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Should I give WooPlus a shot Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 06:41:26 Id:cc1d31 No. 39795
20m Hey, I just got out of a limerence spell (she thought I was cute but she was taken, and I didn't want to poach). It's taken me a while to work on my self confidence and attachment issues, but I think I want a go at some dating again. I didn't really date much at all, beyond a brief dalliance in HS that was annulled by the pandemic, but I think I'm at the point in my life where I'd like to give it a go, for real. Now, I'm primarily into bigger women (shocking, I know), but I'd like to think I have fairly high standards. I tend to fall for girls with an artist's mentality; who don't really follow the herd but not to the point where they're stuck up. Having that kind of emotional connection is really important for me, and one of the reasons I've been hesitant to try big dating apps like Tinder besides confidence issues is due to how basic so many people seem to be on them. Does WooPlus have a similar problem, or can I expect sparks? Also I'm in Vancouver so I kind've wanted to ask if there's any activity on there (particularly in or around my age group) in the first place, if anyone knows.
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>>43984 You both yanked it from Peep Show and you know it
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yall see that miss curvy pageant they got on here? They got some familiar faces on there competing for simp votes
>>44335 That leopard print one is photoshopped, and the lighting on Becky's pants and how her shirt transitions to her pants makes me think her's is photoshopped too. Of course since I can't see the full sized image I can't say for certain, but they look, off.
>>43964 You want a funny one? The other day, some woman posted pictures of her and a guy who she was clearly with (I'm guessing she wanted it known she was off the market). A few guys still tried to hit on her. She then changed her profile to a picture of her new boyfriend (who has a beard), and there were guys STILL commenting about how beautiful "she" was.
>>44380 “Guys hit on women with active profile on dating website” Color me shocked.😳 😮
>>44392 The point was she uploaded a picture of her and boyfriend, and when that didn't stop them, she uploaded a picture of just her boyfriend alone and there were still guys responding to just that picture with how "she" was beautiful.
>>44396 Ok. Her boyfriend might be a cuck or some other massive bitch. If a woman is on a website whose only purpose is to hook her up vagina up with penises she’s fair game. How much of a bitched up cuck are you?
i want to move to Canada, it doesn’t seem that different from England tbh
>>44414 Why? Any reason?
>>44420 1. colder weather 2. nice accents 3. healthcare doesn’t seem too different from ours 4. next to America 5. still has more of a safety net than America it just seems nice idk :3
>>44422 > healthcare doesn’t seem too different from ours It's not as good at it's been meme'd to be. There are doctor shortages everywhere, and if you go to an ER you might be waiting up to 48 hours to see a Doctor.
>>44433 >if you go to an ER you might be waiting up to 48 hours to see a Doctor TIL Canada has more in common with Ireland than I thought . The other similarity being that the housing market in Dublin (and the rest of the country tbh) is just as FUBAR as Toronto or Vancouver Also nice digits lol
But anyway, back on topic. Any stories of successful dates or encounters using this app recently worth sharing?
>>44497 I met a model. We matched. She let me send her money. It was pretty good until I messed things up.
>>44497 Met a few, fucked a few. They keep reccomending people far as fuck from you even if you're in a big city. You gotta buy the premium which allows you to message women you haven't matched with yet if you want to see any results from it
>>44501 >She let me send her money. >It was pretty good until I messed things up. Sending her money was the moment you messed up, anon
>>44553 You know nothing about women buddy, if you don’t butter the bread, don’t be surprised when it’s stale. We connected on a level much deeper than money. You wouldn’t understand.
>>44554 >We connected on a level much deeper than money You know she tells all the guys that, right?
>>44556 Like I care about “all the guys”. How gay are you to be thinking about other men’s penis when a hot babe is texting you for days on end.
>>44501 >She let me send her money lol idiot hahaha how fucking retarded are you? Hey anon, I love you bb and you mean alot to me. Can you send me money too? Thanks.
