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Morph thread Anonymous 02/26/2020 (Wed) 19:04:12 Id:114a99 No. 248
A general thread on real life women morphed into bbws and such bonus points if the morph is by xxmasterdavid
(388.82 KB 352x630 big mariah.png)
(1.32 MB 753x1061 Dascha Polanco.png)
(1.16 MB 730x1095 ce53.png)
Here's a sorta sequence in a dump. Man, could you imagine if Lexxxi went the full hog on weight gain and this was legit? Just a colossally huge, milky butterball? Fuck!
Here's a few from thatguywhodidathing on DA, when he started on the r/morph boards.
(338.37 KB 960x632 140214936848.jpg)
(274.48 KB 1000x1500 139888201278.jpg)
(473.97 KB 1000x1500 140186128061.jpg)
(2.98 MB 1328x1992 becca morph.png)
>>370 Damn, looks like his profie was raided. Fuck.
(711.62 KB 609x800 bcm.png)
Cross posting from general for visibility.
>>373 These look familiar who's that artist?
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Fuck, reposted a couple >>388 >These look familiar who's that artist? Man, Project P maybe? They're REAL old, like "I downloaded them 3 websites, 10 years ago" old.
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(264.03 KB 750x1334 XzacbAk.jpg)
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(268.60 KB 1192x801 marylin morph1.jpg)
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(248.24 KB 1192x801 marylin morph3.jpg)
(215.40 KB 1192x801 marylin morph4.jpg)
Alright, I got a strong back but not strong enough to carry a thread, though this is maybe half of my saved pics. >Capchta: 639969
>>544 >B-Enhanced Man I would love to see more of this person's art but I can't find it anywhere
(25.67 KB 480x480 image1_948_071109021254.jpg)
(105.33 KB 800x600 n_a (1).jpg)
I just wish he had made more art. He doesn't respond to any communication asking him about his old art archives.
(88.50 KB 1065x1080 IMG-20200419-WA0001.jpg)
from DestructoveOrgy's DA page
(101.12 KB 1215x666 bbttbbtt.JPG)
Can I request a morph request? I wanna see Natalie fat
Hazelinz on DA. Some of her work is hit or miss but there's a steady improvement as time goes on.
(2.04 MB 2046x1024 lauragirl.png)
(1.26 MB 887x1094 Noelle Foley.png)
(288.30 KB 667x1000 Amanda Oxford.jpg)
(1.52 MB 4495x6000 AnnaNystrom1.jpg)
(1.96 MB 4752x6000 AnnaNystrom2.jpg)
(339.00 KB 1080x1336 AnnaNystrom3.jpg)
These are the other morphs I have saved. Most of them are by a guy called darthvujin123, but some here and there come from other places.
(351.21 KB 682x800 Bebe Rexha 2.jpg)
(229.08 KB 720x900 Bebe Rexha.jpg)
(52.08 KB 900x654 Becki Newton WG Morph.jpg)
(1.39 MB 4331x6000 billie piper (darthvujin123).jpg)
(3.59 MB 6000x3453 darthvujin123_milana.jpg)
(3.82 MB 6000x6000 Karen Gillan WG Morph.jpg)
(2.29 MB 6000x5524 Sophie Turner.jpg)
(4.05 MB 3051x3609 remylacroix_darthvujin123 2.png)
(4.22 MB 3076x3594 remylacroix_darthvujin123.png)
(7.12 MB 3479x4037 Victoria Secret Girl.png)
(815.94 KB 800x1280 Screenshot_20200525-174416.png)
(76.28 KB 1067x754 Regina Hall manip-page-001.jpg)
(142.81 KB 800x1216 200527_155046.png)
>>742 Wtf this is terrible
>>754 It was my first attempt at morphing, I'm proud at what I've made. but if you have any tips please feel free to give me any.
Those big fat wobbly thighs are fucking perfect
(527.02 KB 800x1216 200601_135206.png)
Jennifer Lawrence fattened up
A morph of Amber hill she kind of looks like my girlfriend in this morph but my girlfriend is way fatter
My frist attempt at this. What do you think?
(89.00 KB 664x922 3.jpg)
(233.12 KB 599x900 143932848475.jpg)
>>933 >My frist attempt at this. What do you think? Not bad for a first-timer. Work on adding details to the stomach now. Coming back after a hiatus
Comin' back.
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(580.23 KB 847x1194 1491089757092.jpg)
some booberry
(388.80 KB 800x1200 1459516253702.jpg)
(557.97 KB 1200x800 1460067341548.jpg)
>>1215 Who's the artist behind the Boberry ones?
(480.45 KB 1080x1156 n0mk6mg4t4251.jpg)
(66.71 KB 640x620 n0mk6mg4t4251-X.jpg)
(3.86 MB 4632x2034 kyKD7I7.jpg)
Might as well use this to highlight an artist ya'll need to watch. Somehow I found theguywhodidathing off reddit's r/morphs, and his work is top. But the thing that makes them all the better is, they only morph pics from women whom are either A) okay with it or B) don't show the face, so nobody could accurately connect them. Class fuckin' act, and I hope they keep posting like Bury_She. https://www [DOT] reddit.com/user/Theguywhodidathing_/ https://www [DOT] deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing
(511.90 KB 997x1351 ShiroBecomesAFatFuck1.jpg)
(520.44 KB 997x1351 ShiroBecomesAFatFuck2.jpg)
(1.01 MB 1975x1351 ShiroBecomesAFatFuck3.jpg)
Tried morphing for the first time today and these are the results.
I'm honestly really surprised that Mary Elizabeth Winstead has had so few inflation (or fat for that matter!) morphs made of her, there's just something about her that's left me practically DYING to see her face looking all cute and bamboozled atop her newly ballooned body for ages now! Jinglevellrock made a blueberry morph of her about a day ago but I had too many niggling little problems with it to really get into it at all, so I went ahead and edited it a bit further to make it more visually interesting and to make MEW look extra helpless and juicy! I know it isn't much, but I hope atleast a few of you can get some enjoyment from it! Full size image below! https://we.tl/t-CIkKXmt0GU
Does anyone want to be generous and zip up their collection of animated morphs?
Unfortunately, that's the first time I've heard of that morpher. I started this thread in the hopes people would find and share artists they've found, so you've got to post works and links if you want things to be kept alive in case they get nuked.
>>2278 How good were the morphs.
Bit of a longshot, but I was wondering if anyone had any of kovi4's morphs from Deviantart. They nuked their account without notice a week ago so and remainders of their work are sparse. I appreciate anything in advance.
(128.74 KB 1280x866 Sofa (1).jpg)
(71.39 KB 1280x898 Sofa (2).jpg)
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(53.97 KB 1280x832 Sofa (4).jpg)
>>2391 This is all I got, might have more but I'll have to find it.
>>2396 Even still, thanks a bunch!
(32.61 KB 690x613 image0_5.jpg)
Anyone got a morph tutorial?
