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Chubby Vanessa Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 05:57:00 Id:dc0515 No. 4052
She's literally got the perfect body, absolutely stunning. But holy hell, I can not stand the way she makes her content. It's so over-edited. So many cuts, jumps, you don't get any time to actually focus on anything because bam, she's moved on to another random clip. Bought one video just to see what it was like and man, how disappointing. I would rather just watch a girl eat and play with her gut then watch a mashed together compilation that stitches on pre-existing YouTube videos at the end of it to extend the runtime. Here's the video. If her other paid videos are better, by all means, tell me. But this is just lame. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU5HMGpwdjhzbjc=
>>4052 This gut on the third pic looks fake as hell
the belly button and especially the hair makes me really suspicious of her, or "her", if you know what I mean
Hair doll, and fake belly is this another sex doll scam
>>4054 Yep, almost positive it's a guy
Lol this motherfucker bought a video from a guy wearing a fake pregnancy belly. Owned. >She’s literally got the perfect body Hahahahahaa
>>4054 >>4055 >>4056 >>4057 Wait, but I swear there were before and after images I've seen of this person in the past. Tell me this ain't so
This girl is legit, she's been on yt for years now. She gained quite a bit of weight but never on purpose i think. Legit or not, i Don't like her cause she look fake af
The belly is so freaky and reminds me of this "Carnivalous walt" again
Okay, it's definitely a SHE at the very least. Too many shots and videos of just being in underwear, showing the ass, and even skinny photos. The belly looks like it could be fake, but everything else about her seems real. Scummy nonetheless
Her belly button is weird as fuck
>>4061 Certainly, she displays absolutely NO originality in her content. Same for years, but it is intentional and apparently working for her as she remains popular with money coming in. You'd think she'd realize that spicing it up a bit would bring even more success, but maybe she is satisfied where she is. A hard model to figure out.
>>4061 > Okay, it's definitely a SHE at the very least. Nope. That’s a dude. Ever heard of tucking and taping? It’s pretty effective.
Banish this thread to the tranny realm
hard to believe she is a guy
You all sound like schizos. Not saying I like her, but take your meds you faggots.
>>4066 You mean you don’t want to believe it’s a guy because you’ve been jerking off to him.
Don't they sell these in AliExpress. This belly might be a custom made one....
>>4066 I haven't seen too many guys with boobs like that. Unless you believe in multiple (they've grown) implants.
I hope its a guy
>>4070 ever heard of drag queens? realistic breast plates are a thing
has anyone recent videos of her?
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It's probably a male but we need more evidence. The permanently hard nipples are a big tell. To the disbelievers of the concept...visceralpooch was outed with solid evidence of the pregnancy suit in the following photos, you can see the boundaries of the suit as I have pointed out.
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So, this is "Chubby Vanessa", the hands, permanently hard nipples, shitty wig, and skinny arms are a huge tell. It's enough for me, but you have to consider that they have been doing this shit for years. Question for the retards, if their hands are so so old, blemishy and veiny, why is their body so smooth and perfect? lol
Also, they only ever do "jiggle tests," basically testing their suits, they no longer do any touching or belly play because it becomes obvious when they expose their hands and thin arms. All videos and pics for the past years basically assume awkward positions to avoid their old veiny hands or thin arms, because padding those areas would be weird/not fetishy.
>>5177 Holy shit those fucking hands. Those are the hands of a guy at the gym every day or a 50 year old man. It's only a nitpick but notice the words "she" uses as well, when was the last time you heard a millenial/zoomer girl say words like bummy? Time to pivot to crossdressing porn "Vanessa"
>>5201 literally mad at porn but ok
>>5177 Just an update, they removed this video from their channel, among a few of the other sketchy videos, so they probably know about this thread, or just know that those videos are sketchy.
idk if thats true or not, personally i dont but it would be really funny if it was, can we compile all the info we have about this? and what were the sketchy deleted videos
>>5278 you're not enjoying the potential drama?
So, he is creating fake before photos again, the new "2015" made with the new 2022 suit, vs the old "2015" made in 2018 with much thinner thighs, and finally the real "2015," with their oldest suit lol. He doesn't want you to see the last one and deleted all the older content lmao...
>>4059 Possible coverup…
>>5336 This is schizophrenic I hope the truth comes out.
>>6132 The truth is already out to anyone with half of a brain, and they were called out early on Curvage. Then, people weren't used to the idea of someone using realistic prosthetics so there were some doubters and now you can't post their content (although they themselves can post). The problem is that this dude will dmca strike anyone who calls them out. The only people who believe that Chubby Vanessa is a 25-year-old woman (who apparently had the hands of a 50-year-old man when they were 17-18 years old judging by youtube video dates) are the dumbest of coomers. Sometimes, this stuff isn't worth calling out. because another angle to consider is that calling them out makes it look like you are outing a transwoman or something, when in reality this guy takes off the suit when they go about their real life, and it is just a fetish for them (which they are autistically obsessed with maintaining the illusion of).
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The funny thing is, they are still leaving evidence in their new content...lol. This is what they look like in reflection. Fucking giant ass hands and clown feet, stocky legs, lmao. Wig covering up the zippers, upper arms out of proportion lol. And we can see why they dont do ass shots, they could never get that quite right lol..
This dude is disgusting
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I think this dude owns stufferDB because I can't comment on their photos and my votes don't count. This shit looks horrific, I can't imagine that there are coomers out there who can't tell that this is a body suit.
>>5876 Def a man. Forearms are longer than upper arms. Hence why women can shove their hands in their own asshole easier and than men.
