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Talk about life and stuff 2: The Return Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:06:42 Id:b7645e No. 48047
I have returned, how has everyone?
I'm tired of waking up every day at 4 AM I would just love to have a different less tiring routine
>>48078 I am so sorry that you have to go through such a routine. What do you do that requires you wake up so early everyday?
>>48078 Saw when you posted this kind of sad you waited to right this bullshit
I've gone from "I am staying married because divorce is always wrong" to "I am staying married because we can't afford to get a divorce."
>>48095 Stay married just show more skin on social media. Idgaf.
>>48095 I am very sorry you are going through a rough time like that, divorces are a very hard to go through sometimes. I do hope you are okay at the moment
>>48085 I just live very far from my workplace, and the traffic is absolutely awful during the mornings So I have to wake up at 4 AM to be near my job at 5:45 AM, and then sleep until my 7 AM shift starts
had my first seriousish relationship and after a few dates she told me we should just be friends and im devastated and don't know how to move forward
>>48241 Why you didnt show her you dick. Show her your dick she wont take her next relationship serious 😉🤣
>>48229 Thats not a bad thing. multi millionaires wake that early. And follow similar routine. You lack self esteem, Self motivation, & perseverance. You need someone to tell you how to get up and be a man. Conquer the day. Why is this old guy pretending to be young ? No one is stupid.
>>48243 You say that like there's any meaningful correlation between waking up at 4am and being a multimillionaire. Statistically, more minimum wage workers are waking up at 4am than millionaires. It doesn't mean shit.
Met a nice BBW today at the grocery store. Hoping to see her again next week. I was informed that that specific one is the one singles go to for more than just food.
>>48257 Your mindset & daily routine makes your day not your hourly wage or salary. Alot of retards with jobs while high iq folks suffer
People here keep calling me gay. I don’t think I’m gay. I have a weird fetish or two sure but here of all places is that really gay? Is it really gay if it’s just for the fetish, or your not that into it, or it’s your roommates and their kinda pushy or it for stuff or other reasons.
>>48286 Maybe you need to go to church. Totally not the same anon by the way. Ignore my flag.
>>48286 You're the best subtle troll on this board since the wafflestomping guy stopped posting.
>>she is insecure & a cock block. Jealous of other women around him. She hides him from ppl. Idk who she think she is
Went to the mall yesterday and was surprised to see not just numerous bbw tier women but several ssbbws, all in one night. I distinctly remember seeing a girl who was easily 500+ at around 5’4? Walking around with who I assume was her family. If I’m ever single again I’m just gonna start going to the mall more often.
I'm single again and finding that it is now virtually impossible to find attractive fat girls on any online dating platform. Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble are filled with thousands of average to above average thin girls, a couple trannies, and a couple more incredibly fat but hideous beyond belief ogres. Wooplus and feabie are now all bots or androgynous wildebeests. What the fuck happened?? 5+ years ago all of these places were a goldmine and I know the world isn't getting any thinner.
I find it hilarious Pregchan thinks Kisame exists. Living well, and ignoring them has been fun. They're free to negotiate at anytime.
>>48286 I do not know what your fetishes may be, but even if you were gay or not, your godfather still supports you
>>48313 I am very sorry to hear that you are single again, relationships can be hard to hard to find, especially if you have a specific type. But when you do find the right person for you, make sure to spend a lot of time with them, have a good time while you can. Even if you want to start a family, go for it. Life can be good and bad, we have to make the most of it. I hope you do find that special someone in your life.
>>48229 Ah I see, how is the workplace, is it enjoyable or not really?
The looming possibility of failing the bar exam is causing me significant anxiety, especially considering the pretty penny it will have cost my dear father. Despite feeling confident in my practical skills and real world knowledge, I struggle to grasp the convoluted language and procedures of the legal world. As I navigate my third year of law school, I find myself grappling with the existential crisis because idk, I can’t deconvolute these legalistic riddles and procedural hocus pocus enough to get partial credit.
>>48496 If you've made it this far, and dad is still inclined to foot the bill, tough it out. A law degree is valuable in a lot of occupations even if you don't take the bar.
>>48534 I dont want to do that. Not my style. 50k-100k block account is all any smarter trader needs. Thats easy 5k per month no headache. Toughing it out is the hardest part no doubt.
>>48496 I got sued over 5 times. I know people will be suing me for the dumbest reasons. Why I have my businesses in place to protect me lol
>>48534 He's my stepfather, technically speaking. He's the one who will cover the expenses, albeit with some financial opacity on my part. Perhaps I can prolong this charade for another couple of years by maintaining a low profile and banking on no one noticing my extended stint in higher education, which currently stands at five years and counting.
