she's so hot...
FFAs be out there. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuO7uS-glv4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
>>8344 Does anyone know the original source of that? it made me chuckle a little though not gonna lie And they are definitely out there guys :) don't give up hope. And don't give up on anyone who isn't an FA, they can come around to it
Given so many of these weight gain encouragement videos are just ...shit. does anyone have any recommendations on which are worthwhile? I'm sick of anything that's literally just them talking to the camera with dead eyes and no actual eroticism. I'm sick of videos of them shoving food onto the camera land smushing it around!!! Just why?? Does anyone like that? And would it kill them to actually strip over the course of the video? So many act like they are going to and then end fully clothed still. Doesn't have to be one of the ones in the mega. I will happily buy myself something if it's worthwhile. But who is spending $20 on these low effort scams? poor saps. Just because a fetish is niche doesn't mean we should just accept this crap
>>8350 I feel like empress of the north’s stuff can be decent sometimes since she’s actually into the fetish but nobody seems to share her stuff around other than like 2 old clips that float around
>>8351 My problem with her videos is every one I’ve ever watched, she’s so fucking quiet and I have to go get headphones and crank the volume to 100% to hear her. Like previous poster mentioned so many of these girls are terrible at this, and even less are any good at the humiliation side of it.
>>8352 I remember Humiliatrix on Clips4sale having some good fat humiliation videos.
>>8329 Wow, I had no idea she did clips like that, thanks!
https://mega.nz/folder/LjBm2TAD#ndQEOax_sbGsTvuOgbVc2A The usual file rotation. Hope its dont upset "i demnat quality stuff" annon :D
epic collection, some rare ones in there, thank you king
>>8362 Great drop. Do you have any more of that Marigoddess girl?
>>8371 not him but here's a two https://mab.to/t/SMz5yKoiZzV/us2
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Shot in the dark but roes anyone remember this chick or better yet still have any of her female feeder clips? She went by Miss Mary Jayne, Canadian, circa 2011-2013?, she did a vast array of fetish clips but as she put on weight herself she'd post varied and occasional gaining encouragement, force feed, I want a fat bf and let's get fatter together type stuff. She disappeared without a trace. It was some pretty hot stuff but probably doesn't age well quality wise. I lost the drive I had them on in a fire
>>8377 https://www.tumbex.com/maryjayneoncam.tumblr/photo?tag=miss+mary+jayne+photos+and+gifs something left on tumbex or something. Anyway, I'm going to do some more fille rotation today and send a link, as usual. maybe there is something from here and there, I have some ancient stuff as well.
>>8380 some great vids in this drop, thank you especially the destination kat vid, that one is exceptional - strikes the perfect humilation/teasing/encluragement tone
>>8380 The link to the mega won't work for me anymore :(
https://mega.nz/folder/b2ZWjJBD#ndQEOax_sbGsTvuOgbVc2A odd, should work. Here is new one.
>>8384 Those 2 CG images, I remember them from another thread on these boards years ago. Do you have more of them by chance?
>>8384 720P_1500K_188279021.mp4 seems to be corrupted. Been looking for that one forever :(
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>>8391 Yes, gonna put the whole series in the next file change. two or four days from now. Or today, not really sure. Bussy here.
>>8396 Hmm, sorry, get rid of the majority of these corrupted files sadly few still remain. Working on it.
Does anyone have any of these videos? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/35445-dom-cece-pushes-you-to-your-limit/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/34152-be-ceces-feedee/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/32197-get-fat-with-cece/
some ffa stuff https://gofile.io/d/bZJE9p
https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/mommyglutton if anyone’s feeling generous to update her coomer, she has a lot of POV feeder audios and videos
https://mega.nz/folder/b2ZWjJBD#ndQEOax_sbGsTvuOgbVc2A usual fyle rottation, again seriusly some Gainning Gabi stuffs would be apriaciated, yes I know she was weird, dumb, ugly but that blonde disater simply get me ... well some of you know what I mean. Anyway hapy eand of weak to you folks.
does anyone have any Nikki Maialina? Please
Anyone have anything from this insanely hot feeder? https://onlyfans.com/chef.mistress
>>8401 Guess I missed them
A little off topic, but does anyone here know what ever happened to biddygal or massivelyfattening? When they just dropped off the map it made me sad, they were hugely influential for me in this fetish - I heard Massively Fattening grew to hate our 'community' because of the way she was treated, and as far as I know biddygal just deleted without warning Anyone have any updates or ideas on them?
>>8512 I'm still sad about them too, mostly massivelyfattening cause of how amazing their audios were
>>8519 It's not much but this may scratch the itch: https://soundcloud.com/massively-fattening
anyone got some stuff from mommyglutton? all the links I tried are dead already sadly
CAPTION: ".. - It's #Halloween - All-Hallow's Eve, and you were on your way to a party, when suddenly you heard a strange woman's voice speak your name out of the darkness.. There was a sense of being caught up in a terrible whirlwind and then you found yourself in a desolate grey city, with flames burning all around.. - You tried to move but found yourself strapped to some kind of huge throne.. And then SHE appeared, walking out of a pool of flames! A horned devil-woman, a succubus carrying an enormous cake.. HER red eyes fixed intently on you as SHE approached you, and you felt your will dissolve away under her hypnotic power.. - "You hungerrr, you will eat!" SHE commanded as she began to force-feed you.. Unable to resist you ate and ate and ate, as SHE relentlessly fed you, more and more..Your belly feels hugely bloated and swollen, you can feel yourself growing fatter by the minute, your thighs and butt are spreading out on the stone throne you are bound to! - Why is this devil-girl so intent on feeding you? Why won't SHE stop? SHE won't say.. SHE just continues force-fattening you with focused intensity.. As SHE pats your fattened gut and shoves yet another handful of deliciously sinfully #fattening cake into your mouth, you hear a strange sound coming from the succubus.. it sounds like humming? or purring? SHE seems to be enjoying forcing-feeding you at least, even if you are not! .." > more: gordobabosoff on deviantart..
Uploaded on coomer: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/feederka decent content
>>8462 The link ain't working no more :'(
ollou folks. I needed my mega ofr something else, gonna fill and send link in few days. Maybe today, thats thats unlikely, more like 16 or 17
FYI https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/empress-of-the-north
>>8560 It's such a shame that all of her content for the past few months have just been cringe fake belly and thin feedee videos. Fit feeder content is so hard to come by, and she seems to have stopped making it.
>>8565 Yeah I don’t get the appeal of the fake belly and fat suit stuff. It’s the fat fetish equivalent of putting a basketball under your t-shirt it’s just kinda dumb and not at all attractive
>>8565 >>8570 I think at some point Ivy or someone like her got into her ear and told her the padding crap was the way to go for her content.
>>8572 She might just also enjoy doing it. If she got more feedback requesting certain content we'd prefer then she'd probably start making it.
A little encouragement thing I did with AI. https://wetransfer.com/downloads/856c2bde142ef692ed7cd47719717dcd20231118181023/4694b1
>>8574 it looks like some of the files got corrupted, where the videos only play for a few minutes :(
Anyone of you subbed to her? worth it? https://fansly.com/Almalexia/posts
>>8576 That was fucking awesome, if you could make more of these or teach us how to make that would be highly appreciated haha
>>8574 thanks for the share, some ones I haven't seen in there!
