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Wonka-themed stories Anonymous 08/12/2022 (Fri) 03:17:52 No. 4714
Anyone got Wonka-based stories? Or ideas for ones?
>>5060 Could you consider including this?
>>5411 seconded you did say you were gonna have it instead of the fizzy lifting soda >>5409 I think Wonka should have some of the chocolate too, I would have Milly stay nude, liked the bit with Charles and Milly , I would have it that Milly's body inflates slightly when she drinks the soda and that she burps loudly after drinking it. what did you add to the Invention room? Love the others leaving the factory, I can imagine Scarlett looking like the pic above, I would have it that veruca is still only clad in tight to bursting lingerie and she is trying to cover herself with her fur coat, loved the Gloop's epilogue looking forward to the others. btw what did you think of my ideas >>5395 >>5364
>>5411 Maybe include it as an epilogue for Wonka and Mrs. Bucket
>>5425 ok great
>>5411 >>5413 WonkAnon here, sorry for the lack of updates, RIL stuff. Don't worry, the widsor balls will be included in the epilogue for Wonka and Mrs Bucket. The only reason the Gloops epilogue is 'first' is because I wrote it earlier and wanted to give you guys content. In the updated version, Wonka, Charlie, and Mrs. Buckets epilogue will be before the gloops. I like Mrs Salt trying to cover herself with the mink coat, I'll include that. As for what I write next, I don't know. I think I might do that alien story idea, but with one caveat. I want to make one of the winners a female feeder/male feedee couple. I have begun uploading finalized portions of the story to deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/awm88/art/Wilma-Wonka-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Part-1-937314229
>>5470 đź‘Ť
Maybe wonka could be humming "pure imagination" while gently drumming her pot belly for a rhythm.
>>5476 Added that in in the version i uploaded to DA https://www.deviantart.com/awm88/art/Wilma-Wonka-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Part-8-937418186
>>5483 Ooh lovely
I have one!
>>5605 you didn't add a link
>>5605 https://www.deviantart.com/dandychest/art/Porkette-s-Feast-Factory-Chapter-1-929964668 it's furry shit. Git a paragraph in and nope'd out. Post this in alternative
>>5605 good stuff
>>5639 imagine being scared of furries in 2022
>>5662 All you had to do was say "These new furties are gay."
>>5605 I noticed that they uploaded the final chapter early to their patreon. If there's anybody out there who's more than willing to upload it to Kemono Party, that would be appreciated.
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Does anyone have Wonka-themed art that isn't just blueberry?
>>5787 thread challenge: post a picture and a Wonka-themed short story. Or just post a picture and leave it up to another writer to made a short story.
>>5791 nice to see you back
>>5807 thanks, working piece by piece on the Wilma Wonka epilogues. More efforts are going into other stories. I wrote these up because I wanted to. Speaking of which, new short story. Let me know what you think, and please feel free to make your own spin on it. Also write your own stuff. I'm including a few rando art pieces to help inspire other writers. (fun fact, when I was originally writing Wilma Wonka I toyed with the idea of Milly Teevee being a blob from the start, and based on Kiari. I decided against it. It would be awkward to fit in story-wise, and Augusta was supposed to be the fattest person at the start of the tour)
Has anyone ever written a story where the same character goes through all the Wonka stuff? Like gets stuck in the chocolate tube, berried, shrunk, all in the same tour? Something about the idea of repeated embarrassing things that keep happening to the same girl appeals to me.
>>6406 not that i've heard of. it's an interesting idea, but may be hard to work into a story
>>6407 definitely would need to be a series. maybe somebody wrote one with their OC. i'm stuck on how to make the stakes keep going higher after stuffing her fat with chocolate and pumping her into a ball of juice
One of the better Wonka themed stories I’ve read. https://www.wattpad.com/amp/1056169855
I'd love to read a Wonka story where Augustus Gloop is so absurdly greedy from the start that he cashes in his lifetime supply of chocolate immediately upon finding the first golden ticket. He then eats such a ridiculous amount of chocolate that he eventually ends up winning the second golden ticket too. The story would follow an increasingly disheartened Charlie Bucket as he watches a series of news announcements revealing that each golden ticket has been found...by Augustus Gloop. Every time the news crews show up to report the new ticket discovery, Augustus has gained a massive amount of weight. By the time he finds the fifth golden ticket, he's practically the size of Wonka's factory himself and has totally lost the ability (or interest) to go on the promised factory tour, instead content to lie there in the ruins of his home glutting on his five lifetime supplies of free chocolate.
https://www.deviantart.com/bluberriee/art/Ms-Wonka-s-Grand-Tour-Prologue-953065998 something im working on, would appreciate some feedback. New chapter should be live tomorrow or the next day, going to be working hard on this.