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(410.76 KB 1253x824 140794313242.jpg)
Could anyone import Jinglevellrock's patreon to kemono.party? Here's his patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jinglevellrock
(900.81 KB 642x856 morph 2.png)
(800.02 KB 1336x805 morph 3.png)
(1.43 MB 2173x897 morph 4(lapse).png)
(435.06 KB 529x941 morph 5.png)
(78.85 KB 850x701 FaceApp_1613756909891~2.jpg)
(1.99 MB 1689x1570 1615053976405.png)
Made good morphs of Kelly Marie Tran and Ariel Winter.
(62.76 KB 703x960 FaceApp_1616003544829.jpg)
(145.54 KB 1882x1409 1620048847127.jpg)
Did some an edit on Adeline and Foxy Roxxie not a while back.
>>3182 Awesome stuff. The faces might be a bit much but the body morphing is solid work.
>>3183 Well, thank you.
(1.90 MB 1596x2366 UdderlyAdorable Hooters2.png)
(1.83 MB 2143x1080 Capture+_2021-05-10-15-46-50.png)
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(1.74 MB 2143x1080 Capture+_2021-07-05-07-40-09.png)
(2.04 MB 2294x1156 1625491181990.png)
Two edits of Ashley Screenshots were taken from this: https://youtu.be/ZaU3I6FqJ4E
(1.35 MB 2143x1080 Capture+_2021-07-24-01-43-09.png)
(1.68 MB 2295x1156 1628006965606.png)
Forgot her name and the video. But you might know her.
Does anyone know of or have any morphs of Hitomi Tanaka or Leanne crow as bbw/ssbbws?
(521.13 KB 1478x1918 02.jpg)
Y'all take requests?
(608.15 KB 308x400 pp_20220131004737.gif)
>>4539 A little jiggle mouth for you
(2.67 MB 2560x1731 OWussbbw backgorund.png)
Anybody got more morphs of Ai Shinozaki?
Could someone upload the full picture from Patreon? https://www.deviantart.com/jinglevellrock/art/Patreon-preview-A-Laughing-Matter-908586077
(450.63 KB 1604x1248 IMG_1655.jpg)
>>5720 A lot of the time, you can find patreon posts on kemono party
>>5424 Not quite what I had in mind, but hey, appreciate it!
Does anyone have any of darthvujin123 works
Do anyone got new Patreon pictures from Jinglevellrock?
Does anybody have the recent JayTee Morphs from his Patreon?
>>5823 He's starting to re-upload his works onto DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/darthvujin123/gallery
Can someone update Jinglevellrock's patreon on Kemono with the posts that isn't on there?
(104.19 KB 771x1024 17-7-1.jpg)
Idk if y'all do morph request here but can you guys make Zooey Deschanel heavy?
My terrible attempt. I’ll hang it up now.
Some Double J
Last ones.
>>6032 >>6033 >>6034 >>6044 >>6045 >>6048 you got the spirit for it, but you'll need to edit the person without manipulating the surroundings. so you're on the right track, you just need some direction
Does anyone have this
Does anyone have JayTee's Desiree Gato morph?
>>6103 Its on JayTee's Facebook page.
(39.61 KB 592x439 fb.png)
>>6106 It isn't there anymore
(3.99 MB 2100x1750 NNussbbw.png)
(4.06 MB 2400x1600 LNussbbwwip5.png)
(4.03 MB 2342x1449 MCussbbw copy.png)
(4.88 MB 3498x2914 rhblob-Recovered copyv7.png)
(1.10 MB 1200x706 YNBussbbw.png)
YUM these are hot
>>2391 Anyone got a full archive for this guy?
I don't suppose anyone's got ssbbwfantasy's content after it got taken down
(683.09 KB 640x853 BBWWalt.png)
(289.40 KB 2440x2373 zpggmf3rlf981.jpg)
Please, would someone like her to pack a few extra pounds on it, that she looks similar a mixture of Juicy Jackie, Cotton Candi and Lexxi Luxe. Unfortunately I don't have the technical requirements and talent to morph pics, but please leave her face unchanged. Many Thanks
>>6363 Tried my best. did widen the neck which warped the face slightly but it would have looked too thin if I'd have left it. not the easiest poses to work with.
>>6367 Wow, that's exactly what I imagined. You seem to understand your craft, simply fantastic to look at her. I think her body simply needs more padding mass, she simply has the best prerequisites for it. Should I put some other pics of her in, then you could choose the one you can edit best? Her udders can even be a bit bigger, maybe 30-40%. Man, you just have the talent for it, thank you very much.
>>6377 Glad you like it. I could try another one so feel free to post some more pics.
(94.27 KB 640x852 20220429224416-3ffa4ea0(1).jpg)
(91.01 KB 640x852 20220429224416-3ffa4ea0.jpg)
>>6377 Actually had a look myself and I think that this image was the easiest to morph so I gave it a quick go. Bigger breasts as requested, though perhaps a little too top heavy now.
(104.86 KB 640x978 gabvsr5lbx671.jpg)
>>6367 >>6379 You are the best, i didn't think it was possible, that's the best news i've received this year. The second pic turned out great, exactly my taste. How do you like her, or do you prefer another type? I find her mouth particularly sensual and stimulating. It's a shame that I haven't found a picture of where she's eating.
>>6382 she is certainly very hot. never seen her before but she is a cutie for sure. I'll try another morph when I have time later.
>>6385 Yes she absolutely is, she lives in lisbon portugal. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find out yet if she wants to get even plumper. I would like to see her do a funnel feeding, where she pump in herself a few cans of heavy cream or weight gain shakes and her horny belly thereby expanding further and further.
(330.11 KB 2448x3264 23402f890725.jpg)
(98.11 KB 640x853 08i0rp2q8c791.jpg)
>>6385 I found 2 pics of her butt in higher resolution, if that can be morphed better. He's really very small. Take your time, good results shouldn't be in a hurry.
(175.91 KB 1236x827 Untitled.jpg)
does anyone else have morphs where a morphed celebrity is put next to normal size celebrites?
>>6388 okay tried one more from behind.
>>6403 Turned out very beautiful, that's a lot more feminine, women need proper seat cushions. Does the pic where she kneels on the bed causes more problems? How long have you been doing that, is it easier to work on naked bodies or clothed ones?
Hello, I have a technical question for the master 01f080. Is it possible to increase the diameter of the areola when you enlarge a breast?
>>6405 I gave the sitting down one a go, I think it was much more difficult purely due to the angles and stuff. Typically clothes can make it more difficult, especially if they are patterned, though most of the time they aren't too much of an issue if they are simple. I would say that I've been doing this on and off for 3-4 yearrs. I started with faceswaps and only in the last two years have I experimented with actual morphs. I don't do it too often but I have certainly improved.
>>6432 I suppose so. I actually tend to shrink them down when I morph, a personal preference. >>6379 you can see here that whilst the breasts have tripled in size the nipples and areola's haven't grown that much. If I wanted them to look bigger then that is a fairly simple change.
