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BBW Paintings & Statues 02/27/2025 (Thu) 03:47:02 Id:9636da No. 11464
Just any painting, statue, or just professional art piece like you’d see in a museum that depicts a fatty you could probably get off to. There’s a lot of fat girl art throughout human history, so I’m curious what kind of stuff like-minds have discovered. I’m sure chances are someone has made a similar thread at some point in the past, but I don’t know how it turned out, so if this thread goes nowhere that’s on me.
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Jeanne Lorioz paintings are worth checking out, so many of them are just naked fat girl ass.
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I couldn't quite jerk it to Boterismo, but i gave it a go!
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Definitely pushing the limits of “fapability” here, but given the theme it be weird not to include the Venus Statues
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some of the body shapes/poses in Yulia Ustinova's sculpture is kind of hot?
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>>11474 As long as you don't look at her pointy butt in profile, this Catalhoyuk Venus could kind of get it tbh
>>11474 I wonder if they were done by ancient artists, they hadn't figured out how to make features of the body alluring and were figuring it out. Like how an artist starting out makes something crude and simplistic. With enough time and practice, they make something much better.
>>11474 There is speculation if the figure was meant to be a mother goddess figure, an ancient version of porn, or some mix of the two.
Y'all seriously jack off to this shit?
>>11479 this quite literally art
>>11478 they were dolls for girls from the time when Europeans were nomadic and fattened their girls and women (still done in Arab world) The idea those were porn is stupid
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Some more Harold K Schulze paintings because his are pretty good, if a bit overly eccentric.
>>11481 Seems the one agreement is that people will argue what the figures are, as I said some wonder if they're a mother goddess figure, like an equivalent to Venus/Aphrodite. Others if it was as I said porn because it's a nude woman with traits seen as ideal. It could show that porn has always existed and if ancient man needed nude art of what they considered art. Or maybe it could've been the equivalent to Barbie. That's another possibility.
I meant nude versions of women considered hot to ancient man.
>>11478 Whatever the significance is, I feel like part of it is observational. As in, a group of neolithic people had organized and survived long enough to actually produce fat curvy women, that stayed fat even after giving birth. The way the body becomes soft and quakes when touched and forms rolls is an interesting phenomenon, especially for a group of people that are only just now coming to understand their environment. What if these statues are simply your local Grug or Grugette saying "this bitch is hefty"