>>6641 https://www.deviantart.com/bluberriee/art/Ms-Wonka-s-Grand-Tour-Pt-1-The-Weight-Of-Actions-953441412 First part complete.
>>6554 That's a repost of https://www.deviantart.com/weeb-lord/art/Allison-781952162 fyi
Charlie is a girl in this one. Well written so I Iook forward to when the action happens. https://www.deviantart.com/cyberkirby19/art/The-Chocolate-Factory-The-Sweet-Cut-Chapter-1-950600216
Anyone got any Violet focused stories? I just want some writing about 2005 Violet being put through the ringer. Before, after, or during all the blueberry BS is fine. I just want some big Violet.
Anyone have GottaBeThickerNThat's stories? There were 2 on their DA called Fatty and the Chocolate Factory, and now they're both gone. Really sucks, it was some of the best, most insidious berry mockery I've ever read. Hope someone saved them.
"Take one" the sign reads. Lily takes one of the ever-lasting gobstoppers one the table. A bliss washes over her, the raspberry flavor is incredible. There are other flavors on the table as well. What if she tried the other flavors? She puts her current gobstopper on the table, and pops another in. Cookies and cream, Lily coos as the new sensations take over. An assortment of varying colors and shapes present themselves. Glancing around, seeing no one nearby, she tries them one by one. "This orange is good," she muses, "but some chocolate would go with it" Eyeing the chocolate gobstopper, she adds that one to her mouth as well. Then another. And another. Tiny little things, she found that a great many could fit into her cheeks. Temporarily lost in the candybinge, the creeping feelings of tightening clothes elude her awareness. Her pink jumpsuit was subtlety stretching around her upper arms. Eventually though, Footfalls came into her hearing, and she fidgets around, looking behind her and back to the saliva-covered gobstoppers. Feeling embarrassed, she swallows them, scarfing up what gobstoppers she touched, save one. "And here we have the ever-lasting gobstoppers, just one of them will last you into old age! Aah, Lily, I see you found them. Which one did you pick?" "O-orange!" Lily forced a grin to her face. Not technically a lie, she thought. Augusta Gloop, without asking, poached one from the table. "mmmm," the chubby pear said. "red velvet cake! I love it, do you have any other flavors??" Wonka give a short sidelong glance at Lily. "Well, we usually have more." Lily's cheek flushed. Wonka didn't pursue the conversation, though. Augusta Gloop simply grinned. "I'd like to try all the flavors one day, eehee" "Careful, child, they are everlasting. One is enough for a lifetime. I couldn't possible imagine the effects of more than one" Wonka's vision was distant, but his eyes drifted towards Lily once again. Did he know?? She thought. One's enough for a lifetime? What does that mean? The feelings of discomfort were growing. A bubbling was growing in her stomach, and the armpits of her jumpsuit were going taught. Lower, the suit was riding up into her bottom. Was she...getting bigger? Afraid to look down, her breathing quickened, trying to ignore the belt's growing grip around her abdomen. "Time to move along, now" Wonka chirped. "Other parts of the factory to s--" BLEHP Lily's eyes widened at her soft burp, her hands covering her mouth. The gaze of the group turned to her. "My my," wonka addressed Lily with half-lidded eyes. "Enjoying that one gobstopper, Lily?" "She looks bigger, was she that big when we got here?" Charlie asked. "Ang getting bigger," his grandpa finished A faint gurgling, like a deep sea waterway could be heard. Lily swallowed her remaining gobstopper in a panic, eyeing various parts of her body. Her stomach now puffed out, skin indentation forming around the belt, She looked down, neckfat folding, patting her thighs, which were stretching the suit out. Alarmingly, she saw her breasts pushed out as well, She tried to squish them back in, to no avail. Her arms wouldn't fold as much for the infant bingo wings that were growing. An intense pressure grew in her behind, and then...*bwomph* Lily spun around. Her ass were two jiggling spheres, she couldn't turn around that much from lovehandles restricting her movement, but her bottom was visibly swelling, and gently speeding up. The gurgling grew in volume. "Wow, she's fatter than me now, eehee" the pearish Augusta remarked. Wonka's tired eyes had gone from knowing to condemning. "You had more than one, didn't you? I'd advise everyone to stand back" The group backpedaled away from Lily, she felt heavy. Her cheeks were beginning to obstruct her vision, and her arms were raising to the sides. Her ass cheeks, her elbows, her armpits and neck, all the latex fabric from the suit was pulling on her expanding skin. Lily's mind raced. Fear was present, yes, but ecstasy was starting to creep into her gut. The softness, the warmth, the full body massage, she tried to force the feelings back down. Worst of all was the tingling she felt in her womanhood. The suit was beginning to rip. The bingowings bulged out of serrations, and she felt the latex ripping on her gluteal folds, the latex digging even deeper. Another wave of pressure grew in her abdomen. Her stomach pushed out, the belt digging deeper and deeper. The pain was intense. Creaking came, as the belt grew thinner, and her fupa unyielding. More pressure, until... *THWAP* The buckle flew, and Lily's belly surged outwards. A moan of pleasure erupted from her lips. She must have been 500 pounds by now, swaying back and forth, and ultimately fell onto her bottom. "Wonka, just how big is she going to get?" One of the other tourists said. Wonka tutted. "Depends on how many she had. Swallowing one is bad enough, 2 guarantees a forklift. 