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What got you into this fetish? Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 18:26:55 Id:aee3a0 No. 33526 >>49054 >>50742 >>53662 >>53762 >>57028 >>57944
Pretty sure this topic had a thread a while ago so I thought it'd be a fun idea to bring it back. What got you into this whole thing? To me it was that one Beccabae pic where she looks like a pear lol.
>>45765 UA/Zoe is and always will be a legend and a marvelous sight to behold in the real world
>>33527 Pretty sure I wasn't born with it. Once day my oneitis tried inflation with a bike pump and we got hooked. Never heard about Willy Wonka in my entire life.
>>41133 Ironically enough I feel like the body positivity movement partly kill the huge Jump start of feederism for a generation. Because we’re never going any media revolving around Weight Gain again. From Actors wearing a Fatsuits to a Weight gain episode of conventually, attractive character. It’s over it’s all gone.
Some sam and max the series clips i saw on youtube as a youngster
>be me, 11 y/o or something >go to the pool 2 times per week >one year a new kid moves in town and we became friends >he starts going to the pool with me, same days and same hours >one time we're talking and he points to another group of kids in the water who are coming out after the lessons; "that's my sister" >look >holyfuck.jpg >6 years older, about 5'6 but easily 500lbs+ >permaboner as she waddles past in her skintight costume >double chin, fat rolls, thighs as thick as my torso Things changed since that afternoon.
So this one is gonna be a wild heck of a story >be me >6 years old >these weeks we talk about not calling people fat because I didn’t know about what words are insulting and fine >started looking up fat people fail on the computer >plus shows that had feederism and bbw (example: endive from chowder) >not only that I had a principal from my elementary school >she was blonde, 300 lbs? >one time she sent a video of herself drinking chocolate syrup >instant boner >later in middle school the love for big girls is pushed more >not only I look up bbw feederism content but irl which me explore others like squashing for instance >had two chubby big girls sitting in the front >got a boner in class >not only that but some pear shaped Latina just right behind her desk >she bends over and her ass and in front of my face >fast forward to high school >I’ve seen other big sized women but sophomore I didn’t had the urge because of bullying and the fact a friend back then tried asking her out for me >still times that were horny happen >like another latina bbw girl when she sat her ass was bigger than the seat >even my friend notice >there was this black bbw who was hot like not only tall but curvy and like damn her ass and tits >fast forward to college >had one chance with this girl >confess to her and a friend I like women >looking back she was into me >I was to focused on getting a license for a car >she started hanging out with others >now im a autist with a fat fetish I mean there was this one time I did manage to get a gf. We just kissed and send nudes to each other but yeah it didn’t workout still
When I was a young teenager I discovered the arts of Davidlopera from deviantart, and I got to know this world more. I don't remember if I met him first or the term feederism. I remember that when I was a child I sometimes searched for fattening games, but I almost never found good results lol. So I think I was kind of born that way, after I started researching and reading more I just became more sure that I liked it. As an adult I still see and think about the contradictions of this passion, such as the partner's health, the costs of maintaining this lifestyle, and if this would be a contradiction with what I believe ideologically, would it be wrong to do this in a world with so much poverty and hunger?
Kisame17 on deviant art. I’m a fine art MFA and before finding his corner of the internet never seen such depth of emotion, graceful lines, and tasteful restraint. If you never studied Michelangelo or Dante or Da Vinci you may not be high falloutian enough to understand why he’s the art GOAT, but he’s goated in the sauce.
The jack sprat nursery rhyme Two women who were clearly fat, left a big impact on me as a kid. All three happened in the same place.....a Christian School....2004 Pretty sure I'm obsessed with odese women because of it.
>>47918 I am sorry but who?
>>47918 Have fun with magical wizard Kisame lol..I am a wanderer and a hobo
>>33526 Genetics, just like everyone else, and it's a preference, not a fetish
Fat girl struggling to get into car seat with her breasts and belly pressed up against the steering wheel heavily complaining about it and angry and aggressive with a diva design inside the car with covered car seats and steering wheel animal designs.
