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Images that make you go "God I wish that were me" Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 17:46:05 Id:ffe36e No. 4210
Maybe I wish Star was my feeder. What about you?
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>>4210 mm, anything with mutual, Preferably where the guy is a decent bit BIGGER. I'm pretty competitive and can be pretty greedy. just burgers until we burst at the end of the world, hence the orange haze.
Anything hyper-dominating or degen lol
This would be such a hot scenario to be in.
I'd love to be Pete in this photo, his sheer size makes me hard.
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>>4336 Same
Poly fat relationships are awesome
Just any fat relationship in general is goals to be honest.
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>>4210 Speaking of Marco, I really don't think it can be over stated how much I love the idea of being a big, fat, girly, pretty boy everyone is horny for. Being a pretty, squishy, cute, soft, soft trap just gets me going. Especially if my ass is fat and I get to wear bikinis and have long hair.
>>4611 you can do it anon!
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>>4616 To add onto that, I also REALLY love the idea of having a massive fatass. One that I can clap and twerk till my hearts content, and do it better than any girl could ever hope to. I just love the idea of being a massive tease showoff and someone EVERYONE finds hot and attractive, even if they can't tell if I'm a guy or a girl half the time.
genuinely not a day goes by where i'm not thinking about how badly i want a cute boy or girl dom to take me in and fatten me up into their personal, cute, girly, sissy of a whale. it's gone from a secret kink to an obsession that i desperately need in my life.
>>5703 YES
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The thought of being a femboy who's pampered and pleasured by a group of dom female feeders is just too powerful, especially when you think about what could've lead up to such a situation
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I want to drink as much of this soda as possible.
Read the book The Pumpkin Giant when I was a kid. In it, Princess Ariadne Diana is so fat, she can only get around by rolling. Still think about that to this day…
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I'd really love being the center of attention, getting fed and pampered and stared at for simply being so massive >~<
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>>5866 These especially the one on the very end with the shirt covering just the boy boobs and the shorts barely holding on I've legit been thinking about for the past week of how much I want that. Just something just really makes me want to be the big fat overfed lazy gamer boy in scanty clothes to keep cool and let all the fat just pour out all over the place.
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>>5869 How about Big Buck Bunny (JC), he's a pretty big, fat, cuddly, multi-chinned, bingo winged marshmallow of a Flemish rabbit with a heart bigger than himself.
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God there are so many horny scenarios or pics to choose from.... but to save you all from my horny ramblings lol, the main one would have to be mutual wg. Just the idea of being a 600lb fatass or blob with an equally fat partner is so god damn hot. Especially the idea of two massive fat blobs fucking each other as immposible as it may be, idk about you guys but to me thats the hottest shit imaginable.
>>6409 Oof same same, I mean who wouldn't want a flabby ass that overflows from any gaming chair, or a gut and moobs so fat and doughy that you have to use them as a table for your keyboard and mouse.
>>4210 I'd utterly love a feedee to tease and bully while continuing to 'secretly'/unintentionally' feed them bigger and wider. I can already imagine clothes shopping with them, It would be so cute!
>>7092 Absolutely. Its soooooo good
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>>5840 artist
I just find it sexy that I could be just a fat femboy and just be in a scenario like theses could be nice. Or just the idea of me being fed by a fat feeder and be a fat slut
>>8934 Mutual gain is hot as well tbh, I’m down with anything really, it’s just really hot and sexy to me and to be in a situation like theses
Anything where someone has become to big to reach down there drives me crazy... I'd love the struggle of getting off, how horny I'd become from spending weeks without release in the hottest, most obese body~ ^^
>>8936 That does sounds nice and hot
