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Drama / gossip / rumors / shit talk / town square v3.0 Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 20:43:40 Id:b382a9 No. 48256
Simply not /gen/ without this thread active Guess the big ticket item to start with is Jae's very public exit from the scene. I'm on the side of wishing her well but I can't say I didn't see it coming. I know there's speculation that Roxxie may also be on her way out but there's been no real indication of this from her other than a lull in her content output.
>>50732 You probably didn’t mean for that to be as much of a turn on as it sounds
>>50738 Nah it’s definitely hot, don’t get me wrong. I’ll upload it when I get home.
>>50725 where'd you hear that
Does anyone know the full story about Marilyn Mayson's beef with Eliza Allure?
>>50744 Her twitter account she made a post. Saying all future talk about feederism, weight gain, and immobility will be topics she will no longer be apart of and talk about after this tour ends. Whoever her last ex was really screwed her over mentally and it is very traumatic for her. A lot of mental scarring.
>>50797 She's nearly 700 lbs with 2 kids under 10. There's no way she can possibly stay that big and be a responsible parent. My dick-brain says I hope she is 700 lbs when she does this content and we have this media forever. My cynical brain says don't have sex with every guy that meets/feeds you and take some fucking birth control and you don't have this problem. My common sense brain says do what you have to now that you put yourself in the situation you are in to do whats best for the kids.
>>50660 Here's the deal with Ash. You have a woman that is clearly into this fetish. She was into before she was a Bigcutie and has been gaining on purpose since high school(she talks about this in one of her videos with Heather). She found a bunch of guys that were enabling her through her paysite to live her fantasy and gain a ton of weight. Then, just when she hit the threshold of being what I call functionally immobile, the clips4sale boom hits and the market is saturated with subpar content and her content gets washed in the situation. Her sales go down and now here she is, 640 lbs and not able to go hold a job somewhere because she can't leave her front door to her van without stopping to rest. All those feeders that helped encourage her to live out her dream left and now she is married but in the struggle anybody else that is married with one income in this country is in, except in her case its compounded because she is the size of a couch and can't help the situation. Its not so much that she hates being that big, but, more of a "nobody is helping me do this" type of thing.
>>50811 Ash is a fucking badass. IRL she's extremely candid and honest about the fact that she's VERY into the fetish, fairly certain that she's into it more than many feeders/FAs (even those who are into superfats) are. It was interesting to talk to her after seeing some of her content, there's a disconnect between her energy on-camera vs. talking to her in person. I would guess camera shyness/nerves? At least she seemed more natural/self-assured when shooting w/ Kellie (To be fair, who wouldn't?). But knowing that she meant every word in her videos really made me appreciate her content more. Shame it's not online anymore, she touched on some cool fat chat topics that you didn't hear often. As for her fat activism, I've never known her NOT to be an outspoken fat activist. I've think she's honestly been ahead of the curve of a lot of issues, coining phrases like infinifat for those beyond superfat, sharing resources/tips for making public spaces more accessible, and bringing to light the fat activism/acceptance/positivity communities' lack of support and platform for superfats. Also, I really resent the idea that fat fetishists can't be fat activists. Like, you can only fight for accessibility and address systemic fatphobia if you DON'T actively enjoy your fatness? Get the fuck out of here. It's a more radical, brave, and anti-diet industry act to genuinely love your fatness in the face of a deeply fatphobic society.
>>50813 This bbwchan comment paid for by the Ash 2024 Campaign
>>50809 u have three brains?
>>50813 >fat activism >fatphobia lol
>>50813 The glazing is absolutely insane and yes, people who try to be as big as possible should definitely not speak on these issues.
>>50813 Did it ever occur that Ash might be trying to sell on the idea she's into feederism so you'd buy her content?
>>50826 The glazing is insane because >>50813 was written by a fat biological woman who almost certainly identifies as non binary or queer, and is 1,000 miles off the deep end of woke fat activism. Aka, exactly like Ash, but not as fat. Think Weird Wood, though I doubt wood was at a shoot with Ash and Kellie kay as that was so long ago. Also I'll take a shot in the dark and assume this person is autistic too.
>>50841 You can tell they’re biologically female from >>50821. Nobody with a Y chromosome uses those words.
>>50826 >people who try to be as big as possible should definitely not speak on these issues Exactly why there would be controversy surrounding sex workers past & present now being advocates for the super obese. 9 times out of 10 they hate being fetishized for their size, and the remaining 1 probably doesn't care as long as they're not being asked to gain. Ash literally ate herself to semi-immobility for the sake of her fetish and those paying to see her stuff her face. Having her as part of the movement only demeans their position of wanting to be accepted as more than just fap material, regardless of how much she has done for the cause. It doesn't undo what she's done, it's just that the skeletons in her closet are too fat to keep the door closed.
