Julia released another massive fart from her gargantuan cheeks as she shoved a gooey hot dog leaking of grease and fat into her mouth, the 22 year old was 560 pounds at this point and showed no signs of stopping, she smirked to herself as she began chugging the soda, she could feel her vast obese belly expanding across her lap, she tossed it aside as she let out a tripuhmant belch before stuffing another hot dog into her mouth and some chips, she groaned getting up but then groaned as her vast belly rumbled and she released another massive fart as she fanned the air "God i smell" she said waddling to the fridge, her thighs were like mini boulders, huge and fleshy and they jiggled with every move, she had been lucky as being an above average height girl the weight hadn't shown on her so.closely but as she gained more and more the weight became more noticeable, she grabbed two bags of chips from the pantry and a big soda before plopping back again on the couch, she could feel her several back rolls jiggling as she grabbed a handful of chips and crammed them in her mouth, she moaned chewing them up and gulped them down before cramming another handful in her mouth as her vast belly rumbled again and she spat out another gassy fart before she shoved more chips in her mouth, fanning the air "Auntie will not be pleased" Julia moaned cramming more chips into her mouth, the 22 year old lived with her 59 year old aunt in a small apartment just outside of a huge city, her aunt was gone most nights and barley there during the day, but Julia didn't care, all she cared about was eating