>>6435 The two have become very good again, as if you can read my mind, just great! Do you have from the other pics also tried some, or are they too tricky? On the subject of breasts large or small, I don't want to influence you or change your mind,everyone has his own preferences and taste. I prefer them big, i have to have something in my hands. Some user in BBW, SSBBW forums react very irritated when i say that i like big breasts or if i think a model's breasts are too small, I find that very unfortunate. But sometimes it seems very inharmonious, if the breasts are very small in connection with this mighty body. I just think it's nicer if she gain weight everywhere, except on her face, if then very little. But as I said, everyone should respect the taste of the other. Do you have one or more favorite BBW-SSBW girls?
>>6438 I like bigger boobs, but I think sometimes the morphs look more realistic with small nipples and that is what I try and aim for. I don't really have a favorite at the moment. I suppose Cookie, Passion, Lauren Lush, Plump princess are all models that I like. Probably going to give morphing a break for now.
>>6439 Hello master, i hope you are still reading here after the failure of the site here, i was afraid that the site would not come back. I have a few more, the girls don't make it easy for us either, my ranking looks like this 1. Shannonmarie, best combination of hips, butt and thighs but unfortunately too small breasts. 2. Lauren Lush, she has developed really well, hopefully she can catch up with Shannonmarie's advantages. The best pics+vids are the ones where Lauren stuffs herself, i wish BBWaltswitch would do some too. Lauren should invite her to a long holiday at her place, I think she would fill her fat cells to the maximum load. The perfect team for a glutton challenge. 3. SexyCreolyta4U, She is very well swollen like a yeast dough, especially how gigantic her tits have become, unbelievable from before. 4. Fatwetwoman13, very nice girl with a unbelievable petit face and mighty body. Absolut great fleshy cellulite thighs and butt. I'm really curious if she can achieve the 500 lbs that she wants. 5. BBWaltswitch, which will hopefully improve after all, although I have my doubts, if she will become like the two at the top. Well, wait and see. 6. SSBBW-Lailani, German Valkyrie with very nice belly and thighs, her breasts unfortunately seem too small for me in relation to the rest. but you can definitely improve, maybe in a few other places (butt, arms,hips), i would be curious how she looks with more volume. 7. Nadine Jansen, absolut great tits and a very nice face, since her pregnancy she has also gained a lot on her belly and hips, hopefully this expansion will continue for a longer time and also invades her butt. Yes, you deserve a break for the great pictures, but please not for too long, i don't meet someone with such talent around every corner. Of course I didn't want to overwhelm you or even annoy you with my wishes. I would have had 2-3 girls who I would like to have a little fuller, especially in the chest area. And especially of BBWaltswitch, because she doesn't seem to know what she wants. First she said: I'm gaining more and more weight, I think that's good. A few weeks later: She would like to lose some weight. Yes, what does she really want? Do you understand what i mean? I would prefer she would pack even more because she is literally made for much more, i think 350-400 lbs would suit her well. And if she doesn't know what she wants, only you can give her more mass and curves through your great morphs . I would be very happy if you could still take 2 or 3 pics for me from time to time, of course not every day. I don't want to cause you any unnecessary pressure or stress,
Anyone knows who that is and what Booty Morph video is this from? It's from a long time ago and there was a Booty Morph video of it on YouTube. At least it used to be.
I think that milk tanks that are 3-4 times as large would suit her better. Who dares?
>>6460 much improved
>>6445 >BBWaltswitch Tried another one
>>6480 >>6481 Great man, they suit both of them perfectly. Very good work.
(166.39 KB 642x856 20210504163727-a050fce2-la.jpg)
(51.27 KB 781x604 1c77aac19.jpg)
(207.48 KB 960x1266 SSBBW-Lailani.jpg)
(55.02 KB 675x900 SSBBW-Lailani-2.jpg)
Would still have 3 candidates for more breast volume.
>>6480 >>6481 totally forgot the most important: Thank you very much for reporting back here, you have the perfect touch for this work.
(67.26 KB 675x900 SSBBW-Lailani-2(2).jpg)
(69.86 KB 781x604 1c77aac19(1).jpg)
(67.73 KB 675x900 SSBBW-Lailani-2(1).jpg)
>>6490 managed to rush these two out. Wasn't sure about nipple placement for the Lailani one so included two versions. Jodie one was fun to do, very morphable body.
>>6493 Wow, you are the best. The absolute madness what great udders you have created for Lailani. She should get them in real life, now just fit perfectly with this colossal divine dream body. Difficult to say which nipple position is better. I think the starting image is not synonymous well suited for something like that. Unfortunately i haven't found a better pic of her where the breasts are more favorably placed. Jodie also turned out very beautiful, hopefully she can translate it into reality. I love pics like this where the girls indulge in gluttony.
(763.82 KB 2100x1426 AlissBonyt1.jpg)
>>6493 Looks like we have a new raw talent out here! You've got a good eye for this stuff, and it looks like you're picking up on the details a lot of folks miss when they're starting out (shadows, layering, etc). I don't know what tools you're using (this might be easier in PS but the idea is platform agnostic) but try to smooth out your 'cuts.' PS makes it simple with the Select and Mask tool, but most platforms let you create a mask out of a selection. from there, use blur and smudge tools to give the edges of objects a little fall-off. It goes a long way in selling the illusion. For those of you who don't care how the sausage is made, here's an unposted morph for you to enjoy.
>>6495 Thanks. I'm just using Pixlr which is a free site. i'm sure that PS would be much better. I'm not sure if it has a mask tool or not but I can check. I do tend to rush things as well. I do think that realism is always the goal for any morph.
>>6493 Hello 01f080, after a long look at the 2 pics of Lailani, the thought came to me, whether you should expand the breasts more towards the middle and less outward to the arms. So bring the breasts more over her belly then you could place the nipples better in the middle. >>6495 Hello TheGuyWhoDidAThing, nice that you are also reporting here. Have already been able to enjoy your artworks on stufferdb. Hope you come here more often now.
>>6458 I've never seen a video of that but I'd like to if you can find it. I think the original morpher was blashany on DA.
>>6499 Who's Blashany from DA?
>>6498 Oh, there's only a few of mine on StufferDB. You should check out my portfolio on DA.
(168.29 KB 959x1109 bigcutie jazz.jpg)
Hello you great artists here, I have something new for you. Can someone pump bbwaltswitch up like at the pic of Jazz. Unfortunately not found a pic with a better camera perspective of her.
>>6502 I found 3 more where she presented her butt and thighs.
Ai corrected image
(193.92 KB 960x845 BBWAltSwitch1.jpg)
>>6508 Hello TheGuyWhoDidAThing, already very beautiful. Would it be possible to add more lard to her upper arms?
>>6480 Please more pics like this of chubbychiquita. These breasts suit her perfectly, really very realistic, maybe a little fatter on the arms and thighs.