Does anyone have 'Dating a Feeder' by Sydney Screams?
>>8572 She still does a lot of feeder content, but she's restricted it to weight gain drives on her OnlyFans. I think she's trying to push her regular audience there and using Curvage/C4S to branch out into new genres.
A little preview of a recently done comission. I make audios with AI voices. Themes: weight gian, health issues, soft-dom, encouragement https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
>>8607 Glad you like it! I take comissions on Kofi and upload here previews from time to time. https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
(3.64 MB WAKE UP....ogg)
Complete comission, just out of the oven. Themes: weight gain, encouragement, teasing (semi-harsh), health issues, death feederism.
If were doing ai voices now, can someone create an mutual gain encouragement audio with Foxy Roxxie's voice?
>>8620 Sure, I take comissions here: https://ko-fi.com/Manage/
>>8620 Sorry, messed up the link. Here: https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
Anyone else remember the "Get Fatter America" joke YouTube video Karen Alloy (aka Spricket24) made back in 2010? Unintended fattening encouragement.. But she took it private not long after.. Did anyone maybe download it at the time? I know I didn't imagine it because this 2010 blog refers & links to it! http://www.counterweights.ca/2010/01/has-the-canadian-prorogation-protest-peaked-could-be-a-good-question-for-karen-alloy/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpyiQZy_HD8
Online here, should be downloadable: https://vocaroo.com/15JfjVMU3cxL "Oh honey, what's wrong?.. Why did you put your fork down? That's no good.. You should eat more.. Stuff yourself as much as you can.. Your fat will wrap around you just like my loving arms ... I know that you're feeling sad, because some nasty people say you're a gross fat fucking pig... But I know what eating means to you, so I am here to help you, to comfort you, and to feed you, because you MUST eat to cope.. Just relax, listen to my voice.. I know what's best for you after all! .. Just immerse yourself into your endless binge eating disorder ... I'm going to make you feel so much better! .. You will grow so very very fat for me and you'll find your inner peace once you're constantly full, all day, everyday... Do you need me to spoon-feed you? Well, ok then.. Open up and eat for me.. That's it baby.. Now just give in and enjoy your meal, I'll take care of everything for you... All you need to do is eat and eat and eat.. Bigger is better. You know that down deep inside... Those horrible strangers tried to make you feel guilty and ashamed because of your appetite... But it's alright, baby. You need to eat. You want to eat. And you know what? I'm here to help you every step, every spoonful of the way.. I'll help you grow into your happiest fattest self. So, just relax and be you! Accept your greedy self just the way you are! You want to eat: so EAT UP.. Eat like every meal could be your last! You know, you're getting fatter and rounder: and I am fine with that! Just listen to my mesmerizing voice as I feed you into FREEDOM. Eat, and eat, and eat - Stuff your face and grow bigger and fatter for me! Bigger is better! So, don't worry about anything else, just stuff your face and grow fatter and fatter, let yourself go and become truly morbidly obese! Baby, I have to admit something.. I have some very dark fantasies when it comes to your growing weight.. I want to see you get even greedier, fatter and hungrier for me! I want to see you really gorge yourself! Let your weight balloon, and really let yourself go.. I want to feed you and fatten you up until you're so big and fat that you can't move. You'll be pinned to the bed by your fat, immobilized for my pleasure and enjoyment.. You know you're too weak-willed to resist all the amazing food I plan to feed you.. .. But I promise you, I will take care of your every need, as I grow you fatter and fatter. And fatter.. Give in to me, honey.. Eat yourself to your ultimate destiny of immobile obesity.. Do it for me.. Hmmm.. You know, whatever you're eating everyday isn't really piling the fat onto you as fast as I want.. If you're going to become truly enormously morbidly obese, you need to consume far more fatty calories.. So I'm putting you on the pizza diet. I'll add at least one pizza to every one of your meals from now on. Oh, don't worry, that doesn't mean you'll miss out on your favourite meals! No no honey, you'll continue eating everything else as usual. Only I'll add pizzas as an extra to every meal.. The goal is simply to keep your belly stretched - constantly packed tight with fattening food.. Because I want to fatten you to enormous obesity as quickly and deliciously as possible.. So get ready to be stuffed like you've never been stuffed before, baby! Did you enjoy that dinner, hon? Good.. You know, I love seeing you grow fatter and fatter.. You're my pathetic fat pig! Aww, don't pout.. I know you love it when I talk to you like that, fatty! .. And I am gonna make you ever so much fatter! So incredibly, enormously fat.. Honestly, I'm only going to allow you to eat unhealthy things.. More pizza and pastas, burgers and pies, ice cream and milkshakes.. You know I swore I'm gonna feed you and feed you until you're so fat you can't move? Well guess what I'll do with you then? I'll take real good care of you, I'll love you and pamper you like my precious pet pig.. And I will keep on force-feeding you, fattening you even more.. Just piling more and more blubber onto you.. I'll feed you and feed you and feed you - until your heart stops.. Ha ha ha! Oh, don't sulk, baby! You know you can't get any girl other than me, you fat fucking pig! So, this is how it's going to be.. I know how much you secretly like being so fat, and getting fed, and growing fatter.. Well, I want to blow you up so massively fat that you can't live anymore. Fattened until the end. You're such a pathetic hog, you know you want it. You're my piggy, all mine.. You belong to me body and soul.. So, just give in to me.. Eat up and let me pamper you.. Let me fatten you to death.."
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Recent comission! The Wicked Witch from Teenage Witch Sabrina. https://voca.ro/11jnesrT2Cbx Themes: weight gain, encouragement, trickery, vore (implied), force feeding, inflation, popping (non-gory) I take comissions here: https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
>>8636 Love your stuff, what is the best way to contact you to discuss a potential commission?
>>8640 I believe you can send me a message through kofi! Hit me up there and we can talk
>>8631 >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpyiQZy_HD8 Damn I loved that video... If anyone has it they'll be a hero for reuploading it.
>>8636 I'm not really into the degrading stuff, or the vore/bursting for that matter, but all the sound effects and detail put into the rapid weight gain and feeding was really hot
I just sent you message on kofi check it when you can
>>8645 You can ask for anything you want! Message me on Kofi and we can discuss it
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Recent comission: Nyx from Hades feeds you to obesity and loves you. https://voca.ro/1hYCFCYR2Jor Themes: mommy dom, weight gain, encouragement, size difference I take comissions here: https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
>>8656 these are really high quality amazing job! what software are you using for the ai?
>>8662 Elevenlabs, but I do HEAVY training and editing.
I don't know if this is weird or uncommon but do any of these fat encouragement content people also deal with actual sex stuff aside from just food ? one of the things I really like is when guys get feminine with wg and it affects them and they end up with much smaller cocks or are already smaller to start with. Is there any like spe (small penis encouragement) in any fat/wg content ?