>>50813 > Ash is a fucking badass. Every loser is a badass to women. Doing anything as a woman is badass no matter how cringe, or embarrassing. > As for her fat activism, I've never known her NOT to be an outspoken fat activist… Also, I really resent the idea that fat fetishists can't be fat activists. Stupidest cope I’ve ever heard. She’s selling a fantasy of the out of control health bill. She’s an embarrassment to fat people and a carnival side show for us with a humiliation/disgust kink to gawk at. Fat activists are not actively objectifying and selling monstrously obese bodies to fetishists.Fat activists want nothing to do with women who are intentionally disabled and driving up the cost of healthcare in America. > bringing to light the fat activism/acceptance/positivity communities' lack of support and platform for superfats. Hahahaha. “Platform for the superfats”, gonna have to reinforce that platform honey. But really, why do 350+ pound women think society owes them an inclusivity? Losers like you give fat women a bad name. How hard is to accept that “sorry miss, we can’t accommodate your fat ass because it’s as wide and heavy as 3 grown men”.
>>48621 She is threatening to quit again over on /ssbbw/ because of piracy. I like her content a lot but I think she's looking for excuses to get out, to be honest.
>>50880 Assuming that’s a real post I seriously doubt she’s on the verge of quitting. She put on like 75+ pounds in the last year and is likely over 500 now (newest weigh in hasn’t been shared but she was in the 490s and titled the new one milestone weigh in). Pretty sure she had some kind of surgery to lose weight a few years back and dropped from 460 to the high 300s but has ballooned way back up past her heaviest. I doubt she calls it quits after getting so big so quick, and anyways she clearly isn’t gonna stop. Even if she quits she just loses an income stream to support her eating addiction, I would be she’d be back and bigger than ever.
>>50844 Wow, for a board dedicated to the love of fat women, there certainly are a lot of incels here who hate (fat) women.
>>50910 Shut up faggot. I love fat women for the disgust and humiliation kink same as everyone here.
Do fat women commonly have bad knees or is it just a go to excuse they use when they don’t wanna do something? And no I don’t mean immobile/ussbbw I mean bbw and ssbbw
>>50929 Knee and back pain are common with humans in general, and fat people are even more effected
>>50929 It's a lot to haul around.
>>50929 A lot of women gain weight for the same reasons their knees are unhealthy: lack of exercise. Plenty of 350 lb athletes walking fine.
There’s a certain Pawg whose name starts with a C ends with Y (iykyk) and I’m wondering why do her threads on bbw chan always get taken down is it because the mods are simping for her or they hate her or does she actively get on this site to find her name?
chubbychiquita dissapearance cross posted here as my post might get deleted on her thread What I think about why she has been radio silent on her socials for a month >>121198 She might actually be in some sort psychology care that prevents her to post on her socials. She has a history of cutting herself, she then gained an insane amount of weight (pretty much ruined her health) and she got diagnosed with autism a couple of months ago. You don't just get diagnosed with autism by living a normal adult life... She might of went to get help and ended up getting diagnosed with autism and she has now went radio silent on her socials. Psychologists have to distance patients from stuff that causes them harm. She is obviously is not ok and someone must be aware. It is only a matter of time until she has to stop this. Otherwise, she is not given proper care and will continue suffering
>>50977 I'll say the same thing I said before the thread was pruned: You CC hate-lovers will write entire YouTube essay scripts before considering the specific brand of harassment she gets is the main culprit behind her being reserved online.
>>50977 >She might actually be in some sort psychology care that prevents her to post on her socials there is literally no evidence for this >she got diagnosed with autism a couple of months ago no she didn't, kys >You don't just get diagnosed with autism by living a normal adult life this is a nonsensical statement, do you understand that autistic people are capable of masking? >She might of went to get help and ended up getting diagnosed with autism and she has now went radio silent on her socials. more stupid speculation, kys >Psychologists have to distance patients from stuff that causes them harm. do you know literally anything about sectioning other than it existing as a concept? do you think CC went to a psychology guy to get a mind check and they went "UH OH YOU OVEREAT AND HAVE OLD FADED CUT MARKS AND e76e59 THINKS YOU MIGHT HAVE AUTISM TIME TO LOCK YOU UP AND NO SEXPOSTING TO LOYALFANS FOR YOU"? either you're just bullshitting to try and trigger a response from CC or you're too young to post on bbwchan lol
>>50995 Yeah CC's been through it, zero doubt, but this dude is writing fanfic. It's also not out of character for her to disappear for long stretches anyway.
>>50998 What happened was that CC finally got fat enough that her step-dad got concerned enough to re-inherit her. No need to work or get fat with step-daddies attention and care.
