Luna’s heart had brought her to several different men in her search for romance: a young astronomer, a pretty boy pop star. But when the romance fizzled and Luna was left alone, Artemis was the one who always helped her get back on her feet. He was friendly, compassionate, and a delight to be around, and eventually, her heart brought her to the handsome white space cat and the two of them fell in love.
Of course, Luna had her preferences to consider as well. When it came to the human crushes in her life, they were naturally bigger than her, simply by height and stature. It took some deep consideration on her part, but she eventually realized that she liked her men on the big side. She loved Artemis with all her heart, but she always imagined him fulfilling her physical needs and being bigger. She didn’t know any magic that could make him taller, but she did take it upon herself to try out another method. And the results were simply…
Luna stretched her mouth out in an enormous yawn after a hard day’s work. It was certainly no easy task, making sure Usagi did her work and ate right and didn’t spend the entire afternoon reading comics. She took on her responsibilities to the future queen of the Crystal Kingdom with pride and stoicism, but when she got to the end of the day, she crumpled under the exhaustion like anyone else. Fortunately enough, she had an especially gratifying reward waiting for her at the end of every day, and she so looked forward to spending time with him.
She snuck into the arcade that housed her secret base for the Sailor Guardians and entered through the Sailor V console. Aside from the computer that could look into any strange goings on that Sailor Moon and co. would have to take care of, she had a special love room that only she could access. When she arrived inside, her ears perked to the familiar and titillating sounds of whirring, television, and eating. No matter how tired she was, she always got a pep in her step when she heard that voracious chomping.
Luna walked through her hallway and her spacious, luxurious secret room came into view. As she turned inside, she was greeted with the most delightful sight: an enormous, twitchy mound of feline flab that one wouldn’t immediately recognize as her lover Artemis. From behind his immensity, she could see his neck roll undulating rhythmically, a sure sign that Artemis was well at work at whatever number meal he was on. She rounded her round tom and came face to face with him. Artemis looked away from his screen and said with a full mouth “Luna, you’re home!”
“That I am, my dear,” she said more lustily than she had intended. Whenever Luna face Artemis’ front, it always astounded her that her lithe and slender body made her paper-thin in comparison to the flabby, furry moon that Artemis had become. It would take three of her to reach across Artemis’ width, and that made him an excellent king-sized bed. She gazed upon her happily-snacking handiwork and sighed with satisfaction.
It all started innocently enough. On their first few dates, Luna would encourage Artemis to get desserts to share. She would secretly slip more and more portions of said desserts on his plate and he would happily eat them up, now knowing how much more he was eating than Luna. It wasn’t long before all those sneaky sweets started to show up again on Artemis’ frame in spades.
Artemis’ belly mounded into a sack of fat that avalanched over his waist, spreading far out as to obscure his toes. He couldn’t put down his arms without them getting leaning on his rolls and lovehandles like pillowy armrests. But as big as his belly became it certainly wasn’t going to beat out his enormous butt. If sweets and cakes went to your butt, then they might as well have had a direct channel from plate to Artemis’ cheeks. As his thighs and legs got heavier, they only became absorbed by his ballooning buttocks. Each gelatinous cheek hung low and heavy past his knees, and the swaddling fat blanketed his knees into near-uselessness. He may as well have not had a tail, since it kept getting lost and stuck in-between his butt like a too-small pair of panties.
When Artemis finally noticed how much weight he’d been gaining at first, he was curious to say the least. He mulled over the idea of exercising and eating out less just to shave off some of the extra poundage he’d been accumulating. Luckily, Luna was able snuff out any such notion of fitness by tickling his folds and creases, jiggling his juicy belly and making it shimmy as if he were his own vibrating massage chair. And speaking of massages, it was easy for Luna to convince Artemis to keep his brick house butt when she would knead and rub those flan-filled cheeks and squish them together like fluffing two especially full pillows.
Luna knew that she liked bigger guys, but it wasn’t just anyone taller than her. It was the idea of someone’s sheer size dominating her and encompassing her very being. With Artemis having grown wider and fatter by the day, she knew that an obese Artemis was the true key to her heart. And once she convinced Artemis to keep all of his weight, they both wanted to see how far he could go.
As the months passed, Luna had slowly but surely forgone any secrecy with bulking up Artemis. She loved her man fat, and Artemis rather enjoyed the added padding. There was plenty of preparation to take care of to accommodate their new shared obsession. There was installing the new secret room in the base, preparing a couple of advanced Luna-P models to let Artemis communicate with the outside world through a hard-light hologram that simulated a thin, normal-looking Artemis (not to mention models for feeding hygiene), and of course, there was having enough food so that Artemis would never have to go hungry on his own. It was hard work, but every second of it was worth it. Because the blob that Artemis became was nothing short of incredible.
Nowadays, none of the Sailor Soldiers would even recognize Artemis as a cat if they saw him in person again. He had no more torso to speak of, considering his entire upper body was almost entire belly at this point. His midsection was so enormous and flabby that he even sported an extra dollop of chest fat layered atop his gargantuan waterbed belly that shoved up into Artemis’ chin. His muffin top overflowed and smothered his lap and groin, and the sagging backfat he sported only rounded him out even more. His arms and legs were cradled so much fat that they swallowed themselves up in accordions of adipose. He could hardly move them anymore, and the digits on his limbs couldn’t manage any more than helpless wiggles, being weighed down by swaths of hanging fat. Every day, they grew closer and closer to being lost and smothered in his ever-flabbing limbs. But when it came to swallowing up his limbs, his butt was the most gluttonous part of this gluttonous cat. His thighs and legs became one with his enormous growing ass, which spread out along the ground by the day as Artemis continued to eat, easily becoming the biggest layer on this layer cake of a cat.
Luna’s breath fluttered as she remembered how breathtaking the sight of Artemis gaining day by day was. His movements became more labored and lumbering until he couldn't move on his own. He grew more lazy and lethargic and loving, and Luna loved nothing more than to dote on him with endless treats. And nothing made them grow closer than Luna intimately feeding her growing man.
“I missed you today,” Artemis said as he finished inhaling another treat.
“You say that all the time, Artemis,” she said bashfully.
“Because it’s true every day! You know how much I love spending time with you.”
“Oh, Artemis! You butter me up, you enormous fat cat!”
“Well why don’t you return the favor?” he said with a wink.
Without another word, Luna clapped her hands twice. A Luna-P immediately floated around, balancing a rich cake with especially thick-looking pink frosting and a cutting life. It gently placed each thing on the ground and flew away to perform some other unseen task. Luna happily sliced off a piece of cake. She leaned on Artemis, her free hand sinking into Artemis’ fat like quicksand. With her other hand, she placed the cake near Artemis’ mouth. He took it in his jaws, but Luna let it rest on the apex of his belly before actually feeding it to him.
Artemis made a questioned muffle through his cake. “I thought it would be fun if you fed it to me.”
“Oh, I’ll be there in a minute, big guy!” Luna rolled over to one side of Artemis, making him giggle as his fat shifted around. “I just need to relieve some stress for a moment!”
Luna then started to snuggle with Artemis’ fat belly, letting her arms wrap around as much kitty flab as she could and letting herself sink into him again. Artemis giggled again as her cheek pushed into his chest fat. He felt as warm and fuzzy as a comforter, and as Artemis ate, he felt all too happy to be her cushion.
As he started to munch on his cake, Luna climbed on top of him to give him a peck on his chunky, full cheek. “Hurry up the rest of your cake.” she whispered lovingly. “I can’t wait to roll you into bed, Artemis.”
“Why bother with the bed, Luna? You’ve got your perfect mattress right here.”