(876.37 KB 1406x984 ChubChi2.jpg)
>>6512 Very nice, I've already seen it on stuffer. Although her face is a bit too plump for my taste , but to each his own taste. Please, maybe could you make more pics of bbwaltswitch, she's my secret favorite, although i'm not sure if she's gaining more weight.
Would someone be so kind and give the 2 much more breast volume here and possibly somewhat bigger bacon pad.
(440.77 KB 1200x800 KEblob.png)
>>6552 Too bad, nothing is happening here anymore, this here belongs in a different category. The pics of the last 2 weeks were artistically demanding, especially the udders of Chubbychiquita were excellently done.
(999.90 KB 1200x800 Regina Halls acceptance.png)
>>6593 >this here belongs in a different category. ok, i have my own thread where i post my own edits, but this a morph thread is it not? so these don't really belong in a different category. but you think so though
>>6597 Sorry, didn't mean to upset you, would just rather have more pics of BBWaltswitch and Chubbychiquita.
>>6609 it's fine, i shouldn't have gotten so worked up in the first place
>>6480 Hello Master 01f080, could you please make Chubbychiquita's arms, belly, hips and thighs a bit plumper and fatter, that would be very nice. Many Thanks
It's a shame that nothing is happening here anymore, i found the pics with Chubbychiquita and BBWaltswitch exceptionally good accomplished.
>>6769 Yeah it's a shame but it's a lot of work sometimes to do a good morph. I keep wondering if the new AI stuff could help speed up the process. Tried some inpainting type stuff with it and I couldn't quite figure it out but there are kirita plugins now.
>>6769 >It's a shame that nothing is happening here anymore, back in the day this place was busy, mainly because it had it's own section but one of the admins initially said that it's a ghost town now so that's why manips are discarded into ee which sucks
Anyone know Blashany on DA? Who's Blashany and what's DA?
(157.09 KB 1158x2048 fa05dcf4b792e455d843a4.jpg)
Please, could someone inflation up her tits, butt, thighs, belly and arms.
JJ looking beefier.
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(374.53 KB 768x1024 FeedeeDecode1.jpg)
(2.60 MB 1613x1210 AbbyGlazed2.jpg)
Oh hey, I had forgotten about this thread! Here's some randoms for you all.
>>6870 Hello, very good work of SexyCreolyta4U. I hope she can add as much lard, it suits her perfectly. Please, maybe could you make more pics of Chubbychiquita and Bbwaltswitch, my favorites babes.
(2.77 MB 2048x1365 7xm.xyz530626 copy.png)
(1.87 MB 2048x1365 ZSussbbw.png)
(804.26 KB 1169x1459 Karen Gillan WG Morph 3.png)
got any morph video's?
(2.96 MB 4000x3000 IMG_20221208_153633.jpg)
(2.89 MB 4000x3000 IMG_20221208_153635.jpg)
Can you please morph these?
>>248 And here are bonus points if the morph is by someone else, or if you request one.
(289.40 KB 2440x2373 fat-3.jpg)
(132.53 KB 1024x1363 big-girls-are-so-beautiful.jpg)
Please, can someone make her really fat, SSBBW - USSBBW size?
>>7019 I wasted an hour on this garbage. Hope you're happy!1!!!!!!!1 :DDDDDD
(476.58 KB 2440x2373 shittiermoroph.jpg)
(488.44 KB 2440x2373 shittymoroph.jpg)
lol forgot the images
>>7030 Bro... Do you pay ugly hookers to fuck them?
>>7030 thank you for the effort
(2.28 MB 1595x2048 7xm.xyz475452 copy5.png)
>>6551 >>6803 Please, can someone please take care of these 3.
Any type of expansion will do, as long as they’re huge.
>>6367 >>6379 >>6403 >>6434 >>6480 >>6493 Very unfortunate and sad that he doesn't do anything new, he had the absolutely perfect touch for it.
Does anyone have more content from this guy? He deleted his account severak times. He went by names bigbootyexpansion, phatassgrowth, bugbuttexplansion and mushietushie
(213.78 KB 1205x1600 1197717060.jpg)
silk morph
>>7117 >Does anyone have more content from this guy? yeah
(1.50 MB 995x1671 FatMissT1.jpg)
Here's an utterly ridiculous Fat Miss T morph.
(642.00 KB 980x810 FatMissT2.jpg)
>>7159 and another angle because why not
>>7159 >>7160 good work
(3.54 MB 720x542 BoBerry Weight Gain Morph.webm)
(285.61 KB 1125x2000 1826548001.jpg)
(285.19 KB 1125x2000 1826548001(1).jpg)
>>7168 fixed the belly to make it smoother. What i get for rushing
(215.02 KB 760x1013 789475430.jpg)
(243.43 KB 760x1013 789475430 (1).jpg)
>>7140 >>7168 >>7170 Hello, nice to have you here again and a happy new year. Please, can you make new morphs of bbwaltswitch and chubbychiquita from time to time, you always did so brilliantly results with these two?
(110.21 KB 960x1280 fatting.jpg)
>>7189 here is a quick attempt.
>>7143 Would you be able to upload what you have?
>>7191 I hope science makes it possible so that we get to have women that look like this someday. You know, while we're still young?
>>7191 Thanks alot, you did it very well, keep it up. The additional padding suits bbwaltswitch very well. I think she is made for more.
>>7193 There is nothing wrong with that, I wish all women had curves like that.
>>7192 https://we.tl/t-M25qBaSZUV from a thread on alt board. Since it's a thread about what you're asking for. It was posted on the 22nd. so the link is still viable
(294.05 KB 624x1024 ssbbwadeline2.jpg)
(348.14 KB 816x1152 FluffyMaya98-1.jpg)
(751.64 KB 1440x810 BigCutieLily1.jpg)
Thank god morphs are still a thing, can you imagine your favorite SSBBW get bigger to the point of hiring a personal army of nurses?
(65.67 KB 608x1080 gwenharveyx50_0009.jpg)
(362.28 KB 620x1310 1 (11).webp)
Is anyone open for requests? I would love to see morphs of these pics of GwenHarveyX50
>>7289 kinda like this
>>7292 Hey, that's pretty good. Can you fatten up the rest of her too?
>>7293 I think that would be the limit of true morphing. her boobs and belly are too small too stretch them larger without them looking pixalated and deformed. I could try and get some over bbw assets and superimpose them over the top and then blend them together.
(81.64 KB 608x1080 bobandbelly.jpg)
(80.57 KB 608x1080 withboob.jpg)
>>7293 >>7294 Acouple of attempsts
>>7295 Honestly these are solid. Is there another picture composition/type that would morph better? I have some more of her.
(302.63 KB 414x720 20171103001322-f0e4cb03.webm)
(359.04 KB 420x580 20171027192628-5bd7875e.webm)
Does anyone know who made these two?
>>7296 yeah some compositions will morph better than others. When you are adding in additional assets half the work is finding, boobs and bellies that have the right angle and lighting, tone etc. So it's why I don't do it so much. I'd need to create folders of different bellies at different angles ideally. unfortunately I'm too disorganized for this.