>>8670 Sydney Screams has one or two like that, there’s also a creampuff one that was called ssbhm that talks about getting hips and your cock being enveloped. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/31090/25878579/be-like-me-fattening-feminizing-1080-mp4
Does anyone have any mommy feeder type videos or audios?
>>8673 This one, anon: >>8656 Enjoy
New comission: Elastigirl is HUGE... and she loves it. https://voca.ro/1d2AqXNTcSzs themes: weight gain, mastubartion, chugging, panthing and mobility issues, talking about gaining I take requests here: https://ko-fi.com/ranniai
>>8676 Not exactly WGE, but neat.
>>8675 It was your vid that started me looking for stuff like it
>>7817 This file doesn’t seem to work anymore. Is there a way you could reupload her videos?
>>8673 Great taste, anon. Here's a handful. https://we.tl/t-z2kL5bN0x6
Anyone willing to update feederka's coomer? https://www.tumblr.com/xfeederka/736534433352597504/the-photos-and-posts-about-you-and-xfeederkas
omg finally found this thread. Here's a video of ssbbw xutja doing a mutual stuffing + joi + mutual masturbation. https://we.tl/t-OK7sxcoZwy I'm looking for similar content where a bbw FFA does a mutual stuffing with joi / gets aroused, or a POV feeding/force chugging the viewer. Does anyone have any videos like that that aren't in the latest MEGA I saw?
>>8687 Her audio posts are brilliant. She always plays very much into symbiotic relationship of a feeder and feedee.
>>8332 Same man, I'd love the binge eating one and the chugging heavy cream one, it would really encourage me to stuff myself silly, but unfortunately I don't even have enough money to buy all the food/drinks that I want :(
Seconded. Really wanna see her new content with jabathegut
>>8689 >m4v file lol wut
>>8696 what's wrong with that?
>>8696 t. iPhone user
>>8698 No, it's just a downloaded file shared by someone else before lol. Does anyone have any files of Enchantress aside from the previews on her youtube?
Does anyone have any more of gluttonmommys stuff? She seems perfect.
>>8699 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldbRW5jaGFudF1kaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTNjRTFZVkZwQlJDTmhhR3RaWVdKdVVWVkRSVmx4UVRGRFptUnNPRGgz Expires 19th Dec 23 Just a couple
>>8702 Thank you so much man, really appreciate it May you be blessed with many gains
>>8702 Thanks a lot! Would you or anyone else happen to have any of her POV stuff?
Two holiday themed clips https://we.tl/t-naxGTJfVy5
>>8687 From her Tumblr it looks like some idiot has gone and doxxed her so she might end up leaving the community. God this community can be thick, and not in the good way.
Is it wrong that more than anything I just want genuine reassurance or advice, instead of kinky audio/video stuff? I want to feel like I can let my guard down, not always worry about my weight, be reassured that whatever happens I'm not gonna be working retail while showering at gyms anymore. That my desire to be bigger isn't a mistake or a crossed wire, and I'll be happier as the big soft blubber-ball I've wanted to be as long as I've had a sense of self. Maybe I just need therapy, instead of reassurance and advice from a horny BDSM mistress. I don't know.
>>8720 Have you checked out giantffa on Tumblr? She's got a page that has quite a lot of cute posts about how much she enjoys and appreciates obese people, encouraging them to grow bigger, and sharing gaining advice. Sift through her whole profile, I'm sure you'll find some stuff down your alley. :)
Anyone have any videos from Empress of the North? Interested in her mutual weight gain and encouragement stuff, even her normal expansion stuff on top of that if you've got it.
>>8724 its on coomer
>>8727 Really? I couldn't find any of her videos there.
>>8724 >>8728 I have never visited coomer until today, and it took me seconds. Also: >this is your ewife
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Ive got some content Anyone got anything new to share? https://we.tl/t-vfGFQkkHjc
>>8731 https://we.tl/t-ke1KmcbNfN
>>8720 Have a girl who is happy to show you foods at Christmas markets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8NCB656GE
>>8731 Thanks for the drop masked man any chance we could get it on mab or mega?
>>8730 One of the few times we’ve got an actual attractive model who’s into the fetish for once and now her content has devolved to her eating a couple chips with a ballon under her shirt. I know we don’t have room to talk when it comes to shitting on other fetishes but god fake stomaches under shirts is so retarded
Was gonna upload some of my enchantress stash, different stuff that what’s been uploaded before. Thought I’d ask if any of you assholes have good recipes for gainer meals? I’m having a hard time keeping weight on
>>8736 She's jumped the shark IMO, like I said elsewhere I think at some point she figured out she's not into fat guys anymore, or guys in general since she hasn't done a single video with a dude since October of last year, but not wanting to give up the money she makes from modeling she's gone full Ivy, never go full Ivy, you just end up broke.
>>8739 I remember during one of her livestreams she mentioned that she was in a new relationship and one of the conditions was to not film with other men. But yeah, still doesn't excuse all the cheap balloon under shirt stuff.
>>8741 I called this not long after she started in the scene, she had weird other random fetish videos and videos fucking skinny men, I figured she was just a model trying to take advantage of the of encouragement content. Look at her old stuff vs now, she must have figured out guys pay more thinking a skinny girl is gonna gain for them, tale as old as time
>>8739 >>8742 I quit subscribing to her. Like you guys I agree. Great content in the beginning, but the past few months are pretty bad. Can't get past OF DRM, so I don't see the point in subscribing. No one was leaking her stuff or putting it on Coomer until she started blocking people from downloading it. Seeing her gain weight at the beginning of the year was pretty great. Obviously people are purchasing those balloon vids, but I can't understand why. More power to her. I guess, but it's not for me. Speaking of Ivy, I actually got a few of EOTN's new feederism clips through Fat Boy Fantasies and all I could think was, "This is the type of content she should be making." Actual female feeder content. Whatever though. I really don't care if the woman's a real female feeder as long as the content is good, and Empress seemed pretty good. I think Empress is legit but it's hard for me to believe such a sexually-forward person with this fetish would be mainly with skinny men. A lot of the weight gain challenges (ie - eat two pizzas in one sitting) are also extremely cartoonish coming from someone who has gained about 200 lbs which detracts, but perhaps that's part of the point. However I don't want to be too critical of people in this community. Always new "feeders" coming in with short or bunk content, whereas EOTN had a pretty strong track record, work ethic, and creativity. It's just been disappointing content lately.
>>8745 Can you share any of the vids she did with ivy's fatboyfantasies?
Here's some clips https://we.tl/t-J2T6ZhmY7S Was wondering if anyone had Maria Marley: Funneling you to Fatness. If so, please, please upload it, I love that video.
a couple clips that are appropriate for the next couple days https://gofile.io/d/Msh1n4 happy new years, perverts!
>>8765 >https://gofile.io/d/Msh1n4 Thanks for the content bros. Btw I wanna ask: how many of you guys are into mutual gaining and how many are into solo-gaining of themselves only? For me, mutual gaining seems like the only sexy thing really. A skinny woman (especially if she doesn't have a fat boyfriend) telling me to gain brings me out of immersion, because if it really was that great then she'd have gained too or gotten a fat boyfriend... Then again, I'm still skinny so I am wondering what you guys like. Maybe it'll change if I get fatter?
