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Wholesome WG Stories Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 20:53:23 No. 2276
Let's take a step back from demanding slobs and gross gluttons for fat girl stories that make you feel warm and fuzzy. I'll start: Amy's Breakfast, probably my favorite story ever https://www.deviantart.com/feed-her-more/art/Amy-s-Breakfast-134324073 The Sweet Sarah series: https://www.deviantart.com/novicefa/art/Sweet-Sarah-Pt-1-724653223 And this masterpiece of a series as well: https://www.deviantart.com/moderation1243/art/Invisibile-to-Undeniable-625982079
This may be the only warm and fuzzy WG story I've written: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Muffins-1-of-2-June-Story-800800919
https://www.deviantart.com/cash-bone/art/Hefty-Heroines-Ochunko-836950670 This one is about MHA (specifically Deku X Ochako) but is shockingly cute
I like sweet stories better than slob/demeaning stories, here's story I whipped up recently. "Stephanie" "Anon! Anon! Hey, hey! It's Stephanie!" You look over and see a vision in short shorts and a crop top, with a hotdog hanging out of her mouth. Her long black hair is swirling behind her as she rushes toward you, her dark blue eyes sparkling with excitement. Her thick legs pump quickly and the top roll of her double belly peeks out with every bound, while her thick lower belly is bulging tightly in her denim short shorts. "Phew! Hey, what're you doing here? Do you still have a Facebook? I tried to find you to invite you to some stuff, but I couldn't find it." Of course, you do have a Facebook profile, but it's only a sock account for trolling and buying things on marketplace. That, and stalking Stephanie. She's holding a little cardboard box by the handle and grabbing a hotdog from it every few minutes. "I come here to watch the ducks on my day off, they're so cute! Oh, hey, would you be able to buy some duck feed? I spent all my money on hotdogs..." She frowns as she stuffs another one into her mouth. "O-of course." You stammer as she grabs your hand with her soft, delicate hand that's no longer currently holding a hotdog. As you're paying for the duck feed she's peppering you with questions "What do you do anon? Tracey said she thought you did IT work, that's not surprising, you were always so smart and good at computers." She guides you to a bench and plops down next to you with a pleasantly soft thud, "Haha, this reminds me of high school when you'd help me with my Math, Science and English homework. Those desks were so tiny, I was always worried that I was squishing you, but you never complained once, you're such a sweet heart anon. " You blush at the memory, as you toss duck feed into the pond. " Do you have a GF anon? No? Oh, that's good, I mean, that's surprising, you're such a cutie." The duck feed runs out and as the ducks paddle themselves away she asks, " Did you drive here anon? I live close by, but, it's such a hot day, could you give me a lift? Really? Great!" As you're walking to the car you start running through complex math problems and recent troubleshooting issues from work to keep your mind from the distractingly beautiful girl babbling away beside you. You open the door for her, and she smiles, " Hey, let's go get a coffee!" You're nervous as you pull up to the drive thru coffee place, Stephanie has the AC on max and is fanning herself. You roll the window down and she blurts out, "I'll have a double iced mocha grande with three pumps of caramel, and an iced cookie dough latte, Anon, you like your coffee black, right? And a medium black coffee please!" You quickly do the math and that's at least 6,000 calories, more than you eat in a day, not to mention the 6 or 8 hotdogs she already had and who knows what for breakfast and snacks. She starts drinking her " coffee" immediately, "Mmm, gosh, I just love these on a hot summer day, or really, any day, lol! " She laughs as you drive through town. Suddenly, her face gets serious, " Oh my gosh, Chubbies brought back the 1/2lb Tornado burger! Anon, we have to go! " Once again, you pull into the drive through, " Yeah, she leans over and says, "I'll have two 1/2lb Tornado burger meals, with a large Coke, and one of those new spicy chicken sandwiches. Can I have it in a family basket please? Did you want anything anon? " You shake your head, but all you can think about is how amazing it feels to have her draped over you while she orders. She tears into the food immediately, and it's gone before you know it. "Oof, that hit the spot," she smiles, "Ok, don't be mad at me, but whenever I go to Chubbies, I always stop at Fiesta Time too for their chocolate churros, do you mind? Aww, you're the best! " You've already spent more in 30 min on fast food than you usually do in a month, but you're not mad because you notice her unbuttoning her shorts "I just need a bit more room", she says smiling as she digs out her massive belly. It's hard to pay attention to the road as you slyly move your hand over to the