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how do we keep ending up here 01/16/2025 (Thu) 01:15:46 Id:4ba43c No. 59291
How come 9/10 threads here end up having some maga/israel schizo meltdown down the line, and how can we prevent it
>>60120 It's like Kanye, they're giving him titcows to get naked just to calm schizos down.
>Check Charlie Kirk Man, Trump must be snapping his fingers and getting the far right beauty queens.
>>60258 meaningless nonsense
>>60292 Le tariffs is just very boring.
>>60292 Even RFK got confirmed as HHS. Kanye apologize after expressing his desire to fuck Kamala Harris. Schizos are approved by the government
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Trump turning Gaza into a luxury rental building is peak Looney Tunes, but it's so crazy it will work. It's better than bringing gambling to Citi Field, Times Square.
>>60120 true, I am entertained by its defenders! >>60121 liberalism is upstream from fascism, and will flow down to it in a capitalist crisis. it doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic, and seeks liberation from perceived moral decay (wokeism) fascism is always corporatist, the epitome of materialism.
>>60366 The Donald doesn't do fascism. Europe is mad he cut off their vanity projects and free gibs. The concencus is that voters are tired of Fetterman and Schumer running the show
>>60366 I don't know what woke is. I thought conservatives were just making things up but the term was started by Marcus Garvey asking African Americans to be alert about injustices in the system. It's just recently that America is ok with Malcolm X. I always assumed his no filter approach wouldn't play in modern times.
>>60374 DEI is when black people use civil rights laws to hold white people accountable to the law.
>>60377 >>60382 I just cannot mentally picture African Americans caring about the law or company law, and I live in the state where lawyers look more like Saul Goodman or an exaggerated vision of themselves as defender of the week. Nobody is willing to give up their freedom to be Cocaine Mitch.
>>60377 The left aren't listening to Hasan Piker, Axelrod, or Carville. They aren't really helping with causing a shutdown that voter will blame for. Trump isn't going to live forever. Kemp, Desantis, are plotting 2028
It’s crazy watching Jews protest Harvard for “river to sea” then sit back and enjoy the show while the POTUS is discussing explicit ethnic cleansing. Jews really are the new Nazis.
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>>60403 Trump is too Looney Tunes to commit to Nazi just like RFK Jr
>>60403 It's like Elon Musk. DOGE is peak Looney Tunes. I expect the courts to side with Trump cause voters don't like the negativity emanating from the left. Nobody is cheering for John Jay to win. Watch Adams wins reelection cause nobody has charisma
>>60403 USAID gives money to Charlie Kirk and Cadence Owens
>>60403 Apples and oranges. "River to sea" is an explicit call for ethnic cleansing — look up its origins. So yeah, as a Jew with ties to Israel I'm against that. I know Jews who are pro-Gaza reoccupation, though most are still clinging to a 2-state solution. Either way no one I know is sitting back and enjoying the show. No one trusts Trump to do right by anyone, whether Palestinians or Israel. Hardcore Zionists want Israel to administer Gaza, not the US, and the last thing anti-Hamas liberals (like me) want is the US occupying hostile foreign territory a la Iraq/Afghanistan, mostly because it's gonna lead to the same outcome.
>>60464 >No one trusts Trump to do right by anyone False, I expect Trump to do right by Trump. He has been so conquer-crazy that I genuinely expect he will just declare that strip US territory. You can see he's trying as hard as he can to pressure neighboring nations to accept Palestinians as refugees so he can have a bloodless invasion, and on more than one occasion has mentioned leveling the whole place and rebuilding it, presumably to build his tacky hotels and apartments. He was the worst player we could have hoped for in this conflict. I would have loved a two-state solution, one that was actually agreed to and upheld.
>>60464 >>60465 I just don't feel that same thrill to oppose Trump that mouth breathers do as I have not seen war, famine, depression, and pestilence that the opposition promised. If the left wants to lose more elections and remain unpopular, the party is doing a good job turning people out with negativity. Nobody is emotionally invested in Washington as an upholder as a status quo and common good as it's a very 19th Century idea. Furthermore, the left has nobody but itself to blame as the party ousted Joe Biden to elected Kamala Harris, which lead to Trump becoming president.
>>60464 >>60465 I dunno, aren't conservative media getting their blond titcow with federal funding? Glowies are jingling tits to get red blooded Americans to stop storming the capitol.
>>60464 You’re coping harder than usual. 80% of the Israeli public, Netanyahu, and The POTUS are all talking about a trail of tears level genocide. They’re very much in favor of it, in fact members of the ruling coalition have been unequivocally in favor of ethnic cleansing, in addition to occupation.
