/ee/ - Everything Else

Trans, Futanari, etc

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Fatty Traps Anonymous 01/24/2020 (Fri) 02:40:29 Id:81bd73 No. 34
rip original thread.
(506.75 KB 835x1200 70063109_p3_master1200.jpg)
(75.66 KB 680x906 b75.jpg)
Here's my stashed goodies uwu
(200.91 KB 2048x1733 DzpeXrnVYAA_0K8.jpeg)
End of fatstolfos (I thonk) I think I have non Astolfos too lemme check uwu
Yeppu I had some Ferris
General traps part 1
That's all I found in my stashes,I'm not one to save pictures usually xD sorreh~
(206.44 KB 950x1120 13178699_p0.jpg)
God I really shouldn't like this as much as I do but I really can't help it
(97.64 KB 2047x1445 1583803307031.jpg)
I usually lurk, but thought id contribute to this, all i have though, sorry!
(394.10 KB 2738x4096 ERa5lVUUcAApTDU.jpg)
(333.39 KB 2208x3525 ERlZvRdUUAAAYi7.jpg)
(323.40 KB 2048x1536 ERuLHgvU0AAMjyH.jpg)
(224.30 KB 1896x2128 ESnCsX8X0AIUbR6.png)
>>382 Takamoom is a godsend
(137.75 KB 1475x1570 ET0PeRaWAAIPBS3.png)
(176.34 KB 1788x1543 ET0PeRcXkAIi_Np.png)
(177.30 KB 1643x2048 ETua88UWkAA_t3E.jpeg)
(142.14 KB 1505x2048 ESE_chzUYAESH_j.jpeg)
Their art is really cute tbh Sorry i didn't have much, i got more though
(30.34 KB 680x680 1585020070592.jpg)
(134.24 KB 2048x1638 EBIoX5dU0AEFM8s.jpeg)
im pretty sure these are all i have that havent been posted, atleast for now Soft boys are really nice
(541.25 KB 644x900 astolfo kun.png)
(1.48 MB 1274x900 Felix.png)
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(410.41 KB 800x1024 35891558_p0_master1200.jpg)
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(128.00 KB 2048x1534 Astolfo.jpg)
(281.87 KB 2985x2587 ECLRPgvXYAE6H13.jpg)
(101.72 KB 1413x1000 EQEiJz8WoAATXPE.png)
(2.16 MB 3250x2500 Run..._Waddling_late.png)
(475.20 KB 846x1080 felix.png)
(477.08 KB 1024x1024 67980468_p0_master1200.jpg)
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>>561 Second one isn't a trap. Lily is trans. I'm being serious here, its actually a plot point.
>>602 Plus shes also 12, you sick fucks.
>>602 I don't like trans characters being called traps. Sue me. It sort of makes me feel like I won't be a "real woman" oh shit i forgot this was a website about fat people not twitter oh god oh fuck
>>1065 Bold of you to think that a Chan site would be mildly pro-trans.
>>1075 Not OP but if you're gonna go in, fuck it go all in.
Help me out friends, I’m trying to find this one artist who I think has gone completely AWOL. They drew really girly chubby femboys, one pic I distinctly remember was of a chubby trap/femboy in his room, he had painted nails and there was like a poster with just a picture of pizza on the wall. Any ideas?
(122.86 KB 1024x1280 qol.jpg)
>>1159 Turns out I was thinking of Queen of Losers, anybody have an archive of their old stuff?
(378.72 KB 850x1123 obesetrap1.png)
>>1632 Nice edit. Any sauce or you did it yourself?
>>1642 thanks, I made it myself from that image https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4099886
No idea what the sauce is found it on 4chan trash
(186.40 KB 1291x950 ElwqguZXEAAtY12.jpeg)
>>1746 *cock explodes*
I want to be a Trap but I don't know how
>>1746 The only thing that'd make this hotter if one of them started fucking the other in the belly (or ass). Also who's the artist?
(271.07 KB 1615x2317 EjFbPjsUwAEFkvx.jpg)
>>1946 Estrogen
(293.37 KB 711x991 Bridget Axel.png)
(62.15 KB 764x882 Bridget.jpg)
>>2000 I need more fat Bridget content in my life. Fuck I need more WG stories of him too.