massive, fleshy mound and begin massaging it. "Oh my gosh anon, how did you know my belly was a little upset? That feels amazing." For the now third time, you're rounding through a drive thru and with amazing speed and accuracy Stephanie whips through a large order, ending with "and three orders of chocolate churros. Oh wait, do you want some anon? No, ok, four orders of chocolate churros." The girl in the drive thru is slightly shocked when she sees Stephanie in the passenger seat, humongous belly on full display, "That's for me! Thanks hon!" She smiles as she reaches over you to grab her two bags of food. You're half in a daze, concerned about getting into an accident as you continue to massage Stephanie's belly while she makes the bags of food disappear. "Mmm, oh my, this is just the best, you really know how to take a girl on a date anon! Oh, hey, right over here, the white place on the corner." You don't want it to end as you pull up to the curb." Um, anon, can you help me? I'm kinda stuck in your car, I can't pull myself up, lol. " You race to the passenger door and with some gentle effort, pull Stephanie out of the car and to her feet as her giant double belly wobbles back and forth." My hero!" she coos as she reaches in for a big hug. Her swaying, exposed belly hangs near your crotch and you start trying to solve for Pi for dear life as she embraces you in an envelope of pure femininity." Oh hey, gimme your number, I wanna see you again! " You watch her heavily skip to her front door, the cannonballs in her short shorts pulsing back and forth in a hypnotic way. You're about to sit back in the driver's seat when your phone buzzes. It's a multi part text from Stephanie, talking about how much she wants to see you again, and if you have any birthday plans? Of course she remembered that your birthday was coming up.
>>3450 Part 2 "Happy Birthday anon!" You look at the doorway to your kitchen to see Stephanie, all 350lbs, totally nude and holding a cake. You're shocked, but extremely excited to see her, while trying hard not to show it. "I wore my birthday suit to help you celebrate your birthday!" You start to say something, but she doesn't give you a moment before the bubbly butterball deftly slides the birthday cake onto the table, sweeping aside an army of empty monster zero sugar energy drinks and other assorted trash. "Let's see, what do you have for drinks?" She asks as she swings the refrigerator door open, she frowns for a moment at the nearly bare interior, before beaming, "Anon, you remembered Dr Pepper is my favorite!" She says referencing the two two liters that stand out in the almost empty fridge. Whack! The two bottles of pop hit the table next to the cake. Stephanie digs around in the cupboards and drawers for a moment while you admire her gigantic, jiggling ass. "Oh anon, what're we going to do with you, you only have one chair?!" You start to mumble a reply, explaining that you meant to get another one but you just haven't had time before she shushes you and laughs, "Ok, just hold still." Bam! She lands right on your lap and looks back laughing to gauge your reaction, you are too stunned by the enormous pre-cushioned seat that landed on you with full force, spilling out over your lap, "so big, so soft" is all that you can think as Stephanie produces some candles and a lighter from under her top most belly roll. Your eyes are drinking it all in, her luscious double rolled belly lapping over her lap. "Ok anon, make a wish, but don't tell me or it won't come true!" You close your eyes and hug her closer as you lean forward to blow out the candles, relishing the soft, wonderful weight on your lap. "Ok, one piece for the birthday boy, I know you don't eat much, here you go." She says as she drops a sliver of cake on your plate. "Aaaaand, this is for me" , she giggles as she drops the whole rest of the cake on her plate. "Did I tell you what Michelle said at work the other day?" She asks as she starts shoveling bites of cake into her mouth, you start to answer but you're mesmerized by the soft, squishy 350lb woman on your lap and she just continues anyway. Slice #1 is history as she laughs and says "Anon, did you know that when I was 5 I ate my whole birthday cake by myself? My mom left me unattended with it for half an hour, boy was she pissed when she got back, and she had to go get a whole new cake so the other kids could have some. I had some of that too, haha." Slice #2 is long gone as she digs into slice #3, happily babbling away. Suddenly she stops. "Oh no anon, there's no more cake left! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't even offer you another slice! Did you even touch your slice?" Suddenly you're broken from the trance, you stop rubbing her belly and look up at her. "You're not going to eat that are you? Ok, don't worry, I'll finish it for you!" And with a deceptively quick motion the cake slice is gone. You look over and the Dr Pepper bottles are both empty too. "Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot, anon, you'll laugh, but I started to try and track my calories a little bit, it's been rough, but I've been trying to stick with it even if I cheat a little haha. Ok, so calorie tracker, I'm already a few thousand over, but let's see, cake. Hmm, there's no option for a whole cake, weird. Well, I had eight slices, ok, crunch some numbers here, 6,500 calories!" Stephanie says proudly before frowning, " Anon, you aren't mad at me are you?" She asks, before seeing your face and beaming, "I knew you wouldn't be anon, you're so sweet! Would you mind terribly rubbing my belly some more, I'm feeling a bit stuffed, maybe I can have some of those pizza rolls you always have later when I'm feeling up to it. I think I need to lay down for a bit though, that cake really took it out of me. Would you take me upstairs anon? " You're staring at her lug her massive butt upstairs, it starts jiggling as it moves forward and then stops every few steps. Finally, you're both upstairs and she collapses on your bed, making it shudder as she lands on it. She lays on her side, and pulls your hands to cradle her and her belly, "I've been eating out so much lately anon, I couldn't afford to get you anything for your birthday, but I was thinking, maybe... I could be your present, and I think I can feel that you have a present for me too, lol."
>>3452 Part 3 You wake up from the most restful and peaceful sleep you've ever had, you had been dreaming that you finally got up the courage to ask Stephanie out, the girl that haunted you all through high school, the one that got away. Gradually you smell something delicious cooking in your kitchen and hear music from downstairs. You look over and run your hands over the warm, deep imprint Stephanie had left in your memory foam mattress. It wasn't a dream, it really happened, all of it! Then you remember that it's Friday, not Saturday and you're almost late for work! Dressed in a flash, you bolt into your kitchen to grab some cold coffee and run out the door when you're greeted with Stephanie frying bacon and eggs in a waaay too small french maid outfit. The apron on the outfit looks like a joke compared to the deep, hanging lower belly roll it's perched on, seemingly in danger of being sucked into a roll. "Anon! Good morning! I know that you weren't trying to go to work without a decent breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day! I think this little outfit is a bit too small for me, what do you think?" Stephanie twirls as she grabs a few pieces of bacon, and you're see a flash of the biggest, softest ass you've ever seen. "Haha, look at your face, I knew you'd be happy with this. Ok, one sec, it's almost ready." She's like a big round spinning top, cooking and eating simultaneously, there's two empty cartons of eggs, a whole empty package of cheese, and 3 empty packs of bacon waiting to go in the trash. "And, done! Have a great day at work! Here you go! Btw, I called off work today, I'm going to stay here and clean up this mess you call a house. I can tell that you work way too hard to take care of things properly, so you need a little help, and lucky for you, I love to help! Just leave me your credit card and I'll give this bachelor pad the feminine touch that it needs. Ok, gimme a kiss, mwah, bye! " She wraps you in a nearly naked bear hug, the French maid outfit does absolutely nothing, you can feel every curve and roll, soft spots that you didn't even know were soft, a blanket of warm, loving fat. You don't want to let go, you could stay like that for days, maybe years, but eventually you let go and cop a quick feel. " Anon! Hey, that's for later, don't tease me! " It's almost impossible to concentrate at work, all you can think about is Stephanie at your house, waddling around in a too small French maid outfit. It doesn't help that she's been sending you texts and pics all day. It's excruciating. Finally, 5pm rolls around and you race to your car, your normal commute feels hours longer than normal. Your heart is racing as you walk up to your front door and open it. "Anon! You're finally home!" Stephanie is splayed out on the couch, eating chocolates, with two giant, empty pizza boxes surrounding her. "Ok, so, I got us an extra large pizza, but then I ate it, so I got another one, but then I got hungry again, and I ate that too. And now I'm eating the chocolates I got to be romantic. Sorry... Don't be mad. I'll just order another one, the delivery guy is almost used to me and my outfit now." You start to think about how expensive all this was, but then you remember that your crypto investments have been doing really well, and stop caring. " Well," she says giving you another luxurious, velvetine hug, "what do you think?" You're speechless, not only because of the hug, you still haven't let go yet, you're just meditating on the soft weight of her stuffed belly pressed up against you, but also by how nice your house looks, it's like someone turned up the brightness on everything. And that's how I made her my wife.