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>>60471 Moot point. The Donald snap his fingers and made Adams free. He can make those Diddy rape charges go away. I just don't see how the left can defend criminal justice at this point.
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>>60394 The modern “left” if you can even call it that is fucking retarded and makes me ashamed to have ever called myself a leftist. They’ve gotten better with claiming to support working class people but most of the time it’s just a thinly veiled excuse to push tranny shit or just some /r/antiwork type faggot who unironically believes that if we just kill every single billionaire (most he plans on contributing is mean Reddit comments!) everyone will get free stuff and everything will be perfect and and post scarcity forever. The modern “left” will never win because not only does it not have a central rallying figure like Trump, but its messaging fucking sucks. We’ve seen it with the ‘Dick Cheney is Brat’ stuff from Kamala Harris and we’re seeing it now with the rise of ‘dark woke’ (which is then just saying “hey guys, I’m saying no no words, aren’t I so edgy and cool?”) and/or foaming at the mouth with rage about Elon supposedly being a Nazi (in a country fucking controlled by Jews) or something like that. These people will say shit like “France had guillotines at this point!” And then turn around and in the same breath seethe because somebody on the internet was mean to them. >>60471 We should legitimately just destroy both Israel and Palestine. Both are evil, evil nations populated and ran by evil, evil people. No matter who wins, we all lose because one will be allowed to exist. I hope Israel loses, though, because they’re just that little bit more detestable.
>>60471 I admit I did underestimate the level of support for ethnic cleansing in Gaza — mea culpa. Sad, though I might feel that way too living next to a territory where an even greater percentage of the population say they want to eliminate me, and acts on it.
>>60480 >>60492 Catholics have an image problem. The Pope wants the order of charity, but the face of Catholicism is William Buckley types who believe in supremacy. This leads to the archdiocese creating Indian Boarding Schools to civilize the savages without the complexity that Oliver Cromwell or John Winthrop had. Church attendance is on the decline cause nobody wants to hear an old geezer read from Galatians. It's the same reason the counterculture movement always fails. The left are trying to turn disaffected hoodlums into an organized group in their heads.
>>60492 Ahh yes, the “they made me genocidal” arguments. I bet they also make Likud join up with literal Nazis across Europe (https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-841334). Maybe you’ve never met an Israeli expat. Anyone with intelligence and decency left that country decades ago to avoid being complicit in a genocidal colonial project. The brain-drain has resulted in Israel having a literally retarded population of blood thirsty Orcs with no respect for law, order or humanity.
>>60504 Bannon just pleaded guilty and will not face jail time. Glowies aren't going to give up their dumb white supremacist toy. They'll offer him more titcow blonds to keep him quiet.
>>60508 This is why the left will never win. They never commit war crimes.
>>60492 Yeah, I don't see a future where Israel's image is improved when all this is said and done. They might get brownie points for ending the war and upholding a two-state solution before Donald Trump rolls in, but wow is that a longshot.
>>60504 Not "they made me genocidal." More like, this is a war and it's a zero-sum game because the PLO, PA, and Hamas have all rejected 2-state proposals for the past 60 years. They've made it clear they want all Jews out of the region entirely. Ain't gonna happen, so innocent Gazans will pay. Play stupid games... I know at least a half dozen Israeli ex-pats and I have several friends and a relative who live there. None consider Israel a "genocidal colonial project." Anyway you have an American flag next to your name, so I guess you'll be moving back to [wherever] so indigenous people who were slaughtered and displaced just a few years before the founding of Israel can take your job and home. And for a population that is "literally retarded," Israel has produced an amazing number of scientists, scholars, entrepreneurs, artists, etc. More than all its enemies combined. "Retarded" is someone who uses "literally" to mean "figuratively." >>60511 They don't GAF about their image at this point. This is a fight for survival and the important thing is to win. Hamas refused to stand down, and they will lose their country. They've proven who they are and so I'm fine with that at this point. The Gazans who support them (80%+) can kiss my ass in Jordan.
>>60512 God so many words to just say: “I’m a Jewish Nazi and yes, we’re all retarded inbred whities playing crusades for papa Trump”. Have fun being the Nazis least favorite white race.
>>60512 > this is a war and it's a zero-sum game The Jews started WWII when they assassinated German diplomat Ernst vom Rath. Fuck around and find out, am I right? Maybe don’t start a war if you can’t handle getting your ass beat and shoved in an oven? Ehhh?
>>60512 Given how Israelis have shown themselves to act like bloodthirsty savages at the drop of a hat while crying like spoiled brats the moment they get the slightest pushback, I don't begrudge Palestinians in the slightest for having enough of their shit. We have grounded other nations into bloody pulps for less.
