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Luscious Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 11:31:59 Id:29f943 No. 112492
Starting a Luscious thread. Here's my favorite Luscious videos. Hope Someone can share an update on her. https://gofile.io/d/HRIMwh
Great upload. She has such a big, sexy belly.
>>112492 https://mab.to/t/SXhnrmhrKta/eu1 Can someone update her coomer ?
there used to be a mega with most if not all her BC sets. can’t find it now or i’d post
I used to have so many of her vids on a google drive account but i lost the password a while ago. I had so many of her sets. sad that i lost it shes one of my favorites in terms of belly and shape
>>112827 Def didn’t have all cause I remember and it didn’t have the sets I’ve been looking for
Her princess and housewife vid. https://we.tl/t-4auhzjMDBB https://we.tl/t-5Knu0BTyZT Anyone got her American GF, Mistress or tutor vid?
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>>112965 I guess I need to add a pic so mods won’t take it down, can I please get a reup
Anyone know if she's still active? Haven't heard or seen anything from her since last October. She's so hot.
Yeah I was considering subbing to her OF. Does she not post anymore?
heres some videos to get this thread going https://gofile.io/d/79JuRe
>>117332 those are literally the same videos I stared this tread with & are still active at the top of this thread. Nice try buddy.
>>117335 it was meant more as a reup for the princess and housewife vids lol. I shoulda worded it differently
Bump… anyone sub to her OF? Is it worth?
>>120270 No. She goes inactive for very long periods of time. Comes back claiming she was dealing with personal issues, posts a few things, then disappears again. Wash, rinse, repeat
A small collection I've got here. Have fun https://gofile.io/d/ogDMqF
>>121070 Thanks bro
Here's what I found https://txxx.com/videos/7656823/fat-bigcutie/
Why this thread is so dead , ik she is inactive rn but her clips are amazing , she's so hot
This chick is super controlling and weird. I long distance chatted with her a decade ago, and she was super jealous and rang me a new one for talking to other people.
I didn't have a chance to chat with her but would love to , wdym she was weird?
>>129136 I was wondering how many dudes had similar experiences. Surprising she hasn’t had any long term relationships with this approach. I’m east coast and single years ago but I think her and a few women on feabie keep a database of the men they talk to.
Btw looking for "The Giantess" clip and "Pov Belly in your face". Someone has it?
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Does anyone have the pic sets of Miss Stacie from Big Cuties? I enjoyed being a member back in the day, but sadly subscription is no longer available. Thanks!
>>129216 Aw shit. Wrong thread. Sorry! Mods, please delete.
>>129168 We were talking for two weeks. She was fine at first, but when I said I didn’t want anything serious right away and wanted to build up up to that, she acted like that was fine. Then the next day, asked me if I talked to other woman or was dating locally. So I answered honestly to the questions and said yes. She then called me, and was screaming at me calling me a bunch of names and said I was leading her on. So to me she was just controlling and jealous. I’m glad I dodged this, because I met my future wife the next month and couldn’t be happier.
>>129252 Congrats man
Honestly, I feel like she doesn't try so hard to grow anymore and she's inactive
>>129310 Shes living life bro. Shes hot, shes fat... why complain? Idk bout you but I loce women of all sizes as long as they arent getting smallet I'll be happy
>>129216 I had sex with her, around Eastern 2019
>>129339 It's just sad that she doesn't post as often anymore