3rd or 4th grade science teacher was noticeably overweight with a pear shape. Outside of the usual leaning over a student’s desk and shoving her ass in my face there was an instance that tipped me over. We were covering hibernation and she asked us how animals store energy, all our dumbasses were getting it wrong. After a couple of us tried to answer and failed she slapped her belly with both hands and shook it a bit and explained energy is stored via fat. Had I not been paying attention that day things might’ve been different.
>be me, a fat bitch >friends go to a music concert, i'm staying home >they come back in the early hours, hang out with guy i knew for a long while before and my other friend >we all decide to cuddle puddle >guy and i are cuddling in said puddle >eventually start stroking each other's limbs >he starts quietly moaning from the physical touch >have myself a thonk >ayo hol up >i never knew he was into me like that >felt myself blushing hard >ever so slowly advance my hand closer to his groin via the thighs through stroking his leg that was bent upwards >he rubs my leg >advances slowllyyy to my pussy >starts attempting to rub me through my pants >because of fat, it's difficult for him to actually get there lmao >friend tells us to fuck off then we went back to my room and fugged c:
>>33526 1. Playing doctor with my friend. The more you could stick your tummy out the sicker you were and thus the other person had to be the doctor and it was basically a competition of who could stick their stomach out farthest and then laugh at the other person (probably didnt do anything, but definitely a memory) 2. I had a fat babysitter when I was 3 and I would grab her boobs because I knew she didnt know I had been told not to, and had plausible deniability. 3. Guinness Book of World Records 4. Learned what a BBW was on Youtube and binge watched videos at 11 or so years old. I didnt know it was sexual then, but I liked it.
Dumb fucking curiosity. I was normal, till I decided to play retard and spy in fat groups on discord. I blended in like nothing, and just followed along. Weeks passed, months, till eventually 2 years. It became a sickening addiction to where it fucked my mental state in the anus so hard it now believes it’s into this shit. Eventually I cut ties with the groups when i stepped down the ladder even further, leading me to a dark hell of piss, farts, and scat. I am a literal fat-chick porn addict, who can’t knock this fucking shit off. I am mentally hurt, I don’t get any benefits, and stuck with this piece of shit of a fetish. Every fucking day of my life is regret.
Yo, try medication. I was/am a sex/porn addict + borderline alcoholic. Ozempic changed my life.
>>47861 >one time she sent a video of herself drinking chocolate syrup Why was your elementary school principal sending vids of herself drinking chocolate syrup to you?
I was kinda always intrigued by the idea of it. I've seen cartoons and vore videos on YT when I was younger and going on Deviantart to look for fanart didn't help either, but i never understood it and didn't care too much. It really started when I was curious one day and looked shit up on YouTube (when it was still filled with content) and the rest is history.
>>51974 Because it happened in his schizo brain.
>>51939 Will Ozempic make me like smaller women? That would be convenient, as some of my favorite models and the dating pool are shrinking as we speak.
always liked big tits and asses. But more thick than fat. The porn i watched 15 years ago was with girls like Angela White and a little bit chubbier. Lurked on 4Chan Big Ass and BBW Threads and this sparked something in me. Started watching porn like ScoreHD. Bigger girls, but not fat. Started fapping to BBWs with post nut clarity. Then fucked a true BBW nearly double my weight. It was really strange at first but it got me hooked. Now into SSBBW and I'm a lost case. The health topic is holding me back, so i draw a line at 300-350 lbs. Would love to have a bigger girl in real life for sexual reasons, but can't do it.
>>52084 From my experience if the girl has naturally just got bigger each year and holds down a decent job they remain fairly active. My wife was anything up to 450 or thereabouts for a number of years until she reached 40 and thought it best to drop a little when she got blood pressure meds. In my 20s 'the one that got away' went from 300 to 500 in a few years because she got off on it. She remained mobile enough to work in a plus size fashion store. Granted she sat when she could but had no trouble getting about. If SSBBWs are what gets you off, date them.