5 or more..." He eyed the table, doing a quick headcount, and sighed. "It's a good thing my building insurance is paid up" What were they saying? He was going to need building insurance? Lily's mind snapped back into reality. "W-wait, buil-*bwehp*-building insurance? I must have had dozens!!" She shifted her momentum side to side, glancing at her haunches. Her bottom cheeks were pushing into her back folds, and her belly was forcing her legs apart. She felt full, uncomfortably full. Worryingly, the group got further down in her vision, as she swelled up. The folds on the side of her torso grew new folds, she was swimming in dough. Her stomach pushed out further, The suit's tearing finally coming. A deep naval exposed itself, that was deepening further. The speed of weight piling on her grew faster. Every part of her felt like it was inflating, even her neck was getting buried. Her right thigh brushed up against some trees. The wall behind her pressed into her bottom. She saw the ceiling coming to great her. There was a rumbling now, a violent jostling and jiggling began. Some oompa loompas came out of a doorway, holding it open. "alright everyone," Wonka shouted. "Into the bunker, now"
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Anyone done Life or Death for Berrygirl yet?
>>7104 https://www.deviantart.com/bloatedbully/art/There-s-No-Air-in-There-That-s-Chocolate-909157786 This one's pretty good, though it's not "blueberry" inflation, but it's still definitely puts her through the ringer
>>7104 >>7159 There are also these two sequel Storie which I love with Violet and Verica https://www.deviantart.com/sir-wales/art/Veruca-s-Newest-Toy-Blueberry-Humiliation-785457024 https://www.deviantart.com/sir-wales/art/Veruca-s-Newest-Playdates-WG-Berry-Humiliation-891870998 Just curious, though, how much you wanna see Violet put through the ringer as you put it. I've kinda been getting into darker, more masochistic bad endings with Violet and turning into a blueberry/the aftermath of it, and was wondering if there were any suggestions on who makes content like that or where it can be found
>>7104 I always had a story idea for Violet and her Mom what if in the 2005 version of charlie and the chocolate factory Violet and her mother have a piece each but when they tastes the Blueberry Pie and Ice Cream, a small blue dot forms on their noses. It slowly grows over their faces turning their eyes and hair blue along with their skin, they begin swelling in the waist and cheeks and butts and breasts and soon inflates to a complete ball, then grow into a huge blueberries and grow to elephantine proportions, almost reaching the catwalks of the Inventing Room, up to the point that their tracksuits can no longer fit and begins rip and tear and their zippers give way embarrassing and humiliating them. Violet's mother grows bigger then Violet , by this point they have begun to leak blueberry juice and their breast have begun lactating juice as well. Wilma tells them the girls need to be juiced before they explode. This causes Wonka to have the Oompa-Loompas roll them to the Juicing Room to have them juiced like cows , as the Oompa-Loompas roll them away they sing another song To add insult to injury, some began to use them like giant circus balls as they sang their song. The Ooompa Loompas bounced over Violet's mother's ample bosom as they made it look more like a hurdle game than trekking over her. Sometimes they would springboard off her breasts as if they were in the Olympics. Violet and her mother after they are juiced the girls are still blue and have a lot of water weight and are retaining juice and still puffy they binge on their life time supply of chocolate and enter themselves in county fairs and eating contests. I had an idea that their eating becomes like violet's gum chewing when she's stressed as result they both put on a ton of weight becoming big fat blue blobs with big juice filled bellies that slosh when they waddle also also they have to be to be juiced by breast pumps like cow to stop them swelling up again and start wearing mumu dresses also i had an idea that scarlett starts drinking wine I had an idea that because scarlett is bigger then violet when they roll her out she gets stuck kinda like violet in the film and the Ooompa Loompas by pushing violet face first into her backside repeatedly to dislodge scarlett Also I had an idea that when they first come back from the factory violet and scarlett lose their fighting spirit and have given up trying to be competitive and are shadows of their former selves they retreat home and seal themselves off in their house with all the curtains closed so no one can see them and drown their sorrows by they binge on their life time supply of chocolate causing them to put on ton of weight as result they both put on a ton of weight becoming big fat blue blobs with big juice filled bellies that slosh when they waddle i had an idea that a nurse who is sent to look after and does such things rubbing , oiling and massaging their bellies and helping them use the breast pumps also because their bellies are so big now they can't reach their crouches to masturbate or even put in a dildo as result they become quite sexually frustrated and it sends their libidos through the roof so ask the nurse to help them and they end up slowly becoming lovers thoughts?
