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Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 08:54:36 Id:68cf56 No. 45510
Are there any ecelebs/online personalities that you suspect are in to feederism or are chubby chasers? >pic semi-related, it is pyrocynical, a youtuber who has a fat fetish.
>>45532 he should get to reviewing fat slags with the running gag of tamara turning into one like the blonde from the movie
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>>46425 >>46480 >Pierce Brosnan. The Architect
>>46684 Only read the first sentence. And its click bait to read old comment
Rebel Wilson just accused Sacha Baron Cohen of sexual assault, which allegedly happened back when she was fat. So maybe he's a chubby chaser? Or perhaps he just thought he could take advantage of her because she was fat.
>>46731 she got chubby. Her pants dont fit anymore. She went from having no ass to just wtf ass out of no where. Her husband used to shame the shit out of her. He now realizes big strong black men love the thickness on her so he has to act right now. Doesnt matter already SMASHED THAT SOFT BUTT
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Pyros really cool. I’m kinda on the fence about fat furries. It’s hot as hell to imagine being an extremely fat toonish furry. It’s kinda liberating to not need a feedee and just stuff my alter.
>>46731 It sounds like he pressured her to get naked and do sexual stuff to make an unfunny movie funnier, not because he was into her. Though when a filmmaker writes an FA character I always wonder...
>>46749 Zionist.
>>46788 Kobe said all of you are soft.
>>45510 Ain't no fucking way Pyrocynical likes fat chicks
>>46731 I have not heard of this. Was this in the news recently?
>>46745 There’s a chick named riley whos tiktok famous, went absolute insane, but she happens to be a furry and seems In the closest about wanting to fill out her fursuit. Despite her mental instability and being absolutely clapped out by the NYC streets and and social media I still find her attractive*sad face*
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The singer from Glass Animals, I mean, check out some of the music videos.
>>46788 I love that we live in your head where you're forced to spurt random bits of anti-semitism like tourettes, no matter how irrelevant. It's like an occupation but free and no risk of violence because your "anxiety" keeps you from even answering the door.
>>47272 You're gonna make me watch a dozen Glass Animals videos rather than posting links?
>>47285 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIA1XQnAv5s right around 3:32 is a good example
>>47297 Very nice (more like 3:49). That is some shitty-ass music though. Sorry for the bitchiness, had a rough morning.
>>47298 it's afternoon now, song is solid. you must be into garbage lmao.
>>47298 What a weird music vid. Also this probably means the director likes fat girls more than it means glass animals dude likes it you know
>>47336 Yeah, Tool and Nirvana had naked fat chicks in their videos bitd. It was for shock value then, inclusivity now. >>47303 Laughing your ass off because retards are amused by everything and also have terrible taste in music.
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>>46482 >Tamara guiltiest fap
>>47611 And completely wasted on him.
>>47626 Girl im buying my vegas outfits out there dont need him knowing Im not shit
>>47627 Dude my Vegas suit cost $3k, worth it. Furrycon is no joke where I’ve met some of the fattest, kinkiest and most decent looking feedees I’ve been with.
>>47652 Hopefully nothing explodes
>>47653 Im sorry are you threatening me?
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>>47627 >vegas…
John cena is a known plus size lover
>>47653 >Hopefully nothing explodes EXPLODES?!
>>47912 Hey anon what the fuck
>>48077 Something wrong, anon?
I do wonder if there are FAs that are similar to the Gay Homophobes. They don't like what they are attracted to and are in this cycle of repression and self-loathing. They hate fat people because fat people give them feelings they feel they shouldn't have. Society tells them that fat people are gross, ugly and you shouldn't find them to be sexy. The fact they find fat people to be sexy is horrifying to them. The jokes with these people is them being grumpy and crazy and secretly looking at porn related to their interests or going to sex clubs/paying prostitutes to indulge in their forbidden desires. I heard of a fat camp counselor in a simpsons episode interpreted as this. He is eccentric and yells a lot. At the end of the episode, he says that he and Homer will have to stay at a motel naked in front of the bed and goes into a rant of Homer eating a cheeseburger. I wonder if he is one of us, and finds his desires to be bad. He's ex-Marine, can imagine how forbidden fatness is there. Plus as a fat camp counselor, fatness is said to be unattractive and unhealthy and his job is to give fatties their happy endings. If he's repressed and full of self-loathing. Plus he has to starve those poor fatties. Would any of us be unhappy all the time if we have to starve fatties instead of giving them food? That if we were in charge of fat camps, would we rather feed the campers junk food, have them embrace their curves and see them burst out of their outfits?