I think my "awakening" was something I saw on TV when I was like 6-7. It was of some CCTV footage of a man laying on bed and a massive woman came jumping onto him and something just clicked. From that day forward I was into BBWs to the largest SSBBWs, especially being squashed.
Is stupid the story, but I was looking for some photos for people eating in Parks for a homework, and eventually I find pictures of fat people and even to draws of Axel rosered. So a small snowball of seeing this photos became in a feetish.
I was semi traumatized as a child when my babysitter, who was mid 200s exited the shower ass naked and I was rummaging around the master bedroom for a video game or toy or something, I don't even remember why I was there. I saw everything, slightly sagging boobs, big belly and her well shaved pussy. Of course at the time, my tiny 5 year old brain couldn't comprehend it, but the thought never left. Pretty sure she told my dad what happened, cause i never saw her again after that. Nowadays, it's the ideal weight for a women to me. That sweet 240-260 mark is just magical.
I remember as early as the age of 6 or 7, I had a "fascination" with fat women. Part of it had to due with how there was a lot of fat girls at my school, and how I grew up in a low-income area. But what really woken me up was when I discovered fat hentai/art. When I was around 10 years old, I got curious and stumbled upon some hentai. I kept staring at it and looking for more images and eventually, I started feeling like it was kind of attractive. Then one day, I got a boner and started rubbing my legs together. That was the day I definitely new I was into big girls (I was around 12 when this happened).
Personally, I never knew my attraction was a "fetish" until the internet came into existence. For me, finding fat women attractive was never a mystery because they generally have more of the female sexual characteristics that I'm drawn to; big tits, big asses, big legs, big hips. And if a woman is fatter, those features become even more exaggerated. It always seemed obvious, and the internet arrives and now there are guys who are into fat women because of a fucking Totally Spies episode. Go figure.
>>33526 >Pic related >the morbidness and shock of seeing such huge people, stereotypes and, unfortunately, certain situations that I could only cover up by watching pornographic sites in my early adolescence. A couple of things have happened to me that make me think that opportunities with fat or thin girls have been lost, and because I'm immersed in my world of imaginary porn and bad low self-esteem. and now, well, what do you advise me about trying to flirt with a big, tall woman (I liked her because I saw her, she's twice my size), when I'm just a thin man of 70kg and 1.65m (I don't know if I'm a 5/10, but I have hygiene and masculinity, and I know how to greet by looking into the eyes) (AM i a crazy porn adicct?)
>>33526 I used to be in foster care when I was a teen, and one family I was with had some mega fat girl as a teenage daughter. I had this covert crush on her, and beat off thinking about her sometimes. Back then I used to think I was a guy who liked fat girls. Now I want to BE the fat girl.
>>53762 Do you know how much she weighed?
>>53799 No, but she was a HUGE cow. Definitely looked like 450-500 lbs.
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>>53762 how old are you? maybe it's not too late to transition... t.tranny
i remember vividly being 8 and just staring at my classmates lil pudge and from then on met a couple of girls who are slightly chubby and still think of it till today
>>33526 When I was young (around 4 y/o), my mom had a fat coworker/friend, I remember times where I would rub my face on her belly (probably just thought of as younglings being weird) and I always liked going over to see her. so that's probably how I got a fat fetish
I was a latchkey kid growing up. My parents both worked 30 minutes to an hour from the house, and I was too young to be left alone there all hours of the day, so my mother hired a sitter to check in and hang around for a few hours, maybe drive me somewhere occasionally so I wasn’t cooped up for all of a Texas summer. My first babysitter was Gretchen, blonde, lean, and sweet with pale eyes. But the next year was Tammy. 380 pounds of strawberry blonde, big-bellied, massive-titted kindness. She was great, and spending a summer with an SSBBW (before I ever knew what that term meant) planted the seed. Her car’s suspension sagged in her direction even when she wasn’t in it, and we replaced the loveseat she liked to sit in because it was practically concave after months of that huge ass landing in it. I found her on LinkedIn and she’s even bigger now. In a perfect world I would pay good money for a night with her.
in 3rd grade, we had moved in before moving back a few months later. The neighbors had 3 girls, one was my age, we played together. She was fat but not as much as her sisters. the youngest was the fattest 30 years later I still can't understand how the little sister could walk with her weight
Can you guys include an approximate height next to the weights?
