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Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:35:22 Id:851845 No. 47183
hey i’m an 18 year old CIS !!!! girl and i’m really fucking thick with watermelon tits and a fat ass and round belly n thick soft thighs n looking for a cute guy to talk to. under 26 only preferably a chronically online cool aspie guy (like me) not a fed or glowie just an imageboard degen regular that was introduced to this site by a degenerate friend. fair warning i am fucked up and mentally ill but i’m chill and i’m cool i like a lot of things, breakcore, shoegaze, vidya, film/kino, drugs, psychology, chemistry, pharmacology, philosophy, neuroscience, breaking bad, mr robot, better call saul, i would go on but i don’t care enough body count is 1 if you care about that stuff my tag is momwaifu on d@scord if you’re interested
>>47558 How’d it go?
>>47586 very strange, she accepted my friend request and unfriended me instantly after I messaged saying I saw her post on here and I thought she was cute. not dark about it at all but I’ll take the +50XP for my speech skill x
>>47242 STFU canalNigger may Kween iz layf
>>47590 Poland. Hes drunk and economically depressed. My son made more money off tips caddying on the weekend than this sad souls doctor made last year.
>>47590 You dare insult the glorius people and creators of the Dutch East India Company. I will drag you back to Canalistan by your nipple pubes and feed you to an ancient Dutch Mountain Troll.
>really fucking thick with watermelon tits and a fat ass and round belly n thick soft thighs >doesn't show them Bait used to be believable.
>>47589 She clearly weird from the pic on here, dont worry about it man
>>47183 you really thought we would take you seriously anon, you might want to try harder next time.
>>47589 Figures, and you took one for the team good on you
>>47727 What are we seeing here? Is this girl, erm, mentally capable?
i still can’t find a decent guy. this site sucks. i miss you val
>>47743 Then fucking leave, no one is forcing you to be here.
>>47744 shut the fuck up faggot lol you are retarded
>>47744 The indians sangavi devan fuck boy cooler boy time is up you and your brother.
You said you dig what? Lmao
>>47745 Get the fuck out you desperate attention where nobody cares
>>47763 Yes take it out on subject. Lol subject will still go on and boss up regardless lmfao!!!!!!!!! 400k lambo
>>47743 Sounds like your desperate tbh >>47745 You seem like you have a great personality tbh
>>47184 Damn u kinda schizo, u wanna fuck?
>>47798 You realize this is probably a troll right ?
>>47883 No mate I believe absolutely everything I read on the internet and I’m gullible as Peter griffin
>>47183 You sound chronically online tbh
>>47183 Say it with me bros. “Bait use to be believable!”
>>47202 exactly. report as soon as it gets fraudulent.
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She's real, she is very autistic and admited she does coke and heroin. I don't fuck with that, man. I made an to leave after she started masturbate on the call and she unfreidned me after. She was iuskt me like a massive sperg when I was taking to her, She has issues. Chiara, if you see this. Stop doing drugs, you are only a teen. Please. You'll kill yourself.
>>51520 This is possible the tomboy girl from Poland on Feabie, which registrated there few weeks ago and doesn't speak much English.
>>51538 Nah she is in England.
her nickname does no longer work... guess no schizo jirai-kei altushka gf for us guys...
lmao i dont do coke, only did it a few times and im sober from heroin but great spelling yo
It stinks that the discord is dead I have never seen anybody who so closely matches my interests, I could easily say I'm extremely interested in (most) of those topics u listed I'm taken but I'm the same age and also retarded, I wouldn't mind an extra friend
>>51605 discord is shutthefuckupdude im op i can prove it if u want
>>47193 you may be right but still a 12/10 conversation, really riveting things going on in her mind
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Nice thread
>>47183 Can you please let me know if you posting worked out for you? I am an incredibly socially awkward fat girl originally from Scotland and selfishly considering reaching out to try and find a friend that could help me raise my confidence as a fat girl but new to this site and scared to post anything like this.
>>54077 I think you should try and reach out more, it’s ok to branch out and try to find your flow and find a friend group. If you don’t mind me asking how much do you weigh/how fat are you?
>>54077 Do not post yourself like this girl did. She's a crazy drug addict.
>>54096 I'm 280 lbs. Don't mean to ambush OPs thread. >>54103 Thanks for the advice, I will not then.
>>54120 I wouldn’t mind being a friend who hypes you up for being fat if you don’t mind that
>>54077 Where in Scotland u from?
>>54077 All I can say is that if someone asks you for a belly pic, or any kind of part of your body, please don’t do it. Especially the face, or vagina. Some of the folks on here are absolute creeps, or even hackers who could track down your locations by simply looking at the floorboards. Just be very careful and cautious, and even if you consent to it, make sure you don’t reveal any birthmarks, or moles, or freckles, just in case someone figures out who you exactly are.
It is vital to protect women at all costs.
>>54126 I've never seen a post on a chan website that cared about women like that. Your comment deterred me from posting myself here so thank you for that. You seem like a good person and I hope that you have a good life.
>>54250 You are very much welcomed. By all means if you want to make friends on here, or want to be glorified, just be careful with who you pick. Even the nicest of folks carry around a mask, fooling anyone into a false sense of security. I myself could be a mask holder, and my true personality is something God would even fear. I could be a figure that wants nothing more but pictures of you, every ripple and flab of your belly to my viewing, to everyone’s for their approval. But I choose not to, because I know women shouldn’t be tied down to what their value is, or to be objectified. Women are people, we all are. I choose not to be scum of the earth, I choose to see that women, men, all people don’t have a value, but a purpose, a right. And you, >>54250 , deserve to be treated respectfully. So by all means, you make sure you have the life you desire, and never throw it away. Never loose hope, and never turn yourself into an object, hoping that one day you’ll find this “approval” of others.
What was this thread for again?
>>54266 Bro stfu. It's not that serious. There's one rule for posting online (and this applies everywhere): don't post your face unless you can deal with the consequences. No Channers are gonna track you down based on floorboards or whatever. That's a trumped up myth based on one incident of mass trolling by a massive board of people all working together to harass an already publicly known figure. Gtfo with your fake-ass pretentious screed about how tortured you are. Most people are just normal, trying to get through their lives. This site is no different. 99% of posters here are just normal people with a fat fetish who don't wanna pay for porn TL;DR Calm down
>>54250 He's not a good person. He's totally deluded. Don't post your face, but this guy is the definition of a White Knight with his weird "protect women at all costs" fantasy. He's more a creep than anyone else in this thread
I wanna Fetten dis bitch 2 500000000000 ponds
>>54488 Projecting much,
