/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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hcammy hcammy 04/10/2024 (Wed) 15:54:14 Id:a22ea2 No. 114536
400 pounds of hot damn!
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She ever actually do content? Remember her from feabie but I think she was just a rando
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Latest pic. She’s gained.
>>114727 Been the same weight for ages. Doesn’t do content and isn’t a gainer
>>114730 Sorrry dude but she was 400 plus a couple of years back. Fell back into the 370 range and is now back up around the 400 mark again. She doesn’t make content but she has instagram which is completely fine by me. She’s still hot and I like her outfits.
One single picture of hcammy fully clothed is worth more than any model's entire career 😍
>>114841 agreed. i love fat chicks that still wear cute clothes and outfits....shit is so fucking sexy
Is her old stuff out there somewhere? Even stufferdb couldn't help me out here
She kinda reminds me of Dankii
>>115704 Must be because she looks absolutely nothing like her.
>>115704 You mean she's a retarded cunt?
>>114727 god damn imagine all the sweat if she wear these pants during a whole very hot day, the amazing smell woaw
Someone surely got to have her content 5-6 years ago? Seems to be scrubbed from the internate, shame because they were even more glorious than her post weifght loss pics on her insta.
Cammy was never much bigger than she is now…she topped out in the low 4s and is not far from that now.
>>117780 How tall is she?
She stopped at 400 last time because over 380 it starts impacting her mobility but it looks like she can't fight it
She’s super pretty and has the cutest accent.
stop giving broads who won't even do the bare minimum with regards to content attention
>>118589 She's still a person bro, I used to chat to her on snap a while back, very nice girl. Not everything is about content, especially since she never advertised herself as a content creator. She's just cute
>>118633 >I used to chat to her on snap a while back yeah we know, you proudly tell us this in every thread, if it amounted to something you would've hit that or at obtained a custom vid.
>>118589 she's posting things for fun, not whoring herself for money. not many do that in the age of onlyfans so I respect her for that even it if means it isn't very spicy or whatever the tik tok kids call it nowadays.
>>118774 It was only brought up because it was relevant. I never got close to her, just pointed out that she is a genuine person and had good conversations. Really nothing you should be jealous of, my friend
>>114727 god! her belly, ass, thighs and fat jelly rolls must be so fun to squeeze. can only imagine the fun her bf must be having gettin to sink his fingers into all that fat.
Album of her old stuff from I guess when she was some 18-19 if anyone's interested. Most of it is not on her insta. https://vk.com/album-167704383_287258592
>>120553 Can you upload this to gofile
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Still gorgeous…still fat.
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You must be joking omg
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>>123297 Those aren't sweater puppies those are sweater HOUNDS