>>48865 Who the fuck is reading all of this I was lost at second sentence.
I was talking about a fat camp counselor in a Simpsons episode and if he was one of us. Just how he acted and seemed to be interested in Homer. As well as why he would be eccentric. Is he a chubby chaser who is told that fat people are ugly, unhealthy and gross, yet he surrounds himself with them. He fantasizes about cuddling their bellies and their thighs, and hates himself for these feelings. As well as the fact he has to starve these poor fatties. He has to put them on diets and force them to exercise all the time. When he'd rather fatten them up and have them embrace being fatties. Just what we would fantasize about doing at a fat camp.
>>46804 He seems to be more interested in being the feedee if you seen his fursona art, but he's been caught doing ERP with other fatfurs and his girlfriend (unsure of relationship status) is a fatfur artist. It is a good question though, you hardly see his girlfriend being fat in the art.
Just realized another thing that those of us who work in Hollywood would face. That not everyone may be on board with whatever ideas we have for a show/movie. Not everyone may support a show or movie where we have fat women go around near/full nude and gets into sexy scenarios. This is part of working on big projects, that we need to compromise and collaborate with others. This means that we can't always get what we want and this could be why we don't have more BBWs in fiction. Even if we have more FAs in creative places, unless the studio execs, editors, script writers, producers, etc. are on board with whatever ideas we have, it may be hard to do more stuff with BBWs. Though maybe something with a few BBW characters could still work and get passing. Maybe it can inspire more works with more BBWs.
Marioinatophat is into fat fetishism it's a reoccuring gag in his twitch. He used to have an obese gator girl oc.
How much would you bet that Pyrocynical has seen this thread
Gooseworx, she follows fat artists on her main account in deviantart and Twitter+a private alt account where she DRAWS the stuff, it’s @gooseworse if you wanna know
>>50482 literally EVERYTIME I get a whiff of a chronically online "female" with hyper-specific interests who doesn't show her face it it turns out to be a transgender, really makes you think.
>>50486 Anyone who hasn't figured this out by now is NGMI.
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Jschlatt shared that he got fat on purpose on a podcast with Anthony Padilla. So do what you will with that information.
>>50937 The incident of 99 is catching up with him
>>50482 >>50486 I thought Gooseworx is asexual. I wondered if she's more into the shape of fat bodies or how it looks versus its sexual appeal. Like how a gay fashion designer could like dressing women in beautiful attire, or a straight guy idolizing and admiring handsome/muscular men. To not be into something sexually, rather how it looks and admire it in an aesthetic sense. They could just be interested in these artists skills improving. There are also loads of women online and some can have a lot of online activity. They aren't all trans. I don't find it bad to know someone is trans.
>>50946 He has an inflation fetish.
>>51012 She, she's a woman and I thought I heard she's asexual which means not interested in sex. She doesn't get turned on by stuff. She can still have sex/masturbate just not fantasizing about anything except the feeling and still pursue romance. Some asexuals could have sex to please a partner, others could be uninterested in sex 100% and not want to do it with a partner. I know of an artist named Plus-Stars who admitted to being asexual yet still draws fat women and thin women. I just thought Gooseworx isn't into fatter bodies in a sexual way, rather liking them in an aesthetic sense. Like how you can enjoy beautiful architecture, flowers, sunsets, etc. Just saying she would be into larger bodies in terms of aesethics not she masturbates to them and thinks of them. I don't know if someone who likes fat bodies in that sense would count since we go on and on about how sexy fat bodies are. People like Gooseworx and Plus-stars aren't like us, they may like how fatter bodies look but not be interested in sex fantasies, having them nude or putting them in sexual scenarios or imply them having sex.
Eddie Murphy. This was the guy who gave the world the Nutty Proffesor and Norbit
Not really, seems like he was going for the comedic potential of fat people. With Norbit the jokes are the fat woman being unattractive and unpleasant personally. The plot is the male lead trying to get out of marrying her. It doesn't feel like it was done by one of us. If it was, she'd be presented as desirable and pleasant and the lead would want to marry her.
>>53550 Bad Boys was one long fat Martin Lawrence joke, but somehow fat Martin Lawrence looks the same while Will Smith seems dead inside and aged like shit. Eddie Murphy has no appeal cause he doesn't have a gimmick like Big Pun, he's too short to play Suge Knight, and he has no charisma like Denzel
