/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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men inflating Women 06/25/2021 (Fri) 06:08:20 Id:1cadbc No. 24679
boys blowing up women
>>85704 See the Sauce Thread
We must stop new posters from starting new threads before checking if there's a thread that matches their interest.
>>81475 >not up the butt
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>>25076 Somehow most OP's are dumb.
>>93727 We need less boards, less generals, and more fresh posters.
>>25202 Game mod when?
>>96633 Seconding.
Do you think spamming threads is a bannable offense?
>>99854 It should be a warnable offense.
Please save threads from new posters.
>>79705 Bumping I need to know.
>>57656 This.
bumping so the thread doesn't die
We need more of these!
>>107377 >kiss inflation YES.
>>104063 Thirding.
No fuckin clue how to use this website as I only use it to lurk but as the guy who commissioned that Adaman/Irida puffkiss, I am VERY happy to have more M/F puffkiss stuff out it in the world. Annoyingly it's very much seen as a 'lesbians-only' sort of thing (a lot of artists are cowards and won't draw men at ALL), so it's almost impossible to commission, but here's another one I have - best way to get it commissioned I've found is to shoehorn your own character in as the inflator.
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All the Pit inflating Palu's seem to be out of the way. I think there's just one guy on DA commissioning all of those. I have some stuff I made in Kisekae, if you don't mind it just being butt inflation and of low quality. Yes, it's the same girl over and over again getting fucked with and bullied.
Agree, I don't care for "Lesbian stuff" anymore because of how repetitive it is besides the people who draw most of these scenarios and pairings are very good, also glad there are artist who draw this stuff Hope more people commission for stuff like this
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>>109402 >I can't stand two girls kissing! I need to see pictures of sexy men in my smut :( Gay.
>>109877 Maybe anon is a girl. Female twitter artists nearly always draw males inflating the females unless bullying's involved.
>>99854 Spam happens it's unavoidable. Just be thankful it's the good type where people are actually posting content its everywhere to be honest. if it's a problem up the b ump limits so that way threads don't die as fast. Simple fix! I've noticed draw thread 2 blasted quite a long time and I believe that was what 400 lock limit? So yeah just update the limit or for specific threads like the drawing edit ones make it a pinned channel as why isn't it by now?
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>>109877 Honestly I'm good with male and female puffkiss or girl on girl too. I think lesbian puffkiss just appeals more because why not have two women making out with each other but plot twist they inflate one another. But honestly I'd be happy with some guy or guy or femboy x femboy too! For example I volunteer as tribute and request any artist on here who has the balls to stand to those words by filling this request of finnster and girlfriend ickypeach blowkissing themselves or just finnster in similar fashion to this image >>109402 Using screenstots from this ickypeach onlyfans video as reference for the artwork of the two of them making out! You can go further if you like and having icky wrapping there legs around finnster if you like or something I guess. But that's my idea for a male or trans/femboy blowkiss.
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>>109936 The choice is yours
>>109877 LOL I'm defo not averse to lesbian stuff, an inflated woman getting dicked down by a man just appeals to me more (and the threads for Male-on-female pairs anyway)
>>109946 This.
>>109946 I love this too. It's basically their job to belittle and discipline girls. Somehow, men never get inflated ever.
>>110098 >Somehow, men never get inflated ever. They do but it's so rare you can have a single /male/ general and never fill it to completion.
courtesy of nisael art
>>110109 Yeah, and that's the way I like it. Only girls get that kind of humiliating treatment. It's delightfully one-sided and unfair.
>>110843 Oh I didn't know about this artist, but now is one of my favorites (sure they are some other sprites artist but this one is very based whit his ideas)
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>>107377 Pkmn artists need to do the player characters first.
Boys outsmart girls once again.
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I got somethin. Does this count?
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This is a good thread naughty anons are trying to kill.
any inflation with pussy showing?
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