Any word from wonkanon lately?
>>7378 I would change one thing, have it so that violet and scarlet have different methods of coping with being a blueberry. Violet becomes a fat slob through binge eatings and Scarlet becomes a blueberry bimbo.
I want a story of blueberrification but the person has health issues and is extremely obese. >Be extremely obese lady with health issues, over 4 tons. >have to breath with the help of a machine >be constantly tipping on to deaths door but want to live >be giving an experimental method that could improve health but change life >already an immobile slob so what’s the worst could happen >get the experimental method from the “wonka factory”…it’s a simple piece of gum >chew it because “what the hell” >experience the best flavors of food tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie. >flavor of pie get intense but I keep on chewing because it’s been the best meal I’ve had in a while. >doctor comes up to me and says “you look blue..” >laugh at the joke >doctor says “no I’m serious, look) pulls out mirror >see a reflection of my fat face…partially blue tinted >doctors report more areas of my body turning blue, they think I’m suffocating or something >entire body finally turns blue, then feel weird. Like my im digesting food after an eating contest. >I’m swelling >doctors clear the room and watch the 4 ton girl grow like balloon. >be enjoying it all the way, fat breasts grow rounder rather than saggier, belly get bigger and butt becomes fuller. >be over 10 feet as wires from nearby machines finally dislodge themselves from my body. >keep chewing gum, the flavor gets more intense >useless flabby arms slowly sink into body, till only hands remain, flap them uselessly for fun >get over 15 feet tall and feel weird, been hooked up to machines for most my life and I’m able to take a real breath without the help of a machine >be the best feeling ever >finally stop growing at 20 feet tall >be explained that I’m now half blueberry and won’t need medical machines to live.
I remember that there was this one story a while back called "The Cream Room". I think 0pik 0ort made some sort of comm for it? I don't have a link but that one's pretty good.
>>8156 https://www.deviantart.com/professor-potate/art/You-ve-Got-the-Peaches-I-ve-Got-the-Cream-394104971 This is probably what your looking for
There's this one I can't find it was called "The Side Effects of Blueberries".
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>>7167 Damn its been a while. I'm honestly surprised the thread is still still. >Just curious, though, how much you wanna see Violet put through the ringer as you put it No real hardcore preference. Honestly I'm just desperate for some good Violet content at this point. Though unwilling growing and some humiliation is always good. >I've kinda been getting into darker, more masochistic bad endings with Violet and turning into a blueberry/the aftermath of it Oh? You've peaked my interest.
>>8547 Does anyone have any stories where Violet is still bloated after being juiced (like in the picture) and have her struggling with her new, permanently waterlogged state?
I don't suppose anyone's written a piece on Glasgow's Willy's chocolate experience yet?
>>8563 That would be more of a cuck fetish.
>>7142 really hoping for a follow up on this. also, source on that image? one of the best I've ever seen!
Figured you guys would know - there was a D&D horror-esque campaign made by a community member that I stumbled upon once and couldn't find again. One of the consequences of falling in the chocolate river was rapid WG. Anyone have any leads?
>>9733 Fairly certain you're thinking of Blood in the Chocolate.