Oh and happy new year people!
>>8767 I personally don't like mutual gaining because it kind of takes away from my experience of being the big fat greedy one.
Anyone got this? https://onlyfans.com/811789393/encouraginggrowth
>>8767 I like it when a girl has a big appetite and a quick metabolism, the best of both.
>>8767 I'm okay with mutual gaining because I'm an FA as well as a feedee, but I prefer being the feedee. I really enjoy size comparison and being way bigger. I was already obese before I met my feeder, but i've gained a ton since... it's definitely had an effect on her waistline though, being around all the snacks and fattening meals. The only thing I have that she won't touch is the gainer shakes. I wouldn't say I prefered when she was thin. She is definitely a lot thinner than me still. I enjoy it, but she wants to lose weight and I think I would find it hot if she was very thin and people wondered how a huge fatty like me got with her
>>8786 I’m pretty much the opposite of this, my partner is well over 300 pounds which is extremely hot to me as an FA, but it definitely dampens my own gains in bed with her. I’ve gone from 160-205 which on my own feels like a lot, but I still feel tiny next to her lol. Wouldn’t change it though, I love how she can’t help but blimp up despite not trying. Just wouldn’t mind taking a spin with a thin/fit woman to emphasize that I am actually pretty chunky now, and I do sometimes fantasize about her losing weight and us being the same size, or me winding up fatter than her.
Could someone please reupload Alyssa Reece your weight gain trainer?
>>8788 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhL(gaincoach)m56L2ZpbGUvcGdWanlJaEojWXRJU0NOeDdzaE1JWS1wLVE1X1RnaEpRNXNCQTFqbWZFT0RPNkRYNDZnTQ== Expires Jan 10th 2024
Does anyone have the Enchantress hypnosis files for heavy cream chugging? Or Freya / NikkiMaialina / mommyglutton encouragement videos to eat/drink/stuff/gain?
Any enchantress content?
>>8787 Seems like you just need to get fatter then- Once you're 400-500 lbs she will seem real thin in comparison
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>>8767 I'm not interested in mutual. I like the idea of being the feeder, and the feedee, but not both at the same time. If that's all that exists, I'd take it, but it's not my first choice. Unfortunately, my kind of female feeder content doesn't really exist. 99% of what little is out there is BSDM or some kind of deranged death worship. I guess if you're desperate, that works, for the same reason vore or inflation could work if you like big bellies. But there's basically zero content that involves a woman doting on a man and stuffing him out of love. There's maybe half a dozen stories, and less than that of audio/video. I would feed a girl as a way to vicariously dote on her, and fetishize showing her how much I like her. Conversely, I'd like to be fed the same way, but FFA content of that nature is extremely rare. Mutual is weird, and I feel like whether you like it or not depends on why you're here in the first place. There's a certain power dynamic that exists in the background of a feeder/feedee situation, which is probably where all the BSDMfags come from. I'm not a fan of that angle being exaggerated into abuse, but I also don't like the mutual either because then it feels like the dynamic has vanished entirely. If I was a feeder, I'd be okay putting on weight as long as the woman was getting much more aggressively stuffed than me. The reverse is also true. If I'm the one gaining, she should be smaller relative to me. There needs to be a disparity there, something in the 90/10 or 80/20 range. Someone needs to be contextually larger than the other. Ironically, there used to be a lot more of this sort of content, but repeated purges and account deletions on various sites have destroyed most of it. The Dimensions Magazine archives had several pages worth of content of FFA/BHM stories, though they weren't labeled as such due to those particular acronyms not existing at the time. But with Dimensions getting pulled from Wayback, all of it is gone, and most of what people saved was the BBW content, not the straight BHM. Likewise, there have been a number of really good "male feedee gets stuffed and doted on" works that vanished due to Deviantart accounts becoming deactivated and erased. Honeypotant's work is all gone, his account is dead, and Sharangas is also gone. Technically their works still exist on the Wayback, but the Wayback only recorded those pages in their "sorry, this is mature content so it's censored" version. Accessing the actual pages is impossible, at least as far as I know. Logically, I don't think it's that unusual to fantasize about getting to let go of all of your problems and let one (or more) pretty women aggressively pamper you. But if the content is anything to go by, that's not really the case. Pic related, it's the only female feeder/male feedee picture that Kumanikotec has ever done, at least as far as I know.
>>8616 Where can I find more of these?
>>8714 Feederka is back! Anyone have the content she did with FeedJeezy?
>>8811 Jabathegut not FeedJeezy lol
At this point I'm willing to drop cash for ASMRWench's archive If she's as good as everyone says, itl send me over the edge into gaining
>>8820 If you're not ASMRwench herself, could you share it here when you buy it?
Does anyone have Enchantress's Immobility & Health Issues hypnosis audio? It's hard to find good content that goes into things that are on the darker side.
My friends in sin! Today I bring some gifts, fresh from my private reserves! >>8820 First, for you (and whoever else feels the urge), a collection of a certain wench's audio files. https://we.tl/t-9qSzhaDdTx >>8803 Ah, a man of refined and particular tastes. Alas, it seems wholesome skinny FFA content is in fact hard to find these days, but for you, I can dig up at least a few videos. https://we.tl/t-NDy3zKtptZ There is a bit more in my library that I have held back since I'm uncertain about the suitability of their tone. But! To ease the sting of the last gift being rather small, I offer a veritable trove, if I say so myself! A partial rip of the old Dimensions Weight Room library. It is unsorted, missing the library tags, and probably incomplete, but a collection such as this deserves to be shared. https://we.tl/t-awH8N3a5ms
>>8829 absolute legend ty
Some of the old stories can be found here as well: https://bbw.wiki/stories/. I'm not sure if that is a complete collection though
Anybody got these? https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5107877/The-Huffy-Lords-Indulgent-Morning https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5333668/The-Huffy-Lord-Eats-and-Gets-Fucked-By-the-Prince
i found some vids https://tezfiles.com/file/8f0d180338107?site=https%3A%2F%2Ffemdomfox.com&utm_source=partner&utm_medium=referral&forceDownload=1&utm_campaign=preview_download https://tezfiles.com/file/18eb3f477cfdb?site=https%3A%2F%2Ffemdomfox.com&utm_source=partner&utm_medium=referral&forceDownload=1&utm_campaign=preview_download
>>8767 I'm the same. I would love it if a girl got turned on by her weight gain and mine, always wanting more and more. Forcing us both to eat just to satisfy her fantasy I could also be the feeder, but being the only feedee doesn't do it for me
>>8829 I’d definitely be interested in those items that you held back because of your concern of their tone! I for one like the stuff that’s the complete opposite of wholesome.