(130.50 KB 703x1250 IMG_0925.JPG)
(400.59 KB 1280x2275 do76bh239em91.jpeg)
(328.12 KB 1152x2048 4qdauh1p51m91.jpeg)
>>7310 Here's a couple others if any of these work better. Thank you again
>>7311 far from perfect but best I could do in the time I had. tried to make the face a bit more chubby.
>>7312 She looks great! Can you do any more of them?
>>7318 and anyone know who made these two as well? >>7303
>>7318 yeah. I'll give another one a go, perhaps tomorrow. what sort of size should I be aiming for? clubby, bbw, ssbbw? etc
>>7330 Whatever gets you the best results tbh. Bigger is better of course but whatever size leads to the best looking morph. Or just go crazy and make her a mountain of lard lmao
>>7331 Ok gave it another shot. This is my first time morphing a very skinny girl into a fat girl. normally I just morph fat girls into even fatter girls so this has been a fun challenge
(190.99 KB 960x1280 o0v5xg94tx0a1.jpg)
>>7335 Also tried a face swap which imo turned out pretty good. probably the easier way to morph skinny girls though not as challenging
>>7335 She makes such a good fatty. Thank you again.
My question still needed to be answered >>7303
(178.21 KB 1139x760 1415212518.png)
tried my hand at morphing a hardcore scene
(660.11 KB 1112x1506 UNK267.jpg)
(523.47 KB 958x1536 EllaEats1.jpg)
(820.91 KB 1920x1080 MsMacAndCheese1.jpg)
(635.34 KB 1080x1350 AimeeTurley2.jpg)
(904.41 KB 1152x2048 disc90.jpg)
>>7311 I also took a crack at it.
>>8011 Those two are great!
>>8011 I love the double pair of boobs on the second one, would love to see more!
>>8011 >>8021 >>8024 This first girl, the Jackie ones, and most of all the the middle one in this third post are fantastic! Whoever you are keep up that kind of work! Do you have a DA or twitter account or anywhere else you post all your stuff?
>>8024 Who is that second girl? Do you have the original pic?
>>8028 Name eludes me at the moment.
>>8025 No, I don’t post them anywhere. Mostly do it for my own use, but eventually just delete them. Coupla more though.
Original pics as well.
>>8032 I love seeing the originals alongside the morphs. Great work!
>>8033 Few more for you. Enjoy.
>>8086 Seriously if you want to learn how to morph, use LAYERS. You need to isolate the subject from the background, then start manipulating the image. Your background warping alongside the woman makes this look terrible.
>>8088 Ain’t that technical. And I could care less about the warping behind her.
>>8090 >And I could care less about the warping behind her. but if you want to improve upon your craft, you'll have to make it more believable and keep the background from looking wrapped
Do what you gotta do with her, fatten her up, fill out her dumpy or give her bigger boobies
(513.97 KB 576x1024 disc96.png)
>>8097 Yeees, I would request more
(605.33 KB 576x1024 disc97.png)
(975.03 KB 960x1344 KatieCummings1.png)
(2.13 MB 1920x1080 BellaAbbondanza1.png)
(1.88 MB 864x1502 EllaEats2.png)
(3.07 MB 1125x1316 LatinaCurves69.png)
(621.69 KB 800x789 MsPamelaJ1.png)
>>8098 One for you, a couple for me.
Anyone have those wonka/inflation morphs UdonSoup1 did before he had some meltdown and then reuploaded them behind a paywall? He did a ton of thicksnoww
>>8108 For the first pic, did you use any AI generation tools? I've seen your work over on bbwai (plus the hands look a bit jank so I assumed there's some generation involved).
(1.20 MB 877x1552 SquishieBear1.png)
(1.32 MB 905x1565 LillyCupcake3.png)
(1.92 MB 1170x2062 kelliJelliBelli1.png)
>>8119 oh yes. That was a quick and dirty one. But you want to know a secret? ...they all used SD. Basically, I do most of the normal morph work like usual, but I stop before spending an hour trying to get lights and shadows looking right. Then I feed that through img2img with some creative prompting and a liberal use of LoRAs, and layer the result back into photoshop. I get way better skin tones, skin details, and lighting in less time. Still takes time and effort to do it right, as I can't just drop it into SD and say MAKE A FAT OF SHE. That being said, apologies for the hands in the first one. I normally try to fix that, but I might have been a little high when I did that one. Here's a few more for your trouble.
(589.85 KB 600x800 HourglassLeigh1.png)
(1.34 MB 1179x1400 Candi13.png)
(1.39 MB 774x1051 Honeybeebby1.png)
(2.07 MB 1003x1500 UNK268.png)
(2.75 MB 1920x1638 WendyFiore1.png)
(1.25 MB 842x1000 MandyMajestic1.png)
(1.27 MB 809x1441 CFul1.png)
(460.47 KB 640x810 UNK269.png)
(1.84 MB 1267x947 Lana2002-1.png)
(741.70 KB 709x1013 MollyMae1.png)
>>8136 keep doing carol fuller plz
>>8136 Dude, you rock! Love the pear shape ones,
(7.19 MB 1242x1721 FULL.PNG)
does any one have the morphs of this?
(407.78 KB 2263x3000 IMG_3554.jpeg)
(6.46 MB 2263x3000 Untitled96.png)
Hopefully someone can make a less RESTARTED ADHD edit of a certain glamorous star
>>7243 Could you repost this?
Could you repost this?
(958.92 KB 827x900 Sadie1.png)
(662.73 KB 1067x600 Echo1.png)
(832.37 KB 1083x611 Echo2.png)
(874.28 KB 642x856 AnaOli2.png)
(849.54 KB 823x1097 MsDawnP1.png)
(4.44 MB 1917x1917 MsKristinaxo1.png)
those echo morphs are nice!
(818.14 KB 720x960 KatieCalli1.png)
(302.23 KB 533x800 SellyMadeline1.png)
(916.99 KB 794x900 Echo3.png)
(1.33 MB 774x1032 MochiiBaby1.png)
(1.44 MB 931x1043 MochiiBaby2.png)
>>8330 Thanks! Got another one for you along with some other randoms.
>>8327 Fuck! That one of Sadie is one of the hottest things I've ever seen!
>>8327 And all the rest are really good too.
(193.90 KB 1080x1350 carinae2.jpg)
(209.92 KB 1080x1350 carinae1.jpg)
Hey morphanons, would any of you be willing to give either of these a shot? Give her bigger boobs, bigger butt, bigger everything if you would like.
(1.81 MB 1080x1347 disc139.png)
>>8335 wowser you got anymore of mochii?
>>8347 Damn, that's good! Your work never disappoints.
(1019.41 KB 805x856 MochiiBaby3.png)
(1.44 MB 963x1284 MochiiBaby4.png)
>>8353 yup. >>8356 Thank you kindly!
