Had Alien inspired story.
Don't have full energy to writefag, so posting now to see if people are interested, or have suggestions.
>Be on long stage spaceflight. Cheap model vessel, private crew.
>No point in attempting stasis due to close proximity to target planets. Also, the beds have a maximum size limit that can be squeezed into them, and some of the crew, which averages at 800-900lbs, can't fit in them.
>Tensions are frayed due to months with very little to do, and the very unergonomic ship design. Crew are at each others throats, and getting around the ship in anywhere but the main passages is a pain.
>Story follows one of the pilots, a cold, focused and driven young woman. Being 650-700 lbs, and fairly fit from craft maintenance, she's one of the lightest and most energetic of the crew. Saying fittest would give the wrong impression, but she's not running the risk of an embolism by walking too fast.
>Ship sets in orbit over their target planet, containing an abandoned large company research station they hope to plunder for monetary gains.
>Surface crew and protagonist sets down, finds the place barely functioning. Expedition takes hours to establish a foothold because squeezing a wheezing 850lb 'guard' through a doorway makes them all pale and tired, so they need to take breaks often.
>Some of them are also looking a little bit sick, and several are moaning or complaining about the place being scary. So protagonist, fed up with the bullshit of these fatties. Discovers some science, some more science, and then some specimens of honest, actual aliens.
>Returning to the slow moving crew, she finds they're flashing torches and guns into vents after a small child.
>Being not immediately in danger of passing out from stress, looking slightly skinnier, and not getting worked up, protagonist manages to coax child out from vents, and discover that the same aliens she'd seen, were still around.
>Protag orders leader to order retreat because if they could do this to compound, she didn't want to see what they'd do to them.
>Exfil is panicky, and still slow, as people get worked up and get stuck or fall partially through a grate that couldn't hold their weight.
>Several get major lacerations on already fluid dense and undervasculated fatty ankles. Others go into states of shock or hyperventilation. Others end up fracturing bones with the unexpected stresses of moving their weight so much, or tear ligaments or stress-tear skin. Some sweat so badly that they've dehydrated themselves, and given themselves minor heat exhaustion by the time they make it back to the craft.
>Protagonist is unsympathetic during the ordeal. Child is just bewildered, as far as she can tell.
>Total mission time. Eight hours.
>Result. Crew (minus protagonist when she went on her own adventure, clearly), explored five rooms. Retreated at maximum speed, sustained heavy injuries. Entire crew placed on sick leave.
>Protagonist is very disappointed.
>Landing crew, predictably, parks up in cafeteria, and just smokes, drinks, and binge eats as much as their commission allows them to, trusting in the equipment to clear their voided bowels.
>Then, one of the larger, unhealthier girls from the landing, with one of those tight, round bellies you get from massive amounts of internal organ fat, starts getting pains while eating.
>Pretty soon, she's stopped eating, and is leaning forward (as much as she's able), with her chins half-submerged into her chest, sweating and grunting in pain as she tries to cradle her belly.
>She's getting an odd mix of pale, and ruddy red, but eventually she slows down, and her body visibly gives out.
>Everyone just assumes that she had a normal, conventional heart attack, or embolism or stroke or something. She wasn't one of the biggest, but she carried her weight the unhealthiest of any her size.
>But, autovivisection of her rapidly bloating corpse, for the sake of avoiding her cadaver filling with gas and exploding, revealed that the primary cause of death seemed to be a major stomach rupture, and almost a carving up of her internals. It looks like they've been through a blender, almost.
>Protagonist is about to put it down to gluttony, overeating, and being seriously unhealthy, but now one of the others from the expedition is saying they saw her get desperately hungry, and start eating some alien flora off the ground.
>Well fuck, guess there's an alien on the ship now.
>Worse, the ship's experiencing technical difficulties. The engine room's putting out less power, the transport rails aren't working, the lights go on and off randomly, and equipment they relied on heavily, like the Rapid Medical Assistance Technical Synthetics (RMATS) go offline or non-functional.
>Protagonist, being the only person not entirely incapable of dealing with this, eventually ends up taking control of the crew as suddenly, people start turning up dead, stuck in doors, half-fallen through floors, fallen and unable to get up, lying in their personal quarters. At least half were identifiable as a heart failure or obesity related death.
>Survivors end up barricading themselves in the cafeteria, as the quarters deck is too narrow and hazardous.
>Protagonist, now de facto captain, starts abusing her position to gain a larger serving portion (the captains portion), alongside portions of the deceased, to take the stress of it off her. Also starts smoking a bit more. Rapidly starts to gain weight, as she mostly orders the others around.
>Most missions are met with failure. Crew's too big to fit in the engineering decks. Crew struggles to navigate corridors without light or power, even with flashlights.
>Maybe some of the crew give up physically, and just fall over as a defeated, fleshy barricade, making passage for the human crew practically impossible, but hopefully blocking out the alien creature as well.
>One of the security detail, a surprisingly dedicated woman, manages to catch, and crush the creature under her falling body. She kills herself in the process, through major tissue damage, but the ship is saved.
>Until it's revealed they've been breeding on the engineering deck.
>So, our protagonist of dubious moral fibre, who's now closer to 900lbs, far less well clad, and feeling every extra pound in health issues and physiological stress, heroically decides to jump ship.
>Through overreliance on the seven year old child, she manages to slowly waddle her pale, clammy bulk to the vehicle bay, stock the landing craft with enough hypercondensed provisions to last a normal crew several years, and then to get both of them on board.
>Much to her shame, not only does she have to use the freight elevator, after finding she can't traverse the back ramp's incline, nor fit into the cockpit.
>But, through relaying instructions to the child, despite her nausea, light headedness, fatigue, bodily pain and all the other issues that she totally handled far better then those other crew members back on that expedition, totally, they get away and activate the emergency beacon.
>She manages to put the child into an emergency stasis bed, and spends the next 45 minutes gradually working the energy up, then herself up onto the other one, only to confirm that there's no way in hell she's fitting anything of hers in the beds that were even smaller then the ones she already could barely fit into.
>Finally, as she's gasping for breath and trying to calm her overtaxed heart down, a vent detaches from the ceiling, and one of the alien creatures lands on her naked, pale gut. She wants to do something, but it's all she can do to stay awake, much less lift a flabby arm.
>She passes out, still coughing and wheezing, feeling its talons dig into the fleshy expanse of her gut, and its weight put pressure on her internals, expecting to die by some horrible alien mechanism to this oddly feminine looking monster.
>No. Wakes up, groggy and extremely sore, like she's run a marathon, but fine.
>Turns out, they're fine with humans. At least this one seems more curious then murderous, and seems almost enamored at the sheer size of the organism it sees before it, poking and prodding and playing.
>At least there's food. And hey, it might look more like a girl then a dude, but it's more physical attention from something vaguely hot-looking then she's had in years.
Am writing this at 1 am, so do take with grain of salt.