>>3450 >>3452 >>3453 Top tier stuff >one day I will have this
>>3450 >>3452 >>3453 >>3453 >>3453 This was beautiful. Took me back to meeting my wife, thanks for sharing!
>>3839 >>3890 Thank you both, I really appreciate your kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed my stories. When I come up with some new material I will post it here.
This one’s one of my favorites. I love the use of the fall/winter setting to make the warmth of her fat feel more enticing. https://www.deviantart.com/okamialpha/art/Tomo-the-Lonely-Hex-Maniac-WG-505252370
https://www.deviantart.com/wafflekink/art/Culinary-Librarian-1-Cherry-Tart-894962198 Culinary college student and librarian fall in love.
>>3839 >>3890 I finally wrote another story, once again, a sweet, romantic story about weight gain, some explicit sexual themes, but nothing gross. <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/44422381"><strong>Team Piglet</strong></a> (8387 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jigglerespecter"><strong>Jigglerespecter</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/1<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Claire%20and%20Michael">Claire and Michael</a><br />Rating: Explicit<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Additional Tags: feederism, Weight Gain, romantic<br />Summary: <p>A romantic story of a feederism relationship, some sexual themes, but nothing raunchy or gross.</p>
>>6059 Oops, let's back up and try that again: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44422381
These two Evangelion stories came to mind. Shinji and Asuka are married and into the feeder/feedee kinks. They're not perfect, but they do love each other. https://www.deviantart.com/asushinenthusiast/art/Asuka-s-big-fat-birthday-surprise-933038768 https://www.deviantart.com/asushinenthusiast/art/Evangelion-WG-Asuka-s-breakfast-in-bed-944768361
I just wrote a story that I think is kinda wholesome. Different from anything I've ever read. It's about a trans girl that basically puts on weight because it makes her look more feminine. https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Juniper-Trans-Fat-BBW-WG-Romance-969054358 The sex scene towards the end (between a man and a trans woman -- two people with dicks -- you've been warned) may not be all that wholesome. But the theme of the story is the main character finding happiness, so that's pretty nice. Let me know what you think if you read it!
>>7340 thats so cute
Anyone have a complete copy of the Invisible to Undeniable series from the OP? Web archive only goes halfway through part II.
>>7340 >>7356 >When the wholesome is valid...