(560.73 KB 1047x900 jam_bridget_destr0yed.png)
(899.31 KB 932x1080 amane_hooge.png)
(465.19 KB 900x900 astolfopeener.png)
(284.72 KB 1279x900 amane immobile.png)
(535.28 KB 713x900 cute assassin boi.png)
Is there any decent Kalluto Zoldyck fats out there? Pic related.
Man, i need to know a old comic That is a chubby astolfo and other character, can someone help me? Is a hentai here astolfo is chubby but i can find anyhere
>>2067 this, i believe? https://nhentai.net/g/290410/
More Felix and Astolfo
>>2068 YES, thank you very much
(30.25 KB 394x609 Chihiro Sequence 1.jpg)
(42.55 KB 572x572 Chihiro Sequence 2.jpg)
(51.64 KB 572x572 Chihiro Sequence 3.jpg)
(43.71 KB 477x572 Chihiro Sequence 4.jpg)
(1.12 MB 4096x3072 IMG_20210116_183820.jpg)
(1.06 MB 4096x3072 IMG_20210116_183824.jpg)
(254.86 KB 1101x800 PI8W1iI.png)
Does anyone know who the character in this drawing is?
>>602 >>617 Doesn't matter, just post more fat fuckers.
>>2582 bruh why are you responding to ten month old posts
>>2582 >>2583 Thread gets revived just for this, and my question doesn't even get answered. Fucking awesome.
(253.63 KB 1446x2048 EuoH4fAXcAQ_PRq.jpeg)
(181.44 KB 1446x2048 hoens9ssw.jpeg)
(238.37 KB 1446x2048 EuoH4fGXUAIhaam.jpeg)
(293.64 KB 2048x1446 EuoH4fAXIAEKp4M.jpeg)
>>2591 source
>>2363 The quad drill hair and parts of the clothing makes me think he's Forrest from a Fire Emblem game.
anyone else has more pics from cocoapuffwitch/cocoapuffins?
(82.76 KB 1940x1398 EvkL4k_XEAokuuC.jpg)
(131.31 KB 1940x1398 EvkL4-BWQAAzHpN.jpg)
(172.89 KB 1940x1398 EvkL4x6WYAAJFI6.jpg)
Doomer Boi
>>2644 My DA is back up, however I have mostly moved my stuff to my Discord server. Though, feel free to message me about the images you want to see.
(161.23 KB 1500x1428 EwDw9JsXcAEIQrx.jpg)
(499.50 KB 2560x2560 Fat felix.jpg)
(675.58 KB 2048x2031 EuKnyfJXUAA9ve0.jpeg)
>>2592 Hooligan freak on twitter
(190.71 KB 786x965 CDivVXvWEAAwCIP.png)
(273.39 KB 1010x957 rwsef.jpg)
(1.48 MB 2200x2000 file (2).png)
Beeeeg femboy
>>3463 The way they draw cheeks is 10/10, cute as fucc
(306.49 KB 882x1080 astolfo.png)
>>1962 The artists name is belt buster
(94.40 KB 612x900 E3Ldpa9X0AI80fc.jpg)
(84.75 KB 680x680 E4a5OrKWYAEJ0BZ.jpg)
(930.87 KB 2376x2728 TurnipUpp-476706-asfolto.png)
(172.95 KB 480x578 IMG_3281.MP4)
>>34 Found on discord don’t know the sauce
>>4354 https://www.deviantart.com/murdochscrooge/art/He-was-very-fat-800069549
>>4354 Does anyone know who made the audio for this? The tiktok logo is so low quality I can't read it
(683.60 KB 718x939 1638167945824.png)
(1.14 MB 1068x1170 1638196030451.png)
(277.71 KB 1637x2048 Tumblr_l_182340629930363.jpg)
Can someone translate this?
(366.80 KB 750x1000 77580378_p2.jpg)
(1.07 MB 2032x2841 1637183265577.png)
(632.18 KB 750x1000 57227319_p0.png)
Forgot i could add multiple images
(1.83 MB 3016x3774 94110170_p2.jpg)
>>5007 Official translation.