A reupload of Natasha’s Bedroom would be amazing
My friends in sin! This humble merchant really rifled through the libraries, and though this series of uploads was quite arduous, I'm sure there's some degeneracy for everybody's taste. >>8838 This collection is still somewhat "curated" and weighted towards skinnier girls plus generally wholesome vibes, but I dug a little deeper in terms of models and tone. Again broken up into multiple packages! First up, a package of skinny FFA videos, with some repeats from my last drop. https://we.tl/t-iPfG4PnWZx Next, a collection of encouragement audios, somewhat organized. https://we.tl/t-9uVyUFmFqt A small collection of encouragement pictures, most of them captions from earlier posts in this very thread. Again with some repeats, but this is my entire (meager, alas!) hoard. https://we.tl/t-2rkJkJBXGi Next, a small upload featuring a once-lost (I think?) animation: "That's You" by supersquiggles. I got a hold of the original .swf file, and I went through the irritating trouble of converting the video to a proper .mp4. I also made a looped version for when the viewer is at max size. Dunno, thought it was a good idea at the time, maybe it'll be your jam. https://we.tl/t-FvHLIvzMZm Now we branch out from skinny FFA encouragement videos, and mix in a selection of thicc or BBW-tier models. https://we.tl/t-JzvvIDZAp2 And my final gift for you, though certainly up for any greedy grabby hands, is a lump of encouragement videos specifically from SweetheartLou (or whatever name she goes by these days). Great voice, into the fetish, she's a winner in my book. https://we.tl/t-u068Umf5Hs >>8839 For you (and anybody else!) a collection of Natasha videos. https://we.tl/t-2ixMDisI4b >>8833 Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous! Perhaps one day the lost archives may be pieced together in their entirety...
(61.68 KB 1177x857 The Big Secret.PNG)
>>8829 To show my appreciation for sharing, here's another rare picture. It's similar to my last one, in that it's the only FFA/BHM art the artist has ever done. In this case, the source is melanpsycholia. I appreciate you sharing what you had, even if it isn't much. Frankly speaking, there's not much out there. I also have a partial collection of what used to be hosted on Dimensions. However, the real prize is something you didn't post. Specifically, the "anonymous stories" section of their old Stories page, which contains some of the oldest, and best, pieces of writing on the site. Including some of the best FFA/BHM stories ever written (although that specific term was not yet being used). Among them is one I would reread often, called "The Big Secret." In it, a husband tries to hide his desire to gain weight from his wife, and fails miserably. Then he also fails to realize when she deliberately begins stuffing him, just to see how far he can go. This culminates in her forcing an entire four course Italian dinner down his throat, followed by a whole cheesecake in their bedroom. No one I know has a rip of that particular story. It's also sadly absent from the collection you posted. If anyone has it, I'd be most appreciative.
>>8843 https://we.tl/t-E0IamsTHK1
>>8843 >SweetheartLou There was a story called Femme Fatale on Fantasy Feeder about a woman who used to date conventionally attractive men, fatten them, humiliate them and then leave them. Until the chairs were turned on her. Was probably the greatest FFA story I ever read. Could never find it again. Would be amazing if someone has it.
Lol I can't say if I enjoy sweetheartlou's actual content because I can't make it five seconds past her god-awful haircut Anyone have any actual good humiliation content? Thread seems to be mostly encouragement which is fine, but trying to re-build a good collection now that I have an actual computer again.
>>8849 I would also like more humiliation content
femdom-joi.com has some fat humiliation videos if you search for "fat" or "weight" but the site has tons of popup ads and downloading the videos is difficult.
Is Natasha's 'Seduced into Gaining pt 2' broken for anyone else? Video plays only about halfway through.
>>8842 >>8829 Great work friend! Really appreciate it. I'm very close to hitting a milestone and these are great encouragement to celebrate crossing the gap with I always love supersquiggles "That's You" whenever it pops up and the loop is nice. I wish more artists would make interesting stuff like that
>>8845 I can't believe you had that. I'm genuinely amazed. As thanks, here's the last few images I have that are vaguely associated with FFA/BHM. The first is from sirmasterdufel. The second is from duo radon. And the third is from saltypantz. In the case of Dufel, it's a one-off like the others: I'm fairly certain he's never done anything else like it. Duo and Salty have more content in that general vein, but there are certain caveats. >they're both furry artists >Duo is heavily into unbirth >what little saltypantz has done is typically straight BBW, and most of the gaining art is mutual If you're okay with those catches, you can find a bit more art like what I've posted. But not much. These pictures also feature a sub-type of FFA/BHM that I'm very interested in, but almost never comes up in stories or videos/ASMR, which is the idea of weight gain through breastfeeding. Very, very little of this exists in any capacity at all, no matter what catches or other fetishes you're willing to tolerate to find it. Which is a shame, because out of all the gentle/wholesome FFA/BHM scenarios, this is one of the most intimate and erotic. This is also one of the situations where I think mutual makes it better. There's something intensely personal and erotic about the idea of a woman fattening herself up so she can fatten you up more with her breastmilk. But of course, to each their own. If anyone has any story suggestions on that front, I'm all ears. The only one I know of off-hand is this one: >deviantart.com/hedonismpropaganda/art/Udder-the-Covers-Breastfeeding-Male-WG-971864703 And that's all I've got for now. Thanks again for posting The Big Secret. Between that, Mrs. Chin, and The Munchies, we have most of the good 'lost' content from Dimensions. Still not all of it, but most of it.
I'm surprised more of Nikki Maialina's stuff isn't being posted here. While I like contrast, I also love fat feeders.
>>8866 She's also just insanely hot, her hips
>>8861 Duo Radon is like the only furry artist I can tolerate for me being someone who doesn't like furry art. Really shows how much talent they have for me to be able to look past the furry part. >>8866 The problem with fat feeders is that part of the fun for me is given attention for how fat I am and bonus points if the attention is more disgust/shock at how fat I've gotten. Almost like its taboo to intentionally make my body put on pounds and pounds of fat until its just sticking out off of me. If there's a fat feeder it kinda takes away from it because it doesn't feel as 'taboo' when the other person is fat too. With a skinny feeder it makes you feel bigger and they are usually more fascinated with your fat because they don't know what it feels like. To each their own though
how do you download from femdom-joi.com without a premium membership? Any links for goddess mayhere or baily paige links much appreciated too
Here's three vids of witches making you fatter. One of them is starring Nikki. aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9FUmlwOFVHeGt2WS91czI= Does anyone have a complete version of Natasha's 'Seduced into Gaining pt 2'? The ones I've seen on here are all broken, cutting out about halfway through the video. It's not even available on any of her stores anymore.
>>8875 I thought i did but it seems corrupt. I never bought it so obviously there is a long term share of a bad conversation
>>8868 fully agreed dude, it's insane how hot she is. Perfect hips >8875 thanks mate!
(233.38 KB 938x827 d.jpg)
This thread seems pretty dead, let's liven it up a little. I got the following videos available, request any and I'll upload them to wetransfer or mab or whatever. I'm looking for more vids from enchantr3ss and nikki / mommy glutton or w/e her name is
>>8890 can you send the beginner guide from Lilith? looking to get into gaining more seriously now that I've had a taste of it.