Wrote one today that's kind of wholesome? Kind of an unintentional mutual weight gain "A Night Of Pleasure" Chapter 1 A long hard day at work led Tyler home. He grabbed his keys and unlocked the door. Dropping his suitcase by the doorway. "Brenda," he called," you up sweety?" "Be out in a second darling~" She replied in a hawty south London accent. What emerged from the hallway was an immense mass of tanned, middle eastern blubber. Tall and incredibly obese, Brenda tipped the scales at eight hundred and fourty and had no intention of stopping. She heaved herself onto the couch, still dressed in her pink nighty, eagerly watching her husband. If he only knew how impossibly in love with him she was. They met on an online dating site years ago. She was a modest 350 pounds back then and had always been rather portly. She ate a lot and was tired of denying her inner glutton and liked girls that ate. They found thar beyond the mere sexual quirks, they actually had quite a lot in common. They first met IRL at a plus sized bash and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. They checked into a room and slept together, his head nuzzling her back. They'd never slept so peacefully. Two years later they were married at a court house. She'd blown up to five hundred pounds and could barely move in the tight fitting purple satin gown he'd bought her. But thar was the point. When they'd gotten to the hotel, she threw him on the bed and had her way with him. It was her day too after all. Four years later, through numerous eating regimen (and enough weight gain powder to fatten even the skinniest woman to immobilitiy) she now sat, a mountain of achievement and sexual bliss personified. Tyler sat down beside her and kissed her passionately. He could taste the hunks of her favorite ultimate devil's food cake between her beautiful plump lips. "Got you a present today." "Oh?," Brenda replied being catty," Well I have something for you." She pinned him down with all of her eight hundred pounds and buttoned his shirt and began kissing him everywhere. Sensing the moment, he massaged her engorged body with his finger tips. She moaned deeply. "Mmmm," she whispered, you said you brought something home?" He nodded, groping the immensity of her ass, sending shivers down her spine. He went to his briefcase, opened it, and put it down on the TV tray beside her. It was a large metal belt buckle with an even larger glass tube inside of it. She couldn't help but laugh, "Not a sex toy I hope? You're the only pleasure I need lover." Tyler laughed too,"No, something better. Stand up for me." Brenda heaved herself up off the couch and waddled over. Lifting up her arms, she let Tyler put the buckle around her waist and shivered, "Bit cold isn't it?" She muttered. Within moments, the buckle extended around her waist and the tube inserted itself into the depths of her belly button. "Well, enough theatrics dear," she laughed,"what's it do?" From the briefcase, Tyler grabbed a remote with all kinds of dials and switches, "Anything you can possibly imagine." He whispered in her ear. "Oh," she purred, "I can imagine a lot of things."
>>9491 Chapter 2 From within the briefcase, which at this point seemed bottomless to Brenda, Tyler pulled out an immensely thick book. "It's the Slothworks DX-80 body defier," he said, passing it to her, "wanna look like a supermodel? Wanna be the strongest woman on earth? Wanna eat like a hog and still be razor thin? The possibilities are endless." Brenda soon had a sly smile on her lips. "Fatter, I want to be the biggest, fattest woman you've ever laid eyes on. Even bigger than those girls that you drew in high school that you showed me." Tyler nodded, pressed a button, and it started. The tube began processing a slimy, yellow liquid and Brenda's stomach began making noises that she'd never heard before in her life. Sickening noises that sounded like a camel pleading for it's life. Oddest of all, she began violently belching. All around her, Brenda's body surged, slumped, and pushed forward. Rounding out to improbable proportions and then even more impossible. Soon Brenda was too fat to even stand up anymore and violently smacked her two thousand plus frame on the floor, shaking the house as she did so. "More," she pleaded, moaning in heat, her voice deepening as she expanded further,"more..." Like bread rising, her body grew more and more voluptuous and thick. She'd never felt so sensual like this before. The verbose belching and typhoon of stomach noises grew more and more prominent as she widened. Soon, she couldn't feel her hands or feet. Not wanting to make her explode, though he was certain she would have been in absolute ecstasy if he did, he stopped her at eight tons. As the system cooled down, her body lurched forward mid-expansion and she let out a belch that nearly shattered the windows. Reaching down to her belly, he unhooked the body defier, listening sweetly to all the churning and groaning that was still taking place inside her. Tyler took his time looking at his handi-work and was quietly amazed at what he saw. "Sweetheart," she moaned barely above a whisper, still violently belching,"come to me.." Chapter 3 Tyler wasn't sure how exactly to satisfy a woman as impossibly fat as Brenda currently was, but he made it work. And boy, did she gush. Later he brought a blanket and threw it ontop of as much of her as it could cover and he laid atop her, as close to her face as he could get. "That was *belch* so *urp* wonderful," she moaned, mid-kiss,"I'd love to *urp* stay this way if you'll *huff* let me." Tyler shook his head, "I couldn't imagine the food bill trying to feed you. But we can still keep it around for special time." She giggled deeply," So naughty *urp*, well, I guess let's *belch* change me back before I get used to being your own *burp* sex pillow." Tyler slid down Brenda and re-attached the body defier, gently kissing her belly as it worked it's magic. Soon, her belly began violently churning again, but it was more of a slow release this time and not as nearly dramatic. In about ten minutes, Brenda was back to just being plain old morbidly obese (give or take ten to fifteen pounds). Tyler was about to pop it off, before Brenda stopped him. "Let's see what else this thing can do, shall we lover?"