>>44576 Bet you’re cheap ass has never even chatted with a woman.
>>44579 MODS: help
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>>44554 >>44557 >>44578 This is such amazing bait, well played man
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>>44578 POV: you are chatting with true and honest women on WooPlus
>>44691 And? Are you saying it’s impossible for these women to also flirt, date, and even marry outside of these transactions? Are you too insecure about owning your women to let them earn money or be with other men?
>>44691 ayooo grab onto that wand for dear life
>>44775 These are pajeets, anon
>>44775 > women to also flirt, date, and even marry outside of these transactions? > marry outside of these transactions? > Marry Any simp who marries a woman who whores themselves out like this is a fucking retard.
>>44811 I bet you’re dumb enough to really think your wife was a virgin. Or dumb enough to think sex uses up a woman.
So after being on this app for almost 3 months now, I have to say that Wooplus is a waste of time and money if you live in Canada. - There are assloads of dead profiles. - Women constantly use Fat-Girl Angle shots, even though this is a fat friendly app. - Half the women who say they're "super-sized" are thinner than Marylin Monroe. - If you live outside the big cities, there is nobody on it. Even if you live near a big city, if it isn't the GTA or BC there is nobody. - Daily Matches are a waste of time as there is no way to filter out shit you're not interested in, making it a chore to go through woman after woman. It'd be nice to filter out women with kids, and races you just aren't attracted to.
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>Last night I decided to give in and download Wooplus on my phone >create profile and start seeing how the app works >see the pics that different women have on their profiles >tap on a pic and notice the moments feature where people can leave likes and comments on individual pics >mfw seeing the comments men are leaving on womens profiles I swear I'm experiencing second hand embarassment seeing this. Seeing the horniness and desperation makes me want to delete the app altogether and it has only been a day.
>>47679 generally if it icks even you then no chance a woman has stayed for more than a day (one whos actually looking to date ik theres some models on there who use it as another media outlet/ the ones youll probably never hit it off with)
>>47718 There’s good women on woo plus. What do you list your income as? Some are more active on other social medias so I engage them there. Do you ever dip into peoples socials like Instagram, cashapp, myfitnesspal, fetlife or tiktok?
>>47718 I'm the guy you are replying to. I have had good conversations so far with women on the app. But just seeing how other men are acting on this app really puts into perspective how bad women have it on dating apps in general when men are just being fucking weird and cringe. I'm on TikTok and every now and then I'll come across women complaining about how bad dating apps are when talking to men and I never really believed them until now. This is just wooplus. I imagine Tinder and Bumble are just as bad. I think if you just have good pictures, aren't messaging women like a creep or a weirdo, or are thoughtful with your messages and conversations, then you're already doing better than at least 50% of other men on the apps. The bar really is in hell for us.
>>47724 > What do you list your income as? Not him, but I don't list mine because I don't want to attract gold diggers.
>>47951 That’s a dumb as a hot bitch not posting photos because she wants to be loved for her personality. All men are physically superficial. All women are materially so.