>>8890 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93cE1YVFpBRCNhaGtZYWJuUVVDRVlxQTFDZmRsODh3w
>>8890 Wouldn’t mind vj fatty and 5-9 on bottom row
>>8890 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9rNEZqVkpUQSNFNDYzWjZtVjVQRms2QlJkenozZjdR
>>8890 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9CZ2xWWENUQSNsREk0RmtSTk9IcGFNd0ltb19EYkVn
2 vids are still uploading aHR0cHNtZWdhLm56Zm9sZGVyUkc5RTJBaFIjNWdESFhkcVlDdjhFVVVIeGdfR1UzQQ==
>>8892 >>8896 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81WHNYSFFnSyNsTS1XWnpDZFNrWUlEbzJiOTBFSEJn Here you go! >>8895 >>8897 >>8901 Thanks! <3 so insanely hot. Also I noticed that Goddess Freya has a lot of wge videos but she's very DMCA centered so they get taken down quickly
>>8741 Yeah, I recall a little over a year ago she did a couple of videos with a guy she called her "full time feedee", if that's the case then that relationship getting serious would explain this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUZjX6MaIBQ
>>8903 Thanks for the reciprocation
>>8904 Shame to see her go but glad she’s done it in a forward way without just ghosting the community.
>>8901 Legend! Thank you
>>8904 Damn this really, really sucks. I wonder what happened. I hope it's not something bad. She did make a lot of content, so maybe she just burnt out? As an aside, I would kill for her latest weight gain and masturbation clip.
>>8908 The one I really liked was the one with the time lapse in the bed. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZHB0RzFZNFEjOXppMTNzdmEwN2dhd3pRUVJiUWNOWWlsSnYwYlpVWHJ1MDlnWmtPR3FiVQ== Would love to see her other good ones. Also: does anyone any of the rarer LucyMariexxx?
>>8910 Dang, that got taken down instantly
>>8913 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRjBrMWpDVEojOXppMTNzdmEwN2dhd3pRUVJiUWNOWWlsSnYwYlpVWHJ1MDlnWmtPR3FiVQ==
Any full enchantress videos? Thanks
I know they're not popular, but does anyone have any of EncouragingGrowth's patreon audios?
>>8733 I finally get around to wanting to watch it and it's gone. Even archive.org told me none of the snapshots caught the video. I already kinda felt shitty today. But damn.
(1.56 MB 1456x830 doughnuts.png)
>>8927 Just copy paste the link.
>>8928 The hell...? It's just straight up not working for my phone. Not on youtube app, not on songtube, not even on mobile browser.
>>8931 just run yt-dlp from a terminal on your pc
>>8925 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93cE1YVFpBRCNhaGtZY(enchanted)WJuUVVDRVlxQTFDZmRsODh3 Here you go. Again; any rare Lucy Marie would be appreciated. I used to have loads but lost them on an old machine. Fat shrine, fat tasks, last orgasm.
>>8843 >>8845 >https://we.tl/t-E0IamsTHK1 Any reuploads of this story?
>>8890 >>8897 I'm a little late to the party but any chance of a re-up on Niki M?
>>8951 aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9VZFhrdW4zdFlZaC91czI= Lucy Marie content; if anyone is feeling generous in return, you could label the 480p etc videos with their real title. I didn't check for duplicates.
>>8959 https://gofile.io/d/nUte8R
>>8962 Went down before I could complete any downloads :/ Re-up please?
>>8963 Thanks King, she's my new favorite.
Bit of an old request. Anyone got any Raven Triplex feeder vids?
>>7302 Look up feederxutjja on coomer.su, a lot of her clips are there ^^
>>8970 could i ask for a reup? missed it
>>8970 >>8997 https://mab.to/t/I0HJWyAl4uK/us2 there's definitely some duplicates fyi
>>8999 thank you
Could any hero update Feederka's coomer? Thank you.
>>8875 Took forever to find it as I gave 3 broken versions in my random named “to sort later folder” Sadly is a 420 rip from pornhub so not the best quality. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWXNWelJBSUQjbGE0clR1eS1UcEV1SDdYR1lkdDJkQkZCSm9Dc3JmNGttTTY4NURWZFg1bw==
>>8999 Thank you!
>>9001 Seconded
any Bailey Paige videos would be greatly appreciated!
>>9008 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9CZ3QzbFE0WiNtOGpzUG5wNXJhSUVvbUY4dnBwMDZ3
Any chance someone has goddess glutton/mommyglutton’s slob encouragement videos? her kemono hasn’t been updated for a while ..
>>9013 Seconding this plus any Freya mutual gain / gain encouragement that hasn't been uploaded here yet would be greatly appreciated. The c00mer only has previews unfortunately
>>9019 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9NODhRbFNJSiNOclJGcVFSVExwOW5qYmdEQmxGWVJB Seconding Glutton request
>>9024 Thank you
Has anyone seen the latests clips after her return post doxxing? If so is it worth a resubscribe?
>>9035 I can't for the life of me get to her OF page. None of the links to it work, it always says broken link.
>>9024 That's amazing, thank you!
>>9036 >>9035 I don't know about feederka but this one right here seems very good: https://onlyfans.com/secr3treveal3d Truly into the fetish, she made her bf gain at least 100 lbs so far
I forgot to say, she has a c00mer but only like 6 posts on it, while her actual onlyfans is supposed to have 64 media posts and 34 regular posts, and she said she's posting again actively after losing access to the acc briefly
Just found this on mg’s coomer, only free video on there but it’s a good one : ) https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/mommyglutton/post/790149234
>>9036 Don't have any content to share, but here's the link: https://onlyfans.com/feederka If that doesn't work...then try a different browser? Or a VPN?
>>9044 I get broken link too whether with firefox or safari and using surfahark or my normal IP
>>9044 >>9038 Excellent find!
>>9044 Figured it out, following her doxxing I think she's restricted access from the UK, my ISP is UK based and my VPN defaults to the UK too. I set it to Denver and it worked.
Would anyone be kind and reupload your weight gain trainer from Alyssa Reece? Maybe someone has even do it fatty from her?
anything from nika venom or scarlett venom? thanks for the bailey paige stuff, any more bailey paige stuff is always appreciated too
>>9058 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWnBjVGtTYksjR096SFF6X0p0TXNuT2wwVGk4Sm4xTHJpdTI1SVkzcDhCMkYweS1FMFlJRQ== Vnom
>>9054 Ah: of course she is based here in the UK. VPN time I guess!
Any enchantress videos?
>>9062 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93cE1YVFpBRCNhaGtZYWJuUVVDRVlxQTFDZmRsODh3
Does anyone use Gigatribe? I have all my encouragement stuff on there (though it's an absolute fucking disorganized mess), most of which came from here. If anyone wants to add, I'm Legofan22
>>9070 If it's p2p I unfortunately can't - dorm blocks p2p connections sadge
Does anybody have any Asmrwench ?
sorry dont normally ask, but does anyone have any freya vids
>>9077 https://gofile.io/d/HgL5nF
>>9076 Still wish her last few videos about the restaurant that feeds you and rewards you with belly rubs in the back if you eat enough was saved
>>8952 >Any reuploads of this story? I'm the one who originally requested it, so it would be in poor taste if I didn't re-up it when someone else asks. >https://we.tl/t-ihZPYuBkd3 I know it's been a minute, so if you miss this one, ask again and I'll re-up it.