>>60531 I really get Holocaust denialism now after listening to this Zionist. It’s just like the Israelis: “I don’t believe that body count” and “even if I did those war crimes, those civilians started it”. Mathematically speaking, Israel is justified in this war exactly as much as Kristallnacht was justified by the Jewish people’s violence against Nazis (70k civilians for the 700 killed on Oct 7 is the same math as 100 Jews killed on Kristallnacht for every Nazi the Jews murdered.).
>>60523 >>60531 >>60532 >>60533 My guy, nobody cares about white supremacists or Israel. Voters tossed Kari Lake to the curb because they're tired of Blackrock
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>>60532 Fine I will defend the Donald. He's not capable of genocide. Reagan had Contras, Bushes had Generation Kill, Skull and Bones, Trump has... A bunch of snot nosed brats from the suburbs, aging wrestlers and actors, and billionaires. I just don't feel threatened by a guy in a suit who wants to turn Gaza into Aqueduct off Conduit or Jakes 58 off the LIE with delusions of being John Gotti.
>>60522 >The Jews started WWII when they assassinated German diplomat Ernst vom Rath Nothing to do with, say, Germany invading Poland, right? Just a teenager killing some Nazi bureaucrat in Paris and BOOM. Gotcha. "Jews are the real Nazis" is such lazy bullshit. You're a dullard so you can't cope unless every issue has a binary right/wrong. Orwell would approve. >>60531 >crying like spoiled brats No, they get attacked and they fight back. That's how any country that wants to remain a country handles things. >We have grounded [sic] other nations into bloody pulps for less. Don't hold your breath for that. Everyone from human rights beacons like South Africa and Ecuador to the EU will moan and groan about Israel's overkill in Gaza yet they know the alternative is an empowered Hamas/IJ so they won't do shit. Israel will survive. >>60532 >I really get Holocaust denialism now Of course you do. Every frustrated, underachieving moron comes around to it eventually. >“I don’t believe that body count” And why do you trust Hamas exactly...? Oh right — binary thinking: I hate Israel so Hamas must be heroes. >“even if I did those war crimes, those civilians started it”. Literally no one said this, so the quotes are weird. Hamas started a war, and as always in a war, civilians suffer. It's not new and it's not complicated. >Jewish people’s violence against Nazis Hoo boy, another historian from Meme University lol.
>>60572 > Nothing to do with, say, Germany invading Poland, right? Nothing to do with European colonialists killing Palestinians for sport and invading their land? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba > Hamas started a war, and as always in a war, civilians suffer. It's not new and it's not complicated. Jews should followed the law. Poland lost its land in a war and that justifies Jews murdering government officials? Hamas should rolled over and let Netanyahu commit the genocide he’s been talking about since 1990. How come all violence jews do is justified and no violence done to resist an illegal military occupation is justified if brown people do it?
>>60512 >>60464 >>60572 There's honestly nothing more pathetic than trying to defend Israel's non-existent honor on a forum dedicated to fat women. Do your hasbara nonsense on X and Reddit where those tired braindead "talking points" has a more receptive audience.
>>60576 According to news12, anti-Semitism is on the rise and Jews are changing their behavior to avoid being bullied. I dunno what's going on either but I guess people are bored with peace.
>>60575 "For sport" lol okay. Trust me that fun and games was the last thing Zionists had on their minds when the Grand Mufti sided with Hitler. Anyway your interpretation is not just reductive but wrong. The Jews who fought for Israel's statehood had as much right to live in region as the Arabs who migrated there during the Ottoman Empire. Fun fact: prior to 1947 most Jewish-owned land was purchased legally from Arabs. That the Arabs (who weren't called Palestinians til the 1960s) couldn't get their shit together to stop this process speaks to their greed and short-sightedness, a trait that continues today. Remember that prior to October 13, 2023 far more Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians than by the IDF or any other Jewish entity. And the Nakba — a catastrophe indeed — is the sad result of a population who refused to compromise and chose war instead. They lost and many were killed while most were displaced internally or went into exile. History is repeating itself; see: Einstein's axiom about repeating the same actions again and again and expecting a different outcome. >>60576 Wrong, I know something more pathetic: responding to something you consider pathetic, thus keeping it alive that much longer. FWIW, I've never initiated a defense of Israel here, nor posted any political opinions unbiden. I've only responded to misinformation and hate, because though mid-minded people like you can't be convinced, I like to offer an accurate take for anyone casually reading. Talk to your fellow Hamas fans about keeping anti-semitic/anti-Israel bullshit off bbw-chan and I promise you won't hear from me about it.
