/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

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A Livestreamer in China Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 14:35:10 Id:e55e89 No. 110583
I am from China, so I can often find something different from what you find on Google and Reddit, like this. A 340kg Chinese girl livestream her daily life. Isn't that amazing.
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>>110583 welcome! ever since COVID i'm careful with statistics from china. :-) but you are right, the "340kg" girl in your pictures has a magnificent belly.
>>110583 It is. Where I can find it?
When Chinese people say that their weight is 340 it means 340 斤 jīn not 340 kg. Which is exactly 170kg or 375 lbs
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>>110594 yes, chinese and japanese measurments are very different from those used in the rest of the world. someone used to size 4XL might want to look for size 11XL in china. :)
Where can we find more of her and he livestreams?
>>110583 Isn't she the girl who got woke in like 2015 or something...? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3321870/China-s-QUARTER-TONNE-woman-eat-100-kebabs-one-sitting-undergoes-weight-loss-surgery-hope-finding-love.html Or did she just not loose the weight and now does livestreams?
>>110633 *Damn you autocorrect...ofc I meant to write wls instead of woke
>>110633 >>110594 Some pals have raised some really good questions. First of all, this girl is not that who got wls a couple of years ago. They may look alike, but I've done some background research. And also, what I posted are the snapshots from her livestreaming on Feb. 21, 2024. Her weight, 340 kilograms, is claimed by her sister when she went alive. Her oroginal words were "680斤". As a friend mentioned above, this 斤 is a measuring unit in China, which means 500 grams or half a kilo. Sorry we don't use pounds here in China. So the mathematics is correct. I already did the conversion when I posted the weight. Anyway, from the photos it looks more like 300 kilograms or some. I am not sure if you guys could access her social media from overseas. If you are interested I will keep posting her photos, and videos if possible.
>>110667 thank you for the info. your contributions are welcome! this board could use some expanding to new horizons. good material on asian SSBBWs should come up more often, in my opinion.
>>110667 Thank you, but can we know how to find this girl? 😅
>>110633 That can't be her, I found her douyin page about 2 years ago and she had dropped all the weight
Any highlights from the livestream?
please do keep posting her photos
Wow she is Amazing! Does she do nude content where we see her Belly ? Is it possible to record your live streams with capture software like GeForce Experience and post a Gofile link? it would be great to share this with us thank you very much. I can assure you that this woman is much more than 170kgs lol
does she do more livestreams? what are her socials?
Did anyone ever manage to find more details about this girl or
I think I found her https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/3xexd25wdbzy372 Also here is something you might be interested in https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/3xn3pm9qtkyjrm2
anyone want to sacrifice their data to the CCP to get more images of this fattest of asian women?
>>110587 Reverse search this image and you will find more. I guess they're not even the same person
>>120559 WTF is this?
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Is this the same person?
