/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(793.90 KB 1920x1200 Cirno.png)
(90.72 KB 1024x732 b2Dnutfh.jpg)
(591.31 KB 889x667 9ede3757a4.png)
Touhou Inflation Thread Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 01:45:54 Id:876d71 No. 57088
Self explanatory, Touhou characters getting round or inflated in some other variety.
>>86259 SeigaDeviant
>>86138 I'm gonna say it we NEED more ghost tail inflation so many ghosts with tails why isn't this more common fanart?
>>86259 What this pic on Source and links?
(888.85 KB 2517x2977 100152812_p0.jpg)
(370.73 KB 1609x2048 20230624_220811.jpg)
>>87077 https://twitter.com/dadada_53/status/1654957859606781954?t=GYAczCAAkETZxTBLkfi5Gg&s=19
(1.73 MB 2040x2720 Ftq8OxRaAAEy-0L.png)
>>80695 Sauce for the cirno ones?
>>91256 Do u happen to have a source?
>>91355 I want you to look at the name of the file for me.
(145.88 KB 1422x1081 F3Ta_axbsAAP75z.png)
(25.68 KB 1261x887 F3Ta_bDbIAAo8Br.png)
(280.24 KB 2048x1434 F4Rq--TWMAA0lOJ.jpg)
(232.23 KB 750x750 F5pBLjwboAAkJj-.png)
>>94033 found it https://twitter.com/Gardegu_/status/1694596996890333231
anyone has this pic in better quality?
(6.29 MB 3000x3072 無題645_20231025072611.png)
>>97788 I couldn't find a high-resolution version of the image, so I tried making it higher quality with an app. Sorry for being bad.
(250.62 KB 750x900 F9r95fTbIAAGHyH.png)
(252.41 KB 750x900 F9r95fQasAAM4YG.png)
>>98398 doesn't look too bad ngl
(315.93 KB 750x750 88711787_p0_master1200.jpg)
(444.27 KB 750x750 98448217_p0_master1200.jpg)
>>100133 CUTE.
AUselessaz just deleted his blueberry art, for those who had some art of him, can anyone send it here?
>>97788 >Here's a full original picture
(500.48 KB 2520x2158 GBbSfmxWsAA2NzV.jpg)
(412.45 KB 3011x3293 marisa berry pt 2.png)
>>57088 Technically this belongs in the video game thread.
(583.01 KB 3100x2960 GE10dSdawAAN1BM.png)
(968.20 KB 2811x4096 GFzgObuaUAATb6U.jfif)
>>106394 This.
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(3.06 MB 1080x1080 youmuinflation.gif)
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>>111392 I think the website's corrupted.
Surprising how popular Touhou is in the inflation community.
full res and some alts for these
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(220.58 KB 2048x1726 IMG_0563.jpeg)
>>98398 what is the app's name?
I found good shit Art by Vibe28 on Deviantart
>>58624 Does anyone know who's the original artist of this drawing?