>>60612 >"For sport" lol okay. Trust me that fun and games was the last thing Zionists had on their minds when the Grand Mufti sided with Hitler. First: it’s scientifically proven that Israel’s population is retarded fascists lacking in mental capacities for moral thought: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02699931.2024.2434148 Don’t just ignore all history. You could learn something like how the history of Israel’s founding was a bunch of terrorists committing war crimes to fuel a colonist genocide or are you one of those Nakba deniers? (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba_denial) (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cast_Thy_Bread) You know the Israeli race has descended into a state of animalistic impulses. They need to be brought to a heel like a bad dog before they get the US involved in a 6th crusades. But all I can say you’ve convinced me of is that antisemitism is a lie and the “Holocaust” didn’t happen, it was just a normal occurrence in war that was unique because “white people should ever be victims.”
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>>60615 >>60612 I don't know how the Donald is doing it,but getting RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard to high positions must be easy along with Kash. This is like watching the empire go thru decline. Don't worry, Kanye is getting divorced again. He's breaking these titcows with his schizo powers
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>>60619 He's just not filtering people the same way Kendrick is.
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>>60621 People wanted hip hop to be Mummenschanz. They're getting what they paid for.
>>60612 Hamas is not popular in the states. They're not hardline like Khomeini, didn't fight against the Soviet's and America like the Taliban. Gaza is in an unusual position of being despised like Baathists for being tweaked out meth addicts who commit violence for fun.
>>60615 >https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02699931.2024.2434148 I know you didn't actually read this, so FYI there's nothing here that proves lack of morality. This is an article about linguistics, and indeed the language of the Left has been devalued in Israel. Again, same thing has happened in many if not most liberal democracies (mentioned several times in the article). The last-minute rejection of the Wye accords by the PLO and the rise of Hamas after withdrawal from Gaza made the Israeli Left's appeasement tactics look impotent at best and disastrous at worst. >retardation Yet Israelis overacheive to an absurd degree in science and technology, and literature and the arts as well. Israel's neighbors could really use some of that retardation right now. >Israel’s founding was a bunch of terrorists committing war crimes So there had to be a war, for war crimes to be commited... right? And who started that war? Arabs, as always. With the withdrawal of the Brits, Jews in Israel were threatened with genocide by Arabs. They fought back, nearly lost, but didn't. Arabs were forced to relocate. The moral of the story is that anti-Semitism and fundamentalism is a hell of a drug. It makes you stupid and self-destructive. See: Hamas. >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cast_Thy_Bread Yeah, that sucked but the US did similar stuff and worse in conquering their portion of the North American continent. So I guess you'll have to move back to wherever your family is from. Oops. >the Israeli race No such thing. There are at least a half a dozen "races" (a false concept to begin with) represented in Israel's population. >before they get the US involved in a 6th crusades [sic] Seems President Trump is running headlong into that Crusade, no push needed by Israel. But then if your mom burns your Poptarts you probably blame Israel as well. >the “Holocaust” didn’t happen, it was just a normal occurrence in war that was unique because “white people should ever be victims.” Sorry, Google Translate doesn't have a Cope Babble > English model, but I think I get it: You're a pseudo-educated underacheiver who hyperfocuses on Jews and Israel to mollify your (justifiable) sense of inadequacy. It's somewhat encouraging to know the Jews' biggest enemies are the stupidest, most impotent people on earth at this moment. The good news is that American Jews are mostly standing firm and Israel doesn't GAF what people like you think.
>>60634 Republicans don't like Trump because he doesn't have Contras. He just want to go full Looney Tunes and make Gaza into Atlantic City. JD Vance and Hegeseth are not capable of genocide the same way the mob doesn't like genocide.
>>60634 > This is an article about linguistics, and indeed the language of the Left has been devalued in Israel. “Double plus good” got it, suck that Orwellian Nazi cock more. (Fucking retard can’t read science, but of course he can’t he’s an inbred euro-Jew. Linguistics is an express of culture and thought, moron.) It’s literally illegal in Israel to post criticism online of your colonial kingdom. Now the Zionazis are raiding bookstores for the crime of Islamic texts? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/14/palestinian-booksellers-decry-detention-by-israeli-police-over-public-disorder > US did similar stuff When did America poison wells with Typhoid? We’re talking about the 1900s here. Modern era, post Geneva conventions. Laws matter diipshit. “Liberal democracy” is just a code word for “white European colonialism”, Israel obeys neither law nor order. Jews are gonna find out that’s a scary path to choose.
>>60645 I just see my leisure as tools of convenience as opposed to war and conquest. I don't believe the conflict at the Arab Peninsula is of my concern and hyping up a trivial situation over religion seems boring. I argue the left wants to play rebel forces.