>>48058 Replying to my own post. Why's it that European add extra steps to everything and overcomplicate things? Sometimes a solution presents itself and they don't want to take it. I thought that was only a forced meme on /int/.
>>48271 So I ran into her again. This time her friend was no where to be found, and she dressed nicer this week. I ran into a second time in another store but she's super shy and I have no clue what to even talk about. I did find out she's really geeky/nerdy though.
>>48737 Hey anon with the Japanese VPN, they're called yakuza in your part of the region.
>>48736 She does sound like a very nice woman if you get to know her
>>48653 Because your solution is with a 90% chance retarded and the people who know better (and thus have refused to implement it) have tried to tell you. Being an amerifat, however, you are sadly too intellectually challenged to understand their reasoning. Instead of realising your ideas are shitty, you go to an online fetish forum to rant about Europeans not listening, ousting yourself as a retard not only amongst your Deustche colleagues but amongst fellow fetishists as well.
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>>48885 You're mom's gay and I get paid to rectify the bullshit you Europeans make so you can get your safe cars and fly in your planes without somebody getting suicided. More often than not I have to remove failsafes and when I ask why they installed so many conflicting ones they ask me "Failsafe?" You're spirit animal is the broccoli.
>>48888 I thought they had a single payer system that provided mental health benefits in Germany
>>48892 Pot calling the kettle black.
>>48877 I'm going to this Saturday. When we are in front of the Steak display and she remarks again that she has no clue what she's looking for, I'm going offer to help her, and try and go from there.
>>48903 So I went there. Saw her and her friend she always goes with, or so I thought. This woman was much larger, and much older, and had a ring on her finger. She looked like the girl I've been meeting up with every week, but only if you added 25-30 years to her. I think it was her Mother. She followed me around the store, eyeballed me a few times, and so forth. I don't know what to make of it.
I wonder what places one can find good fat art but with some sort of categorization/tag system. r34 and curveybooru are the best but incomplete; gelbooru and danbooru are basically useless for fats; anywhere else or should I just trawl through deviantart and pixiveo
Wanted to check up on everyone, how are you all doing or feeling rn?
>>49612 I'm >>49127 It's a long weekend in Canada, and I'm travelling so it's another week of not seeing that girl. I'm sure if she went she's smart enough to figure out this is the weekend most people travel since it's usually nice for the first time in our region of Canada. Talked about her to a female friend to get a female perspective, and she said it sounds like yeah, this ones into me. Can't wait until Saturday. I'm really hoping to get things going with her before I leave for most of summer months.
>>49612 I bought a math book: "Mathematics for the general reader" from E.C Titchmarsh. It made me eager to learn real maths, which i was never good at.
>>49612 Mixed bag, had great turnaround with my Covid-damaged business starting at the beginning of 2024 and I'm making great money for the first time in 4 years. Some family drama and new responsibilities though and I'm having a tough time juggling it.
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>see that my big brother created an instagram account and the algorythm recomended me his account >block him instantly >he doesnt know I have an Ig account >fast foward to the afternoon >hey anon, did I tell you I made an Ig? >no >yeah, uh I followed my discord friends, the family, but somebody really weird is trying to follow me >look at the profile >its mschubbykat >oh FUCK.jpg >look at ig configs, ig doesnt have access to my contacts nor ubication wtf, was this an ungodly coincidence then? I think I should be worried, but I need to know if I should from accounts right fucking now
>>49614 Went back this Saturday, again the old woman and her friend were there, but not her. I'm wondering if maybe now she was just in from out of town. Messaged a woman on Wooplus, we'll see how that goes since she lives so far away.
Happy Pride Month to all, Godfather don’t discriminate
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>>50298 The mob hated the gay rights movement. Fredo being a fop means he can't be trusted cause he attracts attention. I support Trump. Biden doesn't have any pull in New York. Kids today want to play domestic terrorist with Arabs, the Akatsuki, or the Espada. Elton John and the Village People don't pay the exorbitant rates. MAGA does
>>50307 I wasn't making a political statement. I just realized I don't change as Kisame17. All these demand for change are just accessories. Nobody wants me to be milquetoast guy who works in law and finance.
>>50308 Kisame17 is the last great craftsman in the world of fetish art. Everyone’s churning out these shiny hyper preg furries using AI and I’m not all about that vibe.
>>50333 I am bored by the fashion choices and narrative in fetish art. It looks soulless like the Harry Potter movies