In high school, the hot girls who went out partying every weekend started getting chubby and that's when I knew I preferred girls at least chubby. Then in college came across a video of a girl named "promqueennomore" who held up an old pic of skinny her as she showed off her now fat body. Then things snowballed and I realized I preferred fat girls and especially liked watching the weight gain process happen to them and contrasting the differences. Long-term GF/now wife has doubled her weight from 125-260+ and despite me never revealing this fetish to her directly I've definitely gotten to fulfill it. Skinny girls can look nice, but fucking a fat girl cannot be beat.
I always knew I liked fat, it was one of my earliest memories, but the game over screen in Banjo Kazooie changed something in me on a deep level.
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When I was 8, I read a story called The Pumpkin Giant. In it was Princess Ariadne Diana who was so fat she couldn’t walk, so she had to roll. That sealed it for me.
>>33526 watching my babysitter when i was growing up come back from college ever summer just a little bit fatter
https://flashmuseum.org/paris-oh-paris/ This. No further questions
>>53315 Ik I posted this shit like 5 months ago, but I would also like to add on some other contributing factors to how I got my fetish; As I said in the last post, there was a lot of fat girls when I went to elementary & middle school. But I had my eyes glued onto this one girl in particular. She was like 300 pounds and I thought she had a cute face, plus she was like 2 years older than me. Also I would always stare down at her because her belly would always be peeking out under her shirt. Looking back, I think she was aware that I was into her, since she would always smile and lick her lips whenever she saw me.
I remembered another awakening moment today when I was thinking about old meme photos that got spread around when I was highschool back in 2005. I remember staring at this picture for so long. I wasn't grossed out, and I was very curious about her. I may have even fapped to the picture and thought about what it would be like. (Cindy from Dimensions 500 Club if anyone wants to know the source).
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Pretty sure it was with the infamous Totally Spies Passion Patties episode and the Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends episode where Frankie is addicted to cookies that started it all for me, I remember feeling weird and funny while watching those episodes as a kid but then as I got to late middle school I stumbled across some Youtube videos of some amateur BBWs and then it clicked, I was never the same since then but I don't regret it either, this is who I am now
Was born with it, I'm pretty sure. I remember being obsessed with bellies when I was fucking 3 years old. However, by that point, the concept of sex and fetishes didn't exist, so it was simply just an innocent obsession, if there is such a thing
For me I'm not really sure if I was born with this fetish so everytime I start questioning this fetish I get mad at myself... Must have been probably around 16 at that time when I somehow discovered bbw Layla's paysite. I distinctly remember watching the free previews. This is where any normal teenager would have most likely stopped out of feelings of pure disgust, but not me. I don't remember the next steps very well, but I then found out about Bigcuties and more specifically BoBerry. I recall watching her videos on some website which had ripped her Bigcuties stuff. Eventually I found my way to this website. Only other things that might have had something to do with this fetish were: - My parents were both fat since I can remember - Being obsessed with fat dogs/cats online at some point, before finding this fetish. Fast forward to now: I'm 23 and struggle with accepting that I might be stuck with this fetish. I also don't like watching Layla anymore, but i.e. BoBerry and Sadie have stuck since my early days. Sometimes I wonder what could have been had I just moved on from Layla and dug deeper into this fetish.
>>60665 Same. As soon as I was aware of the difference between men and women I knew I was attracted to fat women. Had nothing to do with sex, which I wasn't aware of til 9 or 10.

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