>>9492 Chapter 4 Brenda, still belching, flipped through the manual. Playing with the dials, she figured out how to increase individual body parts, much to the delight of Tyler. She knew how much he loved the sight of her behind so she expanded herself until her bottom was big enough to expand over the sides of the couch. Reading further, she noticed the en masse "expander" and "reduction" dials and pondered a thought, "Sweetheart," she cooed, getting up and waddling over, forgetting that her breasts were still engorging themselves," what do you think it'd be like to start all over again? Drop a few sizes, let you weave your handiwork and turn me into a rotund heifer all over again?" "Well.." "Come on," she whispered, kissing him, "it'll be fun." "Oh, all right." She grabbed the remote, finally halting the breast augmentation and flipped the "reducer" dial. "See you in a couple of hundred pounds sweety." Brenda watched her all her hard earned blubber reduce in rapid succession. Her panties that were once too impossibly tight dropped to the floor. Her stomach still moaned, but not as before. Sort of like the inverse. She closed her eyes and thought of her first kiss with Tyler, their first feeding session, her first hundred pounds. It was bliss. But when she opened them back up, it wasn't so. She'd dropped to 150 and when she realized this, she gasped in horror. Tyler had tried to pull off the body defier, but in doing so, it had sent tremors throughout Brenda's frame. Individual parts swelling and then reducing. "Shut it off," she moaned, belching "I'm trying. You shouldn't have turned the dial so much. You're lucky that you didn't turn into a pile of jelly." "Don't tempt me with a good time Tyler Rogers." Somehow Tyler yanked it off but it attached to itself to his body instead. "Ohhh," Brenda purred, "tempt me with a good time Mr. Rogers.." Chapter 5 "I might miss being an obese blob, but turning you into one?" She cooed, "Now there's a thought that never entered my mind." With a press of a button and a turn of the dial, Tyler began swelling and turning round. While not as sensual as Brenda's turn, it wasn't without it's charms. Though having fun at his expense, she knew not to upset him too terribly. She stopped him at five hundred fourty. She detached the body defier and he groaned, collapsing. He woke up, hours later, chained to the bed. Brenda was feeding him fattening things that she often saved just for herself, hoping to make him even more bloated. "Funny," she purred,"who'd have thought you'd look so impossibly cute as a butter ball, lover?" "It's only fair," he belched,"I did do this to you after all." Brenda shook her head, "Tyler, I loved being fat, but more importantly, I loved being with you. Just having you turning me into a lard ass was a bonus. I'll turn us both back in the morning, but tonight, let's just have this moment, okay?" He nodded in response.