>>43968 >This is just wooplus Lord forgive me but this is 100% what everyone going onto Woo should've expected if the current state of their ad campaign is anything to go by. I have no bearing for what it was like when it was "good" (if it was ever) years back, but it's a swipe app at the end of the day, and those don't work for 99% of the guys on swipe apps, let alone fat ones who fell for the "plus-size dating* site" grift again. There's also too many goddamn bots for guys who actually wanna make an attempt, and most of my communication via Woo is raw, unfiltered hate speech towards Telegram scammers. You still can't do anything in the communal feed without getting hit by the same bots from last year somehow >>43964 Judging from the AI emails re: the bot menace, everything about the site is fake, the performative verification when signing-up is exactly that, everything is handled by pajeets using AI My 1-year anniversary review is this: It's a scamware Bumble with a userbase that's basically Feabie, but swap SSRI's with meth and alcohol. The moment they started appearing in ad blocks alongside fake dating apps like Hily and Boo was when I knew this was truly another pajeetware app, and the broken English into obvious AIspeak everywhere is another. As I mentioned earlier, all ads are overly sexual where OF models are the spokesgorls if your social media pegs you as "male; coomer", and considering the bulk of their ads were on Tiktok and IG, the algorithm knows which tags you're looking at When they were testing the waters for a male spotlight event like the last OF spotlight, the overwhelming response was >lol, lmao at their failure to read the room circa the failure of making dad bods a thing. If shit isn't working out on the normal dating apps, it's going to be even worse for you on Woo, because the single moms and models are on here because this is the primary ad social media flagged as "female; slightly-chubby and above and/or egirl" got
Time for a 6 month review. This app is trash. - I've been liked by 5 women on this app, and only one of them was a BBW, the other 4 were all skinny chicks. - There really should be a feature to search for women who have similar interests. I'd love to filter out women who have camping listed because I do not like it. - Much like how there is a drinking and smoking question, there needs to be one for drugs. - Empty profiles. Why is this even allowed? - There really should be a way, even if it's behind a VIP lock, to look up past matches you may have discarded. All and all, if you're looking for a dating app to find BBWs, don't waste your time on Wooplus. I'm considering trying Tinder next, or maybe OKCupid since that apparently has more BBWs on it.
>>39848 Every time I use tinder it gives me skinny bitches 99% of the time. Even when I swipe no on all of them it's always super fit or regular size chicks. Why is it so hard for me to find fat bitches on there who want to get drinks/food then fuck? Do I need to change something about my bio?
>>39795 I used WooPlus before when I was single and I was also looking for a deeper connection with someone with that kind of mindset, to put it into context I'm a bigger girl who is really shy/awkward and I didn't really have friends. I will say that I didn't enjoy WooPlus, the layout wasn't great, I was living in a small part of the UK and everyone that matched with me was a lot older or seemed incredibly simple via their profile/interests. I really wanted to speak with a music lover or someone I could talk philosophy with and couldn't find anyone on there who wanted to discuss anything interesting. I feel like bigger girls have a lot of options when looking for hookups but not real, deep connections. Mind you, this was about 9 years ago or so, so maybe it has changed since then.
>>50815 >Mind you, this was about 9 years ago or so, so maybe it has changed since then. It's worse now.
>>50808 Get tinder gold, swipe till you see a fat girl, super like, keep swiping. Unlimited swipes combined with the super like feature made it stupid easy for me
>>50828 When I switch dating apps in a few months, I will do this.
I’ve been getting mad fatties online. Just date a handful of fat women and upload photos of yourselves on dates. It weeds out the women weirded out by being with a fat fetishist.
I'm still new to dating apps/hook up culture. Well telling a girl you're only looking for a short term or casual relationship lead to her automatically losing interest in me?
>>40019 Download Revolut, use a disposable card. Also I take it there’s no one with WooPlus experience from Northern Ireland here? Wouldn’t mind trying it out, but couldn’t think of anything worse than someone that knows me seeing me on it lmao
>>51131 >Wouldn’t mind trying it out, but couldn’t think of anything worse than someone that knows me seeing me on it lmao You know what, I used to feel the same way, but one day I said, fuck it, everyone already knows what I like, and if people I used to know say in Highschool and whatever want to talk about, good for them. Sometimes, you just have to not give a fuck.
>>51131 Not NI but ROI here (obviously), if that counts? I tried Wooplus a few years ago and it was utter shite. I don't know if it's any better now. I also tried Feabie and it was also shite. Just very few Irish women on it. Although FWIW the last woman I dated was on Feabie. I didn't meet her there (I don't even have an account anymore), she just told me she had an account. She also told me she had a lot of guys sending her messages on there (even while we were dating), which I found amusing
>>48083 Lol, and women say men are shallow