>>8360 so sexy ;)
(102.66 KB 537x856 IMG_0488.jpeg)
Would anybody be kind enough morph this beautiful girl into a bbw with a stuffed belly?
Does anyone have any of Darthvujin123's work that he didn't reupload? I think he had a pair of images called 'Mother Knows Best'or something similar
(1.09 MB 2688x4032 327320238028759040.png)
Any chance someone would be willing to add any sort of heft to these two? No preference for how big, so do whatever you think would work best!
(661.14 KB 2000x1837 184968696.jpg)
(214.56 KB 1292x841 534278392.jpg)
(1.12 MB 3840x5760 1663629756.jpg)
Is anyone able to turn any of these pornstars into huge ssbbws please? (Lennox luxe, angie faith and angela white)
(1.55 MB 2560x3840 image00011.jpeg)
Honestly shocked that nobody's done a good morph of ice spice yet genuinely feel like learning how to do it just to do one
>>8397 Have you seen her recently? She's piling it onnnnn
do your best
(2.76 MB 2048x2048 Untitled57_20231015024708.png)
>>8397 My first morph like its pretty shit but I'm still kinda proud of it
(100.32 KB 607x626 feral cry.png)
>>8426 >like it's pretty shit Did you make this in fucking MSPAINT? I just cant anon. not today LOOK AT THE ARMS SOME OF THE FACE IS DRAWN WITH A FUCKING PEN TOOL IM SRS THE BADLY CROPPED BACKGROUND AROUND HER HANDS... sorry about that I felt like ranting
>>8428 For a first time and seeings as I had no clue what I was doing I think I did alright any tips for stuff to improve on
(2.77 MB 2048x2048 Untitled57_20231015235705.png)
Just slightly polished and bigger because I felt like it I could probably fix the morphing in the background but can't be fucked could also maybe fix the bottle
>>8428 pyw, crab
(166.22 KB 1440x1800 witch.jpg)
>>8510 Is the first one PP? I'd love her t look like that! cn can you do more of her?
(138.87 KB 1200x900 newFile.jpg)
Would anyone be interested in plumping up Jenna Ortega and Aubrey Plaza?
>>8515 Yes, it’s PP.
>>8517 She was an early favorite of mine. I love how big she's become on her own and I love any morphs of her. thanks.
(859.74 KB 1080x1081 LondonAndrews1.png)
(1005.64 KB 868x1157 ssbbw_stella1.png)
(1.61 MB 1600x896 Sadie2.png)
(1.69 MB 1214x1215 Sunflwrbby1.png)
(2.11 MB 1104x1260 JuicyJackie1.png)
(2.65 MB 994x1208 ChantelSmithX1.png)
>>8516 they both look like they had strokes.
>>8578 Love the ass ones, and the way Jackie's side roll lops over the table is amazing. Great work, as always.
(926.79 KB 836x1100 UdderlyAdorable6.png)
(1.34 MB 915x1220 bbw-Vivki_Vienna1.png)
(1.54 MB 2382x705 ChunkyBabeeComp.png)
(769.51 KB 827x880 ChunkyBabee1.png)
(2.17 MB 1001x1508 UdderlyAdorable7.png)
(3.04 MB 1920x1280 BigPairEire1.png)
>>8605 Some even bigger UdderlyAdorable for you, then.
have fun with her
anyone able to do anything with this blimp from fantasy feeder?
anybody got any more fat ice spice stuff?
Lisa Lou, still more to eat!
And one with her encouraging feeder.
(1.21 MB 640x1250 Marissa-Munoz1.png)
(1.90 MB 1014x1352 CodyVore1.png)
(1.92 MB 998x1331 YourShamelessPlug1.png)
(2.12 MB 1440x1800 AimeeTurley3.png)
(919.22 KB 1280x720 SSBBWSasha1.png)
(1.21 MB 828x1460 Squishy-Brat1.png)
(1.30 MB 1440x1440 Strawbrryymilk-2.png)
(1.45 MB 1656x924 BBWBella1.png)
(1.90 MB 1096x1415 TheVivienneRose1.png)
(2.72 MB 1440x1799 JohanaMaya81-1.png)
(5.73 MB 1024x768 chubbyfattoymorph.webm)
>>7167 >>7303 these vids were edited by a tumblr morpher idle-animal before the porn purge.
>>8857 I loved that guy's stuff. Is he still doing them? I've forgotten his name or where I saw them.
(150.47 KB 720x960 high-keyaliveoutside.webm)
>>8864 I doubt it, but those old gifs are inspiring.
Cannot FUCKING believe Cahabent's account is gone, lads. Rest in peace to the GOAT nevaforget. Drop any morphs you might have. Here's all of mine.
y uno más está aquí, cabrones.
>>8920 >Cahabent's account is gone, lads. Rest in peace to the GOAT He's not gone, just join curvage dude. that's where he originates, you'll find all of his morphs old and new on the site.
>>8865 Source for this one?
>>8954 Model is lowkeydeadinside. crazy hips
(99.83 KB 1015x975 IMG_20240128_174811.jpg)
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(162.21 KB 745x1019 IMG_20240207_154233.jpg)
Anyone up to make this girl bigger? I got more of her content but i don't wanna spam the thread
>>8955 She's amazing. Any hints for who might've made this morph?
Does anyone have darthvujin123's stuff, their deviantart got nuked
(2.72 MB 1158x1544 JuiceXTea1.png)
(2.15 MB 1170x1448 JuiceXTea2.png)
(1.71 MB 1152x1536 Georg1naxxx-1.png)
(2.65 MB 1682x1200 BigBellyBrooke2.png)
>>8956 if you have any images that aren't garbage (no offense, but these are all pretty compressed and not ideal for editing), I might be able to take a crack at it. For instance, the first photo would be a decent candidate if it wasn't so blurry. In the mean time, new morphs.
(1.36 MB 946x1200 PrincesssPear2.png)
(1.58 MB 1152x864 Sadie3.png)
(1.53 MB 950x1266 PrincesssPear3.png)
(1.73 MB 990x1317 VikingAstryr1.png)
(1.07 MB 940x1577 LowKeyDeadInside2.png)
(1.76 MB 1195x1593 LowKeyDeadInside1-1.png)
>>8955 And a couple of her. Thanks for noting, I hadn't ever seen her before. Top notch.
Her phone is shit, sorry these are the best ones i could find>>9066
(619.03 KB 840x1267 bbwChan2.png)
(948.29 KB 937x922 Sadie4.png)
(1.39 MB 1080x1440 JadeNicole1.png)
(2.67 MB 1121x1992 CarmenCarmello1.png)
>>9075 About the best I could do.
(240.13 KB 605x400 q0vv2s.png)
(258.57 KB 605x400 noj5w2.png)
(1.92 MB 1920x1080 n1n0g5.png)
(557.88 KB 1024x718 qn6ouk.png)
(569.56 KB 1024x718 si95ei.png)
(4.38 MB 3840x2160 lv4qqj.png)
>>9113 Gross. I like boysenberry.
I love this huge bitch!