If I wrote a bhm/ffa story, would any of you be interested in reading it?
>>9109 Yes
Did someone have The vid Candii Kayn want you fat too ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23207-candii-wants-you-fat-too-pov/
>>9112 https://we.tl/t-YT3CBNIvXU
https://we.tl/t-MBRzVtj245 Wg encouragement JOI from DestinationKat
I made these! Enjoy - Pirita https://youtu.be/6vgS9RNNi58?si=RiuPamrl_8Yvcj2a https://youtu.be/qPBuFOD8oys?si=aW2nL0esKiWhRkrc
>>9137 thank you!
Someone have that vid? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/43209-you%E2%80%99ve-gotten-so-fat-for-me-baby-%F0%9F%98%8D/
https://we.tl/t-J3ngHvlfLv Marge Makes you Eat
Anyone have any Reagan lush feeder videos like doctors secret diet or any nika venom revenge fattening? Thanks!
>>9146 epic drop 👑 thank you
Anyone have ChubbyChiquita's new mutual gaining clip?
does anyone have any of erohime's encouragement vids
Any content that also has burping encouragement or at least mentions burping?
https://we.tl/t-U2iNp03Fb9 Metabolism Manipulation hypnosis by Enchantress I'd love to see more of her if anyone has anything please and thank you
>>9145 >https://we.tl/t-J3ngHvlfLv reup pls?
>>9137 Could you please reup this one?
>>9172 seconding this request
Anyone have Renardine Renshaw's old content? All her paid stuff seems to have been scrubbed from the usual places.
>>9175 Hell yeah I got it. Even the head video that got nuked because of dcma rights
>>9176 Pls share
>>9176 >>9178 In exchange two crusfuck vid, I dont remember if I shared before https://gofile.io/d/ug5RfM
>>9175 Never realised she did anything other than what's on her youtube
>>9185 She had a paywalled either patreon or onlyfans, but she scrubbed it, so I can't find a trace of it. I think one of her instagram videos she still references it, but it doesn't exist anymore.
>>9195 From what I remember she used to claim that her OF was only to support and that it contained the same stuff as youtube, which is why I was surprised
>>9175 >>9196 Nevertheless the bj vid still appreciated
>>9180 >https://gofile.io/d/ug5RfM THANK YOU!! OMG I have the previews of all those vids from when i couldnt purchase them and when I finally could the shut down the studio! thanks for sharing!
>>9171 https://we.tl/t-0CcG9bVPMf
https://we.tl/t-aprAnY5fCo I get fitter, you get fatter
>>9196 Renardine had a few videos that were exclusive to her onlyfans because they contained nudity, so she obviously couldn't put them on her youtube. There was one really good roleplay-type clip she did where she was naked and just describing how she'd snuck appetite enhancers into her boyfriend's food until he ate himself to immobility. I'd kill to see that clip again, but it seems lost to the void.
https://coomer.su/fansly/user/552243716119605248 Finally an unknown hero did it
>>9203 That sounds incredibly hot
>>9203 Heartbreaking
>>9206 Dont be jealous ill give you a$1
>>9204 Holy shit, this is literally the best audios/videos of this genre I've seen. These are unreal.
>>9217 https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/femalefeederheaven/post/57948672
>>9176 Can you share the head vid please ?
anyone have any sage ambrose clips?
any of majesty natalie too?
https://we.tl/t-oGitvceWn9 Get Fat Fatty and Eat Until You Can't
whole bunch of mutual gaining/ffa vids from aria bbw https://gofile.io/d/vBer7N
Does anyone have any freya content?
Well since she’s pretty much retired at this point anyone wanna drop some empress north stuff?
I‘m still looking for some old stuff from Lucy Marie XXX. I can’t find any of her stuff, or only stuff that got already shared. Especially her eating/weight gain challenges sounded very tempting
>>9253 and a grip of mutual gaining vids from creampuff https://gofile.io/d/WTlvCw anyone have any other of hers?
Remember seeing this years ago on pornhub before the purge, has some good encouragement moments. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/64319/13117324/turning-you-into-a-fat-slut-mp4
>>9293 Never seen this. Was it any good?
>>9148 I want to say i have the video youre looking for in my collection, let me know if this is the right one aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9qV1pYU1FMRCNUZEdncTZENzhheWR5dFBteVppUHFR
this si the fucking jackpot for mommy feeder stuff. I love it. Thank you so much!!!!!!
>>9299 I love that Reagan Lush Doctor's Visit video, but I don't think that's the one they asked for. I'll upload it and some other clips later so everyone stay posted.
Here are some clips to enjoy. The Diet Doctor's Secret is in the second link. I have Revenge of the Ex with Nika Venom and Dacey Harlot somewhere but I can't find it :( https://gofile.io/d/MrvaXp https://gofile.io/d/aEUDTE
>>9303 >>9299 LEGENDS. Thank you both so much for sharing some vids :-;
>>9304 Huge bitch. You can hide your dick & balls in it she taller then that shit man oh jenkz
>>9297 Yes
>>9306 Please dont shoot me becauze im strong enough to man handle like the bitch you are. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Boxers be waitinglike Niggas love talking about guns when they cant fight 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I remember seeing a video on pornhub before they let people put everything behind private collections and then changed the whole site. It was a medium-length video of an older woman doing a naked apron and pretending to do a PoV feeding of you lying in a bed. It wasn't really a dom video IIRC, it was more of an encouragement/mommy vibe. Does anyone have that sauce, or know what that might have been?
Anyone have any of reenaye star's wg encouragement vids, specifialy the one where she is a fat mom talking about fattening her son
Anyone have Sydney Scream's 'Dating a Feeder' video? It used to be free on her PH
Here’s 2 feedee mindfuck type files, and 3 clips of this chick I found on a tumblr that got deleted. https://gofile.io/d/UYNIXo
Could anyone updtate the feederka coomer?
>>9329 Coomer is temporarily (we hope) dead. No new imports since the 13th.
A girl on FF will encourage you, for a price https://fantasyfeeder.com/profiles/member/name/Rayne
>>9331 It's back up now.
Would anyone have the feeder comic by tonbelly ?
Just leaving this one here. You can listen to it for free but it costs to download: https://erotichypnosis.bandcamp.com/track/massive-weight-gain-hypnosis-with-empress-of-the-north
Would anyone share any of goddess glutton's content.
>>9335 i miss 2010-2015 era of gaining community where women weren't charging you just to talk to them. It used to be that they just liked seeing a fat gut and that would be it. Like if you're paying a woman to encourage and tell you that you're so hot fat,. she's faking it cause you paid her and can't wait for the session to be over with
>>9361 https://we.tl/t-DgMlMQh1UV
Could someone reup anything from the mega folders please?
https://mab.to/t/c9a39n3Nx5t/us3 the girl who is feeding me is so hot I feel the need to commit suicide
>>9431 Didn't you get arrested for fraud recently?
re-up please?
anyone have nika venom and dacey harlot fatty's humiliating JOI? or any bailey paige ?
anyone have nika venom and dacey harlot fatty's humiliating joi? any bailey paige?