>>9493 Chapter 6 The next morning, Tyler woke up in bed feeling strange. He didn't feel as nearly as heavy as he once did and that was a relief, though part of him did get enjoyment out of it. "Brenda?" He shouted down the hall,"you home?" There was no response. He found the key and unshackled the chains. He walked down the hallway and found Brenda raiding the fridge. She still looked thin. "Oh, good morning," she yawned, giving him a kiss, "you sleep well?" Tyler nodded. "Well, I've been up all night thinking. And you know? As great as that thing was, it's kind of dangerous. Imagine if either of us got stuck that way. Not that I wouldn't enjoy either outcome," she giggled," but let's just say that I want to blow up on my own terms. Is that fair?" "Perfectly," Tyler nodded. Brenda got up and attached the body deifer to her stomach, "We're gonna have one last turn lover, so get the most out of it okay?" Brenda tossed him the remote and took a large bite of the chocolate cake, savoring one last moment being thin, "make me large, Tyler Rogers, make me huge!" He turned the dial and embraced her, letting her fat envolpe his body. Chapter 7 Two months later Home once again, Tyler sat down his briefcase "Brenda, you home?" He shouted. He found a note on the mantle that read 'follow the rose petals'. He did as he was told and followed them into the bathroom where he found Brenda relaxing in the bath with sparkling fruit juice and soft R&B music playing. She'd grown since that day, roughly two hundred pounds thanks to the body defier. Luckily the bath was still big enough to contain most of her. "Good evening," she cooed, "fancy a bath?" She watched him longingly as he undressed and slid in-between her, nesting his body between her breasts and belly. She sighed and kissed him, savoring the moment. "I found out something today." "Oh?" He replied. "Yes," she smiled, "I'm pregnant" Tyler rolled over in the bath and smothered her with delight. "I'm going to be a father. You have no idea how happy I am." "You?" She laughed,"I'm going to be more of a literal cow than I bargained for. I'm the one who should be celebrating" They clanged their glasses together and kissed deeply, wondering what the future might bring them.
Emma and Jack: A Love Story Once upon a time, Emma got a job at Wendy's. She was a diligent worker with some concerns about her weight. Her manager, Jack, started to encourage her to eat from the leftover food inventory. In no time, Emma developed a habit of regularly eating these leftovers, significantly increasing her weight. Soon, her weight gain became so rapid that it even garnered Jack's interest. Rather than expressing concern or suggesting she leave her job, Jack, who unbeknownst to Emma was Jeff Bezos, proposed an audacious idea - move the entire restaurant to Emma's house. Thus, Emma's life became entirely revolved around food. Soon immobile, Emma depended entirely on her manager and the feeding machine he'd designed for her. Her habits soon began subtly altering her body. Every piece of clothing she owned turned tight on her as her body widened. Her once slender arms and legs started to fill with more meat every passing day. Emma's weight reached astonishing levels, all while she lay immobile in her bed. Bezos, intrigued by the experiment, provided her with artificial organs that could cope with her increasing weight demands. He even got a crane to lift her out of bed since by then Emma was completely immobile. Food was supplied directly to her enormous body through a specially crafted feeding tube. As her needs grew, Bezos paid a horde of people to keep her supplied with food around the clock. Such was the singular focus of her transformed existence. One day, she found herself unable to consume anything solid; even being fed through a tube became taxing. Jack designed a feeding machine that would blend the food for her completely, turning everything into a thick, easily swallowed paste. The days and nights merged together, a time when she did nothing but eat. As she swallowed, caretakers and admirers massaged her body gently, touching every part of her immense flesh. It almost seemed like they were pleasuring themselves at the sight of this feedee girl, immobile and powerless on her bed. When consumption reached an unimaginable colossal level, hitting an impossible, unthinkable milestone of a million pounds, Bezos and his team decided to engineer a new form of nutrients. Waste products, previously discarded, were introduced as a high nutrient source. Emma's life was now incorporated at the technologically-fueled intersection of overfeeding, erotic indulgence, and mega wealth. Jack's team manipulated waste products to ensure Emma could continue her never-ending feast. A million-pound milestone wasn't just celebrated – it was commemorated with an indulgence of sensual pleasures. A dozen-strong team of feeders transformed into dedicated sensualists, now teasing and playing with her enormous, bloated body as their way of admiration. Emma's world had twisted into an erotic indulgence of overfeeding where territorial athletes were excited by her size and would touch her in sensual caresses. The indulgence turned into lavish sensual fanservice of her unyielding gluttony. Hence, Emma's life bloomed and withered under the weight of gluttony taken to the extreme. In the span of this immersive experiment, it shifted from an erotic feast of indulgence to a display of exploration into the limits and extents of techno-luxury and excessive overfeeding. An experiment funded by the richest man on the planet had transformed Emma's life into an unprecedented journey of materialism and sensual satisfaction.