(1.17 MB 1125x818 bbwChan3.png)
(1022.87 KB 841x1563 DoubleDenise1.png)
(1.15 MB 900x1200 Trysta3.png)
(1.45 MB 950x1187 reiinapop6.png)
(2.86 MB 1424x1788 MiaSaKhalif2.png)
(853.70 KB 709x980 HoneyBun_TV1.png)
>>9117 Cleaned her up a bit for you. Also, some other morphs.
Thank you for editing that morph, I like it even more now!
>>7311 >>7289 @ThatGuyWhoDidAThing mind taking a crack at miss Gwen here?
(1.49 MB 864x1536 GwenHarveyX50-1.png)
(589.83 KB 620x827 GwenHarveyX50-2.png)
(651.90 KB 598x764 AlexisStorm2.png)
(1.06 MB 910x1700 Jex6.png)
(2.03 MB 1440x1800 LowKeyDeadInside3.png)
(2.00 MB 1089x1451 Dumplin1.png)
>>9123 more than a year later and you're still at it, huh? Fair. Updated version of one I did here >>7901 and another.
>>9124 what can I say dude she's perfect, I just wish she still made content and also like tripled in size
(474.40 KB 576x1024 HHY 1.png)
>>8095 I love HowdyHowdyYall and whilst I'm not as good as TheGuyWhoDidAThing, I thought I could give it a shot :D
>>8956 For the guy on dis who doesn't believe me, yes it's me (sorry guys, just ignore this post)
(1.63 MB 1105x2399 1711745351322.png)
Queenyaya / hunnybunzzz3
>>8108 TheGuyWhoDidAThing, if you still look through this thread, I've got a question for you: How'd you get the first image and make someone skinny, fat? I've been dabbling in SD for a bit so I've got a general idea of the workflow. For the base image, before all the SD iterating, did you just photoshop on fat belly and tits? It's pretty straightforward for morphs if the fat is already there, but this image just stumps me.
(1.25 MB 2304x1024 CompositeCompare.png)
(447.05 KB 2136x520 FaceCompare.png)
(1.70 MB 2304x1024 RenderCompare.png)
(504.24 KB 576x1024 Final.png)
>>9223 I've been putting it off for too long; I think I need to write a tutorial on my morphing process like I did for SD. Unfortunately I didn't save the original PSD from when I did that morph at >>8108, plus I'm not entirely satisfied with the result. So, I decided to do it again from scratch, and this time document my steps. Consider the following an extremely rough draft for a tutorial that doesn't go too deep on detail. In the first image (CompositeCompare), you'll see the source image followed by the first round of selections (I darkened the background just to highlight the individual pieces). I've broken the model up into Face, Chest/top, Arms, and Trunk (lower abdomen and legs), and that is also the layer stack order from top to bottom. In the third image, you'll see I've added in a new belly (this one was sourced from Mandy Majestic). I know that the fourth image is a bit of a 'Draw the rest of the fucking owl,' but you can see that I've morphed each of the different body parts, added in shadows, color corrected the belly, loosely painted in new/extra cleavage, and fattened the face. Before SD, this would have been a much more painstaking process where I would have worked much harder at color matching the new belly, making the shadows have the right luminance, making the painted cleavage look more natural. and compensating the 'pixel stretch' that's most visible on the hemline of the top and the outer edges of the belly. But thankfully I can leverage SD to automate this, and in some specific areas wind up with much more realistic looking skin and details. As an aside, I've also highlighted the process I use for plumping up a face and adding a double (or triple in some cases) chin. The first image shows a duplicate of the original face selection with parts of the nose and mouth filled in. I just use the photoshop Fill feature, nothing fancy. The second step shows the general shape I strech the face into, taking care to only nudge the bottom of the eyes while leaving everything north of the browline untouched. (lifting the lower part of the eye can enhance the 'fullness' of the cheekbone.) The third image shows the original face selection brought forward, and the last image is the final result after strategically masking parts of the original face to blend in with the new layer of fat. From there I just paint in some more shadows where necessary, and voila, that's a chubby face alright. And finally we get to the rendering. The first image is the final stage of the edit: I've make most of the adjustments I want to see, and flattened it down into a single layer. I select our subject (as the top 20% of the image is just flat ceiling, no reason to waste cycles reprocessing that) and place her into the img2img section of SD. (If you'd like to learn more about my approach to SD itself, I've linked my writeup at the bottom of this post). So, moving to the second image, we see the result of processing. Not too bad, but we've lost the model's face and hair, making her completely unrecognizable. The third image is the result of morphing the SD result again (mainly tweaking belly and chin/waddle shape), color correcting the face and chest, and masking the edited face back in. I flatten this and send it back into SD one more time after tweaking some img2img settings, drop the new generation back into photoshop, and mask the face and hair back in, resulting in the final image. And there you have it! I know this is pretty brisk and glosses over a lot of details, but you should be able to understand the basic process. Also, this image is still pretty slapdash. For most of the images I post to my DA, I usually spend a bit more time ironing out smaller imperfections and tweaking composition a bit more. For instance, in this image it would probably make more sense for her right forearm and hand to be visible (perhaps resting on her thigh) or for it to exaggeratedly mirror the position of her left arm to make it more clear that she has her hands on her hips like in the original image. But that would take more work than I'm willing to commit to this tonight, so I hope you'll forgive me. I'll eventually do a much more thorough, in depth write up on this, or perhaps even record a video some day. I hope this will suffice for now, but feel free to ask any questions you may have. Link to my SD process writeup (you don't need an account to view it): https://www.deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing/art/How-did-you-DO-that-989204336 Note that it's technically about generating images from scratch, but once you get to the img2img section the process remains largely the same.
>>9226 Thank you for the great response! No need to ask for forgiveness, I was kinda just expecting a "yeah" or a "no not really." I really appreciate the thorough explanation of your workflow, it really helps to get an idea of what other people are doing to get results. Your DA writeup is excellent, by the way. There's not a lot of documentation out there for such a niche subject, so your tutorials are incredibly helpful.
(815.31 KB 984x1231 SnowAngelCake1.png)
(1.89 MB 2164x1302 FluffyMaya1.png)
(2.53 MB 1361x1814 JadeNicole2.png)
(3.67 MB 1512x2016 CharlotteG2.png)
>>9228 Glad I could help! Here's some new ones.
>>9240 Who's that in the first picture?
(1.38 MB 834x1214 SnowAngelCake2.png)
(829.71 KB 712x854 FirmeChikana1.png)
(1.20 MB 864x1280 FirmeChikana2.png)
(1.54 MB 1076x1350 ssbbwRoxxie3.png)
(1.07 MB 726x1080 Sadie6.png)
(1.61 MB 936x1183 AlexisAndrews1.png)
>>9248 The model's names are the filenames. So, that would be SnowAngelCake.
>>9250 Hey TheGuyWhoDidAThing, do you do any morph requests?