>>9431 Can you reup please ?
Does someone have the new jessie minx encouragement video? Sounds hot
>>8656 >NYX Does anyone have anymore stuff like this?
https://we.tl/t-Dlf9d064X1 Here are 2 Reagen Lush clips and one from Candy Glitter. Any and all reups, especially the mega folders, are more than welcome.
>>9480 Thank you!! those were really good.
acording to "mega folders" i was dealing with some stuffs. Maybe end of this weak, usual system. gonna send the link and rotate fyles ower weak or two.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xQ7ojGWWSY thoughts?
does anyone have anything by Goddess Joules Opia
IMO these two DestinationKat vids are the apotheosis of Weight Gain encouragement https://gofile.io/d/u8Yegd perfect blend of encouragement and humilation, femdom JOI, mindfuck intertwining of eating and masturbation, ruination and the erosion of self control - hits every note i want these sort of vids to do just makes me want to sink deeper into a cycle of stuffing my face, cumming and growing
46 videos in total, some are very compressed so the quality isn’t great on all of them but most are fine. If anyone has any Enchantress videos or audios that would be great. https://gofile.io/d/t32yJk
you sir. Are a saint. So many good ones. Had some mommy stuff in there so that's premo!
Back with some more videos. Only 4 this time, all are Talia Tate fattening encouragement videos. I’ve still got a few dozen mural gaining and fat humiliation videos on the way. It takes some time for them to transfer and I’m not particularly tech literate, so please have some patience. https://gofile.io/d/EZV0Oj
does anyone have a collection of Empress of the North clips? Any of her gaining or mutual gaining is also appreciated. She retired so I'm surprised it's so hard to find her stuff. Her coomer is empty of actual clips, just teasers unfortunately.
sorry folks, deling with some things, therfore its late anfd its mess https://mega.nz/folder/6q5CXZab#XuVbGEtIP5cTexnRZF5OHw
>>9539 Always appreciated o7
In response to No. 9534, you can find a lot of full length videos on Empress of the North’s Coomer page. All you have to do is search up the term “Freebie Friday” in the search bar and there’s at least a hundred if not more full length videos. Anyways, here’s 7 Empress Poison fat humiliation and weight gain encouragement videos. https://gofile.io/d/ESDH6A
Anyone have any videos or audio of a cute boy telling me to blob out?
>>9321 Did she really upload a video where someone almost caughts her or was it part of the gimmick? xd
>>9551 This is the closest I’ve found https://kemono.su/patreon/user/41630343 Seems to be a pretty rare niche : /
>>9555 >p Liking boys: pretty niche! :V
Hi would anyone have old audios?
Any feedxmexdaddy feeder encouragement vids? They look hot
>>9555 niche indeed, I've been trying to find videos like these but with spe which is like the opposite of sph. hard enough to find just on its own let alone with fat stuff. youd think there'd be a lot more considering how many fatter people are smaller sized in that way. there was a doctor one with vallery posted above that was pretty decent but i wish there were so many more
>>9576 I’m sure I’ve seen a SPE and feeder combo video/audio somewhere before or it being mentioned in one at least, if I find any I’ll post them here! feederxutjja has heaps of feeder videos on her coomer though, so there might be one on there if you’re willing to go searching ; )
Do any of use actually eat and get fatter with these or do you only stroke to them. I’ve noticed even though I don’t eat with the videos I’ve gained about 30lbs in the past couple of months
No. Not sure why I want to get fat but seems like I just get off to porn in reality. I have only put on like 15 pounds like like 3 months
>>9579 I only get off to them, I don’t have any plans on gaining I just find them fun and I’m currently super skinny… but when I do listen to them I love to do a bit of padding with a fake belly and all that while I eat at the same time, makes it more fun : 3
>>9579 Sometimes I eat/ stuff myself while watching the videos, but usually I just jerk off to them. Overall, unless you’re doing it every single day, it won’t help any more than eating a lot in your regular day. I’m currently up 183 pounds from my starting weight and I’m a few away from breaking 400. Anyways, here’s a mix of fat humiliation and weight gain encouragement, some have elements of both. https://gofile.io/d/7J2dmU
Can you tell me if there is specific video about fat pad and buried dick ?
>>9578 Yeah I have seen a lot of Xutjja's videos but unfortunately that weird fake voice she does in all of them makes me laugh and I can't get into any of them. It's that ridiculous cartoonish fake sultry voice and inflections she puts on lol, it sounds like her eyes and head should be rolling all around while she's talking lol "just looking at that bIiIiiigGgG ..... fat belleh ?" lol
>>9586 >https://gofile.io/d/7J2dmU TY for this excellent drop, no one ever dumps humiliation stuff in here anymore and that's my jam. And to answer the above question I don't necessarily use these to get fatter, I've just been doing that myself, but ever since passing 200lbs a nice fat humiliation vid hits so much different
Some stuff from Goddess Alara https://gofile.io/d/ZDDJdR
Empress Poison's mindfuck feeder vids where there's food flashing in the background is peak fucking content. The only I ever buy. Seeing a slim girl in front of food while she's telling me to stuff my face is absolutely perfect, wish she would make more.
Ya didn't think the girls telling me to eat and goon further into fatness would effect me so much but I'm waking up in the middle of the night stuffing self in front of my fridge almost daily now. My weight is shooting up like crazy
Don’t have too much today. But here’s 7 mutual gaining videos. https://gofile.io/d/n3KMkb
>>9620 Damn! Keep it up. That’s is major goals. These videos must really work. I’m always scared to watch a ton of them but they are sooo good.
There was this one video I watched once then lost some woman was telling the viewer to get a second meal, pause the video until done eating Continue with some more talking then would ask the viewer to get another snack, pause until finished again I followed it to the T and got super bloated wish I could find it again
>>9623 thanks for sharing, not usually a fan of mutual but these federess ones are good, you can tell she's into it, which makes it so much better
asking again for goddess gluttons slob videos/audios
Would love good hypno/mind fuck content
Would someone please be generous and reupload something from Natasha’s Bedroom, Lucy Marie or Alyssa Reece?
Does anyone have anything like the following https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/14925/26794501/ussbbw-mutual-feeder-confession-sd Pleasantly Plumps made a few that are similar
https://www.youtube.com/@RenardineRenshaw I was looking at RenardineRenshaw's channel earlier for some of her chats (her RP stuff is still very top teir) and I noticed some of her vids have been deleted/removed/not there anymore. I know ti's weird, but I had a real liking to her more down-to-earth chatting videos. Does anyone have them per chance? I'm thinking things like her talking about the types of fat bodies she likes or other kinds of vids I vaguely remember from her.
The Renardine videos are set to private so only she has access to them.
>>9664 >>9669 Does anyone have the bj vid?
>>9647 https://gofile.io/d/0IafoB Got more Hypno/mindfuck stuff from mistress ava again, and a REAL Good mp3 that’s also kinda harsh, if that’s your thing :) Enjoy ruining your waistline with these >;) If you got any vids especially mindfuck/hypno, subliminals, etc, I’d be hella grateful if you or anyone shared some good ones :)
