(Yet another) tranner here. Depends on what you mean by "male functioning." If you want perfect functionality with healthy sperm, then that's not possible. But if you just want to get hard and have sex, then it's usually a "use it or lose it" thing- just jack off 3-4x a week and you'll be good. You can also use cialis or viagra to induce boners, because it does get hard to get them as easily as you did while full of testosterone. Finally, you can use a light dose of testosterone cream on your dick to prevent atrophy and help keep things working down there. As far as sperm/having a child goes, you'd want to have some frozen before you start hormones. Usually insurance helps with that (I payed $400 upfront and then $200 a year after that). As far as resolving your gender confusion goes, try to talk to a therapist who specializes in gender issues. As far as taking hormones goes, estrogen takes a very long time to take effect, so you have tons of time to make up your mind. You can take hormones for half a year or so without having super noticeable effects (your mileage may very), and what you would experience up to then is easily reversible, so it's probably worth it to talk to an informed consent clinic and find out if they help resolve your issues- if they don't, then just stop. Most trans people (or just dudes with a strong aversion to masculinization) wish they started hormones younger than they did, so if you're young then you're in a great place.