I'm e76e59 >>50995 Well, you're right. Maybe I shared to much about what I think happened to her. If you don't like what I posted, that's fine I mentionned her possible autism as I had read that she posted about being diagnosed of autism, but maybe it was false if you're so sure about it. >you're just bullshitting to try and trigger a response from CC No. I don't want CC to reply. I was just looking to see what other anon's would think of my idea. If anything, I want CC to never comeback and take proper care of herself >you're too young to post on bbwchan lol Not really. I am studying psychology and what I said was based on what I learned There's nothing more to it. I did not think that it would trigger anyone Clearly it is not welcomed, so I'll stop. That's my last post and sorry if I triggered anyone >>50991 I guess that people do that, but in my case, it took a couple of minutes as it's my field of study
>>51007 I take less issue with your theory because you're not one of those people who gets defensive in calling her a Zionist or shitstomper, or trying to dox her. CC has a few people who love to harass her with a lot of targeted insults. It's bizarre and reeks of jilted ex-lover.
>>51007 sorry for assuming you had the worst intentions from your post and repeatedly telling you to kill yourself, I was just getting into the chan spirit lol. It was still a weird post though, your analysis didn't make any sense and was based on no evidence. regarding her being autistic I actually think she did post about that a few months back now that I think more deeply about it, but I don't remember whether she got a formal diagnosis or was just talking about how she identifies with the condition. If you had actual evidence for CC being sectioned it would have been good gossip (and this is the gossip thread ofc) but it's a nonsensical theory when we have no hard or soft evidence for it. her being quiet on social media is much better explained by her being consumed with irl stuff (like fostering kittens which she posts about) or not feeling enough passion for internet modelling/sexwork to commit time and energy towards it. she's gone silent before and came back, one month isn't particularly notable for CC especially when she's posted a reason for it beforehand. she goes silent several times a year tbh, this is more of a hobby/passion thing for her than a job like most models so whenever she's feeling less into it she just stops till she feels it again.
Does anyone have good stories or gossip about the florida bash last week? Or any bashes recently I Keep thinking I should go to one of these things
>>51008 > I take less issue with your theory because you're not one of those people who gets defensive in calling her a Zionist or shitstomper, or trying to dox her. CC loved Chan culture until she was the butt end of poop joke and nonsensical political trolling. > CC has a few people who love to harass her with a lot of targeted insults. It's bizarre and reeks of jilted ex-lover. She came here to laugh at suburban SIMPs dropping hard-R slurs while profiting off their desperation. She chose to engage the trolls, laughing along and complaining to white knights simultaneously until it was clear she’s another thin skinned Becky that can dish is out but can’t take it.
>>50960 Anyone??
>>51039 Found the one that feels justified in continuing to harass her long after the feud settled.
>>50881 I kinda wouldn’t be surprised if she quit soon tbh. I’m a fan but I get “your vaguely mentally ill in a hundred different little ways ex gf” vibes from her. Like super flaky and indecisive. She was a full fledged weight loss influencer who suddenly decided to flip the switch and become a 500 pound OF girlie? It’s hot as a concept but I’d be stunned if this doesn’t end with her getting WLS. Really do love her content though, I’ve subbed to her a few times and those gains are fuckin NUCLEAR. She’s filling the Juicy Jackie shaped void for me but I don’t expect her to keep it up.
>>51047 Back to reddit, tranny
>>51037 I wanna know too. And if there's any good wins of recent ones over the last few years
>>50297 My rule of thumb is I am dubious of any weigh in video that has edits, doesn’t feature the model nude or at least in her underwear, is shot from her POV, or features trickery/gimmicks like before and after stuffing. Despite this, there is GREAT weight gain content out there that I believe to be faked/exaggerated, and I just consider it a great bonus if it’s believable.
>>51133 I assume 95% of it is kayfabe. But like with pro wrestling, there are models who are good at it and those who aren't.
>>51159 Two or three years ago somebody in one of these threads said "Kellie Kay keeps fat fetish kayfabe like she's Bret fucking Hart" and it completely altered the way I think about this stuff.
>>51050 I saw on tumblr she said she adopted a bunch of cats and they're like puking all over her apartment or something? Mentally unstable women are addicted to cats. And usually, mentally unstable fat women keep making porn. I'm predicting she'll be like Jae and continually "quit" or "take breaks" but over the long run, it'll end up having been a pretty consistent career.
>>51162 Idk. She just uploaded something online with visible shit smear on her foot. She’s probably trolling us.
>>51164 Pics or it didn't happen
>>48283 >>50217 >>50311 I'd really like to see proof of any of this (or other) Boberry drama. Sounds really hot. Was she saying he's too small in a purposely mean way? I love how bitchy she is behind the scenes, like with that Haley meme
>>51164 You know what they say, zionists love to roll around in shit.
>>51242 Geopolitics is notoriously thorny issue. At least she’s not one of those Harvard students cheering for Isis and the Taliban.
