"Take one" the sign reads.
Lily takes one of the ever-lasting gobstoppers one the table. A bliss washes over her, the raspberry flavor is incredible. There are other flavors on the table as well. What if she tried the other flavors? She puts her current gobstopper on the table, and pops another in. Cookies and cream, Lily coos as the new sensations take over. An assortment of varying colors and shapes present themselves.
Glancing around, seeing no one nearby, she tries them one by one. "This orange is good," she muses, "but some chocolate would go with it"
Eyeing the chocolate gobstopper, she adds that one to her mouth as well. Then another. And another. Tiny little things, she found that a great many could fit into her cheeks. Temporarily lost in the candybinge, the creeping feelings of tightening clothes elude her awareness. Her pink jumpsuit was subtlety stretching around her upper arms. Eventually though, Footfalls came into her hearing, and she fidgets around, looking behind her and back to the saliva-covered gobstoppers. Feeling embarrassed, she swallows them, scarfing up what gobstoppers she touched, save one.
"And here we have the ever-lasting gobstoppers, just one of them will last you into old age! Aah, Lily, I see you found them. Which one did you pick?"
"O-orange!" Lily forced a grin to her face. Not technically a lie, she thought.
Augusta Gloop, without asking, poached one from the table. "mmmm," the chubby pear said. "red velvet cake! I love it, do you have any other flavors??" Wonka give a short sidelong glance at Lily.
"Well, we usually have more." Lily's cheek flushed. Wonka didn't pursue the conversation, though. Augusta Gloop simply grinned. "I'd like to try all the flavors one day, eehee"
"Careful, child, they are everlasting. One is enough for a lifetime. I couldn't possible imagine the effects of more than one" Wonka's vision was distant, but his eyes drifted towards Lily once again. Did he know?? She thought. One's enough for a lifetime? What does that mean? The feelings of discomfort were growing. A bubbling was growing in her stomach, and the armpits of her jumpsuit were going taught. Lower, the suit was riding up into her bottom. Was she...getting bigger? Afraid to look down, her breathing quickened, trying to ignore the belt's growing grip around her abdomen.
"Time to move along, now" Wonka chirped. "Other parts of the factory to s--"
Lily's eyes widened at her soft burp, her hands covering her mouth. The gaze of the group turned to her. "My my," wonka addressed Lily with half-lidded eyes. "Enjoying that one gobstopper, Lily?"
"She looks bigger, was she that big when we got here?" Charlie asked. "Ang getting bigger," his grandpa finished
A faint gurgling, like a deep sea waterway could be heard. Lily swallowed her remaining gobstopper in a panic, eyeing various parts of her body. Her stomach now puffed out, skin indentation forming around the belt, She looked down, neckfat folding, patting her thighs, which were stretching the suit out. Alarmingly, she saw her breasts pushed out as well, She tried to squish them back in, to no avail. Her arms wouldn't fold as much for the infant bingo wings that were growing. An intense pressure grew in her behind, and then...*bwomph*
Lily spun around. Her ass were two jiggling spheres, she couldn't turn around that much from lovehandles restricting her movement, but her bottom was visibly swelling, and gently speeding up. The gurgling grew in volume.
"Wow, she's fatter than me now, eehee" the pearish Augusta remarked. Wonka's tired eyes had gone from knowing to condemning. "You had more than one, didn't you? I'd advise everyone to stand back"
The group backpedaled away from Lily, she felt heavy. Her cheeks were beginning to obstruct her vision, and her arms were raising to the sides. Her ass cheeks, her elbows, her armpits and neck, all the latex fabric from the suit was pulling on her expanding skin. Lily's mind raced. Fear was present, yes, but ecstasy was starting to creep into her gut. The softness, the warmth, the full body massage, she tried to force the feelings back down. Worst of all was the tingling she felt in her womanhood.
The suit was beginning to rip. The bingowings bulged out of serrations, and she felt the latex ripping on her gluteal folds, the latex digging even deeper. Another wave of pressure grew in her abdomen. Her stomach pushed out, the belt digging deeper and deeper. The pain was intense. Creaking came, as the belt grew thinner, and her fupa unyielding. More pressure, until...
The buckle flew, and Lily's belly surged outwards. A moan of pleasure erupted from her lips. She must have been 500 pounds by now, swaying back and forth, and ultimately fell onto her bottom. "Wonka, just how big is she going to get?" One of the other tourists said. Wonka tutted. "Depends on how many she had. Swallowing one is bad enough, 2 guarantees a forklift. 5 or more..." He eyed the table, doing a quick headcount, and sighed. "It's a good thing my building insurance is paid up"
What were they saying? He was going to need building insurance? Lily's mind snapped back into reality. "W-wait, buil-*bwehp*-building insurance? I must have had dozens!!" She shifted her momentum side to side, glancing at her haunches. Her bottom cheeks were pushing into her back folds, and her belly was forcing her legs apart. She felt full, uncomfortably full. Worryingly, the group got further down in her vision, as she swelled up. The folds on the side of her torso grew new folds, she was swimming in dough. Her stomach pushed out further, The suit's tearing finally coming. A deep naval exposed itself, that was deepening further.
The speed of weight piling on her grew faster. Every part of her felt like it was inflating, even her neck was getting buried. Her right thigh brushed up against some trees. The wall behind her pressed into her bottom. She saw the ceiling coming to great her. There was a rumbling now, a violent jostling and jiggling began.
Some oompa loompas came out of a doorway, holding it open.
"alright everyone," Wonka shouted. "Into the bunker, now"