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German Police investigate after left wing politician was called fat online. Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 02:56:38 Id:7d44b5 No. 53851
German officials attempted to start a criminal investigation into a Gab social media user who allegedly called a left-wing female politician "fat," but the platform refused to comply with the German authorities' invasive demands to uncover the person's identity. Germany has become the hate speech police, having some of the strictest laws in the world concerning social media posts. The agenda was accelerated after The Network Enforcement Act was signed into law in 2017. It requires social media companies to promptly remove illegal content, including hate speech, defamation, and incitement to violence. Germany alleged the post attacking the politician's weight and posting a graphic meme was a violation of its laws on insults. Say what you will about America, but at least we don't have batshit speech laws.
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>>53905 I don't know what this guy's problem is. I take a break from being Kisame and get accused of being a chatGPT. I guess I need to talk like I am having a seizure and whine about McDonald's to be taken seriously.
>>53900 Yawn, this same old fat Zionist with the smallest duck energy fucks up any attempt at discussing Israel’s war crimes with his typical “us poor weak Jews” victim act before declaring his right to genocide Arabs and droppings and ironic hipster racial slur to demonstrate his white supremacy bonafides.
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>>53950 That's quite a sentence, wow. Clearly you didn't have Jewish parents who considered any grade below A- 'failure.' Or maybe you're dyslexic? Please tell me you're dyslexic. But old — guilty as charged — and could lose 20 lbs (okay, 30), though not fat by any rational measure. At least in the United States. In Israel I'd have a nickname. Yet even if I were 350 pounds, typing one-handed so as not to have to put down my chopped liver and schmaltz sandwich, are you aware what site you're on? If so, presumably you prefer fat women (or men), yet you use "fat" as a perjorative. This means you hate what you desire, which means you hate yourself. That tracks. I'd hate myself too if I were a trend-hopping, illiterate slacktivist. Oh, and I have a medium-length dick (5.5"-ish) yet it's somewhat above average in girth. I've never had any complaints. And yes, a proud Zionist, one of many words you use and don't understand. >fucks up any attempt at discussing Israel’s war crimes Again, guilty Your Honor. Arrest me and haul me up in front of the ICJ (with its Lebanese President and Ugandan Vice President — both countries paragons of freedom and human rights). Absurdities aside, I don't really consider this an appropriate place to discuss Israel's "war crimes"* and have never broached the subject here. I have dropped truth and accuracy here and there to counter the rampant crypto and overt anti-Semitism that would otherwise dominate. (* Irony quotes because "war crimes" as you define them refer to Israel waging war against an enemy that 1) from its inception vowed to exterminate all Jews in the Middle East, and 2) put their money where their mouths are, over and over again.) >poor weak jews You have me mixed up with someone else, because I've never refered to Jews as poor or weak. Our continued survival and indeed dominance of pretty much every important aspect of modern life makes such a statement absurd. I understand you can only see in generalities (which is necessary when cognitive abilities are weak) and lumped me in with the stereotype of Jews as whiny victims. But that's not me, sorry. I'm not rich nor exceptionally strong yet I've never considered myself poor or weak. >ironic hipster racial slur No, that would be you subbing "Zionist" for "kike," like the trend-hopping, low-info slacktivist you are. >white supremacy Nigga, please.
>>53956 You just described fat with a small dick, next you’re gonna flame 5’10” isn’t short.
>>53965 That's exactly my height and it's not, unless you're a Tutsi or Dutchman. Nice try, but you're still stupid and mediocre.
>>53967 That’s pretty short and fat as far as women, sports and fighting goes bitch. Im sure your massive nose more than makes up for the tiny dick as far as the lady go.
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>>53976 Again, my height is slightly above average in the US, where I live, and I'm taller than most women I meet. I have never been called fat to my face, but I am overweight according to NIH BMI charts. I don't play sports professionally, but then neither do you, nor most people so my lack of stature hasn't been an issue in that regard. I'm a reasonably sane adult so fighting is off the table. My nose is large compared to the Aryan ideal you admire, though it does indeed come in handy during oral sex. My dick is average but works. You're illiterate and sad.
>>53990 Got it. Women and men don’t respect you physically and you couldn’t defend your family if needed. Weird flex to own being the definition of a mediocre white man with inflated sense of value.
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>>54004 You're trying so hard, mom's proud of you.
>>54006 It’s the genocide and rape apologia we’re voicing criticism of, but sure, call it all “antisemitism” or whatever.
>>53898 >Gaza >backed by the Pentagon ????? >>53956 >subbing "Zionist" for "kike" you really have to bring this line out from the start if you want it to work. people call you a zionist because you keep talking about how great Israel is and how it has no choice but to drop white phosphorus on children
>>53858 >By putting a diabetic dyke with a short fuse due to her diabetic depression Got it, love wins.
>>53956 I’m not reading all that, you fat polack
>>53858 The far right are winning in Europe because voters are unhappy with immigration, inflation, and the war. It's the same reason Nikado Avocado lost weight, Ukraine wants /fit/ to fight Russians and Israel
>>54011 The CIA loves arming local militia, which is causing Free Palestine movement to take over the Williamsburg Bridge. Glowies are now attacking Adams cause his /fit/ programs are alienating their conservatives
Zionists are absolute scum. If you get a chance to hurt Jewish people, do so, Zionists are hiding in the Jewish population, using them as human shields to launch their genocides and economic attacks. Israeli military just shot an American woman for protesting. “Only democracy in the Middle East”
>>54060 I feel like economists are missing the point: I cannot keep driving in and out of Jersey thru the Holland Tunnel just so Mr snob can eat imported stuff. They're paying 10k a day just to save four bucks.
