I know you didn't actually read this, so FYI there's nothing here that proves lack of morality. This is an article about linguistics, and indeed the language of the Left has been devalued in Israel. Again, same thing has happened in many if not most liberal democracies (mentioned several times in the article).
The last-minute rejection of the Wye accords by the PLO and the rise of Hamas after withdrawal from Gaza made the Israeli Left's appeasement tactics look impotent at best and disastrous at worst.
Yet Israelis overacheive to an absurd degree in science and technology, and literature and the arts as well. Israel's neighbors could really use some of that retardation right now.
>Israel’s founding was a bunch of terrorists committing war crimes
So there had to be a war, for war crimes to be commited... right? And who started that war? Arabs, as always. With the withdrawal of the Brits, Jews in Israel were threatened with genocide by Arabs. They fought back, nearly lost, but didn't. Arabs were forced to relocate.
The moral of the story is that anti-Semitism and fundamentalism is a hell of a drug. It makes you stupid and self-destructive. See: Hamas.
Yeah, that sucked but the US did similar stuff and worse in conquering their portion of the North American continent. So I guess you'll have to move back to wherever your family is from. Oops.
>the Israeli race
No such thing. There are at least a half a dozen "races" (a false concept to begin with) represented in Israel's population.
>before they get the US involved in a 6th crusades [sic]
Seems President Trump is running headlong into that Crusade, no push needed by Israel. But then if your mom burns your Poptarts you probably blame Israel as well.
>the “Holocaust” didn’t happen, it was just a normal occurrence in war that was unique because “white people should ever be victims.”
Sorry, Google Translate doesn't have a Cope Babble > English model, but I think I get it: You're a pseudo-educated underacheiver who hyperfocuses on Jews and Israel to mollify your (justifiable) sense of inadequacy.
It's somewhat encouraging to know the Jews' biggest enemies are the stupidest, most impotent people on earth at this moment. The good news is that American Jews are mostly standing firm and Israel doesn't GAF what people like you think.