(1.52 MB 1200x802 Sadie8.png)
(2.08 MB 1198x1440 Schnataa1.png)
(915.91 KB 864x1080 VenusReubens2.png)
(1.13 MB 1080x1227 UNK273.png)
>>9251 I'm certainly open to them! Either hit me up on DA or share it publicly here. I'll let you know if I think I can/want to do it.
>>9252 That Sadie morph is INCREDIBLE! I'd love to see her walk into an arcade looking like that. I'd love to see some Boberry morphs with the emphasis on her ass.
>>9254 Cuban
(295.20 KB 1920x1335 IMG_6869.jpeg)
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(1.59 MB 3518x6000 IMG_6868.jpeg)
(3.01 MB 3840x5760 IMG_6871.jpeg)
Hey TheGuyWhoDidAThing, can you morph this model, please. She’s kinda interesting to see what she looks like a BBW but a big booty and a soft chubbier belly.
>>9256 This is Nixlynka by the way.
Some more Howdy for bigger and bouncier breasts
(511.78 KB 576x1024 HowdyHowdyYall1-2.png)
(745.75 KB 750x772 Laura_M_J-1.png)
(919.74 KB 880x1082 Schnataa2.png)
(1.28 MB 988x1717 CharlotteG4.png)
(2.24 MB 1080x1350 AmoreDelavie4.png)
(385.52 KB 480x720 MiyataHinano1.png)
>>9256 I've been digging through the images I can find of her, and I've yet to come across an image that would be ideal for that kind of morph. I'll keep my eye out, but I'm not seeing anything promising so far. >>9261 Finally, a name! Thank you. Here's some boobs.
>>9262 Woah Howdy looks sooo good! Here's more if you're game for future edits
(526.74 KB 640x944 HowdyHowdyYall1-4.png)
(791.24 KB 646x941 HowdyHowdyYall1-3.png)
(1.34 MB 1041x1272 Georgina-Gee1.png)
(1.30 MB 936x1045 SavannahCurve2.png)
(4.14 MB 1781x1191 EmmaPear3.png)
>>9267 moar boobs. and some other stuff.
>>9298 Hey TheGuyWhoDidAThing, can you please do the morph of Nixlynka. Scroll up and you'll see it.
(1.72 MB 1368x1824 Georgina-Gee2.png)
(739.56 KB 618x892 SavannahCurve1.png)
>>9301 Hey anon, can you please read my response to you. Scroll up and you'll see it. Or I can just link you right to it: >>9262
(80.24 KB 573x803 IMG_5430.jpeg)
They want to be fucked up to you. And not have anyone know about it. Expose them
>>9313 More morphs of her, please!
Can someone make her thicker? Bigger boobs and thighs. Tnks.
>>9313 I guess the admins deleted the morph of her with the slimmed down upper body and huge hips on the SSBBW page. They could have just moved it here. I'd like to see some more like that. I wish they'd bring the morph board back.
>>9349 Weird body structure indeed lol
(1.94 MB 1061x1326 JuiceeFruitee3.png)
(4.77 MB 1440x1791 JuiceeFruitee2.png)
(1.21 MB 1437x839 BCLilly2.png)
>>9349 There was a morph BOARD?! How did I miss that? Oh well here's some more.
>>9351 Yes, and it was pretty active too. I get why some people don't like morph, but I like them almost more than the real thing. I love having as much weight as you want or body proportions that you want even if they are impossible. You would have been the king of that board. Thanks for these BTW. That front facing Juicee Fruitee one is perfect.
>>9351 Should have moved Juicee more to the center in the river picture so her ass wouldn't be cut off. great work though.
Could someone morphs these ones to look like ssbbw please?
(842.98 KB 640x959 UNK275.png)
>>9370 you got a name for her?
>>9388 wholly cow
Saddly not
Can someone add her more punds, to make her look like she ssbbw and top heavy ?
(758.67 KB 827x1035 SnowAngelCake4.png)
(1.08 MB 1027x1276 SnowAngelCake3.png)
(1005.95 KB 811x1130 MiaSaKhalif4.png)
(1.13 MB 1200x802 Sadie11.png)
(2.66 MB 1835x1107 LillyCupcakes4.png)
>>9397 why not.
>>9421 Lawd that Sadie one is a dream!
(900.26 KB 2316x3088 GOi8e5fXkAAgP6W.jpg)
(1.52 MB 1200x802 Sadie12.png)
(1.35 MB 980x1200 Sadie10.png)
(1.51 MB 1093x1457 Moonikuko1.png)
(1.84 MB 1015x1352 ColorsOfAutumn6.png)
(2.31 MB 3574x1998 KelliJelliBelli2.png)
(1.40 MB 1057x960 LillyCupcakes5.png)
>>9422 well, here's a few more.
(737.53 KB 1024x684 LucyVixen1.png)
(235.51 KB 1536x2048 IMG_4198.jpeg)
Could somebody make these two angles into a USSBBW?
(703.46 KB 673x878 UNK278.png)
Would anyone mind making a morph of WWE's Dakota Kai very much fatter, like 500 pounds fatter?
(65.54 KB 600x450 __by_futotteru_d525pld.jpg)
(148.45 KB 1500x1000 __by_futotteru_d623tb6.jpg)
(744.86 KB 1600x2000 __by_futotteru_d5378pa.jpg)
(434.56 KB 1200x1600 __by_futotteru_d5330om.jpg)
(100.80 KB 850x567 __by_futotteru_d4olrrz.jpg)
>Open Futotteru's DA page >His old morphs are still up Thank the gods
(97.49 KB 640x1106 IMG_9964.jpeg)
(323.57 KB 1080x1350 IMG_9963.jpeg)
(242.77 KB 1164x2332 IMG_9962.jpeg)
Requesting more Howdy morphs!
Can someone made her into ssbbw with really fat face?
Can someone please make her boobs burst from her dress?
(50.32 KB 400x600 morff.jpg)
>>9693 tried my best. been a while since I've morphed tbh
(999.32 KB 891x968 DuchessClio1.png)
(1.46 MB 1017x1530 AbbiSecraa3.png)
(1.49 MB 1021x1361 LowKeyDeadInside5.png)
(1.74 MB 1920x1075 EmmaPear4.png)
(669.84 KB 650x1124 AriFaith4.png)
>>9698 It's morphin' time!
(177.95 KB 1152x2048 20241006_030350.jpg)
(254.58 KB 1440x1800 20241006_030437.jpg)
(157.67 KB 1440x1800 20241006_030442.jpg)
Can someone enlarge her rear twice as big if that's alright?(As big as Graciebon)
Anyone have an archive of TheGuyWhoDidAThings Deviantart? The account seems to be deactivated. Googling hum still has some images come up, but not everything. I know he has a lot already in this thread too.
>>10267 Thank you for being a fan! I'm currently somewhat active on the new morph thread here: >>9810 I'm still working on getting my account reinstated, but I'm beginning to loose hope.
>>9226 no longer working url, https://www.deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing/art/How-did-you-DO-that-989204336