>>54060 I am currently debating going to therapy again cause I am getting bored of conspiracy nuts
>>54072 It's shit like this that make me wish that one faggot didn't blow thousands on keeping this shithole alive.
Reminder that zelensky is the exact opposite of what the Ukrainians revolution stood for, took power only via subversives/invaders and became a tumour parasite that entirely caused the war. Conscripts are hostages. Ukrainians in truth are governed by many anarcho collectives. Zelensky is an invading army of Jews that tried to invade the Ukraine, the topic of Russia was a distraction. Ukrainians don’t have such ill will towards Russians, but clearly the Jews do. Hence why the soldiers weren’t volunteers. Death and undoing to anyone associated with the ilk like zelensky. I feel bitter that my world has endured such ridiculous invasion known as the Jewish invasion. Some of the most condemnable people. Victory to everyone that the Jews hate.
>>54074 Fuck off faggot: keep stealing from whores while letting a foreign government execute your compatriots for using free speech to protest Zionist blood crimes. Eat a bag of dicks while licking that boot, bitch.
>>54094 Nobody cares about the war. I am more medicated now and don't have the obsessions as Kisame17
>>54085 Putin is losing cause he's ignoring the advice of his own military staff and notoriously short tempered.
>>54098 Losing to what? Be hunted. Slava Slav. Victory to both Russia and Ukraine is ignoring you faggot ew apocalypse cultists stories and purging y’all to extinction. Y’all would beg that were divided. Conscripts are hostages. Y’all would even beg that we have leaders instead of being a divine miasma of congruent free will. Leave my internet, trespasser.
>>54109 >Leave my internet, trespasser. Tell me you don't wear deodorant or go outside
>>54110 I take the dim view Trump is winning cause Kamala is just not suave enough to get votes. She baited but she just doesn't have Obama's charisma. I suspect people are going to compulsively gamble online in Election Day while normies like me sleep when these neckbeards lose.
>>54109 If Kamala wants that quagmire, let her have it
>>54117 Meh. I think it’s because Kamala is way less known than Trump. Bringing in a relatively unknown candidate 3 months before the election is a huge gamble, especially given Trump’s 10+ years of campaigning
>>54137 Nah, the news is vacuous now and they're insecure about internet culture. Kamala is a strategist controlled candidate, which is hurting her since there's no human behind her syntax. Women don't like Carville or the elderly military, or any of these middle aged newscasters. Their overt shilling of Beyonce and Taylor Swift shows how out of touch they are. The left is stuck in 2008.
>>54139 > Kamala is a strategist controlled candidate, which is hurting her since there's no human behind her syntax. How come everyone’s memeing her laughing in Donny’s face as the old man claims immigints are eating our dogs and cats.
>>54142 Hochul couldn't spot communists in her own staff and the media didn't know Russia was controlling the net until they were told. The news is very insulated now and unaware normies don't have a relationship with them. Trump is just junk food and a distraction from Israel's airstrikes. Watch, once 2028 comes, they're going to want him to vote blue cause Kemp or Desantis will ban abortion.
>>54142 Trump is just the village idiot or court jester, or the Dagda. They're going to get bored when Kamala doesn't indulge their trivia or games.
>>54142 Trump knows what he's doing. He's coming to Nassau County next week. The media is just wasting oxygen arguing with internet trolls
>>54146 This.
>>54142 Gen Z isn't voting for either of them which means Trump is winning. Zoomers don't care for voting. They know boomer media hates influencers
>>54216 Taylor just told genz who to vote for, voter registration is up 500% since Trump accused migrants of eating pets, and accused doctors of routinely murdering children, all while some nice step-mother chided him for being a traitor and Russian asset.
>>54219 Gen Z doesn't listen to Taylor Swift, Republicans do since she's Miley Cyrus without the rebellion.
>>54219 Conservatives are mad that Laura Loomer took over the Republicans while Alex Jones, Kevin Hamm, and Ben Shapiro stayed in their mansion
>>54145 >>54173 >>54216 I'll take "Things Kisame Says When Triggered" for $200.
>>54219 Not sure what you mean. I watched Beetlejuice 2 this week. I can confirm I've seen people wearing Trump hats near where I live.
>>54227 It's been slow and less productive. I usually watch Sailor Moon, Naruto and DBZ on Friday.
>>54227 When I went to the DMV at Carman's Plaza off 110, boomers were cursing out the security and the lady cause all that paperwork is backed up needing reservations via QR codes. One elderly couple snuck in and then went back out. My coworkers know Trump is an idiot, but they hate Obama and Harris more for being centrist.
>>54227 I am busy considering if I should stop being Kisame17 right now as the hyperpreg trade isn't attention seeking.
>>54233 Major kek coming on here and seeing talk about Rt. 110 and Carmans Plaza. Small world, I’m a couple of towns over.
>>54231 > I've seen people wearing Trump hats near where I live. And I’ve seen people wearing Cleveland Browns hats where I live, didn’t make DeShaun suck any less dick while raping people.
>>54240 Voter turnout is going to be low this season for the left. If Trump losses, it's mostly due to pure chance of the government shutting down. Democrats like MAGA cause they run the government just like how the Taliban runs Afghanistan with efficiency. MAGA just hates Old Man Cheney rebelling against president stepdad. Ukraine has Trump staff working for them too.
It's rather telling that Democrats are complaining the great MAGA king isn't entertaining them and he could be on the decline, so now the left will have to fight Russia, China, and Hamas by themselves
I will quit being Kisame17 since I have an identity as a city boy. This will be my last time posting here
>>54233 Centrist..LOL
>>54513 I am not sure centrist exist considering Modi supporters at Nassau Coliseum. I am too sick to do anything