(278.15 KB 632x1024 pape.png)
Made a wallpaper edit
(199.64 KB 1520x1536 220619_053743-204430.PNG)
(2.27 MB 1536x2048 220619_053747-2383921.PNG)
Anyone got the source on these two?
(995.24 KB 4700x4000 20221008_005403.png)
(289.83 KB 1490x1014 20221116_224418.png)
>>5744 Moved to discord -- Cocoa Puffins#7773
Actual thicc caked up chubby femboy here. Add me on on discord please~! I want more nerds to drool over me. Juno#9468
>>6801 Najimi is of indeterminate gender
>>36 been wondering who did these drawings of Astolfo, anyone know?
>>7119 lowproteinhighf, beltbuster, lowproteinhighf again
spoilered for vore
(3.40 MB 2265x1477 -2- Mallow Stuffing Cocoa.png)
>>2644 I've mostly started keeping my stuff relegated to Discord. Cocoa Puffins#6316
>>1632 I want to suck his massive fat cock so badly!
man i fucking love huge fat femboys
Any femboy fatties have other sites or discords to drop?
I love fat fucking femboys and trannies so much
>>2297 Sauce plz?
(75.99 KB 1160x856 1558585190.-xero_stolfo.png)
(416.91 KB 3561x4091 FcBnhRlXEAUMHoW.jpeg)
(340.73 KB 737x1000 asstolfo2_1.png)
(509.36 KB 1194x1500 astolfowife2.png)
(890.01 KB 1290x1500 055aa6fee7af99a038aa930afb388f95.png)
(6.04 MB 3537x3808 Ower2g.png)
Someone like this
>>9047 Hell yea Spoilered farts
>>9053 By the way, who is the author of the drawings?
>>9055 https://twitter.com/crazystationtwo?lang=en
(352.98 KB 2048x1955 Tumblr_l_529860381409735.jpg)
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(2.43 MB 1920x1920 1713482154.queerling_img_2078.png)
>>9341 In what world is this hideous beast a trap?
>>7393 I can't seem to add you
>>9341 They said to post traps, not fucking Fat Albert pissing
>>6039 Artist?
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Who’s the artist of the big bunny trap?
>>9651 do you have any other places you post to ?
>>9652 I don't usually do cock so no
>>9564 Begging you here, who's the artist?
>>9711 It's me, if you have any ideas for the bunny boy I'd be happy to take em
>>9712 Using moobs and his belly to stroke it?
Anyone have the uncensored version of this?
>>9712 Do you have any place where you upload your art , besides here? As for ideas: -Massive, towering ass, way taller than his head -full body blob -jerking himself off with his massive thighs -self facial, jerking himself with his high heels
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(1.00 MB 2560x1629 OhyxujP7uig.jpg)
Fat femboy are so hot~
(205.40 KB 1280x986 63lb1TGakWs.jpg)
(169.05 KB 1280x1200 yPZYP79tAxI.jpg)
(136.21 KB 1024x1248 lTMOonBe6Xk.jpg)
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(594.79 KB 1319x2010 jJPHYdBhMns.jpg)
(798.33 KB 2131x1729 yXbHQRrqNpE.jpg)
I really want to kiss those tummies!~
(181.90 KB 1300x2048 LUPz7kXq_Vc.jpg)
(311.61 KB 1280x1010 VxwOTjA0ypE.jpg)
(301.53 KB 1024x1024 Jei92UaXxcs.jpg)
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I wish I could talk to someone about fat femboy.....
>>10390 I'm here for ya! Got a discord?
>>10391 YES! haxter1986
so hi guys, im looking for some fat femboy (Or even boy) to talk and share bellies, if are one of those send me a request on discord my user is noir0903
(697.66 KB 768x1152 776429215798078196.png)
(1.04 MB 1024x1024 IMG_1939.png)
>>10461 Oh, this big fat well-fed tummy suits him very well!
(1.66 MB 4000x3000 Cocoa_Puffins_7.png)
Always looking for fatty trap enjoyers. Feel free to swing by on the Discord -- cocoasuccuboi
>>11388 Change your settings. "Not accepting friend requests"
